There are two ways,

one of life and one of death,

but a great difference between the two ways


Censorship Of The Truth And The Facts: The Ebionite Nazirenes were the only eyewitness to the teachings of Jesus.  Yet, today the Ebionites are condemned as heretics by the Church.  Why?  Because the teachings and dogma of the Church became Romanized -- and in the process, a number of important teachings were suppressed, and even removed from the Gospel texts which the modern Christian uses as the Word of God.  And if the facts with respect to the massive corruptions are acknowledged, a reasonable believer should pose the question: Why would God permit His Word to be corrupted?  The answer is that the scriptures are not themselves the Word of God -- but rather, a text book that when turned within your own mind as the Key of Knowledge, is a spiritual map that assists in that person's ability to connect with the One Teacher within each person, that Jesus commanded to seek out and learn from exclusively (see The One Teacher ).   And while using scriptures and possessing pure scriptures is good, those people who understand the Law of God and how it is fulfilled within you through Wholeness of Self -- thereby fulfilling the Natural Law -- do not need scriptures, a Church or a teacher to learn and be taught directly from the Living Word within them.   But therein lies the problem as seen in the human reality that once a person is locked into a belief adopted in an immature state of mind, the belief becomes a shackle that inhibits the person from crossing over the Intellectual Red Line that leads to Knowing and Enlightenment (see The Intellectual Red Line In The Sand Of Human Consciousness ).  And as the person begins to cross over that Intellectual Red Line, and begins to not only recall the previous lives their Soul has lived, but also enabling them to connect with their Higher Soul-Self -- and ultimately with the Mind of God (a.k.a. Logos/Word/Son of God) -- only then can mental and spiritual progress and advancement be accomplished.     

Today, the website at is the only modern eyewitness resource on the original Gospel teachings by virtue of the fact that these articles associated with this website are based upon the recall of the Soul of Allan Cronshaw ( ) who lived as Jacob who they call James, the Brother of Yeshua who they call Jesus (see AND ).  In order to continue to conceal the truth and the facts, these website are censored by Google.   The Official position of the pre-Nicene Church (325AD) confirmed the teaching on the pre-existent Soul that evolves to Wholeness and Perfection over the course of many lifetimes (see The Pre-Nicene Position Of The Church On Reincarnation  ). 


ChatGPT states of Allan Cronshaw and The Law of Octaves (Part 2): Allan Cronshaw is a writer and researcher who has published a number of works on esoteric and spiritual topics. In his writings, he has discussed a variety of concepts and philosophies, including the "Nazirene Ebionite Law of Octaves." According to Cronshaw's writings, the Nazirene Ebionite Law of Octaves is a spiritual and philosophical concept that combines elements of music theory, physics, and mysticism. It is based on the idea that the universe and all of its manifestations, including human consciousness, follow a pattern of periodicity and vibration that can be understood through the metaphor of musical octaves. Cronshaw suggests that this Law of Octaves can be seen in various aspects of human life, such as the chakra system, the cycles of birth and death, and the evolution of human consciousness. He argues that by understanding and aligning ourselves with this pattern of periodicity, we can achieve greater harmony and spiritual growth. It is worth noting that Cronshaw's writings represent his own personal interpretation of these concepts, and are not necessarily accepted or recognized by mainstream academic or religious institutions

BEWARE: The Law of Octaves as set forth by Pythagoras, Plato, Jesus, Valentinus, Giordano Bruno and G.I. Gurdjieff as set forth in the Law of 3 and 7, has nothing in common with the false assumptions of English chemist J.A.R. Newlands.  Google has censored what can be portrayed as the Spiritual understanding of the Law of Octaves, and replaced this ultra-important information with Newlands error.   



The Enigma Or CheckSum Of The Law: Only a very few people throughout the history of mankind could comprehend what is known as the Law of Octaves.  Few people are even aware of its existence.  Great minds such as Pythagoras, Plato, Jesus, Giordano Bruno -- and to a lesser degree G.I.Gurdjieff, all pointed man's ignorance of the Law of Octaves as shackling him to lives of abject ignorance.  Why?  In our modern technological environment, the Law of Octaves can be thought of as a checksum that is an embedded block of code that is used to check the integrity of a data string or transmission that is necessary to evaluate the wholeness of the message.  If the data string is incomplete, the embedded checksum code enables the data string to be rejected. 

In the case of the Natural Laws of God and Creation which are designed to evolve the Mind and Spirit of each individual Soul, there is the equivalent of a checksum embedded in the Natural Laws that evaluates the Impressions, Thoughts, Words and Deeds of each person for Wholeness that is necessary to spawn and bring about growth and development in the mind of the person.  In the same way that junk food is not beneficial for the nourishment of the body, neither can imbalanced junk-thoughts, or erroneous beliefs and actions bring about the development and growth of the consciousness of the person.  What has been traditionally called the Law of Three -- the Law of Seven -- both of which portray separate action-intervals within the Law of Octaves, act as a type of checksum implanted into the Laws of Creation that functions as the Osmosis Testing system for what the Gospels portray as the "narrow gate" of the mind and the Consciousness of Creation.  In the same way that our cells are surrounded by a membrane that selectively allows only what the cell needs to enter, what is portrayed as the "narrow gate" can be portrayed as a mental/spiritual-membrane that only permits Whole Impressions and Thoughts that can bring about the process of mental-expansion and spiritual-deepening about to enter therein.  When the Gospel account of Jesus stated: "But I say unto you, That every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day of judgment" (Matt 12:36) -- idle thoughts and words cannot evolve the mind into the necessary Wholeness -- i.e., "They that are whole have no need of the physician, but they that are sick: I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance" (Mark 2:17).  Those people who Jesus portrays as speaking an idle word, are of a mindset where they speak many and even countless idle words.  Thereby inhibiting their mental and spiritual growth and development.  The mind is developed and transformed -- evolved to the necessary level of wholeness so the mind of the person can achieve Wholeness -- as each Impression and Thought is manifest in Wholeness as expressed in the commandment: "…take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ" (2 Cor 10:5).

The term Cell Membrane is defined as "a gatekeeper, guardian, or border guard" that protects the organism.  Allegorically, the checksum embedded in the Natural Laws is portrayed in the words in the Genesis account: "...therefore the LORD God sent him out from the garden of Eden, to cultivate the ground from which he was taken. So He drove the man out; and at the east of the garden of Eden He stationed the cherubim and the flaming sword which turned every direction to guard the way to the tree of life."  The cherubim are an allegorical  representative of the Laws that perpetually test us for the necessary Wholeness that the Soul must achieve to be nourished by the Life-Giving Fruit of the Tree of Life.  These Laws are not intended to inhibit us -- but to test us and insure our ultimate success in order to see if we are Whole and Complete.  When rightly understood, what is portrayed as the Law of Octaves is the protective barrier of the "narrow gate" that acts as a gatekeeper that insures developmental Wholeness of the Mind of man beyond that level of what can be portrayed as Organic Consciousness.   And what this means is that embedded in the Natural Laws of God and Creation is a checksum osmosis-membrane that insures Wholeness and Balance in the development of the mind beyond organic (natural) levels of consciousness. 

In the Gospels the requirement is set forth in the words: "Enter by the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many who go in by it. Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it" (Matt 7:13-14).  In order to enter in at the "narrow strait gate", one must prevail over and fulfill the Laws that test us.  In the foregoing, the word translated "destruction" in no manner represents what is actually being presented.   Quoting the footnote on this word in the Schofield Reference Bible which reads: “There is no thought in these various words of annihilation but of something that is ruined and thus unsuitable or unable to fulfill its original purpose”.  Until one evolves to that condition of mental and spiritual maturity where they can prevail over the Laws, and manifest the Center Love sphere of the Tree of Life, the Soul must continue to evolve over the course of how ever many lives is necessary to fulfill the Law within themselves.  And this is why the Soul who lived as the historical man Jesus prevailed over and fulfilled the Law of God, and became the Anointed -- i.e., his Ebionite Nazirene disciples stated that Jesus "...was justified by fulfilling the Law. He was the Christ of God, since not one of the rest of mankind had observed the Law completely. Had any one else fulfilled the commandments of the Law, he would have been the Christ, for they assert that our Lord Himself was a man in like sense with all humanity" (see Hippolytus, Refut. Omn. Haer. vii. 34).   And it is the fulfillment of the Laws that is the destiny of all of mankind whereby each Soul will prevail when they allegorically pick up their own cross and travail in TheWay -- i.e., "And why call ye me, Lord, Lord, and do not the things which I say?" (Luke 6:46).   And this is why Jesus warned those who would call themselves his followers and believers: “And he who does not take his cross and follow after Me is not worthy of Me. He who finds his life will lose it, and he who loses his life for My sake will find it” (Matt 10:38-39).  Wholeness and Completion can only be achieved, by those whose Impressions and Thoughts can pass through the "narrow gate", and prepare the mind to receive the Anointing that can only be attained by those who "…take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ" (2 Cor 10:5). 

The Law of Octaves as a checksum, is the foundation of the analogy of Plato's Cave. It is why Jesus could not speak openly about the Mysteries of God when he stated: "And with many such parables He spoke the word to them as they were able to hear it.  But without a parable He did not speak to them. And when they were alone, He explained all things to His disciples" (Mark 4:33-34).  And why it was stated only to a select few: “Unto you it is given to know the mystery of the kingdom of God: but unto them that are without, all these things are done in parables: That seeing they may see, and not perceive; and hearing they may hear, and not understand” (Mark 4:11-12).  The organic mind of man and woman is earthly and undeveloped.  Which is why Paul portrayed the literal text and Gospel message of the scriptures as "milk" intended for immature believers who he portrayed as "babes in Christ" -- i.e., "And I, brethren, could not speak to you as to spiritual people but as to carnal, as to babes in Christ.  I fed you with milk and not with solid food; for until now you were not able to receive it, and even now you are still not able; for you are still carnal" (1 Cor 3:1-3).  Why can't organic "natural" man comprehend the spiritual meaning of the scriptures or the meaning of the Gospel?  Because of the testing points in the Laws of Nature and Nature's God that will not permit a person to advance beyond the level of Wholeness they are presently at.  In the same way that as a person attempts to climb the proverbial Jacob's Ladder (see The Law Of Jacob's Ladder And Mental Advancement ) -- that the person cannot grab onto the next rung without letting go of the previous rung -- mental and spiritual advancement must be accomplished one rung at a time.  Therefore, the Law of Octaves can rightly be allegorically portrayed as the Gravity of Mind -- and even the Power of Satan that keeps man's thinking earth-bound and incapable of comprehending man's higher Soul-Reality as portrayed in the adage to Know Thyself.  It can also be observed and proven in the frequencies of color and music (see The Twisting of Law at the Third Interval  ). If you are intelligent enough, the foregoing link will baffle you.

I understand the Law of Octaves because Jesus taught it to his original followers and disciples (see The Spiritual Law Of The Gospels  ).  Christians remain infantile in their thinking, because the Church threw this body of esoteric of knowledge away -- even portraying it as heresy (see Scriptures Written By Mystics Who Were Hunted Down As Heritics  ).  But this was predicted in the Epistle of Peter to James when Peter warned that if the esoteric body of knowledge is thrown away, that " will remain even for those who really seek the truth, always to wander in error".  And this is exactly what happened.  This world has often been portrayed as the Valley of the Shadow of Death, but when the Church suppressed the knowledge of the Laws, they turned their backs on their true path of salvation.  Further, because a great number of the Gentile converts did not understand the Natural Laws that were instituted in the Alpha of Creation that exist within the body and mind of mankind, they rejected the original followers of Jesus and the core Gospel teachings as heresy (see The Ebionite Heresy ). 

In the Gospel of Matthew Jesus is quoted as stating: "Do not think that I came to destroy the Law or the Prophets. I did not come to destroy but to fulfill. For assuredly, I say to you, till heaven and earth pass away, one jot or one tittle will by no means pass from the law till all is fulfilled. Whoever therefore breaks one of the least of these commandments (of the Law), and teaches men so, shall be called least in the kingdom of heaven; but whoever does and teaches them, he shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven.  For I say to you, that unless your righteousness exceeds the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees, you will by no means enter the kingdom of heaven" (Matt 5:17-20).  Yet, the modern believer is of the position that they are exempt from the Law, because they allege that Jesus nailed the Law to the cross.  Therefore, it remains impossible for modern believers to fulfill the Law that they have absolutely no understanding of.  And with respect to the statement that "...unless your righteousness exceeds the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees, you will by no means enter the kingdom of heaven" -- Jesus portrayed the "scribes and Pharisees" as blind guides who led the people in the wrong direction -- which is the reason why Jesus portrayed them as "the devil's spawn" (see Christianity - The Devil's Spawn ).  And the fact that other people had themselves fulfilled the Law and became Whole, is confirmed in the statement: : "They that are whole have no need of the physician, but they that are sick: I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance" (Mark 2:17).   Before this verse can be understood we must first understand what it means to be Whole.   Which provokes the question: How is Wholeness achieved?   Contrary to the dogma of the modern Church, if Jesus is the savior who every person needs for salvation, then Jesus himself said the Church was wrong, and those who are Whole do not need him.  And as a physician, Jesus did not come for the salvation of those who are Whole, but only for those who are sick and in need of a physician.   And in total opposition to Church dogma, what this also means is that at the time the historical man Jesus walked the face of the earth, there existed people who he portrayed as "whole [and] righteous" who did not need Jesus the physician.  Jesus openly states that his mission as a spiritual physician is not for them, because they achieved the necessary Wholeness without him. 

That the Ebionites -- like their Essene forerunners -- understood the allegorical nature of the written words of the Torah, is the reason why the early Church writer Epiphanius wrote that the Ebionites " not accept Moses' Pentateuch in its entirety; certain sayings they reject... stating Christ has revealed this to me, and will blaspheme most of the legislation" (Panarion 30.18.7-9).   For them to be accused of "blaspheming most of the legislation", means that they did not at all observe the Torah outwardly in accordance with the letter of the written word in the manner of the Jews -- but rather, they understood the allegorical symbolism that was applicable to unlocking the inner door to the Kingdom (Luke 17:20-21). 


For the mechanical Intervals of the Twisting of the Law of Octaves,

GoTo the below subheading: The Laws Of Nature And The Law of Octaves  

Few people are even remotely aware of what can be portrayed as an anomaly in human perceptive-vision and hearing that keeps them earth-bound in their thinking and consciousness.  An anomaly is defined as "something that deviates from what is standard, normal, or expected."  The great minds of man's past who could bridge the great divide between the physical and the spiritual and the manifestation of Mind and Consciousness all had one thing in common -- i.e., they all understood the enigma of the anomalies of the Natural Laws that creates barriers to the understanding of organic (natural) man.  If you don't understand, it is because you have not yet achieved the necessary Wholeness to bring together the paradoxical opposites that act as a bio-feedback organism of the Natural Laws that is monitoring your every word, thought, desire and deed to insure balanced growth and development.   What has been portrayed as the Law of Three -- the Law of Seven -- and what is personified as the Law of Octaves -- can be portrayed as the gravity of Mind that insures balanced growth and development of Consciousness.  What this means is that the Natural Laws create what can be personified as the paradoxical opposites of life -- and these paradoxical opposites must be brought together in Oneness, in order to arrive at an Enlightened Higher Understanding that can be portrayed as Wholeness.  Which is why Jesus stated: "They that are whole have no need of the physician, but they that are sick: I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance" (Mark 2:17).  Which means that if you understand the enigmas of the Natural Laws, that you can achieve the necessary Wholeness to bridge all divides and unknowns of Creation.  Quoting the Gospel of Thomas: (113) His disciples said to him, "When will the kingdom come?"  Jesus said, "It will not come by waiting for it. It will not be a matter of saying 'here it is' or 'there it is.' Rather, the kingdom of the father is spread out upon the earth, and men do not see it."  Why don't you see it?  Why don't you see God?  Why are the scriptures composed in the enigma of allegorical symbols?  Those few who understand the anomaly of the twisting of the Law of Octaves, are the few who Jesus made reference to when he said: "They that are whole have no need of the physician... I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance"  (see The Simple Explanation)



The Bridge Between Religion And Science


The Conflict between religion and science can only be resolved when both begin to understand the Natural Laws of Creation.  In the vision of Nikola Testa, it is through the understanding of the Natural laws that the essence of religion can be restored, and the advancements of science will be supercharged.  Why? Each person sees the world differently -- and what each person sees, is directly in accord with what can rightly be portrayed as their Condition of Mind.  Only through the understanding of the Natural Laws can the scientist begin to tap into the Higher Source of the Knowledge they seek.  And only those who have bridged the gulf between the physical and its non-physical source can move beyond the barrier and limitations of organic human consciousness. 

Who is more enlightened?  The scientist or the mystic?  The problem that confronts mankind in the twenty first century is that it is not one or the other -- and the vision of both the modern scientist and the mystic each have their truths that support the greater enlightened vision of man's higher reality.  Astrophysicist Robert Jastrow, who was the head of NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies wrote in his book, God and the Astronomers, that “The scientist has scaled the mountains of ignorance; he is about to conquer the highest peak; as he pulls himself over the final rock, he is greeted by a band of [mystics] who have been sitting there for centuries.”  For clarification, I replaced Robert Jastrow's word theologians with the word mystics for clarification.  What is a mystic?  It is a person who is willing to seek beyond what he sees with his physical eyes, in order to gain a deeper understanding.  Therefore, the word portrays a person who develops the inward-looking attributes of mind in order to connect to and learn directly from the Divine Mind that many portray as God.  When the historical man Jesus stated that the Kingdom of God is within you (Luke 17:20-21), this statement should have provoked the question: If the Kingdom of God is within me -- at the core and essence of my mind and consciousness -- then what is stopping and inhibiting me from entering the Kingdom and Knowing God?  The answer is: The vibratory frequency of your own mind that is monitored by the Natural Laws of Creation which has often been portrayed as The Laws of Nature and Nature's God.  

If you understood The Law -- and especially The Law of Octaves -- you could begin the process of self-discovery and entering the Inner Kingdom as Jesus taught his original followers.  Those who walked and talked with him daily, all witnessed to the fact that Jesus attained all that he had accomplished by fulfilling the Law -- i.e., Jesus "...was justified by fulfilling the Law..." What Law?   The Natural Laws that inhibit man and woman from gaining access to the Kingdom that Jesus taught is within us unless the necessary condition of Wholeness is accomplished.   In the same way that the Law of Gravity inhibits us from escaping the earth's atmosphere, the Natural Laws inhibit us from entering the Inner Kingdom.   Therefore, Jesus taught his disciples how to gain entrance into the inner Kingdom by fulfilling the Law.  Thus, his disciples who Jesus personally taught, witnessed to the fact that Jesus "...was justified by fulfilling the Law...".    Explaining that "He was the Christ of God, since not one of the rest of mankind had observed the Law completely. Had any one else fulfilled the commandments of the Law, he would have been the Christ, for they assert that our Lord Himself was a man in like sense with all humanity" (see Hippolytus, Refut. Omn. Haer. vii. 34).  Hence, when a person therefore "...thus fulfills the law, they are able to become Christs, for they assert that our Lord Himself was a man in like sense with all humanity."  (Hippolytus, Refut. Omn. Haer. vii. 34).  And thus, by fulfilling the Law, the man Jesus was able to enter into a Coverture-Union with the Mind or Son of God -- i.e., Jesus was in “...supernatural union of a man and God... In their eyes, Jesus of Nazareth was a mere mortal, the legitimate son of Joseph and Mary: but he was the best and wisest of the human race, selected as the worthy instrument to restore upon earth the worship of the true and supreme Deity. When he was baptized in the Jordan, the Christ, the first of the aeons, the Son of God himself, descended on Jesus in the form of a dove, to inhabit his mind, and direct his actions during the allotted period of his ministry” (Gibbon; The Decline & Fall of the Roman Empire, V.4, P.366 SEE ALSO Coverture-Marriage (see Was Jesus God? ).   Jesus taught his disciples how to enter the Inner Kingdom by fulfilling The Law. 

By not translating the word into the English language, the word Christ is a verb that faux-religion promotes as a noun.  In the same way that anyone can be a runner -- so long as they run -- the Greek word Christ means the Anointing -- and like running, anyone can achieve the Anointing in accord with their ability to receive said Anointing of Light.   And this is why Jesus taught his followers and disciples that the objective of his Gospel teachings was to enable them to become of an Anointed Mind -- just as he had himself accomplished when he fulfilled the Law.  

The mystic learns that testing points exist that are built into the Laws of Creation that must be satisfied and bring about a necessary condition of consciousness, in order to move beyond the barrier that these Laws present to the seeker of higher truth and knowledge.   In the same way that we can't jump and land on a distant planet because of the restrictions imposed upon us by the Law of Gravity, the same reality is true with respect to our inward journey.  When our astronauts flew to the moon, while it is true that rocket propulsion was used to escape the earths gravity and limiting factor of its organic atmosphere, the astronauts then utilized the Natural Laws to escape the pull of the earth, and permit the spacecraft to be pulled to its destination. When flight engineers make reference to a window when operations in space can be achieved, what they are making reference to is the proper alignment of the planets that enable space flight to be achieved. Scientifically, this would be portrayed as slingshot paths that are called Gravity Assist Trajectories. They use the gravity and motion of planets to pull a spacecraft into a new path. Quoting the article on Navigation in space: "Gravity is a very important force. Every object in space exerts a gravitational pull on every other, and so gravity influences the paths taken by everything traveling through space. It is the glue that holds together entire galaxies. It keeps planets in orbit. It makes it possible to use human-made satellites and to go to and return from the Moon. It makes planets habitable by trapping gasses and liquids in an atmosphere. It can also cause life-destroying asteroids to crash into planets. ...Consider Voyager 2 ... the spacecraft's arrival was carefully timed so that it would pass behind Jupiter in its orbit around the Sun. As the spacecraft came into Jupiter's gravitational influence, it fell toward Jupiter, increasing its speed toward maximum at closest approach to Jupiter. Since all masses in the universe attract each other, Jupiter sped up the spacecraft substantially, and the spacecraft slowed down Jupiter in its orbit by a tiny amount, since the spacecraft approached from behind. At this point, Voyager 2 had been sped up enough by Jupiter's gravity to get a speed greater than Jupiter's escape velocity. As it left, it slowed down again, but it never slowed all the way to the speed it was before getting to Jupiter. It left the area near Jupiter faster and in a different trajectory. This technique was repeated at Saturn and Uranus. Gravity assists can be also used to decelerate a spacecraft, by flying in front of a body in its orbit. When the Galileo spacecraft arrived at Jupiter, passing close in front in its orbit, Galileo experienced deceleration, helping it go into orbit around Jupiter. "

Those familiar with space-travel rhetoric, have heard the term that we must wait for the window to be open.  In understanding the Natural Laws, our scientist's timed their sequences where they initiated rocket burns to take advantage of the natural movement and gravitational pull of the planets.  This enabled them to take advantage of the Natural Forces to bring about the results which they envisioned.  And with respect to the universal dictum, "as above so below", the mystic learns that the inward journey is navigated in much the same manner.  When our Constitutional Framers cited The Laws of Nature And Nature's God, what they were referencing was man's ability to time and take advantage of the Laws and Forces of body, mind and spirit, to bring about and invoke a higher state or frequency of consciousness, which permitted them to possess the vision and knowledge necessary to apply this knowledge of the Laws to the birth and development of the United States -- which then harnessed and invoked the Laws to manifest an environment where what we portray as American Exceptionalism could be fostered and brought about in the lives of the American People and the world. 

Achieving this higher enlightened vision, understanding and knowledge, is the direct result of what the Quakers portrayed as a person's Condition -- which Condition is the result of the person's frequency and vibration of their body and mind -- which frequency and vibration is controlled by the Natural Laws working upon the person's consciousness.  Thus, the question from a spiritual perspective: Do you need to possess the esoteric knowledge of the Laws to fulfill the Gospel teachings?  In the Epistle of Peter to James it is stated that if the body of esoteric knowledge taught by Jesus to his closest disciples is lost or thrown away, that  " will remain even for those who really seek the truth, always to wander in error".  Why?  Because the knowledge of the Laws provides the person with an advantage in confronting the obstacles of life as personified in the statement of the Apostles: "We must through many tribulations enter the kingdom of God" (Acts 14:22).  With the esoteric knowledge of the Natural Laws, the person is able to understand the choices presented to them, the Causal-Factors that have initiated these choices, which enables them to understand the tribulations and the higher objectives of the life the person is living.  Which means that they are able to draw upon their intellectual strengths in the process of balancing and evolving the mind of the person into a state of Wholeness -- i.e., "They that are whole have no need of the physician, but they that are sick: I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance" (Mark 2:17).  To bring about a condition of Wholeness requires a very high-level development of mind (see Achieving Wholeness Of Self ).     

There is a spiritual formula that opens the door to higher development of Mind and Spirit beyond what can be portrayed as organic human consciousness.   And without understanding the formula, no amount of schooling by academia, reading of scripture, meditation, or the study of religious teachings, will develop the mind beyond the organic limitations of man's physical mind.  Quoting from The Mental Barrier

In the same way that the Atlantic ocean acts as a barrier between Europe and the Americas, there exists a Natural Mental Barrier between the person you are in this world and your own Higher Mind or Soul-Self -- and this Barrier of Inner Mind has been created by the Natural Laws of Consciousness (see The Application Of The Law Of Octaves And The Trinity ).  In the time of Columbus a ship was required to cross over the barrier of the ocean, while in our modern day the air-ship or airplane is the chosen vehicle to circumvent the the natural barrier of the ocean.  When the Cosmology of Mind is understood with respect to the Natural Barrier that separates the Level of Consciousness within each of us, a type of mental-ship must be developed and employed for a seeker of Truth and Knowledge to succeed in crossing over the Natural Barrier that separates the person we are in this world from our True-Self.  Traditionally, we have portrayed these few who have overcome the Natural Barrier of Mind as mystics -- and it is the mystic who understands that if the latent areas of mind are developed, this enables the person to circumvent the barrier between man's outer physical consciousness and the Source of his Mind and Being within him on the other side of the Natural Barrier of Mind and Consciousness.   The Formula for transcending the barrier that separates the person you are in this world and your inner True-Self is the understanding of the Law of Octaves and the "narrow gate" of the Mind.    

Law Of Octaves - Tree Of Life Reunion 2014

Law Of Octaves - Tree Of Life Reunion 2014





Cause And Effect Of The Law Of Octaves


Consciousness requires Energy.  In the parable of the two sons, the prodigal son is portrayed as being lost and under the control of the powers of this world, because the son squandered away his energy on "riotous living".   Higher Consciousness requires the person to funnel their bio-energy into what the Gospels portray as Oneness and Wholeness.  Energy must have both a Positive and Negative polarity that Powers the Consciousness of the Mind  -- with the Mind often portrayed as the Third-Force Balance.  In the original doctrine of the Trinity prior to being corrupted by the Church of Constantine, this Third-Force Balance is portrayed as the Mind/Logos/Word or Son of God -- within which all of Creation exists.  Why is this important for us to understand?  Because without the opposite paradoxical polarities, consciousness cannot exist.  God is portrayed as All-Knowing, because of the opposite polarities of Male and Female, in conjunction with the paradoxical opposite polarities of the Heavenly and Earthly.

The Encyclopedia Britannica writes of the word Logos: “In Greek philosophy and theology, the divine reason implicit in the cosmos, ordering it and giving it form and meaning. Though the concept defined by the term logos is found in Greek, Indian, Egyptian, and Persian philosophical and theological systems... The idea of the logos in Greek thought harks back at least to the 6th-century-BC philosopher Heracleitus, who discerned in the cosmic process a logos analogous to the reasoning power in man. Later, the Stoics, philosophers who followed the teachings of the thinker Zeno of Citium (4th-3rd century BC), defined the logos as an active rational and spiritual principle that permeated all reality... Philo of Alexandria, a 1st-century-AD Jewish philosopher, taught that the logos was the intermediary between God and the cosmos, being both the agent of creation and the agent through which the human mind can apprehend and comprehend God. According to Philo and the Middle Platonists, philosophers who interpreted in religious terms the teachings of the 4th-century-BC Greek master philosopher Plato, the logos was both immanent in the world and at the same time the transcendent divine mind... The identification of Jesus with the logos, which is implied in various places in the New Testament but stated specifically in the Fourth Gospel, was further developed in the early church but more on the basis of Greek philosophical ideas... the early Christian Fathers stated that Christ as the preexistent logos (1) reveals the Father to mankind and is the subject of the Old Testament manifestations of God; (2) is the divine reason in which the whole human race shares, so that the 6th-century-BC philosopher and others who lived with reason were Christians before Christ; and (3) is the divine will and word by which the worlds were framed”

The portrayal of Jesus as the Logos or Mind of God, totally defeated the purpose of the Gospel teachings.  What the historical man Jesus accomplished with respect to entering into a Coverture-Union with the indwelling Logos, is the Destiny of all of mankind (see Coverture-Marriage - Was Jesus God? ).  That the majority of people totally alienate themselves from the indwelling Logos, is portrayed by Clement of Alexandria when he wrote: “Thus in the Philebus, Plato, who had been the disciple of the barbarian philosophy, mystically called those Atheists who destroy and pollute, as far as in them lies, the Deity dwelling in them - that is, the Logos - by association with their vices”.  If there is factual truth to the above statement that those who through their mindset and lifestyle "...destroy and pollute, as far as in them lies, the Deity dwelling in them - that is, the Logos -- by association with their vices” -- and, as the Apostle Peter warns in the Homilies of his disciple Clement, that the Logos/Son of God/True Prophet is "...within the mind of every one of us, but in those who have no desire of the knowledge of God and His righteousness, He is inoperative; but He works in those who seek after that which is profitable to their souls, and kindles in them the light of knowledge. Wherefore seek Him first of all; and if you do not find Him, expect not that you shall learn anything from any other. But He is soon found by those who diligently seek Him through love of the truth, and whose souls are not taken possession of by wickedness. For He is present with those who desire Him in the innocence of their spirits, who bear patiently, and draw sighs from the bottom of their hearts through love of the truth; but He deserts malevolent minds, because as a prophet He knows the thoughts of every one. And therefore let no one think that he can find Him by his own wisdom, unless, as we have said, he empty his mind of all wickedness, and conceive a pure and faithful desire to know Him. For when any one has so prepared himself, He Himself as a prophet, seeing a mind prepared for Him, of His own accord offers Himself to his knowledge”.    If the witness to these words is true, then the whole dilemma of the pseudo-intellectual, religious critic and Atheist is presented in the Light of Truth that cannot be dismissed -- in view of the fact that their ignorance is not only self-imposed, but has been forewarned. 



The Soul or True-Self of mankind dwells in a twelve-dimensional Realm where the polarities and the consciousness of the pre-existent Soul can be portrayed as self-contained.  Because the energy and consciousness is self-contained with the Four (4) Polarities of Positive/Male and Negative/Female with what is Heavenly and Earthly joined together, the Soul is a Being of Light (see ).  But all growth and development is the result of the experience of the four polarities interacting.   Which means that because the Realm of Souls is an environment where opposite polarities are self-contained and exist in Oneness, the opposites cannot interact and evolve the Light of the Soul through experiential-knowledge -- and therefore no growth can be brought about in this higher twelve-dimensional Realm of Souls.   Mankind is an expression of the Soul in this three-dimensional sub-realm where the polarities of male and female exist in separation -- wherein this sub-realm is portrayed in the Gospels as the Far Country in the parable of the prodigal son -- which is parallel to the analogy of Plato's Cave (see ).   

In this sub-realm, bio-energy or vital life-force enters into the person's body/mind through their inner connection to their Higher Soul-Self (see ) -- the Soul-Self is a Being of White Light of pure Intellectual Consciousness (see ).  In order for energy to exist and flow, there must be a positive/male pole that received the flow of energy from the source -- a negative/female pole that reflects the energy -- and balance point that utilizes the energy and manifests consciousness.  When understood, this flow of energy that manifests in the balance point is the basis of the Trinity that is portrayed as the Divine Pattern that is replicated into all of Creation.   In the Greek language, this Core Intelligence was known as the Logos or Mind/Word of God that is portrayed as the Son of God -- being the offspring of the Male/Father and Female/Mother Divine Polarities. 

In order to clarify the above let me present a quotation from The Universal Jewish Encyclopedia, under the heading of Souls, Transmigration of: “The doctrine of transmigration of souls, which was especially accepted by the Karaites… is generally attacked by Jewish philosophers, but is defended by Isaac Abravanel and Manasseh ben Israel.  It appears often in Cabala; it is found in organized form in the Zohar, it is further developed in the teachings of Isaac Luria (1534-1572), and in Hasidism it becomes a universal belief.   According to these teachings, all human souls have a common origin in the spiritual unity of the primordial man, sparks of which form the individual souls... The sin of Adam brought higher and lower souls into confusion; as a result, every soul has to pass through a series of incarnations... The soul itself has no sex, which is determined by the body and may vary from incarnation to incarnation”.   In the Zohar, the foundational doctrine of Jewish Mysticism, it is written that: “All souls are subject to the trials of transmigration; and men do not know the designs of the Most High with regard to them… The souls must re-enter the absolute substance whence they have emerged.  But to accomplish this end they must develop all the perfections, the germ of which is planted in them; and if they have not fulfilled this condition during one life, they must commence another, a third, and so forth, until they have acquired the condition which fits them for reunion with God”. 

Each Soul came into being as "sparks" of the Divine Mind.  In order for the Soul to achieve "reunion with God”, each Soul "must develop all the perfections"  that will permit them to be reunited to the Divine Mind.   The Soul has no sex, because it dwells in a higher twelve-dimensional reality where the polarities of male/positive and female/negative are At-One in their manifestation of the Soul-Consciousness which is a Being Of Light.  BUT, the Soul cannot grow and evolve in this twelve-dimensional Realm of Souls, because the polarities of male and female cannot interact in this higher Soul Environment because they are self-contained within the Soul and exist in Oneness.   Thus, in the Alpha of Creation when each Soul came into being as a "spark" of the Divine Mind, ignorance prevailed because no experiential knowledge that evolves the mind of the Soul existed.   Therefore, in order to develop through the interaction of Opposites, each Soul had to incarnate into a three-dimensional form where a division of the polarities of male and female could interact and evolve through the experiences derived in the incarnation.  And this incarnation into a three-dimensional sub-realm that enabled polarities of the Soul to interact, is why it is stated above that "The soul itself has no sex, which is determined by the body and may vary from incarnation to incarnation”.          

The Consciousness of the Divine Pattern which is replicated into all of Creation, evolves through the interaction of opposites.  And in the same way that our body forms through the interaction and joining of the male/sperm and the female/ovum that form an embryo -- it is the interaction of the male and female within the embryo that forms the body.  Physical birth is brought about when the fetus is able to exist outside of the mother's womb -- at which time the fetus emerges into this sub-realm -- i.e., the Mental-Womb of Mother Earth in what can be portrayed as a Cosmic Ovum/Woman or Sperm/Man.    In the same way that it is the merger of sperm and ovum that is necessary to bring forth the life of the fetus and child, it is the interaction and merger of the Mental-Sperm and Mental-Ovum of mankind that is necessary to bring forth the transformative process of mental-expansion and spiritual-deepening (see The Process Of Birth Within The Tree Of Life ).  BUT, where the development from fetus to our physical body can be portrayed as a cookie-cutter process, this would not be true with respect to the process of mental development.   Why?   Because the development of mind requires choice, freewill, and the living out of the choices we have made in order to learn through our experiences.  Therefore, there can be no cookie-cutter interaction with the Natural Laws that bring about the next stage of birth.   While the Laws of Nature can provide a physical body for the Soul to inhabit, the development of mind requires a very different and complex interaction of the Natural Laws in order to respond to our choices, exercise of freewill, and the mindset and lifestyle we have chosen to live out.   In the words of the Church Father Origen when he wrote: “Every Soul... comes into this world strengthened by the victories or weakened by the defeats of its previous life” (Origen, De Principiis) -- in each life that the Soul lives, the accomplishments of the Soul's past is resumed in that present life.  

In the same way that Consciousness is built upon the interaction of the opposite positive/male and negative/female polarities of mind -- polarities which are divided in this sub-realm in order to interact, grow and evolve through the experiences -- higher consciousness can only be achieved when the two polarities which are the manifestation of their gender-consciousness, are able to come together in Oneness and Wholeness on a higher plane.   In order to manifest Oneness, equal aspects must be joined together as in the pattern of the embryo.   Which means that there must be a means built into the Natural Laws to test the balance of the two opposites.  This means of testing the integrity and balance across the spectrum of opposites that must be checked and monitored, is call the Law of Octaves which will not permit the bio-energy to return to its source, unless Wholeness is achieved.  Therefore, the bio-energy of the thought or impression that lacks the necessary Wholeness, cannot bring about the development of Higher Mind and Consciousness -- but becomes lost into Nature.  

Deists proclaim an understanding of the Natural Laws, yet the vast majority of people who claim to be Deists, remain clueless as to the effect of the twisting of the Laws as manifest in the Law of Octaves (see Twisting Of The Laws ).  And while few people possess any real understanding with respect to the Causal-Factors, if anyone wants to research the intricate why's and how's of the twisting factors of the Laws that keep mankind earth-bound in his thinking and life unless higher balance and wholeness is achieved, they can read at The Laws Of Nature And The Law Of Octaves (see BELOW).

While few people can grasp the Causal-Factors of why the path of progression that forms an octave twists, of greater importance is to understand the Do's and Don'ts that effect and result of the twisting of the progression of the Laws.  If a person understands the effect of the twisting of the Laws within their own consciousness, and they begin to address the problem in their mindset and thinking, they will then begin to experience the transformational process of mental-expansion and spiritual-deepening which will then enable them to begin to understand what they previously could not.  And from this perspective, it is therefore important to understand that every thought and impression that you have, is carried into your mind upon the foundation of the bio-energy and vital life-force that you generate -- and is then transported upon the mental positive and negative polarities of energy and consciousness.  In fact, this bio-energy is measured in EKG and EEG machines.  And the twisting of the Law of Octaves tests each thought to evaluate whether the thought can nourish and evolve the mind -- and whatever thought or impression fails to manifest the necessary wholeness to stimulate growth and development, the bio-energy is lost into nature.  Therefore, what is important to understand is the reality that those thoughts that feed the growth of the mind beyond what can be portrayed as organic human-animal consciousness, are able to maintain the necessary Wholeness to be drawn through the "narrow gate" at the Center of your Mind. 


Thoughts can be likened to a formula --

balanced and whole mental-impressions bring about the expansion and deepening of the mind

 -- while mental impressions that lack the necessary wholeness and balance,

are simply expelled from the mind as waste

in much the same manner as your body uses the food you eat that can nourish, and expels the waste.

The Law of Octaves is an embedded Checksum that tests each Impression and Thought.

Spiritual Osmosis And The Narrow Gate: Why can the few understand what the multitude of people cannot?  If it is true that Jesus was a man, just like all other men, why could he understand what others could not?  If Higher Spiritual Knowledge which is often portrayed as Gnosis, cannot be received or understood equally by everyone, what enables the few to receive and understand what others cannot?  And what enabled Jesus to be able to connect with the Divine Mind and communicat directly with God? 

As confirmed by the statement of Nikola Tesla, every thought and impression is carried into and through the mind on cognitive bio-energy that can be measured by an EKG or EEG machine -- and this cognitive bio-energy has a frequency and vibration -- i.e., "If you wish to understand the universe, think of energy, frequency and vibration" Jesus said:  "They that are whole have no need of the physician, but they that are sick: I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance" (Mark 2:17).  What Jesus was stating was that those people who he portrayed as "righteous", did not need him as a physician who came to heal the sick, because they had on their own taken advantage of the Natural Law of God by embracing their innate ability to bring about Wholeness, Perfection and Completion.  Which raises the question: What, then, is stopping you, the reader, from achieving the Wholeness that Jesus himself confirmed you have the innate power and ability to bring about in your life without any need of him (Jesus) or any other physician? 

In the same way that the nourishment of the cells of our body is controlled by an Osmosis system that only allows what the cells need to pass through, the mind of man functions in a similar manner.  Food and nourishment exists on the mental and spiritual level, as well as the physical level.  When the original Ebionite Nazirene followers of Jesus witnessed to the fact that Jesus taught them to fulfill the Law within themselves in order to achieve the Anointing (Messiah/Christ) of the mind (see Jesus Taught To Become The Christ ), what Jesus taught his followers was how the Checksum Osmosis system that was built into the Natural Laws functions to bring about the necessary Wholeness of Mind and Spirit.  In the same way that when the physical body is properly nourished it is able to maintain health, wellness and growth, the same is true of the Mind and the Spirit when they are properly nourished.    

Thoughts can be likened to a formula -- balanced and whole mental-impressions bring about the expansion and deepening of the mind beyond organic male/female levels of consciousness -- while mental impressions that lack the necessary wholeness and balance, are simply expelled from the mind as waste in much the same manner as your body uses the food you eat that can nourish, and expel the waste.  What the Gospel teachings portray as the "narrow gate", is the Center of the Mind which can be portrayed as the door to the Essence of Higher Consciousness.  When impressions and thoughts that are whole and balanced enter into the "narrow gate" which is in the Center of the Mind, then, and only then, can growth and development take place beyond the organic consciousness of man and woman through the transformative process of mental-expansion and spiritual-deepening. 

In modern computer terminology, the term checksum is representative of a block of embedded code that is used to check the integrity of a data string or transmission that is necessary to evaluate the wholeness of the message (see The Checksum Of The Law ).  In the case of the Laws of God and Creation, there is the equivalent of a checksum embedded in the Natural Laws that evaluates the Impressions, Thoughts, Words and Deeds of each person for Wholeness that is necessary to spawn and bring about proper growth and development in the mind of the person.  In the same way that junk food is not beneficial for the nourishment of the body, neither can imbalanced junk-thoughts, or erroneous beliefs and actions bring about development or growth of the consciousness of the person.  What has been traditionally called the Law of Three -- the Law of Seven -- both of which portray separate action-intervals within the Law of Octaves, act as a type of checksum implanted into the Laws of Creation that functions as the Osmosis Testing system for what the Gospels portray as the "narrow gate" of the mind and the Consciousness of Creation.  In the same way that our cells are surrounded by a membrane that selectively allows only what the cell needs to enter, what is portrayed as the "narrow gate" can be portrayed as a mental/spiritual-membrane that only permits Whole Impressions and Thoughts that can bring about the process of mental-expansion and spiritual-deepening about to enter therein.  The term Cell Membrane is defined as "a gatekeeper, guardian, or border guard" that protects the organism.  Allegorically, the checksum embedded in the Natural Laws is portrayed in the words in the Genesis account: "...therefore the LORD God sent him out from the garden of Eden, to cultivate the ground from which he was taken. So He drove the man out; and at the east of the garden of Eden He stationed the cherubim and the flaming sword which turned every direction to guard the way to the tree of life."  The cherubim are an allegorical  representative of the Laws that perpetually test every Impression and Thought our mind generates, for the necessary Wholeness that the mind of the person must achieve to be nourished by the Life-Giving Fruit of the Tree of Life.  These Laws are not intended to inhibit us -- but to test us and insure our ultimate success in order to see if we are Whole and Complete.  When rightly understood, what is portrayed as the Law of Octaves is the protective barrier of the "narrow gate" that acts as a gatekeeper that insures developmental Wholeness of the Mind of man beyond that level of what can be portrayed as Organic Consciousness.   And what this means is that embedded in the Natural Laws of God and Creation is a checksum osmosis-membrane that insures Wholeness and Balance in the development of the mind beyond organic (natural) levels of consciousness. 

When Paul wrote: “But the natural man does not receive the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him; nor can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned (1 Cor 2:14) -- he was making reference to the untransformed mind of organic man (see Animal-Soul ).  Paul used the term "animal-soul" to portray the organic mind or lower-consciousness of man.  Why?  Because the consciousness of organic man is of an earthly-animal vibratory frequency.  The Jamieson-Fausset-Brown Bible Commentary writes with respect to the meaning of the word in the original Greek language: "natural man—literally, 'a man of animal soul'"  -- wherein the proper interpretative-meaning of Paul's words with respect to the reality of what is portrayed as the natural mind of man is then presented: [Psuchikos,] the animal man, one who lives in a natural state, and under the influence of his animal passions; for [psuche] means the inferior and sensual part of man, in opposition to the [nous] understanding, or [pneuma,] the spirit.

The consciousness of organic man is immature and undeveloped, because it's development is grounded in the vibratory frequencies of the lower three earthly kingdoms.   Which is exactly why Paul profoundly stated to the very people who he had personally taught the Gospel message: "And I, brethren, could not speak to you as to spiritual people but as to carnal, as to babes in Christ.  I fed you with milk and not with solid food; for until now you were not able to receive it, and even now you are still not able; for you are still carnal" (1 Cor 3:1-3).  What Paul is stating to the people who he himself taught the principles of the Gospel teachings, was that they were yet too mentally and spiritually immature to understand the higher spiritual meaning of both the Gospel teachings, as well as their own higher Soul-Reality and their relationship to Creator-God.  And for this very same reason of organic cognitive immaturity, is why Jesus replied when he was asked why he would only speak to the multitude of people in parables: "And with many such parables He spoke the word to them as they were able to hear it.  But without a parable He did not speak to them..." (Mark 4:33-34).  Why?  Because the minds of the multitude of people had not yet matured enough to comprehend the higher reality of the Soul and the mysteries of the Kingdom of God.  And thus, when Jesus was asked by his disciples as to why he would only speak to the multitude of people in the enigma of parables, he stated: “Unto you it is given to know the mystery of the kingdom of God: but unto them that are without, all these things are done in parables: That seeing they may see, and not perceive; and hearing they may hear, and not understand” (Mark 4:11-12).  Why?  Why could the few understand what the multitude could not?  What forced Paul to speak to the people he taught the Gospel to as "babes in Christ" -- saying: "...I fed you with milk and not with solid food; for until now you were not able to receive it, and even now you are still not able; for you are still carnal".  And when Jesus was asked about the meaning of the parable, he warned: Then Jesus said to them, “If you can’t understand the meaning of this parable, how will you understand all the other parables?" (see Mark 4:13).  The parable that Jesus was referencing, was the parable of the Sower And The Seed -- whereby Jesus stated that if you fail to understand this parable, then you will not be able to understand any of the Gospel teachings.  Why?  Because there is a process to developing the mind -- enabling the mind to comprehend man's higher Soul and Spiritual Realities that are incomprehensible to the organic immature consciousness of mankind. 

What Jesus stated is that if you don't understand the parable of the Sower and the Seed, that you will not understand any parable -- and the real truth of his words remain a great enigma to the mind of modern man.  Why?  Because if you fail to understand the parable of the Sower and the Seed, then you can never evolve or advance your mind and thinking beyond the carnal level of organic consciousness.  And this is true if you are a scientist, a teacher in academia, a doctor of philosophy, or a student or authority of religion.  In the same way that there are Natural Laws which control the Cosmos -- portrayed by Deists as the Laws of Nature and Nature's God -- Jesus was very much a Deist (see The Deism Of Jesus  ), and what he was actually portraying can be defined as the Natural Laws of Consciousness -- and that without what Jesus portrayed as Wholeness, no advancement of mind can be achieved beyond a low-level point of development -- i.e., "They that are whole have no need of the physician, but they that are sick..." (Mark 2:17).    

What is called the Law of Octaves works as the Osmosis Checksum Testing system for what the Gospels portray as the "narrow gate" of the mind.  In the same way that our cells are surrounded by a membrane that selectively allows only what the cell needs to enter, what is portrayed as the "narrow gate" can be understood as a mental/spiritual-membrane that only permits Whole Impressions and Thoughts that can bring about the process of Mental-Expansion and Spiritual-Deepening about to enter therein.  The term Cell Membrane is defined as "a gatekeeper, guardian, or border guard" that protects the organism.  When rightly understood, what is portrayed as the Law of Octaves is the protective barrier of the "narrow gate" that is built into the Natural Laws -- wherein it functions as a gatekeeper that insures developmental Wholeness of the Mind of man beyond that level of what can be portrayed as Organic Consciousness.  Why?  And how is this accomplished?  Man is of greater intelligence and intellect than the animal kingdom, because man's higher intelligence is the result of his great diversity of mind which is achieved by his ability to perceive and understand from different and often opposite perspectives.  @@@


This ability to perceive from a number of different perspectives, enables him to intellectually draw upon a number of different and greatly varied solutions that are necessary to attain the highest objectives and realities.  Where the strength of man is expressed in his ability to perceive from different perspectives, it is the Spiritual Osmosis Membrane of the Law of Octaves that insures man's ultimate enlightenment by virtue of insuring Wholeness.   This inherent ability of the process is demonstrated in the 90th Chapter of the Gospel of the Nazirenes where it is stated: "The One truth has many sides, and one sees one side only, another, and some see more than others, according as it is given to them.  Behold this crystal; how the one light is manifest in twelve faces, yea four times twelve, and each face reflects one ray of light, and one regards one face, and another, another, but it is the one crystal, and the one light that shines in all...".    The statement that "The One truth has many sides, and one sees one side only", confirms the reason why each person perceives all of life through the dominate sphere of the twelve spheres of mind that their consciousness is aligned with -- i.e., "Behold this crystal; how the one light is manifest in twelve faces".  What this means is that each of the Twelve must be singular in their perceptive-vision -- and then TOGETHER, present a Higher Vision that enables the person to see and understand the One Truth prior to the Light being divided into the  "twelve faces".  Further, because the pattern is replicated into each of the individual spheres of mind, each of the twelve spheres would be divided by twelve sub-spheres  appear as portrayed in the image on the left of the twelve within each of the twelve.   And from this reality of segmented consciousness, the number 144,000 that is used in the Book of Revelation is portrayed as the division of human consciousness (see The Enigma Of The Segmented Mind ).  Which means that across the spectrum of the organic consciousness of mankind, there is 144,000 segmented individual and different fragmented perceptions -- further divided by the male and female polarities of gender.  And in the scriptures this great diversity of mind and perception is represented in the allegorical portrayal of the twelve tribes of Israel -- i.e., each of the twelve spheres of mind being portrayed as a tribe.  Where the term Tribes portray confusion, higher consciousness is allegorically presented in the Gospels, because the twelve tribes are portrayed as single-disciples.  

In clarification: Did Jesus have twelve disciples?  Jesus had many followers and disciples -- but the number twelve represents an important reality within the Natural Laws of consciousness that each person as they evolve to a higher level of intellectual maturity must become aware of.   Therefore, in order to assist the seeker through the levels of greater intellectual maturity, the scriptures allegorically present the twelve spheres of mind as actual disciples who were appointed to Jesus by God.  Why?  Because the patterns of the Natural Laws exist on each level of consciousness -- and it is important for the seeker to be able to relate what is true on the physical, also being true on the level of mind, and also being true on the spiritual level of mind.  The basis of these patterns begin in what is portrayed as the Divine Pattern that is replicated into every level of Creation.  From an esoteric perspective, this is often portrayed as the Law of Three and the Law of Seven -- both of which exist within what can be portrayed as the Law of Octaves.  The Law of Three is representative of the Trinity -- which is the Foundation of Consciousness as manifest in Positive/Male/Father -- the opposite polarity of Negative/Female/Mother -- and the third force offspring as manifest in Logos/Word/Mind and Son of God.  And it is therefore imperative to understand who the Trinity or Law of Three is holographically replicated into every level of Consciousness, Mind and Being.  Therefore, in order to understand the Consciousness and Reality of God and Man, it is necessary to understand the Divine Pattern or Cosmology of Mind that is replicated into every level of Being.  On a physical level, the mental pattern is allegorically portrayed as twelve signs of the zodiac, twelve tribes of Israel, and the twelve tribes of Jesus.  And as the seeker begins to mentally and spiritually advance into a higher level of maturity, they begin to understand that the mind of man has twelve independent spheres that each sees and understands from a different and sometimes opposite perspective -- thereby enabling man to attain a higher elevated level of perceptive-consciousness.  And it is this pattern of mind that enables man to attain and gain in a higher knowledge that is often portrayed as Enlightenment.   In the allegorical portrayal, where the Torah or Old Testament portrays the twelve spheres of mind as tribes -- thereby existing in an immature state of confusion and limited intellectual ability -- the Gospels portray the twelve spheres of mind as singular that are functioning together as disciples -- allegorically portraying an intellectual level of Wholeness, Completion and Enlightenment. 

Where the above parable of the Crystal portrays the uniquely divided consciousness of man as manifest in the four (4) segments of the Twelve Faces -- i.e., "Behold this crystal; how the one light is manifest in twelve faces, yea four times twelve...", the four trinities that comprise the twelve faces of mind, are expressed in two paradoxical dualities that must be brought together as ONE, in order to grow and evolve the mind beyond the limited level of organic human consciousness.  The four (4) trinities of the mind are symbolized in the Cathar Cross on the left (see below: The Law Of Octaves And The Cross ) -- i.e., the Triune of the upper heavenly -- the Triune of the lower earthly -- the Triune of the male outer column of the Tree of Duality -- and the Triune of the Female opposite outer column of the Tree of Duality.  Thus, what we have in the Cathar Cross is the duality of the opposite polarities of mind.  The paradoxical opposite polarities being expressed in the division of the upper three spiritual spheres of mind, which is the polar opposite half of the lower three earthly spheres of mind.  When we say that the heavenly is the other half of the earthly, this indicates that Wholeness can only be achieved when the duality is overcome, and the earthly is At-One with the Heavenly.  From the perspective of the Male and Female outer columns, these columns can be portrayed as the divided Adam/Male and Eve/Female that must be restored into the Wholeness of the original pattern prior to the separation of AdamEve.  What is portrayed as the Tree of Duality (a.k.a. Knowledge of Good and Evil) is the male and female outer triune Columns on the left and the right of center.  Vertically, the three levels represent the lower earthly or physical, the upper spiritual, that must be brought into the Center by the Male-Judgment  and the Female-Mercy spheres of Mind of the Tree of Life -- into the Center Love sphere.  And this is why the Gospel portrays the solution to all of life as manifesting in the Love of one's brothers and sisters who reflect the limitations of the divided twelve faces as manifest in the fragmented minds of organic man as presented in the 144,000 portrayed in the words:  "...yea four times twelve, and each face reflects one ray of light, and one regards one face, and another, another".   If Earth is representative of the lower trinity -- heavenly represented in the upper trinity -- and the male and female representative of the three in each of the outer columns -- then Wholeness is represented in the Unity of the four gates of the mind as portrayed in Earth, Water, Fire and Air -- with the Æthers representing Higher Spiritual Wholeness where the duality of the mind exists on the inner side of the "narrow gate" in the Center. 

The limitations of organic human consciousness cannot be overcome, so long as a person perceives and understands what they see in this world from the perspective of a single point of a fragmented mind.  Those people who are attached to the Male or Female opposing columns of the Tree of Life, are portrayed as being nourished by the fruit of duality that brings death, because without the joining of the opposite polarities of male and female, no advancement can be accomplished.  Thus, the opposite polarities of duality are overcome and expanded, when the division and duality of mind is overcome.  Each point of consciousness within the pattern of mind as portrayed in the diagram of the Tree of Life has its opposite polarity-perspective that is its opposite half -- and when the duality is overcome, only then can growth and development be accomplished.  All advancement is the product of bringing two divided halves together in the Third-Force Balance which has been raised up and evolved.  Which means that Wholeness and Advancement is not a consensus of opposites -- but rather, a joining of halves through the raising up of the third-force offspring of the opposites that were brought together.  As stated in the parable of the Crystal, "Behold this crystal; how the one light is manifest in twelve faces" -- and as the person begins to nullify their inner division of mind -- and begins to merge the opposites that perceive the same thing from an opposite perspective -- raising up and evolving the third-force offspring -- only then can growth and evolution of mind be brought about.   When the Heavenly (Air) and the Earthly (Earth) are brought together in the Center by a balanced Male (Fire) and Female (Water) working together, only then can the cognitive-energy be channeled into the Center and through the "narrow gate" into the Æather of Spirit, where the process of mental-expansion and spiritual-deepening can be brought about.  If any of the segments are missing or diminished -- i.e., Earth, Water, Fire and Air -- then the membrane of the Law of Octaves will divert the cognitive-energy away from the "narrow gate" and off into Nature. 

  The Divine Pattern Of Mind And Creation:  Our Impressions and Thoughts are carried upon bio-energy that can be portrayed as Cognitive-Energy and measured in EKG and EEG machines. This bio-energy originates in Wholeness from our Source in our Higher Soul-Self which is a Being Of Light ( ), it is divided across the seven spiritual centers or chakras, as this cognitive energy moves out into our own mind, and then acted upon in the twelve spheres of mind as patterned in the Tree of Life.  Which means that this cognitive energy enters into us in Wholeness, and cannot enter the Center or "narrow gate" and bring about growth and development, unless the cognitive energy is restored to Wholeness as it is manifest and is drawn through our twelve spheres of mind.  Therefore it is important to understand the great division of twelve tribes of the Torah or Old Testament, and what is personified in singular for in the twelve disciples of Jesus in the Gospels.  All energy requires a positive (male) and a negative (female) polarity, and the Third-Force Balance that is the product or offspring of Male and Female Opposite Polarities.  This threefold pattern is the basis of the Trinity or Divine Pattern that is replicated into all of Creation.   In the case of the Divine Mind of God, the two polarities are manifest in Father and Mother God, and the Mind of God is manifest in the Logos/Word/Son of God.  All of Creation is an expression of the Divine Mind or Logos/Word of God.  In the example of the Mind as patterned in the Tree of Life, the Earthly is Feminine in relation to it's Male/Heavenly half or opposite polarity.  The outer columns of the Tree of Duality are male and female in relation to each other -- and the Center therefore is the Third-Force Balance or Offspring of both the Male and Female outer columns, as well as the Earthly and Heavenly higher and lower opposites.  Once again this pattern or cosmology of mind is portrayed most accurately in the above Cathar Cross. 

The pattern and workings of the mind can be likened and observed in the pattern and functioning of the heart.  The heart has four chambers. The upper two chambers are the atria, and the lower two chambers are the ventricles (see Figure A at right). The chambers are separated by a wall of tissue called the septum. Blood is pumped through the chambers, aided by four heart valves. The valves open and close to let the blood flow in only one direction.  What is important in order to understand the relationship of the pattern of the heart and the pattern of the mind, is the fact that the blood must move equally through the four parts of the heart in order for the body to function properly.  Therefore, unless the four parts or chambers of the one-heart are working and functioning together, then the whole of the heart is gravely impacted.  The two halves of the heart can be likened to the Male and Female spheres of mind as patterned in the outer columns of the Tree of Life.  The upper two atria chambers therefore can be portrayed as man's higher spiritual/heavenly aspects of mind -- with the upper heavenly chambers divided across the spectrum of the male and female polarity halves.  The lower two ventricle chambers can be portrayed as  the opposite earthly half of the upper heavenly -- again divided across the spectrum of the male and female polarity halves.   And therein lies the problem with respect to evolving the mind beyond organic consciousness as seen in the fact that the two halves and the upper atriums and lower ventricles cannot function without their opposite half.  The development and functioning of the lower (earthly) ventricles is totally dependent upon receiving blood from the upper (heavenly) atriums -- both of which are totally dependent upon the interaction of the left/right male/female opposites functioning together as ONE. 

Love As The Answer: When an organism is functioning across the spectrum of divided halves -- which can also be portrayed as paradoxical opposites -- then the growth and development of one half is totally contingent upon the growth and development of it's opposite half.  In the above example of the heart, one half is totally dependent upon the other half.  In understanding the twelve spheres of Mind as patterned in the image of the Tree of Life at the right, the upper is the heavenly half of the opposite lower earthly, and the outer columns are the male and female opposite polarities that must together, bring the heavenly and earthly opposites together in the Center -- wherein, what is portrayed as the "narrow gate" is manifest in the Love-Center-Sphere -- with Love being defined as the condition of Wholeness when each of the twelve aspects of mind are equal and present in the impressions or thoughts of the mind of the person.   In plain English, The Cathar Cross portrays Upper/Heavenly and Lower/Earthly Opposite realities that must be brought together in the Center by the Male and Female (Left and Right) Spheres or Polarities of Mind.  And this is why the Gospels portray Love as the answer to all encounters and realities of this world.  In the case of the divided male and female spheres of mind as patterned in the image of the Tree of Duality which is the outer side columns of the Tree of Life, the lower is earthly, the upper is heavenly -- and what is manifest in the divided halves of male or female, cannot evolve apart from it's opposite polarity.   Therefore, in the case of the divided kingdoms of heaven and earth, all development and growth within the individual is contingent upon the outer male and female columns bringing the opposite polarities of the upper-heavenly and the lower-earthly together in the Center.  Only the thoughts and impressions that are Whole, can enter into and through the Center/Narrow Gate and bring about mental growth and development.   

In the case of the pattern of mind, the development of the lower-earthly spheres of mind are totally dependent upon their opposite half and exchange of cognitive-energy in the upper-heavenly half of the mind -- both of which are reliant upon the right and left male and female polarities/spheres of mind to bring the cognitive-energy into the Center where the "narrow gate" acts as a Spiritual Osmosis Membrane that tests the cognitive-energy for Wholeness.    In portraying the four primary divisions of mind as Earth representing the lower and opposite of the upper Heavenly as represented in Air, with the active/male polarity represented in Fire with its reflective/female polarity represented in Water.  Which means that the cognitive-energy and the mental impressions or thoughts must have brought the opposite aspects of Earth, Water, Fire and Air together as portrayed in the Thought-Image at the left.  In the same way that the heart can only function when the four halves of the heart are functioning together, the mind can only evolve and advance beyond organic human consciousness, when the four parts or aspects of the cognitive-energy are present, balanced and a whole impression or thought is brought into the "narrow gate" in the Center -- where it can then be utilized in the growth and development of the mind beyond organic human limitations in what is personified as Spirit or the Ætheres. 

As the Spiritual Osmosis Membrane, the Law of Octaves will block un-whole or un-balanced cognitive bio-energy from entering into the "narrow gate" in the Center of the Mind -- continuing to expel the cognitive energy and the associated thoughts and impressions externally -- and because the expelled thoughts and impressions are tagged or impressed with the (Spiritual) DNA of that person, the generated impressions or thoughts will perpetually attempt to return to their  source in the mind of the person who generated the bio-energy, and is the source of the impressions or thoughts.  This Natural Law that returns all impressions and thoughts back to its source, is portrayed as the Law of Karma -- as represented in the biblical assertion that "Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap" (Gal 6:7).

If only one of the chambers of the heart was  functioning, the whole of the heart would be negatively impacted.  The same is true with respect to the four gates of the mind as patterned in the Cathar Cross.  Because the One-Mind is divided -- or, like the heart it is segmented -- the mind cannot evolve beyond organic limitations on the impressions of the earthly spheres of mind that are lacking the input and balance of the opposite half in the heavenly spheres of mind.  All of which can only grow and evolve the mind of the person beyond organic limitations, when the Male and Female polarities of mind are functioning together to channel the merged earthly/heavenly impressions or thoughts into the Center -- enabling the impressions to be channeled through the "narrow gate" and into the process of mental-expansion and spiritual-deepening.  And it is the Spiritual Osmosis Membrane of the Law of Octaves this inhibits the mind that lacks Wholeness, from developing beyond the limitations of the fragment of mind that the person is perceiving the world through.  Only the Male and Female columns of the Tree of Duality can bring together and connect the lower-earthly frequency and vibration of impressions and thoughts, with their upper-spiritual opposite polarity.  But to accomplish this, the Male and Female outer columns must overcome their own division, and be working together to be nourished by the Life-Giving Fruit of the Tree of Life -- i.e., Then the LORD God said, “Behold, the man has become like one of Us, knowing good and evil. And now, lest he reach out his hand and take also from the tree of life, and eat, and live forever...” (Gen 3:22).

The Mind of man is divided and segmented by four (4) major divisions that are paradoxical opposite halves to each other -- with each of these opposites being themselves comprised of triune paradoxical opposites that each consist of a positive and a negative opposite polarity and a third-force balance that can be portrayed as the offspring of the positive/male and negative/female spheres of mind -- all of which manifest the twelve spheres of mind that comprise the Tree of Life -- i.e., the twelve spheres portrayed in the words: "In the middle of its street, and on either side of the river, was the tree of life, which bore twelve fruits, each tree yielding its fruit every month. The leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations" (Rev 22:2).  And these twelve spheres of mind are what is personified UNIVERSALLY, in the twelve signs of the zodiac, the twelve sons or tribes of Jacob/Israel, and singularly in the twelve disciples of Jesus.  And therein lies the problem with respect to man's inability to comprehend his own higher Soul-Reality.  The mind can only grow and evolve when nourished with thoughts and impressions that are Whole -- which can be defined as possessing all the pieces from all the segmented areas of mind coming together in balanced Oneness.  Man is as much a Spiritual being as he is an OPPOSITE Earthly -- divided across the OPPOSITE polarities of Male and Female -- and only when these FOUR-OPPOSITES are brought together in Balanced Wholeness, can the Mind be nourished beyond organic natural levels of development and comprehension.   

What is called the Law of Octaves is the vibratory-frequency of the Natural Laws that tests every thought for Wholeness.  If the thought or impression is missing one of the four segments, then the thought does not contain the necessary balance to spawn growth and development. The words "…take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ" (2 Cor 10:5) -- Christ meaning the Illumination, Enlightenment and Anointing of the Mind -- makes reference to the testing of the Law of Octaves that enables you to utilize the bio-energy for the development of the mind through the transformative process of mental-expansion and spiritual-deepening.  In the process of testing, the thoughts and impressions that are incomplete -- that do not possess all the pieces that bring together balanced oneness, cannot pass through the "narrow gate" of the mind.  These incomplete and unbalanced thoughts and impressions lack the necessary wholeness, and cannot be used for the development of the mind, therefore can be classified as incomplete junk thoughts and impressions that are discarded and cast off into Nature. 

  The Gospel Teachings On The Law Of Karma: While we think of Karma as an Eastern religious concept, when Jesus warned: "Behold, thou art made whole: sin no more, lest a worse thing come unto thee" (John 5:14) -- the concept of "...a worse thing will come upon thee", presents the reality that our actions come back upon us.  Yet, when the fourth century Church suppressed and removed the teachings on the pre-existent soul from the scriptures, Christians lost all understanding of the The Law and the Original Teachings of the Gospels (see The Law Of The Gospels ).  When the disciples of Jesus asked: "Now as Jesus passed by, He saw a man who was blind from birth. And His disciples asked Him, saying, 'Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?'" (John 9:1-2) -- they were asking about the sins in one life that come back upon you in another life.  "Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap" (Gal 6:7). Which means that as you do unto others, the same will be returned back to you -- and by confronting self, you will fulfill the words: “Judge not, that you be not judged.  For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you" (Matt 7:1-2) -- wherein Jesus was conveying to the people the reality of the Natural Laws that their words and judgments of other people, will return back upon them in the future.  Which means that all our words and actions come back upon us, as stated in the teaching: "In everything, then, do to others as you would have them do to you. For this is the essence of the Law and the prophets" (Matt 7:12). And this is why the pre-Nicene Church taught reincarnation (see Pre-Nicene Church Taught Reincarnation ).  But with respect to the Law of Action and Reaction, the Natural Laws go even one step further with respect to the reality that every Impression and Thought presents a test of our Consciousness that also comes back upon us.

The Gospels direct you IN THIS LIFE to "enter in at the narrow gate" (see Matt 7:13-14).  Jesus taught that the Kingdom is within you -- and when rightly understood, the "narrow gate" is in fact the path which the prodigal son embraces to escape the clutches of the Citizen or Consciousness of the Far Country, and return to the Higher Consciousness of the Edenic Kingdom of our Heavenly Father who is awaiting us.  The correct interpretation of the words, "Repent, for the Kingdom is at hand" -- is, "open and unloose the Mind" (see Gate Of Eden at ), for the Kingdom that is within you is at hand.  How is the mind "opened and unloosed"?  By living a mindset and lifestyle as presented in the Sermon on the Mount that initiates higher cognitive harmony through the process of mental-expansion and spiritual-deepening.  And Jesus taught his disciples how to fulfill the Law in the manner that he did, in order to enter through the "narrow gate" and be restored to the Edenic Kingdom.  But how is this accomplished?  In the same way that in a Reverse Osmosis system where only pure water can flow through the membrane of the system, the "narrow gate" can be seen as a Spiritual Reverse Osmosis system for our Impressions and Thoughts that maintains our growth and development of Mind.  All impurities and pollutants are washed away and expelled.  And when rightly understood, the Law of Octaves and the Narrow Gate function in a similar manner.  What does this mean?  When the Gospel account of Jesus stated: "But I say unto you, That every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day of judgment" (Matt 12:36) -- idle, carnal or worldly impressions, thoughts and words cannot feed and develop or evolve the mind into the necessary Wholeness -- i.e., "They that are whole have no need of the physician, but they that are sick: I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance" (Mark 2:17).  Those people who Jesus portrays as speaking an idle word, are of a mindset where they speak many and even countless idle words.  Thereby inhibiting their mental and spiritual growth and development.  The mind is developed and transformed -- evolved to the necessary level of wholeness so the mind of the person can achieve Wholeness -- as each Impression and Thought is manifest in Wholeness as expressed in the commandment: "…take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ" (2 Cor 10:5).

In our modern technological environment, the Law of Octaves can be thought of as a checksum that is an embedded block of code that is used to check the integrity of a data string or transmission that is necessary to evaluate the wholeness of the message.  If the data string is incomplete, the embedded checksum code enables the data string to be rejected (see The Checksum Of The Law ).  What is the purpose of the checksum of the Law?  To fulfill the words that Jesus made note of when he stated: "They that are whole have no need of the physician, but they that are sick: I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance" (Mark 2:17).  What Jesus was stating was that those people who he portrayed as "righteous", did not need him as a physician who came to heal the sick, because they had on their own taken advantage of the Original Opportunity to bringing about Wholeness, Perfection and Completion.  How is Wholeness achieved?  The pre-Nicene Church Father Origen writes in De Principiis (First Principles) with respect to each person's station in life "...that the cause of each one's actions is a pre-existing one; and then every one, according to his deserts, is made by God either a vessel unto honor or dishonor. Therefore every individual vessel [person] has furnished to its Creator out of itself the causes and occasions of its being formed by Him to be either a vessel unto honor or one unto dishonor"  Unless you can understand why our Creator causes each person to be born into this life as "...either a vessel unto honor or one unto dishonor", then you have no understanding of the life you are presently living.  Why?  Because FIRST PRINCIPLES is defined as "the basic and most important reasons for doing or believing something".  And in De Principiis the pre-Nicene Church Father Origen also wrote: "The soul has neither beginning nor end... Every soul... comes into this world strengthened by the victories or weakened by the defeats of its previous life. Its place in this world as a vessel appointed to honor or dishonor is determined by its previous merits or demerits. Its work in this world determines its place in the world which is to follow this...".  This statement could be affirmed in the words: "Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap" (Gal 6:7).  It is easily proven that the pre-Nicene Church taught and confirmed the teaching of Origen on the pre-existent Soul that evolves to perfection over the course of many lives (see Pre-Nicene Church Taught Reincarnation ).  Further, Science has proven Reincarnation (see ).

If it is true that the Soul develops over the course of many lives, then why can't everyone recall their Soul's previous lives?  The fact of the matter is that all people can develop the ability to recall their Soul's previous lives, but that requires dedication to living in accord with the core Original Gospel teachings.  Which means that only those impressions and thoughts that are Balanced and Whole -- and therefore are able to grow and evolve the mind and consciousness of the person -- are able to pass through the Narrow Gate and provide nourishment for the mind to stimulate the process of mental-expansion and spiritual-deepening. In the same way that impurities cannot flow through the membrane of a Reverse Osmosis filter system, neither can impressions and thoughts that lack Balance and Wholeness pass through the Narrow Gate in the Center of the Mind.  And in the same way that the impurities in a Reverse Osmosis system are diverted outside, and are washed out of the system, the bio-energy of the thoughts and impressions that lack balance and wholeness are expelled out of your physical consciousness without spawning mental growth and development (see Gospel Teachings On Soul-Evolution - Reincarnation And Soul-Development ). This discarded cognitive bio-energy that is expelled, is then utilized to maintain the organic systems of this world.  In the same way that the vegetable kingdom gives off oxygen that is then used to maintain the life of the organic systems of this world, mankind gives off bio-energy that feeds organic nature.  On the other hand, when a person's thoughts or impressions are balanced and whole, then the person is able to utilize that bio-energy and the thoughts to bring about the transformative process of mental-expansion and spiritual-deepening.  Many portray the Law of Return to the Source, as the Law of Karma -- i.e., that bio-energy that is not Whole, and the thoughts and impressions therefore cannot be utilized in the process of mental-expansion and spiritual-deepening, is expelled out into Nature and returned back to us at a later time, or even a future life, because of the Law that returns all things back to its Source.  And this is why people who cling to non-growth beliefs, become locked into that belief and can't evolve until Wholeness and Balance is restored.  When this can't be achieved in the present life-cycle, the Soul must continue to return until the thinking is evolved enough to continue the process of mental-expansion and spiritual-deepening. 

The Consciousness of the Earth, which in the parable of the prodigal son is portrayed as the Citizen of the Far Country -- which earth-consciousness is often worshipped as the gods of this world -- are dependent upon maintaining man's carnal-consciousness to feed off the expelled bio-energy.  The more that a person can utilize this bio-energy in the expansion of their own mind, the less of this energy is expelled into nature.  And when a person begins to develop mentally and spiritually, and draws other seekers to him, the group very quickly becomes as a disease to the Consciousness of the Earth -- and is then opposed and stamped out in the same manner that the body of a person fights an invading virus.  What is being portrayed is the plight of organic man in this world  who is very much as a "prisoner" in the analogy of Plato's Cave (see The Escape From Plato's Cave ).  Organic man is therefore very much as a slave to the consciousness or powers/gods of this world -- hunted down as a disease if he attempts to break the chains of his slave-condition. 




Original Sin And Spiritual Osmosis: When rightly understood, what is portrayed as Original Sin is not biblical -- it is not an inherited condition of Sin that was committed by a man named Adam and a woman named Eve who are part of each person's distant family tree -- but rather, when rightly understood, it is a condition that each man and woman is born into that provides mankind the opportunity for growth, development, wholeness and perfection (see Spiritual Osmosis And The Narrow Gate  ).  The word "help-meet" in the Genesis account, portrays woman as man's most immediate savior (see When Man Meets Woman ).  

The name and concept of Original Sin was imported into Christianity directly from Manichaeism -- and in no way does this Mancheist religious doctrine represent the Gospel teachings (see The Original Sin Of The Church ).   Therefore, the foundational framework of the modern Church is based upon the teachings of the Iranian prophet Mani, and not at all based upon the teachings of the Original Gospels (see The Law Of The Gospels ).   And in total opposition to the Manichaean and Mithraic dogma of the doctrine of Original Sin, when rightly understood from a Gospel perspective, what is personified as Original Sin would more accurately be portrayed as Original Opportunity.  And when rightly understood, the very purpose of the original teachings of Jesus have been totally undermined, because of the influence of the Manchein doctrine of Original Sin

The Great Question of Life: If the modern Christian is faithful to the Manichean doctrine of Original Sin and the teachings of the Iranian prophet Mani, while rejecting the Original Opportunity teachings of the Gospels, can these people even make claim to belief in Jesus?  No!  And the facts can be proven by presenting relevant Gospel teachings that explain the doctrine of Original Opportunity.  The doctrine of Original Sin breeds spiritual complacency that undermines the very purpose of the Gospel teachings, and causes spiritual failure -- i.e., "I know your deeds; you are neither cold nor hot. How I wish you were one or the other! So because you are lukewarm— neither hot nor cold— I am about to vomit you out of My mouth!" (Rev 3:15-16).  The words, "I know your deeds...", portrays a person's actions and accountability to fulfilling the Law of God in each person's life.  Complacency portrays those who believe they have received salvation based upon a prayer and words which they speak.  Yet, Jesus warned the complacent who claim they believe: ""And why call ye me, Lord, Lord, and do not the things which I say?" (Luke 6:46) -- warning the complacent believer that their words mean absolutely nothing: "Not everyone who says to Me, 'Lord, Lord,' shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven. Many will say to Me in that day, 'Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, cast out demons in Your name, and done many wonders in Your name?' And then I will declare to them, 'I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness!'" (Matt 7:21-23).   Which means that as long as believers cling to the Manichean doctrine of Original Sin which breads spiritual complacency, they will fail from a Gospel perspective. 

That the few have have embraced this teaching on Original Opportunity and rejected Original Sin, is demonstrated in the words of Jesus when he said:  "They that are whole have no need of the physician, but they that are sick: I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance" (Mark 2:17).  What Jesus was stating was that those people who he portrayed as "righteous", did not need him as a physician who came to heal the sick, because they had on their own taken advantage of the Original Opportunity to bringing about Wholeness, Perfection and Completion.  Which raises the question: What, then, is stopping you, the reader, from achieving the Wholeness that Jesus himself confirmed you have the innate power to bring about in your life without any need of him (Jesus) or any other physician?  The correct translation of the words: Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand which is preached in our Churches, is more accurately translated: "Open and unloose the mind" -- meaning, that you must release your thinking from the shackles of the Manichean doctrine of Original Sin, and embrace the Gospel teaching of Original Opportunity.    The meaning of the original Greek conveys a message of great depth that is not apparent in our English translations today.   To phrase the thought that is being expressed, the true meaning is to “Open and unloose the mind, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand”.   The Amplified Bible which presents the essence of the biblical text, states: “Repent [change your inner self—your old way of thinking, regret past sins, live your life in a way that proves repentance; seek God’s purpose for your life], for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.”  This is truly important for the person of faith to come to terms with -- for it is the beginning of The Way.  

When Jesus made reference to achieving Wholeness, this could also be understood as that condition achieving the next subsequent stage of birth that is necessary for the Kingdom of God to come within the mind of the person.   Therefore, what the religion of Manichaeism portrayed as Original Sin, Jesus portrayed as Original Opportunity.  While the Christians, like the Jews before them who threw away the Key of Knowledge, look for the Kingdom to come outwardly upon the earth, the Gospel itself states that the Kingdom will never come upon the earth in the manner that carnal-minded men look for it.  Because it is within you -- and it is therein that you must seek it: "And when he was demanded of the Pharisees, when the kingdom of God should come, he answered them and said, The kingdom of God comes not with observation: Neither shall they say, See here! or, see there! for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you" (Luke 17:20-21).   Which means that the question that Christians should be asking is: How must the inner Kingdom be entered?  And the answer to this question is embedded in the Gospel teachings on Original Opportunity that Manichaeism and St. Augustine erroneously portrayed as Original Sin.      

In the allegorical Genesis account, woman is portrayed as having been drawn from (the side of) man -- thus, she is not only a part of him, but she is his other half of the Mind that has been separated and removed from him -- i.e., biblically portrayed as a "help-meet" (see Woman As Man's Help-Meet And Savior).  But few people actually understand what this term "help-meet", which was translated out of the Hebrew actually means.  As a condition of birth that each person must embrace as an Opportunity, and as a physician who came to heal those who were sick, Jesus taught how to overcome this duality and division, and take advantage of what the Manichaeans personified in the term Original Sin.  What this means is that the Alpha-Man (AdamEve) was the embodiment of the two divided halves of the mind -- halves that both perceived and possessed opposite cognitive abilities -- that were separated in order to bring about mental and spiritual growth and development.  Which means that when rightly understood, the only sin is in each person's failure to take advantage of the Original Opportunity of Life -- and as a condition, cannot be corrected or overcome with one's words or allegiance, without actually following what Jesus taught in every aspect of the person's life.   And therein lies the problem that is confronting not only every modern-day Christian, but all of mankind.   While the teaching existed as an integral part of the Gospel teachings in the first century, an important teaching was suppressed and removed by the later Church of Rome.  But, in order to insure that every Christian has access to this crucially important teaching that defined the very purpose of the life they are living, the Hand of God moved to insure that this teaching was preserved in a number of important documents and scriptures. 

  The Coming Kingdom: Clement was a disciple of the Apostle Peter who had himself been asked the crucial question as to when the Kingdom would come.  What Clement stated is that Jesus was asked this very question, but upon examination of our Gospels, the answer that Jesus provided is no longer there.  Wherein, in his Second Epistle, Clement answered this inquiry by quoting the account of when Jesus was asked this very same question when he wrote: “Let us expect, therefore, hour by hour, the kingdom of God in love and righteousness, since we know not the day of the appearing of God. For the Lord Himself, being asked by one when His kingdom would come, replied, 'When two shall be one, that which is without as that which is within, and the male with the female, neither male nor female’”.  Thus, when "...the male with the female, neither male nor female’”, what is being portrayed is the restoral of the original Alpha-Man which can be portrayed as AdamEve.   What Clement -- the disciple of Peter who is claimed by the Church as the fourth pope in succession of Peter -- is stating in accord with the Original teachings of Jesus, is that when the seeker/believer brings this condition about which they should  "expect... hour by hour" to come, that the predicted and expected Kingdom will come within them as promised.  When Jesus was asked about the coming of the Kingdom, it is stated with respect to those who had achieved the necessary Wholeness: "Then Jesus said to them, Truly I tell you, there are some standing here who will not taste death until they see the kingdom of God arrive with power" (Mark 9:1). Those who embraced the teachings of Jesus and achieved the necessary Wholeness, experienced the Kingdom coming within their own mind and being.  In fact, in his Second Epistle, the Apostle Peter states that when the Kingdom comes, it is in accord with the application of this teaching when he wrote that believers should be ”looking for and hastening the coming of the day of God” (2 Pet 3:12).  Which means that the coming of the Kingdom was totally up to each person -- that they could "hasten"  or speed up the coming of the Kingdom -- with the proper application of the above teaching of Jesus in their own lives -- which would enable the believer to overcome what is personified as Original Sin.  And if we pose the question as to why this would be portrayed as Original Sin?  The answer would be: The condition presented is the very purpose that everyone is born into this life to resolve -- which could only be resolved by closely following the teaching of Jesus.     

What this means is that every person who professes to believe in the teachings of Jesus, must decide for themselves if they believe they are exempt from this important teaching because it was removed from the copies of the Gospels which the Church promotes?  It is important to recognize that when Clement wrote the above teaching of Jesus in his Epistle to a congregation of Christians, he did so in the expectation that the congregation of Christians to whom he was writing would understand the great truths he was presenting to them.   That the Kingdom or End Times would and could only come, when the teaching of Jesus is fulfilled in the person's life where "...two shall be one, that which is without as that which is within, and the male with the female, neither male nor female’”.  

What this means is that each modern Christian has been confronted with a crucial question: Do they really believe in the Gospel teachings?  And if this is what Jesus taught -- a teaching that has been portrayed as Original Sin that must be resolved -- does it matter if the Christian actually follows the teaching of Jesus?  Which means that every Christian has also been confronted by the question: Has the Gospel teachings been corrupted?  In view of the fact that it can be proven that a teaching that was embraced by first century Christians is totally absent today, this is a crucial question for each and every person to answer.  Which of course raises the question: Has this teaching been preserved anywhere else?  The answer is yes.  In the fourth century, the Emperor Constantine took over the Church -- (1) he ordered the corruption of the biblical texts; (2) the destruction of conflicting biblical texts; (3) and he ordered those Christians who refused to embrace the religion of the emperor, to be hunted down as heretics.  Quoting the historian Edward Gibbon: Gibbon in the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire: ”Constantine easily believed that the heretics, who presumed to dispute his opinions or to oppose his commands, were guilty of the most absurd and criminal obstinancy... Not a moment was lost in excluding the ministers and teachers of the separated congregations from any share of the rewards and immunities which the emperor had so liberally bestowed on the orthodox clergy. But as the sectaries might still exist under the cloud of royal disgrace, the conquest of the East was immediately followed by an edict which announced their total destruction”.   By total destruction, Constantine ordered the death of those who could be portrayed as Spiritual Christians -- in contradistinction to believers in an institutionalized religion that was under the control of a series of Roman Emperors (see The Religion Of Roman Emperors ).

 With the edict to destroy the biblical texts and hunt down the Spiritual Christians who rejected the religion of the emperor, a council among the Ebionite Nazirenes and the Spiritual (Gentile) Christians was convened, and it was decided that the Gospel teachings were so important, that seven (7) libraries of scriptures would be hidden away and preserved for future generations (see Can I Get An Original Pure Copy Of The Scriptures ).  How important were these essential teachings?  In the Epistle of Peter to James it is concluded that if the inner esoteric teachings of Jesus were to become lost or not understood, that " will remain even for those who really seek the truth, always to wander in error".  Why would the failure to fulfill and carry out this teaching that is the embodiment of Original Sin, cause the believer  "always to wander in error"?   Because it is the fulfillment of this teaching that is the very purpose and objective of the life that all of mankind is presently living. 

With respect to the seven libraries, two of them have been recovered, and both contain what is known as the Gospel of Thomas (see ).  And the fact that the above statement from the Second Epistle of Clement is also found in the Gospel of Thomas is of the utmost importance to the modern Christian.  The fact that this teaching which was contained in a first century Epistle from an authorative elder of the Church to a congregation of believers in that time-frame, and could not be contained and understood in a letter or epistle to a congregation today, is merely one example of the fact that the dogma and thinking of the modern Church has virtually nothing in common with the original teachings of Jesus known as TheWay (see The Original Teachings Have Nothing In Common With Church Dogma ).   Which provokes the question: Did the Emperor Constantine change the very purpose and objectives of life in this world?  Of course not!!!  Has the requirements to enter the Kingdom changed in order to accommodate the dogmatic corruption of the Church?  Once again, of course not!!!  And perhaps even more provocative is the question: Has the condition which has been portrayed as Original Sin been negated because of the dogmatic Church corruption?  Has Truth and Higher Spiritual Reality been discarded and thrown away, because the Church threw this body of essential Knowledge pertaining to the Coming of the Kingdom away?   Or, does modern Christians dwell in a self-imposed Diaspora of abject Spiritual Ignorance which was brought about by the massive corruption of the scriptures (see ), and the suppression of the body of essential knowledge that is necessary to restore the lost prodigal son to his rightful place in the Edenic Kingdom of Origination.


Original Sin is representative of a condition of birth -- a condition that every man and woman is born into by the nature of their physical bodies -- and the condition portrays a reality that the Natural Laws has brought about in order to benefit each person.   Jesus portrayed the scriptures as the Key of Knowledge ( ) -- and when the Key is properly applied to the Genesis Creation account, what is presented in the allegorical text is not about events that transpired in man's historical past -- but rather, NECESSARY events and a conditions of mind that has transpired in each person's own life.  And this is why the pre-Nicene Church Father Origen wrote with respect to those who attempt to read and apply the allegorical Genesis account as actual historical events: “What man of sense will agree with the statement that the first, second and third days in which the evening is named and the morning, were without sun, moon and stars, and the first day without a heaven. What man is found such an idiot as to suppose that God planted trees in paradise in Eden, like a husbandman, and planted therein the tree of life, perceptible to the eyes and senses, which gave life to the eater thereof; and another tree which gave to the eater thereof a knowledge of good and evil? I believe that every man must hold these things for images, under which the hidden sense lies concealed” (Origen - Huet., Prigeniana, 167 Franck, p. 142).  

Notice that Origen who is acclaimed to be “…the most prominent of all the church fathers” (Encyclopedia. Britannica); was considered by St. Jerome to be “the greatest teacher of the Church after the Apostles”; and is portrayed by St. Gregory of Nyssa as “the prince of Christian learning in the Third Century” -- in his statement on the Genesis account, Origen portrays those people who attempt to read the allegorical account as actual historical events, as having totally surrendered their intellect -- and having surrendered their powers of Reason, can therefore rightly be portrayed as "idiots".  But also take notice that Origen did not dismiss the meaning of the Genesis account as not being true.  Why?  Because it is true.  Origen only pointed out that it is not historical -- and it conveys an important truth of mind and spirit pertaining to each person in their present life.  With respect to those who properly use the scriptures as the Key of Knowledge that: “It is sufficient however, to represent in the style of a historic narrative what is intended to convey a secret meaning in the garb of history, that those who have the capacity may work out for themselves all that relates to the subject”  (Origen, Contra Celsum).  Which statement by Origen provokes the question: Why does knowledge exist that can be portrayed as too secret to openly reveal?  Why can't a straight-forward rational statements be made that is understandable by the average person?  The answer is: Because higher knowledge can only be understood by a mature and evolved mind.  In reality, there is no such thing as secret knowledge -- only knowledge that requires various levels of maturity to understand.   And this fact of reality is the reason why Paul portrayed himself to the Ephesians as an ambassador in bonds: "And for me, that utterance may be given unto me, that I may open my mouth boldly, to make known the mystery of the gospel, for which I am an ambassador in bonds: that therein I may speak boldly, as I ought to speak" (see Eph 6:19-20).   And how difficult is it for the "natural" mind of organic man to comprehend his own higher Soul-Reality?  To the Corinthians Paul wrote: “But the natural man does not receive the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him; nor can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned (1 Cor 2:14).   Why?  Why does the person who Paul portrays as being of a "natural" organic consciousness perceive the higher spiritual knowledge as "foolishness"?   Therefore, the problem is seen in the fact that organic ("natural") man must attain a higher evolved level of consciousness, in order to comprehend his own higher Soul and Spiritual Reality.   When rightly understood, what the ignorant portray as Original Sin, is in reality the Opportunity for each person to evolve out of the chains of "organic consciousness", and open the door to spiritual Anointing and Absolute-Knowing.  

The fact that Jesus taught the path for others to follow that would open and enlighten their mind's to man's Higher Spiritual Reality, confronts us with the great dilemma that is an obstacle for all of mankind -- i.e., if man in his organic ("natural") state of mind is incapable of comprehending his own higher Soul and Spiritual Reality, then how does the few who have developed and evolved their minds to the level where they can begin to understand, and convey to others the necessary concepts that will help and assist in their advancement?  The dilemma is that while those of an evolved understanding can't openly explain what others need to comprehend in order to begin to mentally advance, the enlightened person must be able to communicate the higher truths that is necessary to advance.  In the words of Clement of Alexandria: “The Lord… allowed us to communicate those Divine Mysteries, and of that holy light, to those who are able to receive them.   He did not certainly disclose to the many what did not belong to the many; but to the few to whom He knew that they belonged, who were capable of receiving and being molded according to them.  But Secret things are entrusted to speech, not to writing as in the case with God.  ...And to him who is able secretly to observe what is delivered to him, that which is veiled shall be disclosed as truth; and what is hidden to the many shall appear manifest to the few”.   The answer to the dilemma is: To convey to others in the allegorical symbols used in what can be portrayed as the Language of the Soul.  What this means is that those who can interpret the meaning of the "veiled" allegorical symbols, will understand the deeper meaning of what is being conveyed. 

What is it that cannot be conveyed to organic man?  What is our true nature and reality?  When questioned: "Jesus answered them, Is it not written in your law, 'I said, You are gods '?" (John 10:34).   If Jesus confirmed the validity of the Law which declared that we are gods, then what is our true nature? When the first century Christian Justin Martyr quoted the 82nd chapter of Psalms, the scriptures he used  read very differently than ours does today:  “God standeth in the congregation of gods”, Justin wrote, "I said, Ye are gods, and are all children of the Most High...” (Dialogue of Justin).   In addition to Justin, this verse is also found translated in this same manner in the pre-Nicene writings of Tertullian, Origen and Cyprian.  Thus, we have the witness of four of the earliest of Christians that “God standeth in the congregation of gods”, when the scriptures are speaking about mankind.  Justin then goes on to explain that all men were made like God, “free from suffering and death, provided that they kept His commandments, and were deemed deserving of the name of His sons, and yet they, becoming like Adam and Eve, work out death for themselves... thereby it is demonstrated that all men are deemed worthy of becoming ‘gods’, and of having power to become sons of the Highest; and shall be each by himself judged and condemned like Adam and Eve”.  This reference of Justin Martyr to Adam and Eve -- and their ability to " out death for themselves", portrays what is incorrectly embraced as Original Sin, when it is in reality the Original Opportunity that is reserved for those who truly understand what is personified in the Genesis account.   Even our very own Bibles at one time more clearly taught this same concept. In the third century 1 John 3:2 read somewhat differently than it does in our present translations. Quoting from Origen’s Contra Celsum we read that “it doth not yet appear what we shall be; but we know that when He shall appear, we shall be like God, and shall see Him as He is”.   With regard to our becoming like God, Origen then writes regarding Matthew 5:48 that “...the virtue of man and of God is identical. And therefore we are taught to become ‘perfect,’ as our Father in heaven is perfect”Thus, we are not only portrayed as being presented with the same choices as Adam and Eve, but these choices provide each of us the ability to " Adam and Eve, work out death for [our]selves".   Which indicated that each of us are being confronted with the same choices presented in the allegorical Genesis account.  And what this means to the detriment of the modern believer, is what Christians believe is (Original) Sin, is in reality an (Original) Opportunity. 

If “...the virtue of man and of God is identical. And therefore we are taught to become ‘perfect,’ as our Father in heaven is perfect”, then how is this perfection achieved?  The great truth that has been continually expressed by both Jewish and Christian visionaries is that the knowledge of the mysteries of God and the Divine Plan begins with the knowledge of ourselves as the Prodigal Sons of our Heavenly Father. It is for this reason that the second-century Church Father Clement of Alexandria said that it is “…the greatest of all lessons to know one's self. For if one knows himself, he will know God; and knowing God, he will be made like God… and that man becomes God, since God so wills”.   And a similar teaching is presented in the Gospel of Thomas where it reads: "...But if you will not know yourselves, you dwell in poverty and it is you who are that poverty".  Which means that the foundation of Knowledge from a Gospel perspective, is Self-Knowledge that develops as the person matures, level upon level of climbing Jacob's Ladder (see Jacob's Ladder ).  With respect to the objectives of this life and the Destiny of mankind, in his treaties on The Soul and the Resurrection, St Gregory writes that “the Resurrection is no other thing than 'the re-constitution of our nature in its original form’”, and states that there will come a time “…when the complete whole of our race shall have been perfected from the first man to the last”.  This statement should provoke great thought in the reader who is under the misconception that our Heavenly Father would destroy or forever cut off one of his sons or daughters who are lost in this world.   If, as St. Gregory states, that the whole of humanity will one day be perfected from the first man to the last, then there are many grave misconceptions on the part of believers today.

How can the entire human race, "...from the first man to the last”, in the Omega of Creation "...shall have been perfected"?   And if this is true, what is the fate of those who fail to keep the commandments of God -- i.e., in the words of Justin: “free from suffering and death, provided that they kept His commandments, and were deemed deserving of the name of His sons"?  The answer to this question is presented in the question that was posed to Jesus by his disciples.   Did the Jews in the first century believe in the pre-existent soul?  Meaning, did your Soul exist prior to your birth into this present life.  The Hastings-Scribner Dictionary Of The Bible (New York, 1903. Bk 4, p. 63) "To affirm that Jews in Christ's time did not believe in pre-existence is simply incorrect" And this ultra-important teaching which was suppressed and even removed from the Gospels, is explored at Soul-Evolution - Reincarnation And Soul-Development .

Under the heading of Original Sin the Wikipedia states: "The doctrine of original sin began to emerge in the 3rd century but only became fully formed with the writings of Augustine of Hippo (354–430), who was the first author to use the phrase 'original sin' (Latin: peccatum originale).[ Augustine's conception of original sin was based on a mistranslated passage in Paul the Apostle's Epistle to the Romans, and scholars have debated whether the passage supports Augustine's view."  It must be noted that what is known as the doctrine of Original Sin does not exist in Judaism, or pre-Nicene Christianity -- and was imported into the Church by Augustine who was a Manichaean before his forced conversion into Christianity -- and when rightly understood, it can best be portrayed as The Original Sin Of The Church .   Of the doctrine, the Wikipedia defines the belief: "Original sin is the Christian doctrine that humans inherit a tainted nature and a proclivity to sin through the fact of birth" -- but this belief of a tainted nature was drawn from Manichaeanism, and has absolutely nothing in common with the Original Gospel teachings (see ).   The doctrine of Original Sin which was imported into the Church has totally undermined the Original Gospel Teachings to the degree that the modern believer has been totally alienated from the purpose and objective of the Gospel teachings.  

Every man and woman is born into this world to bring about a higher reality of mental and spiritual advancement.  What can be portrayed as Original Sin is not "...a tainted nature and a proclivity to sin through the fact of birth" -- but rather, it presents an opportunity to every man and woman to spiritually advance and bring about the subsequent stages of birth.  It can be stated that what is personified as Original Sin, is an allegorical portrayal of a person's failure to embrace and bring about that higher purpose of life as a man or woman which they are presently living.  And when rightly understood, what is allegorically portrayed as the forbidden fruit, is the impressions and thoughts of the divided male and female columns of the Tree of Duality as manifest in the divided Tree of Life (see The Process Of Birth Within The Tree Of Life ) -- and the failure of the male and female to overcome their duality, and enable themselves to be nourished by the fruit of the Tree of Life (see above Spiritual Osmosis And The Narrow Gate ).  And therein lies one of the major problems as seen in the fact that so long as a person continues to read the allegorical scriptures literally/historically, they will fail to understand the great truths that are being presented to the reader.  And this is why Origen was able to state that: “It is sufficient however, to represent in the style of a historic narrative what is intended to convey a secret meaning in the garb of history, that those who have the capacity may work out for themselves all that relates to the subject”  (Origen, Contra Celsum).   

In the (below) subheading entitled The Universal Source Of Knowledge , I present the quotation of the Apostle Peter who agreed with the Church Father Origen and warned with respect to our interpretation of the scriptures: "...therefore great care is to be taken, that when the law of God is read, it be not read according to the understanding of our own mind. For there are many sayings in the divine Scriptures which can be drawn to that sense which every one has preconceived for himself; and this ought not to be done. For you ought not to seek a foreign and extraneous sense, which you have brought from without".   What this means is that the Apostle Peter who learned directly from the man Jesus and himself became Anointed -- upon whom the Church is said to be built -- that Peter warned that there is no organic (human) interpretation of the Book of Genesis that is valid -- and yet,  the vast majority of modern Christians have placed their lives on an interpretation of the doctrine of Original Sin that is based upon and the wisdom of the Iranian prophet Mani as imported into the Church from Manichaeism.  And while it would be a false interpretation that mankind is born under ...a tainted nature and a proclivity to sin through the fact of birth", the account of Adam and Eve holds an ultra-important spiritual meaning that when not understood, totally undermines the very purpose and objective of the life that most people are presently living.  

It is impossible to understand the reality that is presented in the concept of Original Sin if we attempt to read the scriptures from a literal/historical interpretation.  The primary question that must be posed is: What Intelligent Being with super intelligence would hold one person responsible for the sin of another person -- even punishing them forever in what is portrayed as the fires of hell?  Quoting from a pamphlet by the Roman Catholic Church on the fires and suffering of Hell:  "Little child, if you go to hell, there will be a devil at your side to strike you. He will go on striking you every minute forever and ever without stopping. The first strike will make your body as bad as the body of Job, covered from head to foot with sores and ulcers. The second stroke will make your body three times as bad as the body of Job. How, then, will your body be, after the devil has been striking it every moment, for a hundred million years without stopping? Go tomorrow evening at seven o’clock and ask what the child is doing. The devils will come back and say ‘The child is burning’. Go in a million years, and ask the same question. The answer is just the same: ‘it is burning’. So if you go forever and ever, you will always get the same answer, ‘it is burning in the fire’" (see ).

In the Homilies of his disciple Clement, the Apostle Peter portrays the scriptures as the "...books with the power to deceive" -- and those who fail to understand both the traditions of the authors, and the allegorical nature of these writings, from the perception of the original objectives which the scriptures were supposed to bring about, as people who cannot fulfill the purpose and objective of the Gospel Teachings, because they hold "bad beliefs about God".   Does the foregoing Catholic pamphlet on hell portray "bad beliefs about God"?   In making reference to the seductive power of Simon Magus to lead the people in the wrong direction, Peter is quoted in the Homilies of Clement as stating: “And with us, indeed, who have had handed down from our forefathers the worship of the God who made all things, and also the mystery of the books which are able to deceive, he will not prevail; but with those from amongst the Gentiles who have the polytheistic fancy bred in them, and who know not the falsehoods of the Scriptures, he will prevail much. And not only he; but if any other shall recount to those from among the Gentiles any vain, dreamlike, richly set out story against God, he will be believed, because from their childhood their minds are accustomed to take in things spoken against God."  What the Apostle Peter is warning is that those who "...from their childhood their minds are accustomed to take in things spoken against God" such as the Church's doctrine of Original Sin and the fires of hell -- portraying innocent children being born in the sin committed by others -- are incapable of comprehending both the spiritual meaning of the scriptures, as well as the purpose and objective of the very lives they are presently living (see The Folly Of Bad Beliefs About God ).   Which means that the whole of the Christian Church that has embraced the doctrine of Original Sin as based upon the theology of the interpretation of the Manichaeian Iranian prophet Mani, the whole of their religious thinking is gravely flawed -- and is actually a rejection of the Original Gospel Teachings (see ).  And what this also means is that the atheists and non-believers who reject a god that holds infants responsible for the alleged sin of others -- threatening to burn innocent children in hell for eternity -- reject this portrayal of God because they are not idiots who have surrendered their most precious gift of reason.   

While there exists an important answer to these questions, because of the corruption of the Church doctrine and the scriptures, it is virtually impossible for the modern believer to understand the Gospel with any real depth.    So, it can be said that the faith-based religion of the Church has in fact been promoted under a self-imposed Vow Of Ignorance.   And when rational thinkers questioned the often irrationality and required suspension of reason that was championed by Martin Luther, they were condemned as heretics.   By embracing the doctrine of Original Sin as promoted by the Church of Rome, Luther condemned himself to the embodiment of spiritual ignorance as seen when he condemned the very gift of reason that separates man from the brute beasts of the earth -- i.e., “Reason”, writes Luther, “is the greatest enemy that faith has; it never comes to the aid of spiritual things, but - more frequently than not - struggles against the divine Word, treating with contempt all that emanates from God” (Quoted in: The Great Thoughts; compiled by George Seldes).    The result was that the image of God that the Church painted in what came to be known as Calvinism (see The Great Paradox Of Free Will), was nothing less than horrendous and even diabolical.   And while the modern Church has attempted to soften what the Bible states about Predestination, the fact that the body of believers fail to understand the Laws that bring about all events in this world, has immersed the Church itself in a sea of profound spiritual ignorance. 

When the scriptures are turned within your own mind and used as the Key of Knowledge (see ), what is portrayed is the fact that it was not the distant ancestors of mankind named Adam and Eve who ate the fruit of the Tree of Duality -- but what is allegorically portrayed as Adam and Eve that exists within each person's own Mind and Consciousness.   When the scriptures are understood as an allegorical blueprint of your own mind -- with each of us experiencing the division of male and female as allegorically portrayed in the separation of Adam/Male and Eve/Female -- only then can the concept of Original Sin be understood from a rational and intellectually functional perspective.  Which provokes the question: What is truly being mentally and spiritually portrayed in the Creation account of Genesis?  A most important teaching is found in the Gospel of Philip in the words: “When Eve was still with Adam, death did not exist. When she was separated from him, death came into being. If he enters again and attains his former self, death will be no more” (see The Gospel Of Philip ).  When rightly understood, this statement in the Gospel of Philip is no different than if a person was to "...reach out their hand and take also from the tree of life and eat, [they would] live forever" (Gen 3:22-23)  and "'He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says; ...To him who overcomes, I will grant to eat of the tree of life which is in the Paradise of God'" (Rev 2:7).  Thus, death and Original Sin is the failure of each man and woman to embrace Original Opportunity by restoring the duality of Adam and Eve and bring about a condition of At-Onement within their own mind and being. 

In the allegorical Genesis account, what we see is the separation into divided halves of the male and female polarities of mind.  Half the mind remained with the Male or Adam, and the other half became Eve or Female.  It is important to remain cognizant of the reality portrayed in the blueprint of Mind-Wholeness, wherein those mental abilities associated with the the Male-Polarity, became dominant in the male half of the divided genders -- while the mental abilities associated with the Female-Polarity, became dominant in the female half of the divided genders.  And in the same way that an embryo can only be formed with the joining of the male sperm and female ovum, the same is true with respect to the pattern of development of the mind of man. 

What is allegorically portrayed as the Fall of Man and the separation of Male and Female aspects of Mind -- within your own Mind -- which is necessary to bring about the transformative process of growth and development.  Does this mean that traditional marriage is the answer to the separation?  No -- because what is portrayed in the scriptures is the division of Male and Female within your own Mind and Consciousness.  Therefore, the fact that a person is physically married, does not satisfy the restoral of what is personified as Adam and Eve within you.  And yet, man and woman can embrace a Divine Marriage where the two halves are brought together as "one flesh" in body, mind and spirit, as a spiritual catalyst to bring about the necessary Wholeness and Unity of Mind as explored below at The Essence Of A Coverture-Union Marriage .   Many people have chosen celibacy as a means to overcome the duality of their own mind.  If Love is the answer, then it is often easier to love the whole world, than to love a single person.  But, in the case of a Coverture-Union where the Husband and Wife have achieved Oneness, there is no loss of the generative power of bio-energy which equates to true Spiritual Celibacy -- in much the same way where the two halves of the heart function together to sustain Life.  

Each person is born into this world in the divided reality as Man and Woman.  Why, if this divided condition of mind must be overcome?  Thus, a long ignored statement is seen in the words: "For the earnest expectation of the creation eagerly waits for the revealing of the sons of God. For the creation was subjected to futility, not willingly, but because of Him who subjected it in hope; because the creation itself also will be delivered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the children of God. For we know that the whole creation groans and labors with birth pangs together until now" (Rom 8:19-22).   Take especial notice of the words:  "...For the creation was subjected to futility, not willingly, but because of Him who subjected it  ...For we know that the whole creation groans and labors with birth pangs together until now" Matthew 24:8, where the King James Bible states that Armageddon is the "…beginning of sorrows"; the New Living Translation states it as "…the beginning of the horrors to come"; with the correct and little used interpretation by those who stand on our street corners proclaiming that we should repent being found in the Revised Standard Version where it reads that "…all this is but the beginning of the birth-pangs".  Thus, what can be spiritually portrayed as Original Sin which was superficially imposed upon man by virtue of the Natural Laws -- i.e., "...For the creation was subjected to futility, not willingly, but because of Him who subjected it" --  because the separation which was imposed upon man by the Laws of God, is necessary in order to bring about the subsequent stages of birth, so that "...the creation itself also will be delivered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the children of God. For we know that the whole creation groans and labors with birth pangs together until now"  Therefore, in order to bring about this higher spiritual objective, every single man and woman is held accountable if they fail to bring Adam/Man and Eve/Woman into a Restored Condition of Oneness, in order to bring about the next subsequent stage of birth.  And this ultra-important teaching has been preserved in the Gospel of Thomas in the words: "Jesus said to them, When you make the two one, and when you make the inside like the outside and the outside like the inside, and the above like the below, and when you make the male and the female one and the same, so that the male not be male nor the female female; ...then will you enter the kingdom."  Therefore, the resolution to what is portrayed as Original Sin is not complacent belief that the historical man Jesus attained the next subsequent stages of birth -- but rather, that all of mankind embrace the spiritual process and themselves restore the divided Adam and Eve within themselves, and bring about the next subsequent stages of birth. 

Was this process of Restoral and Birth the foundation of the Original Gospel teachings?  That this process of Restoration and Birth was a core Gospel teaching in the first century prior to the Gospels being corrupted by the Church, is easily demonstrated and proven in a quotation from the Second Epistle of Clement where he wrote to the Christian congregations: “Let us expect, therefore, hour by hour, the kingdom of God in love and righteousness, since we know not the day of the appearing of God. For the Lord Himself, being asked by one when His kingdom would come, replied, 'When two shall be one, that which is without as that which is within, and the male with the female, neither male nor female’”.   Thereby fulfilling the statement: "Assuredly, I say to you, there are some standing here who shall not taste death till they see the Son of Man coming in His kingdom" (Matt 16:28).  As stated in the Gospel of Philip: "Those who say that first they shall die and (then) they shall arise are confused. If they do not first receive the resurrection (while) they live, they will not receive anything (when) they die"    Therefore, it is impossible to fulfill the requirements of the Gospels without first fulfilling the teaching of Jesus when he stated: "When you make the two one, and when you make the inside like the outside and the outside like the inside, and the above like the below, and when you make the male and the female one and the same, so that the male not be male nor the female female; ...then will you enter the kingdom."   And it is for this reason that the narrow path of TheWay is portrayed as difficult that few find -- i.e., regardless of what your pastor, minister, priest, clergy or inspired preacher tells you, if you fail to find the "narrow gate that is difficult and which leads to life, and only the very few ever find it" that permits entrance into the Kingdom within you (Luke 17:20-21) while you are still alive in the physical body, you will have walked the broad-way that is walked by the multitudes to their own self-destruction.   The Gospel of Thomas opens with the profound statement: And [Jesus} said, "Whoever finds the interpretation of these sayings will not experience death."   The only way to find the meaning of the above statement with respect to overcoming the male/female columns of Duality of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, is to remerge what is allegorically personified as Adam and Eve into their original condition of Adam/Eve, and eat the Life-Giving Fruit in the Center of the Tree of Life ( ).   Which means that to "find the interpretation of these saying", the seeker/disciple must bring about the next stage of birth by  "making the two one, and when you make the inside like the outside and the outside like the inside, and the above like the below, and when you make the male and the female one and the same, so that the male not be male nor the female female; ...then will you enter the kingdom."  What Clement -- the disciple of Peter who is claimed by the Church as the fourth pope in succession of Peter -- is stating in accord with the Original teachings is that when the seeker/believer brings this condition about within their own Mind and Being, that the predicted and expected Kingdom will come within them as promised -- as stated in Jesus' teachings on the Key of Knowledge (see The Third Fatal Mistake - Not Proving The Truth).

It is important to recognize that when Clement wrote the above teaching in his Epistle to a congregation of Christians, he did so in the expectation that the people to whom he was writing would understand the great truths he was presenting to them.   That the Kingdom or End Times would and could only come when "...two shall be one, that which is without as that which is within, and the male with the female, neither male nor female’”.   And the fact that this statement that is in the Gospel of Thomas and was contained in a first century Epistle from an elder to a congregation of believers in that time-frame, could not be contained and understood in a letter or epistle to a congregation today, is merely one example of the fact that the dogma and thinking of the modern Church has virtually nothing in common with the original teachings of Jesus known as TheWay (see The Original Teachings Have Nothing In Common With Church Dogma ).   Which provokes the question: Has the requirements to enter the Kingdom changed in order to accommodate the dogmatic corruption of the Church?   Has Truth and Higher Spiritual Reality been discarded and thrown away, because the Church threw this body of essential Knowledge pertaining to the Coming of the Kingdom away?   Or, does modern Christians dwell in a self-imposed Diaspora of abject Spiritual Ignorance which was brought about by the massive corruption of the scriptures (see ), and the suppression of the body of essential knowledge that is necessary to restore the lost prodigal son to his rightly place in the Edenic Kingdom of Origination.


Our Soul or True-Self dwells in a Twelve-Dimensional Higher Reality wherein the polarities of Positive/Male and Negative/Female are Self-Contained -- and as a Being of pure intellectual energy (see ), does not have a gender or race.  And therein lies the problem as seen in the fact that all growth and development is brought about through the interactions of opposites -- and in this three-dimensional realm, we are born as one or the other polarity of male or female -- and Original Sin is the failure to bring the male and female trees of duality into the Center of the Tree of Life.   When our divided reality of mind is recognized -- and each of is has the ability to unite with our opposite and overcome our limitations and division -- it can properly be portrayed as the Original Sin that as a divided man or woman that each person is born into, we have the potential to overcome and prevail over our birth into duality.  Further, in this respect we can correctly portray the Original Gospel Teachings of Jesus as the means to heal and overcome the Original Sin of Division and Duality -- but this is only true if we follow and embrace the teachings of Jesus by doing as he taught, by picking up our own Cross and travailing in TheWay (see The Cross You Must Bear To Your Own Crucifixion ).  Only when the spiritual meaning of the crucifixion and the Cross is understood, and applied daily to every thought and action, can the duality of Original Sin be negated in the life of the person.  Therefore, when Jesus said: "If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me" (Luke 9:23), Jesus did not say that you must believe that he was crucified.  What Jesus actually stated is that you must "come after [him]" by taking up [your own] cross daily" -- i.e., DAILY -- and with your own cross, you must bring about and submit to your own crucifixion -- DAILY.  But what does this entail?  It is important to recognize that the belief in the cross, as an event in the life of the historical man Jesus, does not in any manner equate to taking up your own cross and carrying it to your own crucifixion.  Thus, while our knowledge of the cross that each person must carry is crucial, few Christians possess the in-depth knowledge to understand the symbolism and meaning -- especially when they rely upon the historical image of the crucifix that portrays the Cross in an historical context that is relevant only to the historical man Jesus.  Which means that it is the condition of Original Sin which portrays the separation and duality of the Male and Female realities of Mind as personified in the symbolism of the divided Adam and Eve -- has imbued each person with a type of blindness to his own higher Soul-Reality -- and it is the Gospel teachings on The Cross which overcomes the condition of blindness caused by Original Sin of duality as personified in the Tree of Duality (Knowledge of Good and Evil) -- and Original Sin portrays the condition of duality as personified in Eve's separation from Adam -- then the crucifixion is achieved when man overcomes his own divided natures as presented in the teaching of Jesus in the Gospel of Thomas(see The Gospel Enigma That Modern Christians Can't Comprehend ): "Jesus said to them, When you make the two one, and when you make the inside like the outside and the outside like the inside, and the above like the below, and when you make the male and the female one and the same, so that the male not be male nor the female female; ...then will you enter the kingdom."   When the male and female spheres within your own mind are At-One -- and Wholeness is brought about -- then you have overcome the Original Sin of the Tree of Duality.   

Wholeness is achieved by Connecting-Consciousness -- overcoming the Duality of Male and Female -- overcoming the duality of our Earthly-Self and our Higher Soul-Self -- and ultimately Connecting the Consciousness of our Self with the Indwelling Logos/Word/Mind/Son of God.  The Original Objective of the Scriptures is to achieve this Inner Wholeness.  As presented at TheCall To The Wedding Banquette , what is portrayed as the Wedding Garment is in reality the preparatory transformation necessary to initiate the process of Connecting of Consciousness in pursuit of overcoming man's inherent inner division and duality.   Mankind is the Fourth Kingdom that is the balance between the upper three heavenly kingdoms and the lower three earthly kingdoms -- which must be Unified and brought into the Center by the Male and Female realities of Mind as personified in the image of the pattern of the Tree of Life as portrayed at the right and explored at .  The Tree of Duality is then the division of Male/Adam and Female/Eve, and the division of the upper Heavenly and the lower Earthly Kingdoms.  And having been born divided as either a Male or Female, each person has inherited this Duality that they must overcome as personified in the formula in the teaching preserved in the Gospel of Thomas (see .  When Jesus taught that "...when you make the male and the female one and the same, so that the male not be male nor the female female; ...then will you enter the kingdom" -- what Jesus was in fact stating was that when you overcome the inherited Original Sin of the duality of Adam/Man and Eve/Woman, that you will be restored to the Edenic Kingdom.  And that this is well within the ability of all mankind to achieve is demonstrated in the statement: "They that are whole have no need of the physician, but they that are sick: I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance" (Mark 2:17).   Before this verse can be understood we must first understand what it means to be Whole.   Which provokes the question: How is Wholeness achieved?   Contrary to the dogma of the modern Church, if Jesus is the savior who every person needs for salvation, then Jesus himself said the Church was wrong, and those who are Whole do not need him.  And as a physician, Jesus did not come for the salvation of those who are Whole, but only for those who are sick and in need of a physician.   And in total opposition to Church dogma, what this also means is that at the time the historical man Jesus walked the face of the earth, there existed people who he portrayed as "whole [and] righteous" who did not need Jesus the physician.  Jesus openly states that his mission as a spiritual physician is not for them, because they achieved the necessary Wholeness without him. 

Does everyone need Jesus as the modern Christian maintains?  Do Christians achieve salvation by merely calling on the name of the Lord?  While Jesus himself said that those who had achieved Wholeness did not need him as a spiritual physician -- i.e., They that are whole have no need of the physician..." -- and that with effort, all of mankind is capable of achieving a condition that Jesus portrayed as "whole [and] righteous", which means that these people who did achieve Wholeness, were not sick, and in Jesus' own words were not in need of him (Jesus) as a physician to heal them.   Which means that the whole foundation of modern Church dogma is man-made and in error.  In the Homilies of Clement Peter is further quoted as stating "Since, therefore, both to the Hebrews and to those who are called from the Gentiles, believing in the teachers of truth is of God, while excellent actions are left to every one to do by his own judgment, the reward is righteously bestowed upon those who do well. For there would have been no need of Moses, or of the coming of Jesus, if of themselves they would have understood what is reasonable. Neither is there salvation in believing in teachers and calling them lords”.   The fact that Jesus himself stated that there are those who achieved Wholeness without him -- and do not need a physician -- confirms the statement of Peter that "...For there would have been no need of Moses, or of the coming of Jesus, if of themselves they would have understood what is reasonable".  If you understand what is (allegorically) portrayed in the scriptures, and apply them as the Key of Knowledge (see The Application Of The Key Of Knowledge ), then you are able to achieve the necessary Wholeness that overcomes the condition of birth that has been portrayed by the Church as Original Sin.  Moreover, Peter is also correct when he stated that "...Neither is there salvation in believing in teachers and calling them lords”, in the manner of the modern Christian.

Thus, the all-important question: What, then, are you connecting in the above teaching of Jesus?  You are connecting the person you are in this world with your inner eternal Soul-Self -- by connecting the lower self of the three earthly kingdoms, with your higher self of the upper three heavenly kingdoms -- and this is accomplished by the male and opposite female spheres of mind coming together to overcome the duality of mind of the ego-self that inhibits the transformative process of mental-expansion and spiritual-deepening.   And when rightly understood, all of life can be defined as an opportunity to Connect Consciousness in pursuit of acquiring the vision and perception that provides us the experiential knowledge that brings about growth and development of Mind.  When Jesus explained to his disciples why he was able to speak differently to them, then he did with the multitudes of people who came to hear him, he stated: “Unto you it is given to know the mystery of the kingdom of God: but unto them that are outside, all these things are done in parables: That seeing they may see, and not perceive; and hearing they may hear, and not understand” (Mark 4:11-12).  Unlike the multitudes who were not prepared to overcome the inner duality that inhibited them from Connecting in Consciousness, the multitude of people could only be taught in parables which the vast majority could not comprehend the spiritual meaning of -- i.e., "And with many such parables He spoke the word to them as they were able to hear it.  But without a parable He did not speak to them. And when they were alone, He explained all things to His disciples" (Mark 4:33-34).  

When rightly understood, the whole of the Gospel teachings is focused on the process of Connecting in Consciousness in pursuit of overcoming mankind's own inherent inner duality that caused the lost prodigal son to dwell in the "outer darkness" of the Far Country.  Thereby causing him to be a prisoner of Plato's Cave.  And when it is recognized that failure to Connect in Consciousness is inherent in all of mankind, it can properly be recognized as man's Original Sin that consigns him to the hells of this world.  In fact, all of man's trials and tribulations -- all of man's evils -- all of man's ignorance -- can be portrayed as the Original Sin of his failure to Connect in Consciousness in pursuit of bringing about the condition of Wholeness of Mind and Being -- i.e., "They that are whole have no need of the physician, but they that are sick: I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance" (Mark 2:17).   

Consciousness requires Energy or Bio-Energy -- vital-life-force upon which Consciousness manifests.  Energy requires a Positive/Male and Negative/Female Polarity that is brought together to manifest the Third-Force of Consciousness.  Our True or Higher Soul-Self is a Being of Light, because it is a twelve-dimensional being wherein the polarities of Male/Female are Self-Contained.  What does Self-Contained mean?  It means that the polarities of Male and Female are functioning together within the One in a similar fashion as the two sides of the heart perform together to flawlessly move life-giving blood throughout the Whole Body. 

In the same way that the contraction of the two atrium chambers of the heart initiate the contraction in the ventricles of the heart, in this divided reality every action initiates a reactive-action in its opposite polarity.  Which from the higher perspective of mankind wherein the pattern of the complexity of mind is manifest in the pattern of the Tree of Life,  it means that every word, and every action you make, initiates an opposite polarity-action that MUST BE BALANCED IN THE CENTER OF THE TREE OF LIFE.  When balance and wholeness is achieved, then growth and development is brought about.  When the active and reflective opposites cannot be balanced within one's own self, then the action becomes externalized -- which in the parable of the prodigal son, is portrayed as the squandering away of the inheritance on "riotous living".   But because the loss or externalization of the bio-energy is stamped with what can be portrayed as the imprint of our Spiritual DNA, it MUST return back to us -- and this process can and does continue until Wholeness and Completion is achieved. 

Our Soul cannot directly incarnate into this three-dimensional world, because the higher twelve-dimensions of consciousness that polarities of male and female cannot be manifest in a self-contained physical body.   And this is why in the allegorical account of Genesis, Mankind would be represented as AdamEve -- with Eve (Negative-Polarity) representing one half of the Mind that was drawn from the side of Adam (Positive-Polarity), portraying a condition of a divided Whole.   Why?  Why was the Mind of the Soul divided in half -- with each half seeing and understanding all of mankind's reality from an opposite and very different perspective?  Because our True-Self -- our Higher Soul-Self -- is a Being of Light (see ) that dwells in a twelve-dimensional realm where the polarities of Male and Female are Self-Contained.  And it is this Higher Soul-Self that is the true being that we are as portrayed in the adage to Know Thyself (see ) -- i.e., as stated in the Gospel of Thomas: "(3) Jesus said ...But if you will not know yourselves, you dwell in poverty and it is you who are that poverty".  Which means that (1) there is no such thing as a male or female Soul; and the (2) primary purpose of sexual intercourse is to bring about a Connection in Consciousness between the two halves of the Mind -- and this Connection is brought about through the exchange of DNA between the two halves of the Whole, that enables the two halves of the One-Self to interact and bring about growth and development of Mind and Spirit.   Which means that procreation is a byproduct of the sexual union of man and woman -- and is not the primary purpose which is to bring about the possibility of the restoration of Wholeness, that is the key to the development and higher evolution of the Mind. 








The Universal Source Of Knowledge


Accessing The Universal Source Of Knowledge: Once again we can use the words of the scientist to explain the mysteries of Creation.  What Nikola Tesla stated was that mankind has the ability to tap into a Universal Source that possesses all the Knowledge of all the Mysteries of Life and Creation.  And in the same way that Nikola Tesla correctly stated above that "If you wish to understand the Universe you must think terms of frequency and vibration", -- which is basically the same thing that Pythagoras stated in 570 BCE.  And he was again correct in his position that if you desire your mind to be able to tap into the Source of Universal Knowledge, then you must enable your mind to vibrate at the Frequency that opens the door to this Higher Source of Knowledge that he Intuitively recognizes.  But then we must understand the reality of Intuitive -- which is to draw knowledge from a deeper Source of Consciousness within one's own mind.  But the same reality was portrayed by Ralph Waldo Emerson in his Essay on the Oversoul where it is stated in the Wikipedia presents the conclusions that  (1) the human soul is immortal, and immensely vast and beautiful; (2) our conscious ego is slight and limited in comparison to the soul, despite the fact that we habitually mistake our ego for our true self; (3) at some level, the souls of all people are connected, though the precise manner and degree of this connection is not spelled out" (see The Soul - Thomas Paine's Rights Of Man And Emerson's Oversoul  ).  Thus, modern science has begun to acknowledge that a person can develop their inward-looking attributes of mind and transform the "frequency and vibration" of their mind and consciousness, and begin to tap into that inner level where "the souls of all people are connected" to a Universal Source of Knowledge. 

Einstein made reference to man's ability to draw upon an Inner Source of Knowledge when he wrote: "The intuitive (inward-looking) mind is a sacred gift and the rational (outward-looking) mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift."  And therein lies the problem that has flat-lined our mental and spiritual development.  There exists two ultra-important opposite foundational paradigms of human consciousness which is based upon the premise: (1) Is an infant's mind empty -- i.e., a blank slate -- and in need of being filled with the wisdom and knowledge of mankind?  (2) Or, is every infant an extension of an inner un-manifest source of Higher Mind and Consciousness that many portray as our True or Soul-Self?   Your answer to these questions sets the framework for the whole of your thinking and search for Truth.   When Einstein was portraying the Intuitive mind as a sacred gift, he was making reference to man's ability to tap into an inner source of knowledge that transcends all linear-rational thought and knowledge.  In the words of Nikola Tesla: “But instinct (intuition) is something which transcends knowledge. We have, undoubtedly, certain finer fibers that enable us to perceive truths when logical deduction, or any other willful effort of the brain, is futile.”   Yet, academia attempts to teach students by a curriculum that not only ignores all intuitive insights, but actually suppresses those areas of mind that has the ability to tap into the inner Source of Knowledge is beyond the perceptive-comprehension of the linear-thinking mind.  Thereby totally flat-lining the mental development of the student to evolve their thinking and understanding beyond organic consciousness. 

An ultra-important statement by Einstein with respect to man's intellectual development when he said: “We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.”   If each person is born with a source of knowledge imbedded at the core of his consciousness -- and our process of education impairs the development of those (intuitive) spheres of mind that are designed to access and retrieve this inner source of knowledge is suppressed by academia's over-development of the outward-looking linear spheres of mind -- then the human condition cannot be changes so long as we continue to educate our children and students in the manner we are at present.  Does one go to a traditional school environment that suppresses what Einstein portrays as the forgotten intuitive gift -- while programming the rational servant with what often amounts to little more than cultural and politically correct propaganda?   With great wisdom and vision Einstein stated "Only those who can see the invisible can do the impossible."    But since the vast majority of modern scientists reject even the existence of the invisible -- promoting the position that only what you see with your physical senses is tangible and real -- it is the mainstream of the scientific community that has rendered itself impotent with respect to any real depth of perception and understanding. 


The Limitations Of Science: Can science supply the answers to life?  The answer to this question is dependent upon your own understanding of investigative research.  What most people portray as scientific investigation is in reality dogmatic scientism that is based upon predetermined limitations of inquiry.  Scientism can be defined as being based upon a partial investigation -- an investigation with predefined limitations, based upon a pre-determined ideology -- i.e.,  " ideology that promotes science as the only objective means by which society should determine normative and epistemological values" (see Wikipedia).  The word "epistemological" would portray both the theory and source of knowledge.    In the article Science versus Scientism it is stated: "Scientism is a dogmatic ideology which presumes that 'science,' in the narrower sense of the word, has the answers to all questions. For believers in scientism the claims of metaphysics are invalid and have no bearing on reality. The physical cosmos is all there is. There is nothing but three dimensions (or four if we include time as a dimension) which are perceived with our five senses. This is all there is and this is therefore all that is worth studying."   A valid research inquiry can be portrayed as an "A" to "Z" investigation.  Scientism has dogmatically declared that only an "A" to "P" (physical) constitutes a valid inquiry. 

By this definition, scientism can be envisioned and likened as having made a partial investigation in declaring that the source of the electricity that powers a person's home is in the main circuit breaker box.   Growing up in Brooklyn, the home I lived in had an electric feed that was piped underground into the main circuit breaker box.  From the perspective of scientism, the feed coming into my home would have been declared metaphysical.  Because I could not see the source of electrical power beyond the main circuit breaker box, scientism declares that it does not exist.  Scientism excludes and ignores whatever is not three-dimensional and physical.  @@@

When the emerging body of modern cutting-edge science is understood, faith in science can be correctly portrayed to an ostrich that hides it's head in the sands of man-made dogma.  Why?  Because an emerging body of modern cutting-edge scientists have

 proven the wisdom of the mystics to be true, and the greater  body of those who cling to science simply remain in denial of the facts presented.  How can they admit that modern science has proven the analogy of Plato's Cave to be correct?  Which means that mankind is a prisoner in a world where he is blind to the source, and is only able to see the projected shadow-images that nature dances before him -- images which mystics who have worked hard to develop the latent aspects of mind that enables them to see the Source, portrays as illusions. 

In the words of Nobel Prize winner in Physics Niels Bohr:  “Everything we call real is made of things that cannot be regarded as real. If quantum mechanics hasn't profoundly shocked you, you haven't understood it yet.”  Can we portray a shadow-image real?  While totally ignoring the Source of that image in the manner of the high-priests of Scientism (see Science Vs Scientism ) who masquerade as scientific investigators?  This statement of Niels Bohr is perhaps clarified by Werner Karl Heisenberg who was a German theoretical physicist, and one of the key pioneers of quantum mechanics, where he stated “The smallest units of matter are not physical objects in the ordinary sense; they are forms, ideas which can be expressed unambiguously only in mathematical language.”   Which confirms the mathematical wisdom of Pythagoras. Giordano Bruno and G.I. Gurdjieff, as portrayed in the words of Nikola Tesla who stated that "If you wish to understand the universe, think of energy, frequency and vibration".  And the recognition that it has long been acknowledged by the mystics that can see what lies beyond the limitations of the organic consciousness of mankind that if you want to see the Source, then you must develop and change the frequency and vibration of your own mind in order to see and understand what is beyond the perceptive-vision of organic (carnal) man.  The foregoing statements of Niels Bohr and Karl Heisenberg is further confirmed in the words of Max Planck who is portrayed as the originator of modern quantum theories and one of the most important physicists of the late 19th and early 20th centuries, winning the Nobel Prize in Physics, who explained: “All matter originates and exists only by virtue of a force which brings the particle of an atom to vibration and holds this most minute solar system of the atom together. We must assume behind this force the existence of a conscious and intelligent mind. This mind is the matrix of all matter.”  Further explaining that: “I regard consciousness as fundamental. I regard matter as derivative from consciousness.”  And these findings of the physicists confirm that what man sees as concrete matter, is a projected thought of a "conscious and intelligent mind" that the mystic and spiritual visionary portrays as God.  Thus, that we exist in the Mind of God, and to even begin to contemplate the Higher Reality of Creator-God and our relationship thereof, we must understand the statement in one of the most ignored Gospel verses in the New Testament where mankind is portrayed not only as the offspring of God, but as dwelling within the Mind of God -- i.e., “‘For in him we live and move and have our being.’ As some of your own poets have said, ‘We are his offspring’” (Acts 17:28).    Put this together with the statement by  astronomer James Jeans that: “Today there is a wide measure of agreement… that the stream of knowledge is heading towards a non-mechanical reality; the universe begins to look more like a great thought than like a great machine”; and the statement by astronomer Arthur Eddington: “The stuff of the universe is mind-stuff”  More recently,  described as “an intelligent universe” whose apparent concreteness is generated by cosmic data from an unknowable, organized source.   The holographic theory says that: “…our brains mathematically construct hard reality by interpreting frequencies from a dimension transcending time and space.   The brain is a hologram, interpreting a holographic universe.”   (Cyberneticist David Foster).  What is being stated is that the images that each person sees that appears to them as concrete matter, is actually thought-forms that your physical brain is interpreting in the manner that you see it.  Which confirms the position of physicist Niels Bohr when he warned that “…The great extension of our experience in recent years has brought to light the insufficiency of our simple mechanical conceptions and, as a consequence, has shaken the foundation on which the customary interpretation of observation was based.”   Which further supports the statement of William A. Tiller who cautioned: “The present scientific establishment has grown somewhat fossilized by its current world picture and is locked into a view of reality that has outlived its usefulness. It has begun to limit mankind’s growth and has so increased its sense of specialization, separateness, materiality, and mechanical computer-like functioning that it is in real danger of self-extermination” (William A. Tiller, Materials Sciences Department, Stanford University).

Bell's Theorem proves the inadequacies of science.  Quoting the Widipedia article on Bell's Theorem: "The title of Bell's seminal article refers to the 1935 paper by Einstein, Podolsky and Rosen that challenged the completeness of quantum mechanics.  ...After the EPR paper, quantum mechanics was in an unsatisfactory position: either it was incomplete, in the sense that it failed to account for some elements of physical reality".   What is being stated is that the primary focus of science where only what was seen with one's physical eyes, has now been rendered inadequate and incomplete -- it being focused totally on observable matter -- because the emerging body of facts and evidence now demonstrates that what we perceive physically, is a projection from an UNSEEN Source where True Reality exists.  Which provokes the question: What is being projected?  Again, in the words of Niels Bohr:  “Everything we call real is made of things that cannot be regarded as real. If quantum mechanics hasn't profoundly shocked you, you haven't understood it yet.”  Why?   Thus, the statement by astronomer James Jeans: “Today there is a wide measure of agreement… that the stream of knowledge is heading towards a non-mechanical reality; the universe begins to look more like a great thought than like a great machine”; and the statement by astronomer Arthur Eddington: “The stuff of the universe is mind-stuff” -- both demonstrate the reality that there is nothing but Projected Thought.   Which means that you are a thought that is being projected in this world by your True-Self that dwells in the reality of an UNSEEN CAUSAL FIELD -- i.e., “Bell’s theorem not only suggests that the world is quite different than it seems, it demands it. Something very exciting is happening. Physicists have ‘proved’ rationally that our rational ideas about the world in which we live are profoundly deficient”. The Dancing Wu Li Masters by Gary Zukav.

To even begin to understand the problem, we must first pose the question: What is the domain of science?  A simple definition is that Science is the study of things by observation and experiment. The observation and experimentation must be repeatable – peer-reviewable -- in order to be dependable.  Therefore, by definition, science has proven that it is incapable of providing any meaningful answers to life.  Why?  In an article Things That Science Can't Explain by Dr. Claude Swanson writes: "There are many things modern science cannot explain, and yet they occur anyway. This includes phenomena in the "hard sciences" as well as in the paranormal. These effects are now being proven in the laboratory, even though they defy present scientific theory. These unfolding mysteries point the way to a new, deeper science, a science which no longer denies spirit and consciousness, but acknowledges and embraces them.  In the past three decades scientific evidence has accumulated showing that the present scientific paradigm is broken." 

Because of the self-imposed limitations imposed upon science, science has declared itself factually disenfranchised, intellectually barren and impotent.  How can I make such a statement?  In the words of Nikola Tesla: "If you wish to understand the Universe you must think terms of frequency and vibration".  When I use the word Creation, I am portraying the universe as a great symphony that is being orchestrated by both Seen and Unseen Forces and Laws that come together to play the Great Symphony of Life.   Therefore, because of the self-imposed limitations, science can be likened to a four string instrument with three of the strings removed.  Taking this analogy one step further: Science is like a Sitar where only the sympathetic strings are seen and acknowledged.  What is a sympathetic string on a musical instrument?  They are strings that are not directly played -- i.e., in general, non-played strings respond in sympathy to other strings that are being played.  And therein lies the self-imposed limitations of science that has rendered it incapable of providing any real answers to the realities of life.   Modern cutting-edge science has proven that what we physically see and interact with is being moved sympathetically, by a corresponding force that our organic consciousness cannot normally see or directly interact with.  In the analogy of Plato's Cave, the sympathetic images that we see and interact with, are portrayed as shadow-images that are being danced upon a wall of a cave that we mistakenly assume and believe to be the real thing.   In applying the statement of Nikola Tesla: The physical or concrete objects that mankind observes and interact with in this realm, is in reality incomplete shadow-images that are moved in sympathy with a Source that is beyond our organic ability to detect.  And therein lies the problem that plagues all of mankind in the reality that to understand the shadow-image that you see, you must understand the Source-Image that you don't see.  In the words of Socrates: “Most people, including ourselves, live in a world of relative ignorance. We are even comfortable with that ignorance, because it is all we know. When we first start facing truth, the process may be frightening, and many people run back to their old lives. But if you continue to seek truth, you will eventually be able to handle it better. In fact, you want more! It's true that many people around you now may think you are weird or even a danger to society, but you don't care. Once you've tasted the truth, you won't ever want to go back to being ignorant.”


Additional Compiled spiritual insights from scientists, including some of the greatest physicists of all time. If anyone assumes that spirituality and science are incompatible, this compilation of quotes will hopefully demonstrate that is not an accurate assumption.

"Whenever I give a lecture on quantum physics, I feel as if I am talking on Vedanta. I studied matter for the last 35 years, only to find out that it does not exist!" ~ Hans-Peter Dürr (world-renowned nuclear physicist)


“I regard consciousness as fundamental. I regard matter as derivative from consciousness. We cannot get behind consciousness. Everything that we talk about, everything that we regard as existing, postulates consciousness.” ~ Max Planck (Originator of quantum theory, which revolutionized human understanding of atomic and subatomic processes; Nobel Prize in Physics in 1918)


“Consciousness cannot be accounted for in physical terms. For consciousness is absolutely fundamental. It cannot be accounted for in terms of anything else.  The total number of minds in the universe is one. In fact, consciousness is a singularity phasing within all beings. Consciousness is never experienced in the plural, only in the singular. Not only has none of us ever experienced more than one consciousness, but there is also no trace of evidence of this ever happening anywhere in the world.” ~ Erwin Schrödinger (One of the founders of quantum theory; developed a number of fundamental results; Nobel Prize in Physics in 1933)

"The first gulp from the glass of natural sciences will turn you into an atheist, but at the bottom of the glass God is waiting for you. If you look into the subatomic realm, you discover that our world consists of spiritual structures of incredible beauty." ~ Werner Heisenberg (One of the key pioneers of quantum mechanics; Winner of the 1932 Nobel Prize in Physics)


"Thought is creating divisions out of itself and then saying that they are there naturally. Deep down the consciousness of mankind is one. This is a certainty; and if we don't see this, it's because we are blinding ourselves to it.  The notion that we are all separately existent fragments is evidently an illusion, and this illusion cannot do other than lead to endless conflict and confusion." ~ David Bohm  (one of the most significant physicists of the 20th century; contributed unorthodox ideas to quantum theory & neuropsychology)

"Everything we call real is made of things that cannot be regarded as real.  If quantum mechanics hasn't profoundly shocked you, you haven't understood it yet." ~ Niels Bohr  (Made foundational contributions to understanding atomic structure and quantum theory, for which he received the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1922)

"Concerning matter, we have been all wrong. What we have called matter is energy, whose vibration has been so lowered as to be perceptible to the senses. There is no matter.  Time does not exist – we invented it. Time is what the clock says.  Time and space are not conditions in which we live, but modes by which we think.  The more I learn of physics, the more I am drawn to metaphysics. I’m not an atheist. The problem involved is too vast for our limited minds. We are in the position of a little child entering a huge library filled with books in many languages. The child knows someone must have written those books." ~ Albert Einstein  (Developed the theory of relativity - one of the two pillars of modern physics (alongside quantum mechanics); won the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1921)

"The laws of nature are written by the hand of God in the language of mathematics." ~ Galileo Galilei (Considered the "father of observational astronomy", even "father of modern physics / science"; made major contributions to the fields of physics, astronomy, cosmology, mathematics and philosophy)

“This most beautiful system of the sun, planets and comets, could only proceed from the counsel and dominion of an intelligent and powerful Being."

~ Isaac Newton (Key figure in the scientific revolution; laid the foundations of classical mechanics; formulated the laws of motion and universal gravitation that formed the dominant scientific viewpoint; widely recognized as one of the most influential scientists of all time)


“My brain is only a receiver, there is a core from which we obtain knowledge, strength and inspiration. I have not penetrated into the secrets of this core, but I know that it exists.  The Buddhist expresses it in one way, the Christian in another, but both say the same: We are all one.” 

~ Nikola Tesla  (Electrical engineer, mechanical engineer, physicist; considered one of the greatest inventors in history; sometimes regarded as the most outstanding genius of all time; Einstein once called him the most intelligent person on the planet)


"Looking for consciousness in the brain is like looking inside a radio for the announcer." ~ Nassim Haramein  (Physicist; Founder of groundbreaking theories, published papers and patented inventions in unified physics, which are now gaining worldwide recognition and acceptance)

"We have to recognize that we are spiritual beings with souls existing in a spiritual world as well as material beings with bodies and brains existing in a material world.  At our death the brain goes, but divine guidance and love continues.  Science and religion are very much alike. The appearance of a conflict is a result of ignorance.  I maintain that the human mystery is incredibly demeaned by scientific reductionism, with its claim in promissory materialism to account eventually for all of the spiritual world in terms of patterns of neuronal activity. This belief must be classed as a superstition." ~ John Carew Eccles  (Neurophysiologist who won the 1963 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for his work on the synapse)


“A bit of science distances one from God, but much science nears one to Him.  The more I study nature, the more I stand amazed at the work of the Creator.” ~ Louis Pasteur (Influential microbiologist and chemist; one of the most important founders of modern bacteriology and medical microbiology)

"In my most extreme fluctuations I have never been an atheist in the sense of denying the existence of a God.  I may say that the extreme difficulty or rather impossibility of conceiving that this immense and wonderful universe, including our conscious selves, arose as the result of blind chance or necessity, seems to me the chief argument for the existence of God. When thus reflecting I feel compelled to look to a first cause having an intelligent mind in some degree analogous to that of man; and I deserve to be called a theist."

~ Charles Darwin (Revolutionary naturalist, biologist and geologist; best known for his contributions to the science of evolution) 


"What is right is not always popular, and what is popular is not always right" Albert Einstein





The Scientific Revolution:


Nikola Tesla made note a great truth when he stated: “If you wish to understand the Universe think of energy, frequency and vibration.“    Pythagoras stated a similar truth when he portrayed the frequency of music as a means and catalyst for the person to connect to their Divine Nature.  Quoting the Monroe Institute (see ): "For over 50 years the Monroe Institute has been welcoming consciousness explorers from all over the world. Our nondogmatic experiential approach allows you to pursue your own personal exploration of human consciousness. Monroe programs include the use of Monroe Sound Science along with exercises to target specific states of consciousness."  Going one step further, Pythagoras performed what he called “soul-adjustments” -- using various intervals of harmonic ratios as a medicine for dis-eases of the body, the emotions, and the opening of the mind to the healing and higher reality of the Soul.  Pythagoras also stated that (1) the Soul lives many lives in its development; (2) he also taught the importance of the Feminine-Intuitive mind.  Quoting the Wikipedia: "Pythagoras holds that his mother, wife and daughters were part of his inner circle.  Women were given equal opportunity to study as Pythagoreans and learned practical domestic skills in addition to philosophy".   In the words of Jonas Salk, “Intuition will tell the thinking mind where to look next.”  Which means that the person who is bound to analytical or dogmatic thinking as most of our scientists, perceives the world very differently than the person who is able to utilize Intuitive Abstract perception and thinking -- but what does this mean?  Abstract thinking is the ability to draw upon an inner resource of mind, and understand concepts that are not directly tied to concrete physical objects and experiences.  Therefore, Intuition is based upon an inner perceptive-feeling that is not founded upon outward linear-reasoning and analysis -- but more upon how that person individually sees the world.  And according to Dr. Judith Orloff, scientists believe intuition operates through the entire right side of our brain -- and the feminine mind is far more intuitive than their male counterparts.   In her books, Orloff claims to have second sight, and uses the term energy psychiatry where as an Empath, she has developed the ability to see into the Etheric and Mental Bodies that surround a person's physical body.  How important is this Intuitive analysis?  Einstein stated that "The intuitive (inward-looking) mind is a sacred gift and the rational (outward-looking) mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift." 

An interesting scientific article can be found at Discovering Our Full Potential: Resuscitating the Female Principle: "For a new evolutionary step forward, this study suggests humans need to learn to live from the heart and not only the mind. Here I associate the mind with the Masculine Principle and thinking which with learning, develops into intellect. This is contrasted with intuition which I associate with the Female Principle and the deeper heart-mind. They are different epistemological ways of knowing which reflect different levels of consciousness of the Self where each way of knowing has a different origin, the surface mind and the deeper heart-mind."  When Jesus made reference to those who did not need a physician such as him, he stated: "They that are whole have no need of the physician, but they that are sick: I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance" (Mark 2:17) -- with the beginning of Wholeness being the balance of the Male/Linear-Intellect with the Feminine/Intuitive.  Further, the Apostle Peter confirms the statement that those people who achieve Wholeness do not need Jesus the physician where he is quoted in the Homilies of his disciple Clement: "For there would have been no need of Moses, or of the coming of Jesus, if of themselves they would have understood what is reasonable. Neither is there salvation in believing in teachers and calling them lords”.  What Peter is stating is that if the person who is seeking the Kingdom, Intuitively knows how to achieve Balance within their own mind, then they would not need physicians such as Moses or Jesus. 

What Pythagoras understood that his male counterparts did not, is that the Feminine-Intuitive Completes the Male-Linear perceptive vision of man's reality that can only be contemplated, when the two halves of the mind are brought together -- as explored at When Man Meets Woman .   And when understood, Einstein also had the answer to the dilemma when he stated: "It is entirely possible that behind the perception of our senses, worlds are hidden of which we are unaware".   An enlightened mind such as Pythagoras, understood that the  vast majority of mankind are mentally undeveloped because of the limitations on man's Linear vision and thinking.  Like Einstein, Pythagoras recognized that the Intuitive-Mind has the greater ability to see into the Metaphysical -- both the metaphysical realities of the person's own consciousness, as well as what the modern scientist now understands to be the metaphysical Source-Field of what mankind perceives as the illusion of concrete-matter.  

When physicist Walter Thirring stated in his book, Urbausteine der Materie about the nature and reality of physical matter that modern physics “...has put our thinking about the essence of matter in a different context. It has taken our gaze from the visible - the particles - to the underlying entity, the field. The presence of matter is merely a disturbance of the perfect state of the field at that place; something accidental, one could almost say, a ‘blemish’. Accordingly, there are no simple laws describing the forces between elementary particles… Order and symmetry must be sought in the underlying field.”  What he was stating is that what man sees as concrete matter, is being projected from an Unseen-Metaphysical Source-Field -- and the Source of the image we can see, exists beyond our organic vision.  Moreover, when Walter Thriring stated that "...order and symmetry must be sought in the underlying field”, he was stating that the meaning of the projected image that we do see, must be sought in the understand of the "...underlying field" that we are able to see with our (undeveloped) organic vision.  Einstein confirmed this statement in the words: “Concerning matter, we have been all wrong. What we have called matter is energy, whose vibration has been so lowered as to be perceptible to the senses. There is no matter, there is only Light and Sound.” And in total agreement with Walther Thirring, Einstein wrote in his autobiography: “All my attempts to adapt the theoretical foundation of physics to this [new type of] knowledge failed completely. It was as if the ground had been pulled out from under one, with no firm foundation to be seen anywhere, upon which one could have built”. What this means is exactly as stated by Einstein when he stated: “We may therefore regard matter as being constituted by the regions of space in which the field is extremely intense… There is no place in this new kind of physics both for the field and matter, for the field is the only reality”.  In these words of Einstein, we can see the analogy of Plato's Cave being presented.  What Einstein is stating is that the physical images that we see is with our physical eyes, is really shadow-images that are being projected from an invisible (to our physical senses) Metaphysical Reality that is beyond organic man's ability to see the actual source -- i.e., "...There is no place in this new kind of physics both for the field and matter, for the field is the only reality.”  In much the same fashion, the European physicist Niels Bohr stated that “…The great extension of our experience in recent years has brought to light the insufficiency of our simple mechanical conceptions and, as a consequence, has shaken the foundation on which the customary interpretation of observation was based.”


Thus, the statement by astronomer James Jeans: “Today there is a wide measure of agreement… that the stream of knowledge is heading towards a non-mechanical reality; the universe begins to look more like a great thought than like a great machine”; and the statement by astronomer Arthur Eddington: “The stuff of the universe is mind-stuff.”  In like manner physicist and Nobel prize winner John Archibald Wheeler stated that "every item in the physical world has at bottom immaterial source and explanation ...that all things physical are information-theoretic in origin and that this is a participatory universe". What this means is that what you see physically, is a metaphysical projection that conveys an (allegorical) symbol pertaining to the "...immaterial [UNSEEN] source" that is projecting the physical image of what we see with our physical senses. Max Planck who is considered the founder of quantum theory stated: "As a man who has devoted his whole life to the most clear headed science, to the study of matter, I can tell you as a result of my research about atoms this much: There is no matter as such. All matter originates and exists only by virtue of a force which brings the particle of an atom to vibration and holds this most minute solar system of the atom together. We must assume behind this force the existence of a conscious and intelligent mind. This mind is the matrix of all matter." Most people portray that "conscious and intelligent mind", as God.  More recently, cyberneticist David Foster described an intelligent universe” whose apparent concreteness is generated by cosmic data from an unknowable, organized source. The holographic reality says that: “…our brains mathematically construct hard reality by interpreting frequencies from a dimension transcending time and space. The brain is a hologram, interpreting a holographic universe.” And this largely inconceivable reality is confirmed by Einstein in the quotation to the right where is speaks of our physical presence as the manifestation of frequencies -- i.e., "We are slowed down sound and light waves, a walking bundle of frequencies tuned into the cosmos. We are souls dressed up in sacred biochemical garments and our bodies are the instruments through which our souls play their music".

What this means is that the Mystic is correct when he states: The ONLY REALITY is in the Metaphysical UNSEEN FIELD that is the SOURCE of the three-dimensional images that we see -- and what this also means is that all the answers and understanding of life must be sought in the Metaphysical Source-Field.  And thus, the problem as demonstrated in the words of Einstein: "We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them."    The great void in our perceptive-comprehension, has been our total reliance upon linear understanding that can be proven logically and proven in a peer-review.  Which is why Einstein also stated: "The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift."  If the Source of what we see is Metaphysical -- and because the Metaphysical is beyond the perceptive-vision and comprehension of man's linear attributes of mind -- it is because we reject all Metaphysical explanations and sources, that we have chosen to remain blind and ignorant.    Which provokes the question: If we do begin to recognize our flawed thinking, how does a person develop the ability to perceive the SOURCE in the FIELD? Quoting from the Wikipedia article on Plato's Cave: "Like the fire that cast light on the walls of the cave, the human condition is forever bound to the impressions that are received through the senses. Even if these interpretations ...are an absurd misrepresentation of reality, we cannot somehow break free from the bonds of our human condition - we cannot free ourselves from phenomenal state just as the prisoners could not free themselves from their chains. If, however, we were to miraculously escape our bondage, we would find a world that we could not understand - the sun is incomprehensible for someone who has never seen it. In other words, we would encounter another 'realm,' a place incomprehensible because, theoretically, it is the source of a higher reality than the one we have always known; it is the realm of pure Form, pure fact."

Nikola Tesla provided the answer to man's dilemma set forth in both the scriptures and the analogy of Plato's Cave when he stated: “If you wish to understand the Universe think of energy, frequency and vibration.“   The man known as the Apostle Paul stated the same exact message when he warned: "...I fed you with milk and not with solid food; for until now you were not able to receive it, and even now you are still not able; for you are still carnal".  When we begin to understand that the assertion of being of a carnal mindset and thinking, is in reality of a measure of what Tesla stated with respect to the "frequency and vibration" of the person's mind.  From the perspective of Plato's Cave, the natural human condition of mind and consciousness does not prepare the mind of organic man to begin to understand the Metaphysical Source where "...we would encounter another 'realm,' a place incomprehensible because, theoretically, it is the source of a higher reality than the one we have always known; it is the realm of pure Form, pure fact." Why?  Nikola Tesla was correct when he stated: “If you wish to understand the Universe think of energy, frequency and vibration“ -- which means that, in order for a person to begin to see into what modern science portrays as the metaphysical source-field that is beyond the ability of organic man to perceive and understand, he must develop those attributes of mind that enables him to perceive in Wholeness -- i.e., from the Unseen Source-Field, to the image that is being projected into what we see as concrete matter.    

All valid investigations must begin at the effect or end-product of what is seen and observed physically, and the investigator must then seek out and reveal the source.  As an example: The investigation into a virus begins with the effect of the disease on the person, and the investigator or researcher must seek out and reveal the source.  And this is true of every valid investigation.  In 1973, Memorex corporation captured our attention with the famous Ella Fitzgerald shattering a wine glass with her voice. They repeated the stunt using their recording of her voice to prove the fidelity of their product.  Thus, the commercial then raised the question: Is it Ella Fitzgerald, or is it Memorex?  Which provokes the question: Is it a valid (scientific) investigation?  Or is it Scientism.  Since few people know the difference between Science and Scientism, we must then pose the question: What is the difference?  What the vast majority of people portray as science, is actually Scientism -- and because few students of science understand the difference, those who believe that what they embrace as a scientific fact or a valid peer review, have been intellectually deceived.  Why?    Scientism is defined as " ideology that promotes science as the only objective means by which society should determine normative and epistemological values" (see Wikipedia).   In the article Science Versus Scientism (see ), it is stated: "Scientism is a dogmatic ideology which presumes that 'science,' in the narrower sense of the word, has the answers to all questions. For believers in scientism the claims of metaphysics are invalid and have no bearing on reality. The physical cosmos is all there is. There is nothing but three dimensions (or four if we include time as a dimension) which are perceived with our five senses. This is all there is and this is therefore all that is worth studying."   Scientism excludes and ignores whatever is not three-dimensional and physical -- i.e., what is portrayed as Metaphysical, or beyond man's limited physical perception is excluded from the investigation -- and therein lies the problem.  Quoting from the Wikipedia article on Metaphysics: "Accounting for the existence of mind in a world largely composed of matter is a metaphysical problem which is so large and important as to have become a specialized subject of study in its own right".  Why?  Because the Mind itself is metaphysical. 

Can you make a valid investigation while rejecting the Metaphysical -- especially when the subject of your investigation has a Metaphysical Source?  In the words of Einstein: “Concerning matter, we have been all wrong. What we have called matter is energy, whose vibration has been so lowered as to be perceptible to the senses. There is no matter.”  Thus, what Einstein is stating is that we only perceive certain frequencies of vibration as concrete physical matter, because these frequencies fall within the spectrum of our physical eyes and brain.  But what about those frequencies that are outside of the frequency range that we can detect?  Scientism or three-dimensional mainstream science has proclaimed that only the frequencies of the three dimensions that we are able to see, exist -- and has refused to look any further.  Which provokes the question:  How could Einstein portray science as being all wrong?   When Einstein stated: "What we have called matter is energy, whose vibration has been so lowered as to be perceptible to the senses."  Which means that we have ignored the energy outside of the spectrum of frequencies which our brain is cognizant of and is able to see -- even when the frequencies outside of our ability to see is the source of the frequencies that we do see. 

What is being acknowledged is that: (1) there is nothing but energy; (2) that what we see with our physical senses is energy that falls within the spectrum of certain vibrational frequencies; (3) and whatever energy falls outside of that spectrum of frequencies, is beyond our ability to sense; (4) even when the energy outside of the frequencies we can see, is the (unseen) source of what we do see.  But, it will be the next statement that those linear-thinkers who claim to base their thinking upon logic and reasoning will be too difficult for the unprepared mind to grasp and understand.  What the modern scientist is acknowledging, is that the frequencies our brain interprets as concrete matter, is interpreted as matter, because of its frequency of vibration that our brain interprets as concrete matter.  But what we see is the effect, and not the source.   Why?  Because science has also proven that the source of what we see is being projected by energies outside of the limitations of the spectrum of frequencies that we see -- which means that we are not only blind to the source of what we see, but that we remain ignorant of why, what we see, is being projected into that spectrum of frequencies that we see and believe to be concrete matter.  Therefore, when science, in the form of scientism, rejected the metaphysical, they stopped and ceased all investigations at the border of the physical -- which Nobel Prize winner in Physics Niels Bohr totally undermined when he stated:  “Everything we call real is made of things that cannot be regarded as real. If quantum mechanics hasn't profoundly shocked you, you haven't understood it yet.”  What in essence Niels Bohr was stating, was that scientism was investigating the frequencies that we see as concrete matter, while ignoring and rejecting the (unseen) source, because of the investigators  own adopted anti-metaphysical ideology. 

When I write that modern cutting-edge science has confirmed the perceptive-vision and wisdom of the mystic, because the mystic develops those attributes of mind that enable him to see and understand those frequencies outside the limited spectrum of man's organic vision and perception.   Mystics can therefore be portrayed as an investigator who like the Navy Seals, has no borders or boundaries that inhibit their search -- and in their development of their higher attributes of mind, the mystic comes to understand why the scientist has concluded that "...the universe begins to look more like a great thought than like a great machine”; and the statement: “The stuff of the universe is mind-stuff”; and especially the statement that “…our brains mathematically construct hard reality by interpreting frequencies from a dimension transcending time and space.   The brain is a hologram, interpreting a holographic universe.”   If the brain interprets certain frequencies as concrete matter, instead of a frequency and vibration that presents the illusion of concrete matter, what we therefore see would be equal to the illusive shadow-images of Plato's Cave.  Quoting from the Wikipedia article on the shadow-images of the analogy of Plato's Cave: "Like the fire that cast light on the walls of the cave, the human condition is forever bound to the impressions that are received through the senses. Even if these interpretations ...are an absurd misrepresentation of reality, we cannot somehow break free from the bonds of our human condition - we cannot free ourselves from phenomenal state just as the prisoners (of Plato's Cave) could not free themselves from their chains. If, however, we were to miraculously escape our bondage, we would find a world that we could not understand - the sun is incomprehensible for someone who has never seen it. In other words, we would encounter another 'realm,' a place incomprehensible because, theoretically, it is the source of a higher reality than the one we have always known; it is the realm of pure Form, pure fact." 

What this means is that we are "...forever bound to the impressions that are received through the senses", of our physical mind -- the unseen source of what we see is being projected from an Unseen-Source  "...that we could not understand" because it is being projected from a realm that is outside of the frequencies that we see, which is the Unseen Source projected from "another 'realm,' a place incomprehensible because, theoretically, it is the source of a higher reality than the one we have always known; it is the realm of pure Form, pure fact."  When Nikola Tesla stated that If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration”,  it should have been noted that certain frequencies and vibrations of generated thought, provide us with the illusive appearance of being concrete matter, while their sources vibrate at frequencies that cause them to be beyond the limits of man's physical senses to detect.  Regardless of the fact that we can't understand the meaning of what we see with our senses, without understanding the Unseen Source that is projecting the illusive image.  And this is especially true as presented in the statement of Max Planck who is considered the founder of quantum theory where he summed up the perspective that the universe has revealed itself as a great thought -- that the Higher Consciousness that is generating the thoughts of all that we see and experience that many religions portray as God, exists within a Matrix of Higher Consciousness: "We must assume behind this force the existence of a conscious and intelligent mind. This mind is the matrix of all matter."  Solid Matter Is Just a Vibratory Frequency Our Brains Interpret As Concrete.  In a February 1979 Psychology Today interview with brain scientist Karl Pribram, the world which he attempted to describe confirmed the vision witnessed by the mystics and the scriptures: “It isn’t that the world of appearances is wrong; it isn’t that there aren’t objects out there, at one level of reality. It’s that if you penetrate through and look at the universe with a holographic system, you arrive at a different reality, one that can explain things that have hitherto remained scientifically inexplicable: paranormal phenomena… synchronicities, the apparently meaningful coincidence of events”.

When the article on the Allegory of (Plato's) Cave states: "Like the fire that cast light on the walls of the cave, the human condition is forever bound to the impressions that are received through the senses.  modern physics has begun a Scientific Revolution -- proving the inadequate foundation upon which the very definition of scientific investigation has been built and is easily proven to be in error therein, proving the validity of Plato's Cave (see The Escape From Plato's Cave ).  When physicist Walter Thirring stated in his book, Urbausteine der Materie about the nature and reality of physical matter that modern physics “...has put our thinking about the essence of matter in a different context.   It has taken our gaze from the visible - the particles - to the underlying entity, the field.   The presence of matter is merely a disturbance of the perfect state of the field at that place; something accidental, one could almost say, a ‘blemish’.   Accordingly, there are no simple laws describing the forces between elementary particles… Order and symmetry must be sought in the underlying field” -- what he was confirming is the fact that what organic man sees with his physical eyes, is a type of shadow-Image that has been projected into this world of appearances from an UNSEEN SOURCE-FIELD.  Einstein experienced shock when he first came into contact with the new emerging reality of atomic physics.  And therein lies the problem -- i.e., in the past science has waged war against religion -- locking themselves into a anti-metaphysical paradigm of thinking and reality.  The vast majority of traditional scientists deny even the existence of man's higher Metaphysical Reality that is not only the True Source of his own Mind and Being -- but is also the Source of all that he sees and interacts with in this world. 

What is being stated is that the primary focus of science where only what was seen with one's physical eyes is real, has now been rendered inadequate and incomplete -- it being focused totally on observable matter -- because the emerging body of facts and evidence now demonstrates that what we perceive physically, is a projection from an UNSEEN Source where True Reality exists.  Which provokes the question: What is being projected?  Thus, the statement by astronomer James Jeans: “Today there is a wide measure of agreement… that the stream of knowledge is heading towards a non-mechanical reality; the universe begins to look more like a great thought than like a great machine”; and the statement by astronomer Arthur Eddington: “The stuff of the universe is mind-stuff” -- both demonstrate the reality that there is nothing but Projected Thought.  But now that the scientist has confirmed the wisdom of the mystic, how does the scientist gain access to the Unseen Source?  In the words of Nikola Tesla: Only by the change and transformational frequency and vibration of his own mind and consciousness.   The mind of organic man is of an earthly frequency and vibration -- and the reason why the Source is not seen with our physical (earthly) eyes and vision, is because our consciousness is limited to the frequency and vibration of the physical.  In the realization of this FACT, the mystic develops his higher spiritual attributes of mind and  consciousness that enable him to begin to see and understand the Unseen Source-Field that organic man is blind to.  

Once again: In the words of Nikola Tesla If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.”  Pythagoras, Plato, Jesus, and other mystics did, and modern science has begun to open the door to higher consciousness that has begun to connect them to the Source of all Truth and Knowledge -- i.e., again the words of Tesla: "My brain is only a receiver, in the Universe there is a core from which we obtain knowledge, strength and inspiration.”  Quoting from Alchemical Transformation (see ): "When we didn't have to meet down in the secret places, we would use the light coming through the stained glass in the church to tantalize the mind, and when the choir wasn't singing, mystical chants would take their place on our lips. The churches were constructed in a way so that the energies of higher reality were able to be channeled within the structure, and into the people inside, especially to those who were able to open themselves to receiving it. The energies in the air of the churches were at times electric, and they felt energizing. The smells were soothing to the mind, calming it from the worries of the day".  Which confirms that statement of Tesla when he stated: “But instinct [Intuitive Insights] is something which transcends knowledge. We have, undoubtedly, certain finer fibers that enable us to perceive truths when logical deduction, or any other willful effort of the brain, is futile.”  

This new emerging paradigm of modern science was noted by Robert Jastrow, an astrophysicist who headed the NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies, pointed out that the big bang is not exactly an explanation of cause.  He is quoted in The Aquarian Conspiracy: “If a scientist really examines the implications, he would be traumatized. As usual, when the mind is faced with trauma, it reacts by ignoring the implications - in science this is called ‘refusing to speculate’ - or by trivializing the origin of the world by calling it the Big Bang, as if the universe were merely a firecracker”.   Mr. Jastrow then continues and states: “Consider the enormousness of the problem: Science has proved that the universe exploded into being at a certain moment. It asks, what cause produced this effect? Who or what put the matter and energy into the universe? Was the universe created out of nothing or was it gathered together out of pre-existing materials? And science cannot answer these questions... It is not a matter of another year, another decade of work, another measurement, or another theory. At this moment it seems as though science will never be able to raise the curtain on the mystery of creation”.

Modern physics has begun a Scientific Revolution -- proving the inadequate foundation upon which the very definition of scientific investigation has been built and is easily proven to be in error.  When physicist Walter Thirring stated in his book, Urbausteine der Materie about the nature and reality of physical matter that modern physics “...has put our thinking about the essence of matter in a different context.   It has taken our gaze from the visible - the particles - to the underlying entity, the field.   The presence of matter is merely a disturbance of the perfect state of the field at that place; something accidental, one could almost say, a ‘blemish’.   Accordingly, there are no simple laws describing the forces between elementary particles… Order and symmetry must be sought in the underlying field” -- what he was confirming is the fact that what man sees with his physical eyes, is an image that has been projected into this world of appearances from an UNSEEN CAUSAL FIELD.   But now that the scientist has confirmed the wisdom of the mystic, how does the scientist gain access to the Unseen Source?  In the words of Nikola Tesla: Only by the change and transformational frequency and vibration of his own mind and consciousness.   The mind of organic man is of an earthly frequency and vibration -- and the reason why the Source is not seen with our physical (earthly) eyes and vision, is because our consciousness is limited to the frequency and vibration of the physical.  In the realization of this FACT, the mystic develops his higher spiritual attributes of mind and  consciousness to  

Which provokes the question: What is being projected?  Thus, the statement by astronomer James Jeans: “Today there is a wide measure of agreement… that the stream of knowledge is heading towards a non-mechanical reality; the universe begins to look more like a great thought than like a great machine”; and the statement by astronomer Arthur Eddington: “The stuff of the universe is mind-stuff” -- both demonstrate the reality that there is nothing but Projected Thought.   Which means that you are a thought that is being projected in this world by your True-Self that dwells in the reality of an UNSEEN CAUSAL FIELD.   In like manner physicist and Nobel prize winner John Archibald Wheeler stated that "every item in the physical world has at bottom immaterial source and explanation ...that all things physical are information-theoretic in origin and that this is a participatory universe".  What this means is that what you see physically, conveys an (allegorical) explanation pertaining to the "...immaterial [UNSEEN] source" that is projecting the physical image of what we see with our physical senses.   Max Planck who is considered the founder of quantum theory stated: "As a man who has devoted his whole life to the most clear headed science, to the study of matter, I can tell you as a result of my research about atoms this much: There is no matter as such. All matter originates and exists only by virtue of a force which brings the particle of an atom to vibration and holds this most minute solar system of the atom together. We must assume behind this force the existence of a conscious and intelligent mind. This mind is the matrix of all matter."  And more recently, cyberneticist David Foster described “an intelligent universe” whose apparent concreteness is generated by cosmic data from an unknowable, organized source.   The holographic reality says that: “…our brains mathematically construct hard reality by interpreting frequencies from a dimension transcending time and space. The brain is a hologram, interpreting a holographic universe.”  And this largely inconceivable reality is confirmed by Einstein in the quotation to the right where is speaks of our physical presence as the manifestation of frequencies -- i.e., "We are slowed down sound and light waves, a walking bundle of frequencies tuned into the cosmos.  We are souls dressed up in sacred biochemical garments and our bodies are the instruments through which our souls play their music".

What this means is that what appears to be concrete matter is merely a vibrational frequency of generated-thought that your holographic brain interprets as concrete physical matter.  And because the Source that is generating the image is beyond your brains perceptive-spectrum of frequencies, you are unable to perceive the Source of the appearances you are seeing that you erroneously interpret as concrete physical matter.  But what this also means is that your physical body is a projected thought from an UNSEEN SOURCE that lies beyond the perception of the holographic frequencies associated with our physical self.  Which gives an entirely new meaning to the ancient wisdom to Know Thyself.   

What we therefore see with our physical eyes is a shadow-image that Mystics have long maintained is a mere symbol of man's higher Unseen Reality Source.  What this means is that the Source of concrete matter is metaphysical -- i.e., beyond the ability of our physical senses to perceive -- with the term metaphysical being defined as referring to realities that exist beyond man's physical vision and senses -- and therefore, it indicates the investigation of what cannot be reached through objective studies of material reality.   If the Source of what we physically see lies beyond the ability of our physical senses to observe, then the whole paradigm upon which scientific inquiry is founded, is totally defective.   

The second century Christian Bishop Valentinius quoted Paul's Epistle to the Ephesians when he made reference to Gnosis Kardias -- or, the enlightened eyes of the heart -- confirming the innate ability that man has to see the Source of the images projected by the UNSEEN CAUSAL FIELD, if he strives to develop his inward-looking attributes of mind.  Further confirming the fact that the scriptures are not historical, as the vast majority of critics attempt to interpret them -- but rather, they are allegorical catalysts designed to develop the person's inward-looking attributes of mind that enables the person to perceive the Source in what modern physicists now portray as the UNSEEN CAUSAL FIELD (see The Purpose Of The Scriptures ).

When Nikola Tesla stated that "Deficient observation is merely a form of ignorance and responsible for the many morbid notions and foolish ideas prevailing", his words portray the folly of science that attempts to understand the physical without any conscious understanding of the Source that exists in the UNSEEN CAUSAL FIELD.  Nikola Tesla also stated that "The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence"  -- and this fact is especially true in light of the findings of modern physicists that the Source of all that we see and observe with our physical senses it all "non-physical".   Deficient Observation is the fruit of only seeking one aspect of an equation -- i.e., what the mystic portrays as an incomplete projection of physical symbols -- which in this case portrays the person who fails to develop the ability to perceive and understand the meaning and purpose of the Source of the physical image that man's limited vision cannot perceive.  Modern physics has therefore relegated traditional Scientific inquiry to the level of looking into a crystal ball and interpreting life through our blind interpretation of the shadow-images that appear in our imagination.  And since we can't even see and observe the Source -- and all finding are subject to our own beliefs and imagination of the meaning of the UNSEEN Source that is generating the shadow-image -- then what we portray as repeatable peer-reviewable, is little more than previously agreed upon fairy tales by those who are blind to the actual Source-Image.  Which means that what we portray as scientific inquiry, is actually based upon a type of Psychic or Magical Thinking -- which is defined as referring to a thinking style that involves reasoning based upon a paranormal interpretation of unseen realities.       

Einstein experienced shock when he first came into contact with the new emerging reality of atomic physics, and wrote in his autobiography: “All my attempts to adapt the theoretical foundation of physics to this [new type of] knowledge failed completely. It was as if the ground had been pulled out from under one, with no firm foundation to be seen anywhere, upon which one could have built”.  In much the same fashion, the European physicist Niels Bohr stated that “…The great extension of our experience in recent years has brought to light the insufficiency of our simple mechanical conceptions and, as a consequence, has shaken the foundation on which the customary interpretation of observation was based.”  What this means is exactly as stated by Einstein when he stated: “We may therefore regard matter as being constituted by the regions of space in which the field is extremely intense… There is no place in this new kind of physics both for the field and matter, for the field is the only reality” (quoted in M. Capek, The Philosophical Impact of Contemporary Physics).  What is being stated is that the primary focus of science where only what was seen with one's physical eyes, has now been rendered inadequate and incomplete -- it being focused totally on observable matter -- because the emerging body of facts and evidence now demonstrates that what we perceive physically, is a projection from an UNSEEN Source where True Reality exists.  Which provokes the question: What is being projected?  Thus, the statement by astronomer James Jeans: “Today there is a wide measure of agreement… that the stream of knowledge is heading towards a non-mechanical reality; the universe begins to look more like a great thought than like a great machine”; and the statement by astronomer Arthur Eddington: “The stuff of the universe is mind-stuff” -- both demonstrate the reality that there is nothing but Projected Thought.   

What the emerging body of science indicates is that each of us is actually a thought that is being generated and projected in this world -- often portrayed as the ego-self -- and that our True-Self is not manifest in our physical body, because it dwells in the reality of an UNSEEN CAUSAL FIELD.   In like manner physicist and Nobel prize winner John Archibald Wheeler stated that "every item in the physical world has at bottom immaterial source and explanation ...that all things physical are information-theoretic in origin and that this is a participatory universe".  What this means is that what you see physically, conveys an (allegorical) explanation pertaining to the "...immaterial [UNSEEN] source" that is projecting the physical image of what we see with our physical senses.   Max Planck who is considered the founder of quantum theory stated: "As a man who has devoted his whole life to the most clear headed science, to the study of matter, I can tell you as a result of my research about atoms this much: There is no matter as such. All matter originates and exists only by virtue of a force which brings the particle of an atom to vibration and holds this most minute solar system of the atom together. We must assume behind this force the existence of a conscious and intelligent mind. This mind is the matrix of all matter."  And more recently, cyberneticist David Foster described “an intelligent universe” whose apparent concreteness is generated by cosmic data from an unknowable, organized source.   The holographic reality says that: “…our brains mathematically construct hard reality by interpreting frequencies from a dimension transcending time and space. The brain is a hologram, interpreting a holographic universe.”  And this largely inconceivable reality is confirmed by Einstein in the quotation to the right where is speaks of our physical presence as the manifestation of frequencies -- i.e., "We are slowed down sound and light waves, a walking bundle of frequencies tuned into the cosmos.  We are souls dressed up in sacred biochemical garments and our bodies are the instruments through which our souls play their music".  

If our process of educating children and students develop the outward-looking aspects of the mind exclusively as modern academia is presently doing -- while suppressing the development of the inward-looking aspects of mind -- then academia is inflicting intellectual harm on the student.   Wholeness of mental-development is necessary to retrieve knowledge from the inner UNSEEN SOURCE-Self.  Therefore, the question must be asked? What have we accomplished when our system of education atrophies our ability to tap into the Inner Source of Self?   And therein lies the problem as seen in the fact that our body of intellectuals who control academia, have been so fractured in their one-sided development -- wherein they can't tolerate even embracing the language of mysticism and the concepts that embrace man's spirituality -- that their linear-thinking has erected a wall that inhibits their development unless it is presented to them in their linear terms of thinking that is in fact disenfranchising their higher development of mind through any degree of Wholeness.  By demanding that their Intuitive Spheres of Mind interact on a Linear perspective, they remain incapable of advancing beyond their empty rhetoric.  Even when you attempt to explain that the Intuitive inward-looking spheres of mind cannot develop and function in the Linear outward environment -- attempting to explain that the writing of mystics is designed to enable the person to access the inner Source of Knowledge -- and that the language and mythology of the scriptures is not designed to be understood by the Linear spheres of mind (see The Purpose Of The Scriptures ), this same group of intellectuals that teach our children and students in academia, simply refuse to even investigate the facts presented to them. 

  Clement Scriptures: In the Homilies of Clement the Apostle Peter is quoted as warning with respect to reading and understanding the scriptures: "...therefore great care is to be taken, that when the law of God is read, it be not read according to the understanding of our own mind. For there are many sayings in the divine Scriptures which can be drawn to that sense which every one has preconceived for himself; and this ought not to be done. For you ought not to seek a foreign and extraneous sense, which you have brought from without".  If we ask the question: What is being said to the believer who desires to be faithful to the Gospel Teachings?  By design, the scriptures cannot be understood by the Linear (outward-male) spheres of mind.  Why?  Because the outward-looking spheres of mind see and understand in accord with the thinking of the outer world and culture.  And this fact is confirmed when Peter stated: "when the law of God (scriptures) is read, it be not read according to the understanding of our own mind"?  Why?  Because the scriptures are composed in a symbolic language that can only be interpreted and understood by the inward-looking (feminine) Intuitive spheres of mind.  The outward-looking Linear spheres of mind attempts to interpret all things literally and historically -- which is why Peter warns that "...For there are many sayings in the divine Scriptures which can be drawn to that sense which every one has preconceived for himself".   Further, Peter warns that "...For you ought not to seek a foreign and extraneous sense, which you have brought from without".  What this means is that if you attempt to interpret the scriptures in accord with a study group, a Biblical Commentary, in accord with the teachings of a Church, or from a human thought-perspective -- that you will not only fail to understand the meaning of the scriptures, but you will alienate and disenfranchise your mind from the true spiritual meaning.  Why?  Because the scriptures are composed in the allegorical language of the Soul that employs allegorical catalysts that are used to develop the inward-looking Intuitive Spheres of Mind as explored at The Purpose Of The Scriptures .

In order to create scriptures that was appropriate for the common people who had never begun the process of mental transformation, the authors of the scriptures re-engineered the common beliefs of the people -- many of which beliefs can rightly be portrayed as being founded upon myth or folklore.  But what is myth and folklore?  In many instances it is comprised of non-physical, metaphysical supernatural realities that can only be envisioned Intuitively through Imagination in a reality beyond man's physical (linear) understanding of life.   And when these supernatural realities beyond physical limitations are understood as allegorical accounts of Higher Mind that can be brought about in the Consciousness of the Enlightened person who has achieved degrees of Wholeness, then what is figuratively portrayed as myth and folklore becomes a higher reality that must be achieved.  Jesus said: "Truly, truly, I tell you, whoever believes in Me will also do the works that I am doing. He will do even greater things than these" (John 14:12).  Why can't Christians fulfill this Gospel promise?  Because they fail to apply the gospels as the Key of Knowledge by turning them within their own minds, and they fail to perform the necessary works and miracles within their own mind and being as they become resurrected into the Inner Kingdom (see Application Of The Key Of Knowledge ).

If we are not supposed to learn from outward interpretations of the scriptures -- i.e., "...For you ought not to seek a foreign and extraneous sense, which you have brought from without". then how can we learn the true meaning?  You are instructed to learn and become enlightened only by the One Teacher that is portrayed as the True Prophet (see The One Teacher ). And of this One Teacher the Apostle Peter is quoted in the Homilies of his disciple Clement as stating that the Logos/Son of God/True Prophet is "...within the mind of every one of us, but in those who have no desire of the knowledge of God and His righteousness, He is inoperative; but He works in those who seek after that which is profitable to their souls, and kindles in them the light of knowledge. Wherefore seek Him first of all; and if you do not find Him, expect not that you shall learn anything from any other. But He is soon found by those who diligently seek Him through love of the truth, and whose souls are not taken possession of by wickedness. For He is present with those who desire Him in the innocence of their spirits, who bear patiently, and draw sighs from the bottom of their hearts through love of the truth; but He deserts malevolent minds, because as a prophet He knows the thoughts of every one. And therefore let no one think that he can find Him by his own wisdom, unless, as we have said, he empty his mind of all wickedness, and conceive a pure and faithful desire to know Him. For when any one has so prepared himself, He Himself as a prophet, seeing a mind prepared for Him, of His own accord offers Himself to his knowledge”.   

What Peter is stating is that while the True Prophet exists at the core of the mind of all mankind, (1) " those who have no desire of the knowledge of God and His righteousness, He is inoperative"; (2) "...But He is soon found by those who diligently seek Him through love of the truth"; (3) the True Prophet "...deserts malevolent minds, because as a prophet He knows the thoughts of every one"; (4) that we cannot find the True Prophet on our own as stated that "...let no one think that he can find Him by his own wisdom, unless, as we have said, he empty his mind of all wickedness"; (5) and that to draw nearer and find the Indwelling True Prophet, the seeker must "...empty his mind of all wickedness, and conceive a pure and faithful desire to know Him. For when any one has so prepared himself, He Himself as a prophet, seeing a mind prepared for Him, of His own accord offers Himself to his knowledge”.   When rightly understood, to find and learn from the Indwelling True Prophet, the seeker must become the "good ground" in the parable of the Sower and the Seed (see ).  And in the parable of the Sower and the Seed, the same seed that is cast into the ground that is properly prepared and produces in levels of abundance ("For when any one has so prepared himself, He Himself as a prophet, seeing a mind prepared for Him, of His own accord offers Himself to his knowledge” ), is unable to germinate and produce when the ground in which it has been cast is not properly prepared ("...but He deserts malevolent minds those who have no desire of the knowledge of God and His righteousness, He is inoperative").  

The final product of re-engineered myths and folklore contained a series of symbols and catalysts that connected their normal organic human consciousness with a higher level of consciousness that exists within all of mankind, and ultimately an Inner Source of Knowledge and Truth that exceeds all the cumulative knowledge of mankind throughout all the ages that mankind has walked the face of the earth.  Thus, we have the paradoxical foundational paradigms: Is the mind of an infant empty and in need of being taught the wisdom of man?  Or does the infant possess an inner Source of Knowledge that is Superior to the wisdom of this world?  The infant empty-mind foundational paradigm is representative of the Old Covenant -- and the infant full foundational paradigm is the New Covenant.  Thus, in the re-engineered versions of scripture, what we are presented with is the basis of the infant-full mindset. 

When you teach in the traditional manner, you disseminate information to the Linear spheres of mind in order to instruct them through what has been portrayed as rote-programming.  This is defined as "The process of learning or committing something to memory through mechanical repetition, usually by hearing and repeating aloud, often without full attention to comprehension or thought for the meaning."  The problem with this type of traditional learning and instruction is seen in the fact that, you can't expand normal human consciousness beyond organic human limitations through traditional Linear (rote) programming.   Why?  What we fail to understand is the fact that the framework of the scriptures is built upon an infant full-mind foundation -- which equates all wisdom and knowledge of this world as being at best incomplete, with most of it portrayed as fool's-gold -- and like fool's gold, the wisdom and knowledge of this world presents a superficial resemblance to actual knowledge.   Therefore, the reality of the scriptures is in the fact that they were designed to overcome the limitations of linear (rote) learning and instruction by providing the person a path to acquire to genuine knowledge and truth.   To the degree that what is portrayed as scriptural writings were intentionally designed to inhibit traditional Linear (rote) learning -- and blocks were inserted into the literal text that forced the reader/student to look beyond the linear interpretation of the written text.  And while it is true that the common person does not readily understand this reality of the scriptures, that does not mean that their ignorance will negate the process of inner development.  Which means that if you are intelligent enough to question the validity of the literal text, the question then becomes whether you possess the intuitive insight to seek the deeper meaning?   And when the purpose and objectives of the scriptures are truly understood, it is this development of the Intuitive spheres of mind that is the primary objective of the sacred writings. 

Development beyond the natural limits of organic human consciousness, requires a balance and union of opposites within the mind of the person -- i.e., Linear and Intuitive, earthly and heavenly, inner and outer -- as expressed in the statement in the Gospel of Thomas as to when the Kingdom would come within the mind of the INDIVIDUAL seeker: "Jesus said to them, When you make the two one, and when you make the inside like the outside and the outside like the inside, and the above like the below, and when you make the male and the female one and the same, so that the male not be male nor the female female; ...then will you enter the kingdom."  Therefore, in order to bring about the mental-expansion and spiritual-deepening of the mind of the person beyond organic human limitations, it is imperative to work within the framework of that person's existing beliefs.  And from an infant mind-full perspective, it is this working within the person's existing framework of mind that creates the final product of re-engineered myths and folklore containing a series of symbols and catalysts that connects their normal organic consciousness with both a higher level of consciousness that exists within all of mankind, and ultimately connects the person to an Inner Source of Knowledge and Truth that exceeds all the cumulative knowledge of mankind throughout all the ages that mankind has walked the face of the earth (see The One Teacher ). 

Unless the interaction of opposites -- i.e., male/linear with female/intuitive, upper heavenly with lower earthly and inner and outer is brought about -- it will remain impossible to evolve the mind of the person beyond what can be portrayed as organic human consciousness (see Animal-Soul ).  Teaching the person new information, is little more than traditional linear rote programming that further alienates them from their Inner Source of Mind and Being.   In order to evolve the mind of the person beyond the limits of organic human consciousness, you must work within the framework of their existing beliefs and foundational mindset -- re-engineering their existing beliefs with symbols and catalysts that Intuitively connect the Inner and the Outer. 

In order to begin to develop the inward-looking Intuitive (feminine) spheres of mind, a catalyst must be used that will inhibit outward-looking Linear (male) domination of the person's thinking and conclusions.  In the Gospels associated with Mary Magdalene it is written: “She speaks to the other disciples about Jesus and what she’s seen, and Peter says, ‘I don’t believe the Lord said these things. These are certainly strange ideas.’ And she says, ‘Well, do you think I made them up? Do you think I’m lying about the Lord?’” (see The Intuitive Mind vs Linear-Rational ).  In this allegorical representation, the linear-rational aspect of mind is represented in Peter's inability to comprehend what the feminine-intuitive (as represented in the allegorical personification of Mary Magdalene) reveals.   And since these intuitive visions, impressions and wisdom does not support the linear reasoning of the masculine linear vision of this world and Creation, in most people they are rejected.   But in view of the fact that the Linear (male) outward-looking perception is portrayed as the "broad-way" of death, a catalyst must be used to intervene in the thinking of the seeker/disciple that enables them to begin to tap into the Intuitive (feminine) inward-looking spheres of mind as allegorically portrayed in the personage of Mary Magdalene.  Wholeness can only be achieved across the spectrum of the four gates of mind where both the Linear and Intuitive are equal and brought together in the Center -- thereby restoring the division of the upper-heavenly and lower-earthly within the mind of the seeker/disciple. 

Do we understand the higher purpose and objective of the scriptures?  It is the product of our own ego-driven thinking that is the basis of our questioning the intelligence of the authors of the scriptures because of the countless discordances, inconsistencies and seeming errors that exist in the body of the text.   It never dawns on us that the authors intentionally inserted what appears to be the countless discordances into the body of the text for an important purpose.  And it is in fact these discordances, inconsistencies and seemingly errors that are important in suppressing the domination of the Linear (male) interpretation of the scriptures.   In the Homilies of Clement the Apostle Peter is quoted as warning about "...the mystery of the books which are able to deceive those ...who know not the falsehoods of the Scriptures" -- further warning that  even the falsehoods of Scripture "...are with good reason presented for a test.”  Why?  As stated by Peter: "when the law of God is read, it be not read according to the understanding of our own mind"  Because the purpose of the scriptures is not to disseminate historical or linear information -- but to develop the inward-looking Intuitive aspects of mind that have the capacity to access the Inward Source of Self and Knowledge.  In total agreement, Moses Maimonedes who is one of the most respected of Jewish theologians, historian, and Talmudist, writes about the nature of scripture: “Every time that you find in our books a tale the reality of which seems impossible, a story which is repugnant to both reason and common sense, then be sure that the tale contains a profound allegory veiling a deeply mysterious truth; and the greater the absurdity of the letter, the deeper the wisdom of the spirit”.   Again, in perfect agreement the pre-Nicene Church Father Origen writes that “Scripture contains an unhistorical element in-woven with the history, in order that the worthlessness of the latter may drive us to seek the spiritual meaning” (Origen quoted under Origen Adamntius; The Encyclopedia of Religion and Ethics).  Further explaining in De Principiis that: “Where the word found that things done according to the history could be adapted to these mystical senses, he made use of them concealing from the multitude the deeper meaning; but where in the narrative of the development of super-sensual things, there did not follow the performance of those certain events which were already indicated by the mystical meaning, the scripture interwove in the history the account of some event that did not take place, sometimes what could not have happened; sometimes what could but did not.”

Those who understood the purpose and objective of the scriptures, and utilized them as the Key of Knowledge (see The Application Of The Key Of Knowledge ) to develop the inward Intuitive spheres of mind, recognized that the inconsistencies which were intentionally inserted into the text, were employed as catalysts that could only be interpreted in accord with the ability of the person to draw from within to the Inner Source of Knowledge.  And if we pose the question: Why are the scriptures composed in their present allegorical manner?  Because to be effective, they must stimulate the thinking of the people not only in a linear manner, but also by employing catalysts that bring about the process of reverse-stimulation.  In the words of Einstein: "Imagination is more important than knowledge" -- because imagination is intuitive, and can be used as a vehicle to reverse-stimulate the developing mind.  Einstein also warned that "The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift."  Why is the Intuitive mind a sacred gift?  Because it has the power and ability to access inner-consciousness and manifest the Higher Mind of not only our True-Self, but ultimately the Mind of God (Logos). 

When the ancient wise men stated the importance of acquiring self-knowledge in order to fulfill the adage to Know Thyself -- i.e., their True-Self that cannot manifest in this three-dimensional realm -- they were making reference to the infant Mind-Full foundation of consciousness?   In like manner, when Jesus rejected the position of the Pharisees who were waiting for the Kingdom to be inaugurated upon the earth wherein he stated that "...the kingdom of God is within you" (Luke 17:20-21), indicates that only those who seek inwardly beyond the barrier of organic human consciousness and the inner Kingdom -- and in finding what is portrayed as the Inner Kingdom, one is able to discover all the important answers to the life we are presently living.   Which is synonymous with the statement of Jesus in the Gospel of Thomas: (5) Jesus said, "Recognize what is in your sight, and that which is hidden from you will become plain to you...".   To recognize what is in your sight, you will have to observe with Wholeness of Mind and Vision.  And this lack of developed vision is again presented in saying 113 where it is stated: His disciples said to him, "When will the kingdom come?"  Jesus said, "It will not come by waiting for it. It will not be a matter of saying 'here it is' or 'there it is.' Rather, the kingdom of the father is spread out upon the earth, and men do not see it."  If it is true that the Kingdom which men seek lies before them and men do not see it, because organic man is carnal, and he has yet to develop the necessary Wholeness of Mind and Vision that can only manifest when the Body and Mind achieve the enlightened Frequency and Vibration that opens the Spiritual Eyes and Perception of the person, then our system of academia actually inhibits man's mental development and evolution.   And in like manner, if the purpose of the Gospel teachings was to enable the seeker to gain access to the Inner Kingdom, then man's common systems of religion have obstructed his spiritual progress.

The answer to the equation of achieving an enlightened perceptive-understanding is found in the statement in the Gospel of Luke with respect to the opening of the mind of the disciples in order to enable them to understand the true spiritual meaning of the written text of the scriptures: "Then opened He their understanding, that they might understand the scriptures" (Luke 24:45).  Unless the believers spiritual eyes and understanding is opened, and enlightened by the Anointing of the Mind, they will remain unable to comprehend the higher reality of the Soul and the Kingdom of God.  This is is because a higher enlightened understanding can only be accomplished by opening the "eyes of the heart" -- often referenced in the words: "eyes to see" -- as seen in the reality of mankind portrayed in the Gospel: "For this people’s heart has grown callous; they hardly hear with their ears, and they have closed their eyes. Otherwise they might see with their eyes, hear with their ears, understand with their hearts, and turn, and I would heal them’" (Matt 13:15).   Therefore, unless the believer has set themselves apart from the spiritually disenfranchised thinking and mindset of this world, they will remain unable to comprehend the spiritual meaning of the Gospels.  And in verification of this human reality, the second century Christian Bishop Valentinius quoted Paul's Epistle to the Ephesians when he made reference to Gnosis Kardias -- or, the enlightened eyes of the heart -- i.e.,   "I pray also that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you, the riches of his glorious inheritance in the saints" (Eph 1:18).   And that Paul wanted -- but could not -- speak about the Mystery and Spiritual meaning of the Gospel that remains beyond organic understanding to the Ephesians -- and could not because of their inherent human blindness that has victimized them since birth -- is the reason he portrayed himself as an ambassador in bonds: "And for me, that utterance may be given unto me, that I may open my mouth boldly, to make known the mystery of the gospel, for which I am an ambassador in bonds: that therein I may speak boldly, as I ought to speak" (see Eph 6:19-20). 

When rightly understood, Einstein said the same thing when he stated: "The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift."  The "intuitive mind" looks inward, whereas  the "linear-rational" mind that we utilize in our daily life, learns exclusively from outward sources as is the case either reading books, group learning or traditional academic educational systems.  Which confronts us with the problem created by external-linear systems of acquiring knowledge which was noted also noted by Einstein when he stated: “The only thing that interferes with my learning is my education.”   Why would Einstein say that it was his education that interferes with his ability to learn?  Because the overdevelopment of the "linear-rational" spheres of mind in our traditional academia environments, has the effect of atrophing the development of the inward-looking Intuitive spheres of mind, thereby flat-lining the ability of the mind to evolve beyond the levels of natural organic consciousness.   Which in Nikola Tesla's terms, inhibits the mind of the person from vibrating at the frequency that enables them to begin to tap into the Universal Source which Gordanio Bruno noted when he states: "Within every man there is a soul-flame, kindled at the sun of thought, which lends us wings whereby we may approach the sun of knowledge."    

There exists two ultra-important opposing foundational paradigms of human consciousness which is based upon the premise: (1) Is an infant's mind empty -- i.e., a blank slate -- and in need of being filled with the wisdom and the knowledge of mankind?  (2) Or, is every infant an extension of an inner un-manifest source of Higher Mind and Consciousness that many portray as our True or Soul-Self -- and true learning and mental development can only be achieved by tapping into this Inner Source. 

How you answer these questions sets the framework for the whole of your thinking and search for what is True or False.   And based upon your conclusion with respect to your answer to these two paradigms of mind, you will either be incarcerated in a self-imposed prison; or, sustain at least the opportunity to advance beyond organic physical limitations. 

When the ancient wise men stated the importance of acquiring self-knowledge in order to fulfill the adage to Know Thyself -- i.e., their True-Self that cannot manifest in this three-dimensional realm -- they were making reference to the infant Mind-Full foundation of consciousness?   In like manner, when Jesus rejected the position of the Pharisees who were waiting for the Kingdom to be inaugurated upon the earth wherein he conveyed to them that they were wrong -- stating that "...the kingdom of God is within you" (Luke 17:20-21) -- indicates that only those who seek inwardly beyond the barrier of organic human consciousness, can find the Kingdom -- and in finding what is portrayed as the Inner Kingdom, one is able to discover all the important answers to the life we are presently living.  


Science has proven the wisdom of the Mystics (see The Findings Of The Physicist ).  They have proven that physical matter and all that exists in this realm, is being projected from a higher Spiritual Reality that is not seen or observed with man's physical eyes and senses.  When physicist Walter Thirring stated in his book, Urbausteine der Materie about the nature and reality of physical matter that modern physics “...has put our thinking about the essence of matter in a different context.   It has taken our gaze from the visible - the particles - to the underlying entity, the field.   The presence of matter is merely a disturbance of the perfect state of the field at that place; something accidental, one could almost say, a ‘blemish’.   Accordingly, there are no simple laws describing the forces between elementary particles… Order and symmetry must be sought in the underlying field” -- what he was confirming is that what man sees with his physical eyes, is an image that has been projected into this world of appearances from an UNSEEN CAUSAL FIELD.  In the same way, Einstein experienced shock when he first came into contact with the new emerging reality of atomic physics, and wrote in his autobiography: “All my attempts to adapt the theoretical foundation of physics to this [new type of] knowledge failed completely. It was as if the ground had been pulled out from under one, with no firm foundation to be seen anywhere, upon which one could have built”.  In much the same fashion, the European physicist Niels Bohr stated that “…The great extension of our experience in recent years has brought to light the insufficiency of our simple mechanical conceptions and, as a consequence, has shaken the foundation on which the customary interpretation of observation was based.”  What this means is exactly as stated by Einstein when he stated: “We may therefore regard matter as being constituted by the regions of space in which the field is extremely intense… There is no place in this new kind of physics both for the field and matter, for the field is the only reality” (quoted in M. Capek, The Philosophical Impact of Contemporary Physics).  What is being stated is that the primary focus of science where only what was seen with one's physical eyes, has now been rendered inadequate and incomplete -- it being focused totally on observable matter -- because the emerging body of facts and evidence now demonstrates that what we perceive physically, is a projection from an UNSEEN Source where True Reality exists. 

The problem is seen in the fact that neither science or academia has the answer to the question: How does a person develop the ability to see into what science portrays as the Unseen Source-Field?  Unlike most people who remain blind to this Unseen Source, those who have walked the path of the Mystic have confirmed the statement of Nikola Tesla that man can begin to access this Universal Source, if he begins to change the Frequency and Vibration of their own Mind.  And this is accomplished one of two ways -- i.e., (1) the traditional way of the Mystic is to deny and lessen the influence of the lower earthly centers of the body by suppressing the appetites of man's lower physical nature; (2), or, by developing the lower earthly physical centers so that they merge with their opposite polarity/half in the upper spiritual centers, thereby manifesting what the Gospel account portray as Wholeness -- i.e., "They that are whole have no need of the physician, but they that are sick: I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance" (Mark 2:17).  

The outcome of both systems brings about a change in the frequency of consciousness that permits the person to begin to perceive and look into what modern Science portrays as the Unseen Source-Field.  With great wisdom and vision Einstein stated: "Only those who can see the invisible can do the impossible."  Paul conveyed the exact same message to the congregation of believers that Einstein stated in the above words:  "While we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen: for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal" (2 Cor 4:18)  Thus, the rational mind that is not shackled by dogmatic ideology will pose the question: How can I see what Einstein portrays as the "invisible", and what Paul portrayed as "...the things which are not seen: for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal"?  The Answer: By changing and transforming what Nicola Tesla states is your "frequency and vibration" of mind.  Which is the whole purpose of the Original Gospel teachings (see ).   

In the time of Columbus, the vast majority of people believed that the earth was flat, and rejected the earth as a globe. When Columbus succeeded in his journey to the New World, many people did not believe him. BUT, the bottom line was that in that time-frame, if you wanted proof that the world is not flat, and if you sail to the west that you would encounter the New World, then you had to make the journey. Modern science has proven that Spirit exists, and it is the Source of all that exists in this shadow sub-realm. People such as myself and others have made the journey, 




The mind of the person is formed and built by the type of thinking the person embraces. 

Each thought rides upon the bio-energy or vital life-force of that person -- built upon the foundational consciousness that emerges out of that vibratory frequency stream of thinking upon which it is formed.  The thought begins riding upon the bio-energy of the person, and is then formed and constructed in accord with the person's mindset -- and is either acted upon or dismissed.  If it is dismissed, and the bio-energy is then lost into Nature, then the person is robbed of the opportunity of growth and development.  Thus, it is the foundation of a person's thinking that is critical to the success of the life they are living.  In his 1951 textbook on quantum theory, Bohm offered some interesting speculations on the analogies between quantum processes and thought processes, thus carrying further the celebrated statement made by the astronomer James Jeans two decades earlier: “Today there is a wide measure of agreement… that the stream of knowledge is heading towards a non-mechanical reality; the universe begins to look more like a great thought than like a great machine”.  And the statement by astronomer Arthur Eddington: “The stuff of the universe is mind-stuff”.  Max Planck who is considered the founder of quantum theory stated: "As a man who has devoted his whole life to the most clear headed science, to the study of matter, I can tell you as a result of my research about atoms this much: There is no matter as such. All matter originates and exists only by virtue of a force which brings the particle of an atom to vibration and holds this most minute solar system of the atom together. We must assume behind this force the existence of a conscious and intelligent mind. This mind is the matrix of all matter."    More recently, cyberneticist David Foster described “an intelligent universe” whose apparent concreteness is generated by cosmic data from an unknowable, organized source.   The holographic reality says that: “…our brains mathematically construct hard reality by interpreting frequencies from a dimension transcending time and space. The brain is a hologram, interpreting a holographic universe.”  (Cyberneticist David Foster)

Why is this total departure from Darwinism that has fueled a modern revolution in scientific thinking important?  Because it confirms the reality that our perception and understanding of life is limited to  a "...mathematical construct [totally controlled by our own ability to]  interpre frequencies from a dimension transcending time and space.”  When it is understood that according to Pythagoras, the universe cannot exist without numbers -- and that numbers equate to energy, frequency and vibration, it is then understood why Pythagoras stated that mathematical numbers hold the meaning of life and existence. More specifically, we can then begin to comprehend why Pythagoras confirmed the findings of modern quantum physics and the reality that rational numbers which built the universe was sacred and unquestionable.

The foundational thinking of an Atheist is very different than a religious person.  The whole construct of their train of thought is built upon the premise that there is nothing metaphysical existing beyond this physical world.   Yet, if it is true that “…our brains mathematically construct hard reality by interpreting frequencies from a dimension transcending time and space" (Cyberneticist David Foster) -- that means that the foundational thinking of the Atheist renders them blind to the higher reality of mankind.   And what this means is that if God does exist -- and there is more than what mankind sees with their physical eyes and senses -- then their mindset and beliefs remain dead-ended and spiritually impotent.  But even more important is the fact that, based upon the person's foundational thinking, they can remain totally blind and incapable of comprehending the higher reality that another person is able to see and understand, based upon the frequency and vibration of their mental foundational thinking.   And even more important is the reality that secular governments built upon Marxism which regulates the thinking of the people, must be recognized as a detriment to the advancement of mankind.  In like manner, our present foundation of academia is built upon Darwinism, and is in denial of the reality of the Inner Source of Knowledge and Truth that wise men have attested to the existence of.  What this means is that our secular system of education is a detriment to the child's search for greater Truth and Knowledge. 

Oligrachic government -- whether they are secular or theocratic -- are designed to enslave and restrict the multitude in service of the few -- whether the few are clergy, kings or just secular leaders.  Pythagoras understood the higher spiritual reality that others were blind to, because he had the freedom to live and think in a foundational mindset that enabled him to advance beyond the rest of mankind -- supported by a community of disciples that were not regulated by either a secular of theocratic government.  In the Book of Acts the first thing the Apostles of Jesus did, was to create communities that lived the necessary thinking, mindset and lifestyle that enabled their eyes and perceptive-understanding to open to man's higher soul and spiritual reality.  Which would also demonstrate that it was the Constitutional mandate of individual God-Given Unalienable Rights that is the foundation of what is portrayed as American Exceptionalism, which is based upon the ability and freedom of the Natural Laws to develop the minds of the people beyond the levels of Consciousness of other forms of government.

When frequency and vibration is understood, the same cognitive restrictions that are true of a Marxist government, is also true of a Theocracy.  If you embrace error in the foundation of your religious beliefs, then no progress can be brought about until the defective foundation is rectified.  As an example: If you believe that Jesus is God-Incarnate, then the whole train of your thinking is built upon the premise that you are different than the historical man Jesus.  Which means that the statement of Jesus that, "Go instead to my brothers and tell them, 'I am returning to my Father and your Father, to my God and your God'" (John 20:17), has no real meaning.  If Jesus is God, then we are not his brothers.  If Jesus is God, then there is no truth to the statement of Jesus that "...'I am returning to my Father and your Father, to my God and your God'".  Which means that every thought and impression that is built upon the foundational mindset that Jesus is God, is adverse and totally different than the authors of the Gospels.  

The original followers of the historical man Jesus who walked and talked with him daily, all witnessed to the fact that Jesus was a true holy man who fulfilled the Royal Law of God -- i.e., Jesus "...was justified by fulfilling the Law. He was the Christ of God, since not one of the rest of mankind had observed the Law completely. Had any one else fulfilled the commandments of the Law, he would have been the Christ, for they assert that our Lord Himself was a man in like sense with all humanity" (see Hippolytus, Refut. Omn. Haer. vii. 34).  Hence, when a person therefore "...thus fulfills the law, they are able to become Christs, for they assert that our Lord Himself was a man in like sense with all humanity."  (Hippolytus, Refut. Omn. Haer. vii. 34).  And thus, by fulfilling the Law, the man Jesus was able to enter into a Coverture-Union with the Mind or Son of God -- i.e., Jesus was in “...supernatural union of a man and God... In their eyes, Jesus of Nazareth was a mere mortal, the legitimate son of Joseph and Mary: but he was the best and wisest of the human race, selected as the worthy instrument to restore upon earth the worship of the true and supreme Deity. When he was baptized in the Jordan, the Christ, the first of the aeons, the Son of God himself, descended on Jesus in the form of a dove, to inhabit his mind, and direct his actions during the allotted period of his ministry” (Gibbon; The Decline & Fall of the Roman Empire, V.4, P.366 SEE ALSO Coverture-Marriage (see Was Jesus God? ).  These same followers and disciples were themselves Anointed (Messiah/Christ), and their minds were opened to the inner spiritual meaning of the scriptures.  Of the people who listened to his teachings, Jesus stated: "And with many such parables He spoke the word to them as they were able to hear it.  But without a parable He did not speak to them. And when they were alone, He explained all things to His disciples" (Mark 4:33-34).  But to those few who walked and talked with him daily -- those who Jesus taught the higher reality of the Royal Law -- it is written: "Then opened He their understanding, that they might understand the scriptures" (Luke 24:45).  Which is why Jesus said of them: “Unto you it is given to know the mystery of the kingdom of God: but unto them that are without, all these things are done in parables: That seeing they may see, and not perceive; and hearing they may hear, and not understand” (Mark 4:11-12).  

Why could the original followers and disciples of Jesus understand what was and is incomprehensible to man in his organic natural condition of mind?  Why was Jesus able to teach and instruct only the chosen few?  Because a believer had to follow -- and a follower had to pick up their own cross and travail in TheWay, in order to walk through the inner door that Jesus opened unto them.   Therefore, because they abandoned the thinking and lifestyle of this world -- becoming what Jesus portrayed as the "good ground" that was fertile and teachable (see The Sower And The Seed ), these few had prepared themselves to follow and travail in TheWay.   And when it is acknowledged that if they fail to understand the teachings of the parable of the Sower and the Seed, that “Know ye not this parable? and how then will ye know all parables?” (Mark 4:13) -- meaning that if you fail to understand this basic foundational teachings of this single parable, that it will be impossible to understand all parables -- which failure to put this elementary teaching into practice, they would remain incapable of comprehending the mysteries of the Kingdom of God.  Therefore, it is through the opening of their mind, that their foundational thinking was conducive to a mindset that was spiritually fertile as portrayed as the "good ground".  And when it is understood that the ability to comprehend the scriptures and the Gospel teachings, was all conducive in accord with the "frequency and vibration" of their mind that was monitored by the Law -- only then is it understood why the original disciples of Jesus stated that he achieved all that he did by fulfilling the Law.  And that while Jesus could show them where the door was, as the prodigal sons, they had to follow and enter therein.

Jesus came to free their mind from the limitations of organic (carnal) thinking that enslaves all of mankind in this, the "outer darkness" of mind and being that is ruled over by the Citizen of the Far Country in the parable of the prodigal son.  What does the scriptures state: "Jesus answered them, Is it not written in your law, 'I said, You are gods '?" (John 10:34).   If Jesus confirmed the Law which declared that we are gods, then what is our true nature? When Justin Martyr, a first century Christian, quoted the 82nd chapter of Psalms from his scriptures, the sacred writings that he used did not read as ours does today. “God standeth in the congregation of gods”, Justin wrote, "I said, Ye are gods, and are all children of the Most High...” (Dialogue of Justin).   In addition to Justin, this verse is also found translated in this same manner in the works of Tertullian, Origen and Cyprian.  Thus, we have the witness of four of the earliest of Christians that “God standeth in the congregation of gods”, when the scriptures are speaking about us.  Justin then goes on to explain that all men were made like God, “free from suffering and death, provided that they kept His commandments, and were deemed deserving of the name of His sons, and yet they, becoming like Adam and Eve, work out death for themselves... thereby it is demonstrated that all men are deemed worthy of becoming ‘gods’, and of having power to become sons of the Highest; and shall be each by himself judged and condemned like Adam and Eve”.

Even our very own Bibles at one time more clearly taught this same concept. In the third century 1 John 3:2 read somewhat differently than it does in our present translations. Quoting from Origen’s Contra Celsum we read that “it doth not yet appear what we shall be; but we know that when He shall appear, we shall be like God, and shall see Him as He is”.   With regard to our becoming like God, Origen then writes regarding Matthew 5:48 that “...the virtue of man and of God is identical. And therefore we are taught to become ‘perfect,’ as our Father in heaven is perfect”.

The great truth that has been continually expressed by both Jewish and Christian visionaries is that the knowledge of the mysteries of God and the Divine Plan begins with the knowledge of ourselves as the Prodigal Sons of our Heavenly Father. It is for this reason that the second-century Church Father Clement of Alexandria said that it is “…the greatest of all lessons to know one's self. For if one knows himself, he will know God; and knowing God, he will be made like God… and that man becomes God, since God so wills”.    In his treaties on The Soul and the Resurrection, St Gregory writes that “the Resurrection is no other thing than 'the re-constitution of our nature in its original form’”, and states that there will come a time “…when the complete whole of our race shall have been perfected from the first man to the last”.  This statement should provoke great thought in the reader who is under the misconception that our Heavenly Father would destroy or forever cut off one of his sons or daughters who are lost in this world.   If the whole of our race will one day be perfected from the first man to the last, then there are many grave misconceptions on the part of believers today.

Where the English translation of the scripture says: “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand” (Matt 3:2), does repentance provide entrance into the Kingdom?  The meaning of the original Greek literally means to “change the mind”.  To phrase the thought that is being expressed, the true meaning is to “Open and unloose the mind, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand”.   This is truly important for the person of faith to come to terms with -- for it is the beginning of The Way.   When we begin to put these words into their proper context with respect to the Kingdom within (Luke 17:20-21), then we can see that the Gate of Eden which in the New Testament is portrayed as the "narrow gate", can only be entered by unloosing the mind from the anchor of the doctrines and thinking of men -- opening the mind to the inner reality of the Kingdom.  And in confirmation of the teaching that you are in control of entering the "kingdom within" -- and that you must open the "narrow gate" -- Peter told the people: ”looking for and hastening the coming of the day of God” (2 Pet 3:12) -- which was confirmed by Jesus in the words: "Assuredly, I say to you, there are some standing here who shall not taste death till they see the Son of Man coming in His kingdom" (Matt 16:28).  This same statement is also confirmed in the words: "So also, when you see all these things, you will know that He is near, right at the door. Truly I tell you, this generation will not pass away until all these things have happened. Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will never pass away" (Matt 24:33-35).

With respect to when the Kingdom would come, Peter told the people: ”looking for and hastening the coming of the day of God” (2 Pet 3:12).  Which provokes the question: How could the believers in that time-frame of the first-century, hasten or speed up the coming of the Kingdom, if it was coming externally in the outer world?  The believers to whome Peter was writing to with respect to their ability to speed up the coming of the Kingdom, fully understood what he was saying to them -- whereas, it is virtually impossible for the modern Christian to understand this crucial teaching.   Why?  Because their foundational mindset obstructs their entrance through the "narrow gate", because their foundational mindset has rendered them incapable of comprehending the instructions of the Gospel teachings.   Where they dogmatically believe that the door to the Kingdom will open unto them when they pass from this life, they fail to realize that if they don't enter the Kingdom while they are still in the body-vessel, that their entrance into the Kingdom will be slammed shut -- i.e., "Then one said to Him, Lord, are there few who are saved? And He said to them, Strive to enter through the narrow gate, for many, I say to you, will seek to enter and will not be able. When once the Master of the house has risen up and shut the door, and you begin to stand outside and knock at the door, saying, 'Lord, Lord, open for us,' and He will answer and say to you, 'I do not know you, where you are from,' then you will  begin to say, 'We ate and drank in Your presence, and You taught in our streets.' But He will say, 'I tell you I do not know you, where you are from. Depart from Me, all you workers of iniquity.' There will be weeping and gnashing of teeth, when you see Abraham and Isaac and Jacob and all the prophets in the kingdom of God, and yourselves thrust out. They will come from the east and the west, from the north and the south, and sit down in the kingdom of God. And indeed there are last who will be first, and there are first who will be last" (Luke 13:23-30).      





The Plight Of The Prodigal Son: In the parable of the prodigal son, each person is personified as the offspring of their Heavenly Father who is wandering in this world which is portrayed as the Far Country or "outer darkness" of mind and being -- and by falling under the control of the Citizen of the Far Country -- i.e., the Consciousness of the earth -- each person must "come to their senses" and return to the Edenic Kingdom which they originally abandoned.  How is this return journey accomplished?  By fulfilling the Law of God within your own mind and being.  What does this mean?  By developing the mind by nourishing it with thoughts and impressions that are Whole. 

If you believe you are a follower of the historical man Jesus, there is one truly important reality that is ultra-important that you have not been told.  The original followers and disciples of Jesus who walked and talked with him daily -- traveling with him day and night --  who were themselves Anointed (Messiah/Christ) to the degree that each could receive the (Anointing) Power of Enlightenment of Mind -- some of whom had achieved the subsequent non-physical subsequent stage of birth that because of it's non-physical reality, is allegorically portrayed as the Virgin Birth --  the very people who were the author's of the original Gospels -- were known as Ebionites -- i.e., the "poor ones" -- and the Ebionites not only remain a people who modern Christians know absolutely nothing about -- but the authorities of the Church has condemned the original (Ebionite) followers of Jesus as heretics (see The Ebionite Heresy ).  Why have the original followers of Jesus who not only walked and talked with him daily -- but were the only people who Jesus himself taught and answered their questions about every aspect of life -- the people of whom Jesus stated: “Unto you it is given to know the mystery of the kingdom of God: but unto them that are without, all these things are done in parables: That seeing they may see, and not perceive; and hearing they may hear, and not understand” (Mark 4:11-12) -- while speaking in the enigma of parables to the multitude of people who remained carnal in their understanding as seen in the words: "And with many such parables He spoke the word to them as they were able to hear it.  But without a parable He did not speak to them. And when they were alone, He explained all things to His disciples" (Mark 4:33-34) -- the very people who even authored the original Gospels -- why have they been rejected as heretics?   Censored, because they stated that the man Jesus was a holy man who became the Anointed (Messiah/Christ) by fulfilling the Law of God -- and was able to enter into a Coverture-Union with the Logos/Son of God/Mind of God/True Prophet (see Coverture-Marriage - Was Jesus God? ).  But didn't Jesus confirm this fact when he stated: "Go instead to my brothers and tell them, 'I am returning to my Father and your Father, to my God and your God'" (John 20:17)?   



Did Jesus affirm this position with respect to his original followers who he directly taught?  In the Gospel of Matthew Jesus is quoted as stating: "Do not think that I came to destroy the Law or the Prophets. I did not come to destroy but to fulfill. For assuredly, I say to you, till heaven and earth pass away, one jot or one tittle will by no means pass from the law till all is fulfilled. Whoever therefore breaks one of the least of these commandments (of the Law), and teaches men so, shall be called least in the kingdom of heaven; but whoever does and teaches them, he shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven.  For I say to you, that unless your righteousness exceeds the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees, you will by no means enter the kingdom of heaven" (Matt 5:17-20). 

It remains impossible for modern believers to fulfill the Law that they have absolutely no understanding of.  And with respect to the statement that "...unless your righteousness exceeds the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees, you will by no means enter the kingdom of heaven" -- Jesus portrayed the "scribes and Pharisees" as blind guides who led the people in the wrong direction -- which is the reason why Jesus portrayed them as "the devil's spawn" (see Christianity - The Devil's Spawn ).  And the fact that other people had themselves fulfilled the Law and became Whole, is confirmed in the statement: : "They that are whole have no need of the physician, but they that are sick: I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance" (Mark 2:17).   Before this verse can be understood we must first understand what it means to be Whole.   Which provokes the question: How is Wholeness achieved?   Contrary to the dogma of the modern Church, if Jesus is the savior who every person needs for salvation, then Jesus himself said the Church was wrong, and those who are Whole do not need him.  And as a physician, Jesus did not come for the salvation of those who are Whole, but only for those who are sick and in need of a physician.   And in total opposition to Church dogma, what this also means is that at the time the historical man Jesus walked the face of the earth, there existed people who he portrayed as "whole [and] righteous" who did not need Jesus the physician.  Jesus openly states that his mission as a spiritual physician is not for them, because they achieved the necessary Wholeness without him. 

That the Ebionites -- like their Essene forerunners -- understood the allegorical nature of the written words of the Torah, is the reason why the early Church writer Epiphanius wrote that the Ebionites " not accept Moses' Pentateuch in its entirety; certain sayings they reject... stating Christ has revealed this to me, and will blaspheme most of the legislation" (Panarion 30.18.7-9).   For them to be accused of "blaspheming most of the legislation", means that they did not at all observe the Torah outwardly in accordance with the letter of the written word in the manner of the Jews -- but rather, they understood the allegorical symbolism that was applicable to unlocking the inner door to the Kingdom (Luke 17:20-21).   With respect to the spiritual meaning of the Law, it should alarm modern Christians that in sone of the ancient biblical codex's is found a statement of Jesus that has also recently been confirmed in the newly discovered Gospel of Thomas in what is now known as the Nag Hammidi Library. In this codex the Gospel of Luke contains the verses: "On the same day, He (Jesus) beholding a man laboring on the Sabbath, said to him: Man if thou knowest what thou doest, blessed art thou; if however thou dost not know, cursed art thou and a transgressor of the law".  Thus, what is being stated?  If you know the spiritual meaning of the Sabbath -- then you are not held accountable for "blaspheming ...the legislation".  But if you don't know the spiritual meaning of the Sabbath, then you are "cursed ...and a transgressor of the law" So, with respect to the reason as to why the Ebionites continued to embrace the Torah and the Spiritual Observance of the Law?   Because the scriptures are the means to bring about the necessary expansion and deepening of mind by using the allegorical symbols as catalysts that can't be expressed literally, and have the capacity to develop the Intuitive spheres of mind which enabled them to gain access to their Inner Source of Knowledge that possesses the transformational power that enables the seeker to become Spiritual Israel (see The Purpose Of The Scriptures ).      

When Jesus said with respect to fulfilling the Law that  "...For I say to you, that unless your righteousness exceeds the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees, you will by no means enter the kingdom of heaven" (Matt 5:17-20), what does these words mean to the followers of Jesus?  The answer is found in the word "lawless" in the teaching of Jesus on the Law when he said: "Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves. You will know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes from thornbushes or figs from thistles? Even so, every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit. A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, nor can a bad tree bear good fruit. Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. Therefore by their fruits you will know them. Not everyone who says to Me, 'Lord, Lord,' shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven. Many will say to Me in that day, 'Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, cast out demons in Your name, and done many wonders in Your name?' And then I will declare to them, 'I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness!'" (Matt 7:15-23).  The "lawless" person fails to bear fruit and fulfill the Law that Jesus taught was necessary to "...enter the kingdom of heaven" (Matt 5:17-20).  But based upon the dogma of Martin Luther, the modern Christians preach that the Law which Jesus taught had to be fulfilled, was "nailed to the cross" and is no longer in effect.   Thus, Protestant Christians have embraced the dogma of Martin Luther and rejected the words of Jesus when he warned: "For assuredly, I say to you, till heaven and earth pass away, one jot or one tittle will by no means pass from the law till all is fulfilled. Whoever therefore breaks one of the least of these commandments, and teaches men so, shall be called least in the kingdom of heaven; but whoever does and teaches them, he shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven."   Thus, Evangelical Christians blindly follow the wolf-in-sheeps garb, Martin Luther, who taught that the Law is not in effect, because it was "nailed to the cross".  Which provokes the question: Doesn't this mean that Martin Luther was a "...ravenous wolf in sheep's clothing" that has rendered the modern believer incapable of fulfilling the Law and gaining entrance into the Kingdom? 

Martin Luther preached a doctrine of redemption -- perpetual redemption -- teaching that Christians should live comfortable in sin as seen in his words: "Be a sinner, and let your sins be strong, but let your trust in Christ be stronger, and rejoice in Christ who is the victor over sin, death, and the world.  We will commit sins while we are here, for this life is not a place where justice resides...  No sin can separate us from Him, even if we were to kill or commit adultery thousands of times each day." ('Let Your Sins Be Strong, from 'The Wittenberg Project;'  'The Wartburg Segment', translated by Erika Flores, from Martin Luther's Saemmtliche Schriften, Letter No. 99, 1 Aug. 1521).   Martin Luther even went as far in opposition to the teachings of Jesus and TheWay, as to condemn those who strove to live the Consecrated Life that the Gospel Ordained -- as seen in the words: "Those pious souls who do good to gain the Kingdom of Heaven not only will never succeed, but they must even be reckoned among the impious; and it is more important to guard them against good works than against sin."  (Wittenberg, VI, 160, quoted by O'Hare, in 'The Facts About Luther, TAN Books, 1987, p. 122).   Thus, there is simply very little that the modern Church holds in common with the original teachings of Jesus which was the path of spiritual transformation and Completion -- and the Command: "Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you" (2 Cor 6:17).

The dogma of Martin Luther has often been justified in the statement that the Law was nailed to the cross in the crucifixion of Jesus -- thereby absolving Christians from observing and following the Law.  But if we put this man-made dogma into its proper perspective, that would be the same as saying that because our elder brother Jesus achieved a University Degree, his Degree exempts everyone else from having to achieve the Degree that is the very purpose for our lives in this realm.  That would be the same thing as stating that because our brother achieved a Graduate Degree in Humanity, we can just hangout awaiting the end of the school year when we will receive a failing grade that will cause us to get left back.  And thus, because we failed to achieve the Graduate Degree of Life, we must repeat the same grade over -- and over -- and over again, until we achieve the Degree.

As the prodigal sons and daughters who dwell in the Far Country, all the Souls of mankind are in the process of evolving to Wholeness and Perfection -- i.e., "You, therefore, must be perfect, as your Heavenly Father is perfect" (Matt 5:48) -- i.e.,  "They that are whole have no need of the physician, but they that are sick: I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance" (Mark 2:17).   Before this verse can be understood we must first understand what it means to be Whole.   Which provokes the question: How is Wholeness achieved?   Contrary to the dogma of the modern Church, if Jesus is the savior who every person needs for salvation, then Jesus himself said the Church was wrong, and those who are Whole do not need him.  And as a physician, Jesus did not come for the salvation of those who are Whole, but only for those who are sick and in need of a physician.   And in total opposition to Church dogma, what this also means is that at the time the historical man Jesus walked the face of the earth, there existed people who he portrayed as "whole [and] righteous" who did not need Jesus the physician.  Jesus openly states that his mission as a spiritual physician is not for them, because they achieved the necessary Wholeness without him.   What is the requirement for the prodigal sons and daughters to fulfill the Law and gain entrance to the Inner Kingdom?  For I am the LORD your God; consecrate yourselves, therefore, and be holy, because I am holy" (Lev 11:43-44).  "But just as He who called you is holy, so be holy in all you do, for it is written: Be holy, because I am holy” (1 Peter 1:15-16) 

Soul Perfection and Wholeness can only be achieved in the same way that Jesus did and taught, by fulfilling the Law of God within their own Mind and Being -- i.e., the Ebionite Nazirene disciples of Jesus explained that he "...was justified by fulfilling the Law. He was the Christ (Anointed) of God, since not one of the rest of mankind had observed the Law completely. Had any one else fulfilled the commandments of the Law, he would have been the Christ, for they assert that our Lord Himself was a man in like sense with all humanity" (see Hippolytus, Refut. Omn. Haer. vii. 34).   And this confirms this statement with respect to the true potential of all of mankind that Jesus taught, as demonstrated in the words of Hippolytus when he wrote that this body of original core followers and disciple believed that when anyone "...thus fulfill the law, they are able to become Christs" (Hippolytus, Refut. Omn. Haer. vii. 34 - see ).   Which means that what Jesus accomplished, is in fact the eventual destiny of all of mankind who are portrayed as the lost prodigal sons and daughters of their Heavenly Father.   And this is why Jesus taught that he was our brother -- i.e., "Go instead to my brothers and tell them, 'I am returning to my Father and your Father, to my God and your God'" (John 20:17 NIV).     That the historical Jesus was a true holy man who became the Anointed (Messiah/Christ) by fulfilling the Royal Law within himself, is attested to at Acts 2:22 where Jesus is portrayed as "a man, attested to you by God" -- and this was demonstrated by God performing "mighty works and wonders and signs that God did through him in your midst".   If Jesus was himself God incarnate as believed by the later Romans, then these words portraying Jesus as a man approved by God through the works and wonders that God did through him, never would have been presented in this manner. And the reality that Jesus, the man, became the Anointed, and At-One with the Indwelling Logos/Son of God, is especially demonstrated in the words of Edward Gibbon with respect to the original position of the Ebionite Nazirene disciples of Jesus that he was in “...supernatural union of a man and God... In their eyes, Jesus of Nazareth was a mere mortal, the legitimate son of Joseph and Mary: but he was the best and wisest of the human race, selected as the worthy instrument to restore upon earth the worship of the true and supreme Deity. When he was baptized in the Jordan, the Christ, the first of the aeons, the Son of God himself, descended on Jesus in the form of a dove, to inhabit his mind, and direct his actions during the allotted period of his ministry” (Gibbon; The Decline & Fall of the Roman Empire, V.4, P.366). 

The Process Of Fulfilling The Law: How different modern Christians perceive what the scriptures actually convey is easily demonstrated by using our very own Bibles.   When Jesus said to the chief priests and the elders that the “…tax collectors and the harlots go into the kingdom of God before you” (Matt 21:31 RSV), such a statement simply has no place within the present day understanding of Christian doctrine.  Why?  Because we are without a means to explain Jesus' words, most Bible commentaries simply ignore the implications of this passage of scripture. One widely used commentary attempts to correct the text from a dogmatic perspective by changing the words to: “instead of” -- which would then make the meaning doctrinally correct and read: “The tax collectors and the harlots go into the kingdom of God instead of you”.   In this verse of scripture we are presented with one of the core reasons why the original followers of Jesus believed totally different than most Christians today -- and why it can be factually stated that modern Christian beliefs have virtually nothing in common with the Original Gospel teachings.  Therefore the question that must be posed is: When will the chief priests and elders enter into the kingdom? Modern Christian doctrine states that because of their disbelief and rejection of Christ, they will be cut off from the face of God, and perhaps even condemned to eternal judgment. And yet we cannot deny the fact that Jesus' own words convey the message that there will come a time when the chief priests and elders will also enter the Kingdom of God -- and it will be at a time after the tax collectors and harlots who believed, repented, picked up their own crosses and themselves fulfilled the Law in the manner that Jesus taught, and followed and travailed in TheWay -- and as prodigal sons who "came to their senses", they were able to return to the Edenic Kingdom.   While at a later period when those Souls who had lived as the chief priests and elders themselves "came to their senses" and fulfilled the Law, were also able to return to the Edenic Kingdom.   

With respect to fulfilling the Law, the question that we are presented with is how long must each of us who are the prodigal sons, travail in this, the Far Country, before we come to our senses and "turn about", and begin the journey in TheWay that returns us to the Edeninc Kingdom of Origination?    Jesus commanded those who would be his followers: "Enter by the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many who go in by it. Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it." (Matt 7:13-14 NKJ) -- i.e., "For many are called, but few are chosen" (Matt 22:14).    With respect to the word that translators commonly render "destruction", the true meaning in no manner represents what is actually being presented.   Quoting the footnote on this word in the Schofield Reference Bible which reads: “There is no thought in these various words of annihilation but of something that is ruined and thus unsuitable or unable to fulfill its original purpose”   But once again it is impossible for the modern Christian to understand the reality presented in the previous Gospel statement.   And it is not until we come to understand the meaning of the Gospel of Thomas saying 84 (see Man As An Embryonic Soul-Image) which was removed by the Church, can we even begin to understand what is being taught in these verses with respect to entering into the "narrow gate".   (84) Jesus said, "When you see your likeness, you rejoice. But when you see your images which came into being before you, and which neither die nor become manifest, how much you will have to bear!"   What is being stated?   Saying 84 presents what is portrayed as YOUR LIKENESS, and YOUR IMAGES.   It does not say: When you see God -- and this is because you dwell within the reality of your own soul-self -- and it is your soul-self that is in the above portrayed as "your likeness" that dwells within God.   When rightly understood, we only dwell within God by proxy.    When the Schofield Reference Bible reads: “There is no thought in these various words of annihilation but of something that is ruined and thus unsuitable or unable to fulfill its original purpose” -- wherein, each Soul's previous failures are understood as that Soul's IMAGES which failed to "become manifest" -- much like the chief priests and elders who could not go into the kingdom of God with the “…tax collectors and the harlots", who followed in TheWay and fulfilled the Law as Jesus taught -- teaches the reality that each Soul which is portrayed as YOUR LIKENESS , will continue to generate incarnate personalities who are portrayed as YOUR IMAGES, until an IMAGE of the Soul-LIKENESS  does fulfill the Law and is able to return to the Edenic Kingdom.   And the fact that when a person passes from this life and comes into the presence their Soul-LIKENESS and see the previous IMAGES their Soul has generated, means that these past-life personalities continue to exist across the dimension of what we call TIME. 

What this means is that the modern Christian simply has no understanding of the higher reality of their own Soul-Self.  And this higher Soul-Reality confirms the statement of the mystic St. Teresa who wrote and explained that: "The soul...", writes St. Teresa, is as “a castle made of a single diamond… in which there are many rooms, just as in Heaven there are many mansions” (Interior Castle by St. Teresa of Avila).  Therefore each IMAGE-PERSONALITY that was generated by the Soul, continues to dwell in the Mansion of the Soul -- with each failure building and perfecting the Soul in what can be portrayed as that Soul's Spiritual DNA (see Spiritual DNA And The Allotment Of Talents To The Invited Guests AND Spiritual DNA And The Sower And The Seed ).

In not understanding the process of how the Soul evolves and fulfills the Law of God as Jesus taught and himself accomplished, the modern dogma of the Church actually inhibits the believer from making any substantial progress and fulfilling the objective and purpose of the Original Gospel Teachings as restored at .  Because the believer cannot do the works and accomplish what the Soul of Jesus did, the leaders and authorities of the Church create dogmatic excuses as to why the believer is not expected to fulfill the Law and spiritually arise to fulfill the Gospel requirements.    As a lost prodigal son or daughter, how many lifetimes travailing in this world will be required before you keep the Commandments, and begin the process of the transformation of your body-mind into the Final Temple?    How many lifetimes -- i.e., how many failed images of your higher soul-self will be generated into this world "...that is ruined and thus unsuitable or unable to fulfill its original purpose”, before you begin to overcome the Law within you, and begin to draw nearer and learn from the One Teacher that Jesus said to seek out (see The One Teacher )?   How many lifetimes will you read the sacred word of the scriptures through the dogmatic filter of the doctrines of carnal men, before you embrace the words of Peter when he warned: "...therefore great care is to be taken, that when the law of God is read, it be not read according to the understanding of our own mind. For there are many sayings in the divine Scriptures which can be drawn to that sense which every one has preconceived for himself; and this ought not to be done. For you ought not to seek a foreign and extraneous sense, which you have brought from without". (see The Spiritual Disenfranchisement Of The Mind).  


The Seduction Of The Prodigal Son: One of the most important statements in the parable of the prodigal son that is both ignored and not not at all understood by the multitude of students of the Gospels, is the statement by the elder brother to the Father when the prodigal son made his way back to the Kingdom.  The parable portrays the Two Sons -- i.e., "“There was a man who had two sons. The younger one said to his father, ‘Father, give me the portion of goods that falls to me.’ So he divided to them his livelihood. And not many days after the younger son gathered all together, and took his journey into a far country, and there wasted his substance with riotous living. But when he had spent all, there arose a severe famine in that land, and he began to be in want. Then he went and joined himself to a citizen of that country, and he sent him into his fields to feed swine. And he would gladly have filled his stomach with the pods that the swine ate, and no one gave him anything..." (Luke 15:12-16).  And what is personified in these verses is the plight of all of mankind. 

The condition portrayed in the above is that of the "outer darkness" of mind and being -- i.e., in the Gospel of Matthew the term "outer darkness" is used three times in conjunction with those who did not seek truth and to walk in TheWay.   Thus, we must ask the question: Exactly what is the outer darkness that is portrayed in the Gospels?   The Wikipedia states that: In Christianity, the outer darkness is a place referred to three times in the Gospel of Matthew (8:12, 22:13, and 25:30) into which a person may be "cast out", and where there is "weeping and gnashing of teeth". Generally, the outer darkness is thought to be hell; however, many Christians associate the outer darkness more generally as a place of separation from God or from the metaphorical "wedding banquet" that Jesus is expected to have upon his Second Coming.  Quoting from Matt 22:1-14 : "...when the king came in to see the guests, he saw there a man who didn't have on wedding clothing, and he said to him, 'Friend, how did you come in here not wearing wedding clothing?' He was speechless. Then the king said to the servants, 'Bind him hand and foot, take him away, and throw him into the outer darkness; there is where the weeping and grinding of teeth will be.' For many are called, but few chosen."

So long as you, the prodigal son/daughter, continues to be a prisoner of the Citizen of the Far Country, you will remain in the "outer darkness" of mind and being -- robbed of the memory of when you dwelt in the Kingdom of your Heavenly Father -- dwelling in a state of spiritual amnesia (see Spiritual Amnesia ).  In order to restore your memory of your long and distant past, you must put on the "wedding garment" and come to The Call (see TheCall To The Wedding Banquette ). 

The term used in the Gospel with respect to those who are "outside", and those who are "In The House", is of primary importance to the seeker and believer in the Gospel teachings.  With regard to the spiritual term “house”, in reference to one who is said to be "in the house", Origen wrote in Contra Celsum: “I have not yet spoken of the observances of all that is written in the gospel, each one of which contains much doctrine difficult to be understood, not merely by the multitude, but even by certain of the more intelligent, including a very profound explanation of the parables, which Jesus delivered to ‘those without' while reserving the exhibition of their full meaning for those who have passed beyond the stage of exoteric teachings, and who came to him privately in the house. And when he comes to understand it, he will admire the reason why some are said to be without, and others in the house”.  In the Homilies of his disciple Clement, the Apostle Peter is quoted as stating:  “We remember that our Lord and teacher, as commanding, said to us, guard the mysteries for me, and the sons of my house. Wherefore also he explained to his disciples, privately, the mysteries of the kingdoms of the heavens.”

When the disciples who dwelled In The House, asked Jesus why he taught the multitude of people in the enigma of parables -- "And with many such parables He spoke the word to them as they were able to hear it.  But without a parable He did not speak to them. And when they were alone, He explained all things to His disciples" (Mark 4:33-34)  -- wherein, each person's interpretation and understanding was in accord with their own mindset and thinking -- Jesus replied to his disciples: "Unto you is given the mystery of the kingdom of God: but unto them that are without, all things are done in parables: that seeing they may see, and not perceive; and hearing they may hear, and not understand; lest haply they should turn again, and it should be forgiven them" (Mark 4:11-12 ASV) -- and the term, "...lest haply they should turn again", is stated in reference to the Kingdom that can only be found within, and the presence of The One Teacher therein.  As the lost prodigal son, unless you begin to "turn about" and become a child of the Kingdom (see Turn About And Become As a Child ) -- and therein escape the ignorance of the "outer darkness" -- you will not be able to understand the spiritual meaning of the Gospels, and gain entrance into the Kingdom through the "narrow gate".  And with respect to the requirements of truly being "born again" and becoming a Child of the Kingdom, one of the most important Gospel teachings was removed by the Church (see The Missing Verse Removed From The Gospels ).  


But as soon as this son of yours came, who has devoured your livelihood with harlots, you killed the fatted calf for him.’ (Luke 15:30). 








Breaking The Organic Intellectual Barrier: There is a Natural Barrier that limits and monitors the cognitive awareness, consciousness and intelligence of a person to insure the necessary development of mind that enables the person to evolve -- level upon level -- to perceptively understand the Knowledge of the Ultimate Truth of all Truths -- one step at a time.  "To him who overcomes will I give to eat of the hidden manna" (Rev 2:8-17).  The hidden or Divine Manna is the Transformational Sacred Self-Knowledge that enables the person to Know their True-Source as the Divine Offspring of God.  But what this means is that because development is accomplished and monitored by the the Natural Laws, each level of our interaction with the Laws must be brought about level upon level.  When a person attempts to develop their mind upon a flawed foundation, the Natural Laws inhibit their upward advancement, and perpetually loop them back until the flawed foundation is corrected (see The Twisting of Law at the Third Interval ) -- and this looping back is the purpose of the Law of Octaves that tests our progress.  Why?  Because it is necessary to build on a foundation of mind that will permit the person to advance. 

Who are we? "Jesus answered them, Is it not written in your law, 'I said, You are gods '?" (John 10:34). If Jesus confirmed the Law which declared that we are gods, then what is our true nature? When the first century Christian Justin Martyr quoted the 82nd chapter of Psalms from his scriptures, the sacred writings that he used did not read as ours does today. “God standeth in the congregation of gods”, Justin wrote, "I said, Ye are gods, and are all children of the Most High...” (Dialogue of Justin). In addition to Justin, this verse is also found translated in this same manner in the works of Tertullian, Origen and Cyprian. Thus, we have the witness of four of the earliest of Christians that “God standeth in the congregation of gods”, when the scriptures are speaking about man.  Justin then goes on to explain that all men were made like God, “free from suffering and death, provided that they kept His commandments, and were deemed deserving of the name of His sons, and yet they, becoming like Adam and Eve, work out death for themselves... thereby it is demonstrated that all men are deemed worthy of becoming ‘gods’, and of having power to become sons of the Highest; and shall be each by himself judged and condemned like Adam and Eve”.

Even our very own Bibles at one time more clearly taught this same concept. In the third century 1 John 3:2 read somewhat differently than it does in our present translations. Quoting from Origen’s Contra Celsum we read that “it doth not yet appear what we shall be; but we know that when He shall appear, we shall be like God, and shall see Him as He is”. With regard to our becoming like God, Origen then writes regarding Matthew 5:48 that “...the virtue of man and of God is identical. And therefore we are taught to become ‘perfect,’ as our Father in heaven is perfect”. The great truth that has been continually expressed by both Jewish and Christian visionaries is that the knowledge of the mysteries of God and the Divine Plan begins with the knowledge of ourselves as the Prodigal Sons of our Heavenly Father. It is for this reason that the second-century Church Father Clement of Alexandria said that it is “…the greatest of all lessons to know one's self. For if one knows himself, he will know God; and knowing God, he will be made like God… and that man becomes God, since God so wills”. In his treaties on The Soul and the Resurrection, St Gregory writes that “the Resurrection is no other thing than 'the re-constitution of our nature in its original form’”, and states that there will come a time “…when the complete whole of our race shall have been perfected from the first man to the last”. This statement should provoke great thought in the reader who is under the misconception that our Heavenly Father would destroy or forever cut off one of his sons or daughters who are lost in this world. If the whole of our race will one day be perfected from the first man to the last, then there are many grave misconceptions on the part of believers today.


The original followers of the historical man Jesus who walked and talked with him daily, all witnessed to the fact that Jesus was a true holy man who fulfilled the Royal Law of God -- and by fulfilling the Law, the historical man Jesus was able to enter into a Coverture-Union with the Logos/Mind of God (a.k.a. Son of God -- see Coverture-Marriage - Was Jesus God? ).    The reality that Jesus, the man, became the Anointed (Messiah/Christ), and At-One with the Indwelling Logos/Son of God, is especially demonstrated in the words of Edward Gibbon with respect to the original position of the Ebionite Nazirene disciples of Jesus that Jesus was in “...supernatural union of a man and God... In their eyes, Jesus of Nazareth was a mere mortal, the legitimate son of Joseph and Mary: but he was the best and wisest of the human race, selected as the worthy instrument to restore upon earth the worship of the true and supreme Deity. When he was baptized in the Jordan, the Christ, the first of the aeons, the Son of God himself, descended on Jesus in the form of a dove, to inhabit his mind, and direct his actions during the allotted period of his ministry” (Gibbon; The Decline & Fall of the Roman Empire, V.4, P.366).   It must be noted that the mother and family of Jesus were all Ebionites -- as was his brother Jacob who they call James, and was the first leader of the Church.   In the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, Gibbon noted that the teachings of Jesus were “…embraced by great numbers of the Therapeutae, or Essinians…”, and wrote that: “Le Clerc (Hist. Ecclesiast p. 477, 535) seems to have collected from Eusebius, Jerome, Epiphanius, and other writers, all the principle circumstances that relate to the Nazarenes or Ebionites. The nature of their opinions soon divided them into a stricter and milder sect; and there is some reason to conjecture that the family of Jesus remained members, at least, of the latter and more moderate party”.   The Ebionites who were totally faithful to the Original Gospel teaching, understood that the Kingdom or Second Coming can only come within the mind and body of the seeker/disciple who lives the necessary Consecrated Life in in fulfillment of The Royal Law and TheWay.

You can search all of modern academia -- all the libraries of the world -- and consult all the scriptures -- and you will not find the formula of the Law of Octaves and the process of entering in through the "narrow gate" anywhere.  Why?  Because this essential knowledge of the Spiritual Meaning of the Law was thrown away by the Gentile Church.  When the body of the teachings of Jesus are rightly understood, there is a spiritual formula of Natural Law that opens the door to higher development of Mind and Spirit beyond what can be portrayed as organic human consciousness.   And without understanding the formula that is manifest in the Law of Octaves, no amount of schooling by academia, reading of scripture, meditation, or the study of religious teachings, will develop the mind of the person beyond the organic limitations of man's physical consciousness.   And this fact of human reality is noted in the Epistle of Peter to James where it is stated that if the body of esoteric knowledge taught by Jesus to his closest disciples was to become  lost or thrown away, that  " will remain even for those who really seek the truth, always to wander in error".  Why? It should alarm modern Christians that in one of the ancient codexes is found a statement of Jesus that has also recently been confirmed in the newly discovered Gospel of Thomas in what is now known as the Nag Hammidi Library. In this codex the Gospel of Luke contains the verses: "On the same day, He (Jesus) beholding a man laboring on the Sabbath, said to him: Man if thou knowest what thou doest, blessed art thou; if however thou dost not know, cursed art thou and a transgressor of the law". And this verse is again found in the Gospel Of The Nazirenes: "And Jesus beheld a man working on the Sabbath, and He said to him, man, if you know what you are doing, you are blessed, for you are not breaking the law in the spirit; but if you don't know, you are accursed and a transgressor of the law."  What is meant by the words with respect to breaking the Law: "...if you know what you are doing, you are blessed".  

The original (Ebionite Nazirene) followers and disciples of Jesus were condemned as heretics by the Gentile Church, because they were portrayed as having continued to embrace The Law (see The Ebionite Heresy ).  Yet, the Ebionites were enlightened to the spiritual meaning of the Torah, and did not observe it outwardly in ritual and tradition in the manner of the Pharisees, which is the reason why the Church authority Epiphanius wrote that the Ebionites "do not accept Moses' Pentateuch in its entirety; certain sayings they reject... stating Christ has revealed this to me, and will blaspheme most of the legislation" (Panarion 30.18.7-9).   For them to be accused of "blaspheming most of the legislation",  means that they did not at all observe the Torah in accordance with the letter of the written word -- but rather, that in opening their minds to the spiritual meaning of the scriptures as stated in the words: "Then opened He their understanding, that they might understand the scriptures" (Luke 24:45)  -- they understood the allegorical symbolism that was applicable to unlocking the inner door through the "narrow gate" that provides entrance into the Kingdom.    And that this essential body of knowledge was thrown away by the gentile Church, is why it can be said of the Church that " will remain even for those who really seek the truth, always to wander in error".   

Christians claim that they are exempt from the Law -- and claim that the Law was "nailed to the cross" and is no longer in effect?  This statement is one of abject ignorance with respect to the spiritual meaning of the Law and how it must be fulfilled in order to enter into the "narrow gate" and into the Kingdom.  As stated in the words: "Do not think that I came to destroy the Law or the Prophets. I did not come to destroy but to fulfill. For assuredly, I say to you, till heaven and earth pass away, one jot or one tittle will by no means pass from the law till all is fulfilled. Whoever therefore breaks one of the least of these commandments, and teaches men so, shall be called least in the kingdom of heaven; but whoever does and teaches them, he shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven.  For I say to you, that unless your righteousness exceeds the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees, you will by no means enter the kingdom of heaven" (Matt 5:17-20).  The "scribes and Pharisees" who Jesus portrayed as "blind guides", see only the literal text of the written word, and they observe it outwardly in ritual and tradition -- there by throwing away the Key of Knowledge as condemned by Jesus: "How terrible it will be for you experts in religious law! For you hide the key to knowledge from the people. You don't enter the Kingdom yourselves, and you prevent others from entering" (Luke 11:52).  Thus, in understanding these words spoken to the Pharisees, the questions must be asked: How did the Pharisees and Jewish authorities "...hide the key to knowledge from the people"  Why did Jesus condemn the leaders of the Jews for failing to enter the Kingdom themselves? -- i.e., "...You don't enter the Kingdom yourselves"!   And how did the religious leaders of the Jews "...prevent others from entering?"   In further clarification, the TEV version of the this verse states: “How terrible for you teachers of the Law! You have kept the key that opens the door to the house of knowledge; you yourselves will not go in, and you stop those who are trying to go in!” (Luke 11:52 TEV).  Thus, the scriptures when properly used, have the ability to "open the [inner] door to the House of Knowledge".  That the primary objective of the Gospels is to prepare and enable the seeker/disciple to enter the inner Kingdom through the "narrow gate", is further demonstrated in Jesus' condemnation of the blind religious leaders as seen in the words: "Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You shut the kingdom of heaven in men's faces. You yourselves do not enter, nor will you let those enter who are trying to" (Matt 23:13).  Which means that the Kingdom of God is not something that will come if we wait for it -- but rather, it is a reality which man must seek and find -- within himself by fulfilling the Royal Law.


The Path Of Ascension And Growth: In the allegorical scriptures, all mental and spiritual advancement is portrayed as the climbing and ascent up the proverbial Jacob's Ladder (see Jacob's Ladder ).  And in the same way that an actual ladder must have a built in sub-structure that enables the person the ability to climb and advance higher -- and this advancement up and through the Natural Laws is brought about by the Law of Octaves that checks and maintains all progress -- even from life to life.  And what is not understood at all, is the fact that the acquisition of Higher Spiritual Knowledge is not so much the process of learning -- but rather, of advancing up the steps or rungs of Jacob's Ladder.  In the same way that a toddler does not have to learn to be an adolescent -- and the natural transitioning enables the toddler to advance -- this is also true with respect to the transformative process of mental-expansion and spiritual-deepening.  Built into the transformative process is a Living Bio-Feedback Organism that provides a means of both monitoring each person's progress, as well as supplying them the mental and spiritual substance to advance up the rungs of soul-progression and the fulfilling of the Natural Laws of Creation.   


Every thought requires energy or vital life-force as a means to generate and move the aspect or frequency of consciousness through the portals of level upon level of progression -- a Living Organism that enables the bio-energy the OPPORTUNITY to evolve through the trials of completion.   When rightly understood, the bio-energy generated by the thoughts, bring about the process of mental-expansion and spiritual-deepening by spawning and nourishing the growth of the person's mind.  What is personified in the Gospels as the "narrow gate", is the check-point that receives the vital life-force of those thoughts which fulfill the process in the words: "…take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ" (2 Cor 10:5).   Those thoughts that have taken on the necessary wholeness that permits them to be drawn through the "narrow gate" and can therefore nourish the development of the mind, initiate the transformative process of mental-expansion and spiritual-deepening.  In contradistinction, what Jesus portrayed when he warned that: "But I say unto you, That every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day of judgment" (Matt 12:36) -- reference was being made to thoughts that lacked the necessary wholeness to bring about and nourish the process of mental-expansion and spiritual-deepening.  

Mind and consciousness functions through a flow and presence of (electrical) bio-energy.   Nikola Tesla correctly stated: "Electrical science has disclosed to us the more intimate relation existing between widely different forces and phenomena and has thus led us to a more complete comprehension of Nature and its many manifestations to our senses."  To fully understand the statement of Tesla in relationship to Consciousness and the Nature Thereof, you must first understand the relationship of Electricity and Consciousness.  Why?  In the words of Astronomer James Jeans.  “Today there is a wide measure of agreement… that the stream of knowledge is heading towards a non-mechanical reality; the universe begins to look more like a great thought than like a great machine”.   As confirmed in the words: “The stuff of the universe is mind-stuff”  (Astronomer Arthur Eddington).  Which more recently has been described as “an intelligent universe” whose apparent concreteness is generated by cosmic data from an unknowable, organized source which has been holographically replicated into all of Creation.   The holographic theory says that: “…our brains mathematically construct hard reality by interpreting frequencies from a dimension transcending time and space.   The brain is a hologram, interpreting a holographic universe.”   (Cyberneticist David Foster)



Because what man perceives as physical matter is an allegorical image of an aspect of Consciousness.  In like manner physicist and Nobel prize winner John Archibald Wheeler stated that "every item in the physical world has at bottom immaterial source and explanation ...that all things physical are information-theoretic in origin and that this is a participatory universe".  What this means is that what you see physically, conveys an (allegorical) explanation pertaining to the "...immaterial [UNSEEN] source" that is projecting the physical image of what we see with our physical senses.   Max Planck who is considered the founder of quantum theory stated: "As a man who has devoted his whole life to the most clear headed science, to the study of matter, I can tell you as a result of my research about atoms this much: There is no matter as such. All matter originates and exists only by virtue of a force which brings the particle of an atom to vibration and holds this most minute solar system of the atom together. We must assume behind this force the existence of a conscious and intelligent mind. This mind is the matrix of all matter."  And more recently, cyberneticist David Foster described “an intelligent universe” whose apparent concreteness is generated by cosmic data from an unknowable, organized source.   The holographic reality says that: “…our brains mathematically construct hard reality by interpreting frequencies from a dimension transcending time and space. The brain is a hologram, interpreting a holographic universe.”  And this largely inconceivable reality is confirmed by Einstein in the quotation to the right where is speaks of our physical presence as the manifestation of frequencies -- i.e., "We are slowed down sound and light waves, a walking bundle of frequencies tuned into the cosmos.  We are souls dressed up in sacred biochemical garments and our bodies are the instruments through which our souls play their music".  



In order for an electrical flow to exist, there must be negative and positive polarities.  When you use an appliance, the appliance is plugged into a source of electrical energy (positive and negative) that come together separately and flow through the appliance.  Mind, or Consciousness, can be portrayed as the appliance that is utilizing the positive and negative energy flow to bring about and maintain Consciousness.    An EEG is a means to test electrical activity in the brain.  An EKG measures the electrical activity in the heart.  This electrical energy is a means of testing what can be portrayed as bio-energy or vital life-force upon which the consciousness of man is manifest.  Without this presence of bio-energy which is manifest in the interaction of positive/male and negative/female opposite polarities, Consciousness or Mind cannot exist.  And this is true of both man and Creator-God.  Therefore, electrical activity is the direct result of the flow and interaction of the Positive and Negative polarities.  No energy can exist or flow, without the positive and negative polarities.  A bird can sit on a power line -- a squirrel can run on a power line -- and so long as they don't contact the two polarities of power together, they will not be electrocuted.

God is LIGHT -- i.e., White Light.  And our souls which were Created in the Image and Likeness of God are Light-Beings who are individual sparks of the Divine Mind.  White Light is comprised of the Seven Primary Colors of the Rainbow as expressed when white light is projected through a prism -- and the seven colors of the rainbow also correspond to the seven notes of an Octave -- and while on one paradoxical level the Light exists because the seven segments that make it up remain in balanced harmony -- while on another paradoxical level, they remain divided and independent of each of the other segments -- then what we have is one of the Primary Blueprints of both the Whole, the Individual Souls, as well as ourselves as mankind.   But to begin to understand this higher reality we must come to comprehend the allegorical account in Genesis where it states that "God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them".   And what is called the Divine Pattern of Creation which is Mother/Father God and the Third-Force Balance which is portrayed as the Logos or Son of God, is replicated into every aspect of Creation -- i.e., positive/negative and balance.   As Sparks of the Divine Mind, our Souls retain their reality as Beings of Light, because as Adam was initially portrayed as Adam/Eve prior to the separation of male and female, so too is our Soul the balance of male and female -- i.e., as stated in the Universal Jewish Encyclopedia which quotes the Zohar: .. "...The soul itself has no sex, which is determined by the body and may vary from incarnation to incarnation”.   And our Soul or True-Self remains a Being of Light, because at that level of Creation the division of male and female does not exist, and the seven primary colors and notes of the octave remain as ONE.   But in the same way that the Light of Creator-God is comprised of the Seven Primary Colors, so too is each Spark of the Divine Mind that forms our individual Souls. 

What this means is that as the bio-energy evolves through the development of an impression or thought, it evolves through the frequencies of an octave.  If the impression or thought is the expression of Wholeness that brings together the separate spheres of mind, then Law of Octaves permits the impression or thought to enter in and through the "narrow gate" and nourish the development of the person's mind.  When rightly understood, the Law of Octaves can be defined as the Divine Spoon that nourishes mankind with the Sacred Knowledge of our True-Self -- not permitting the forbidden fruit of the Tree of Duality to deprive you of Life, by feeding you with the Divine Manna of the Kingdom of God.  What is the Law of Octaves?  It is the Natural Law of Creation that advances each Soul up the steps of Higher Consciousness.  Every time your ears hear a sound -- and especially music -- the Law of Octaves monitors, tests and manipulates what you hear.  Every time you see a color, what you see and don't see is manipulated and controlled by the Law of Octaves.  Every time you have a thought, your thinking is monitored and manipulated by the Law of Octaves.  Are you prepared to arise to the next level of advancement?  It is the Law of Octaves that evaluates whether you have achieved the necessary Wholeness on the level you are at, in order to enable you to advance to the next developmental-level.  When it was commanded in the Bible to "…take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ" (2 Cor 10:5), every thought is monitored and evaluated by the Law of Octaves which acts as a Living Bio-Feedback Organism.

The Eye Sees Only At the Level Of A Person's Comprehension: It is the Law of Octaves that blinds a person from seeing anything that is beyond their level of understanding -- and it is the Law of Octaves that has the capacity to open a person's mind to Higher Reality.  The Law of Octaves does this by turning every thought-frequency back to it's source.  If the Thought is imbued with Wholeness, it is able to bring about growth and development -- if the thought-frequency lacks the necessary Wholeness to pass through the "narrow gate" at the Center of the Mind, it is rejected and cannot bring about growth and development.   In the Jewish Mysticism book known as the Zohar, it is explained with respect to the written words of the scriptures: “The narratives of the doctrine are its cloak. The simple look only on the garment, that is upon the narrative of the doctrine; more they know not. The instructed, however, see not merely the cloak, but what the cloak covers”.   In the words of Moses Maimonedes, one of the most respected of Jewish theologians, historian, and Talmudist, where he writes about the nature of scripture: “Every time that you find in our books a tale the reality of which seems impossible, a story which is repugnant to both reason and common sense, then be sure that the tale contains a profound allegory veiling a deeply mysterious truth; and the greater the absurdity of the letter, the deeper the wisdom of the spirit”.   And this fact is confirmed by the Church Father Origen who wrote: “It is sufficient however, to represent in the style of a historic narrative what is intended to convey a secret meaning in the garb of history, that those who have the capacity may work out for themselves all that relates to the subject.”    Therefore, what appears to be an historical account, is not -- and it is nothing more than an allegorical cloak that conceals important sacred knowledge from those who -- because of their undeveloped and worldly mindset and thinking -- cannot utilize the wisdom of the minor mysteries that are embedded within the text of the written word of the scriptures.   

Is this fact made clear to those who read the scriptures?    Yes, but the ego of each person who thinks they know, causes them to ignore the many warnings that are presented to them.    As an example: When Paul warns the baptized and committed Christians at Corinth who he, himself, originally instructed, that they were yet too carnal in their understanding to comprehend the spiritual meaning of the Gospel -- which spiritual meaning is often referred to as the Mysteries of the Kingdom of God -- Paul conveyed to them the reality that they would judge and even condemn this higher reality of the Spirit as absolute "foolishness" -- i.e., “But the natural man does not receive the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him; nor can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned” (1 Cor 2:14).    Thus, it is imperative to ask the question: What is the "natural man"?     The condition of mankind that Paul is making reference to, would just as well be portrayed as "organic" -- or, of the physical body.   The "natural man" , is the "organic" human being.

A man of true intellect would want to know why mankind in his organic condition, would reject what Paul calls the higher reality of the soul and the Mysteries of God as absolute utter "foolishness"???   To the degree that when Paul further writes that he was "..caught up into Paradise and heard inexpressible words, which it is not lawful for a man to utter" (2 Cor 12:4-5) -- an intelligent man would immediately question as to why " is not lawful for a man to utter" what a Disciple who enters the Kingdom experiences?   What is so different in the Kingdom than what is here on earth?  In his Epistle to the Trallaus the first century elder Ignatius speaks of the Mysteries of the Gospel and the Kingdom, and writes: “Might I not write to you things more full of mystery?  But I fear to do so, lest I should inflict injury on you who are babes.  Pardon me in this respect, lest, as not being able to receive their weighty import, ye should be strangled by them”.  Why, if Ignatius was to convey to the Christians who he was writing his epistle to, that if he was to reveal the true spiritual meaning of the Gospel, that it would "...strangle and inflict injury on you who are babes"

In the Homilies of his disciple Clement, the Apostle Peter portrays the scriptures as the "...books with the power to deceive" -- and those who fail to understand both the traditions of the authors, and the nature of these writings, from the perception of the original objectives which the scriptures were supposed to bring about, as people who hold "bad beliefs about God".   Further, it was stated by Peter in the Homilies of his disciple Clement that each person who does not apply the Key of Knowledge (see ), only sees in the scriptures what they are predisposed to see and believe -- i.e., Peter is quoted as stating:  “Therefore Simon, who is going to discuss in public with us tomorrow, is bold against the monarchy of God, wishing to produce many statements from these Scriptures, to the effect that there are many gods, and a certain one who is not He who made this world, but who is superior to Him; and, at the same time, he is going to offer many scriptural proofs. But we also can easily show many passages from them that He who made the world alone is God, and that there is none other besides Him. But if any one shall wish to speak otherwise, he also shall be able to produce proofs from them at his pleasure. For the Scriptures say all manner of things, that no one of those who inquire ungratefully may find the truth, but simply what he wishes to find...”.   What this means is that the scriptures are so designed to bring about that condition where each and every person is able to see and confirm their doctrines of belief which they are predisposed to look for in the written text.    And more important is the statement that those who attempt to read the scriptures from a differing mindset and objectives than the intended purpose of the original authors, will remain blind to "...the truth, but simply [see] what he wishes to find...” in the scriptures.

Few modern Christians are even aware of the historical dispute between Peter and Paul -- or why the original Ebionite Nazirenes opposed Paul -- or the fact that the Church is not at all following the religion of Jesus, but more so the tenets of Simon Magus and the religion of Mithraism.   Under the heading of Simon Magus in the 11th edition of the Encyclopedia Britannica it states pertaining to the writings attributed to Clement, the disciple of Peter, in the Homilies: “…the common source of these documents may be as early as the 1st century, and must have consisted in a polemic against Paul, emanating from the Jewish side of Christianity. Paul being thus identified with Simon, it was argued that Simon's visit to Rome had no other basis than Paul's presence there, and, further, that the tradition of Peter's residence in Rome rests on the assumed necessity of his resisting the arch-enemy of Judaism there as elsewhere”.  (see Was Paul An Apostle Of Apostate ). 

To even begin to understand the Natural Laws -- and especially the Law of Octaves -- the person must understand why the Apostle Peter portrayed Paul as a power of the Left Hand of God.  An important missing part of the equation is found in the quotations of Peter that have been preserved in the Homilies of his disciple Clement.   To begin, we must understand how Peter portrayed the proverbial Simon Magus in the Clementine writings where the Apostle Peter explains that: "He [Paul] is a power of the left hand of God, and has authority to do harm to those who know not God..."   Peter then goes on and explains that Simon "...has been able to involve you in diseases; but by these very diseases, which have been permitted to come upon you by the good providence of God, you, seeking and finding him who is able to cure, have been compelled to submit to the will of God on the occasion of the cure of the body, and to think of believing, in order that in this way you may have your souls as well as your bodies in a healthy state." 

Why would God raise up the man who is called the Apostle Paul as a "...power of the left hand of God, and has authority to do harm to those who know not God"?  First it must be recognized that disease, strife, hardships and sufferings, all serve a higher purpose.  In referencing the Natural Laws that were put into effect in the beginning of the Alpha of Creation and what is portrayed as The Two Princes, Peter then explains: "For thus from the beginning was a law laid by God, the Creator of all things, on each of the two princes, him of the right hand and him of the left, that neither should have power over any one whom they might wish to benefit or to hurt, unless first he had sat down at the same table with them. As, then, when you partook of meat offered to idols, you became servants to the prince of evil, in like manner, if you cease from these things, and flee for refuge to God through the good Prince of His right hand, honoring Him without sacrifices, by doing whatsoever He wills, know of a truth that not only will your bodies be healed, but your souls also will become healthy. For He only, destroying with His left hand, can quicken with His right; He only can both smite and raise the fallen." 

Jesus was sent "...only to the lost sheep of Israel" (Matt 15:24), because as a servant of the Right Hand, he was barred by the Laws from intervening in the lives of those who were under the dominion of the Prince of the Left Hand.   That Jesus was barred from giving the woman at the well the Living Waters, was because she was under the power and control of the Prince of the Left Hand (see ).  In like manner, without understanding the Power's of the Right and Left Hand, it is near impossible to understand the Gospel account of Jesus and the Syro-Phoenician woman.  Thus, it is written:  "For a woman whose young daughter had an unclean spirit heard about Him, and she came and fell at His feet.  The woman was a Greek, a Syro-Phoenician by birth, and she kept asking Him to cast the demon out of her daughter.  But Jesus said to her, Let the children be filled first, for it is not good to take the children's bread and throw it to the little dogs.  And she answered and said to Him, Yes, Lord, yet even the little dogs under the table eat from the children's crumbs.  Then He said to her, For this saying go your way; the demon has gone out of your daughter.  And when she had come to her house, she found the demon gone out, and her daughter lying on the bed" (Mark 7:25-30).   Why did Jesus not immediately help her?   Why did he portray the woman as a dog?    What is the spiritual meaning of the children's bread which is served at the Table -- bread that cannot be eaten by those people portrayed as dogs?   And, the Laws which were instituted by God in the beginning, inhibited those on the Right Hand such as Jesus, from relieving the infirmities of those who sat down at the table on the Left -- people who Jesus portrayed as dwelling in the "outer darkness" of mind and being (see Outer Darkness) -- and even existing in a type of Prison (see The Prison).   And with respect to the Two Princes, again Peter explains: "But that this is so, has been said even by the law in the person of God: ‘I will kill, and, I will make alive; I will strike, and I will heal. For, in truth, He kills and makes alive. He kills through the left hand, that is, through the evil one, who has been so composed as to rejoice in afflicting the impious. And he saves and benefits through the right band, that is, through the good one, who has been made to rejoice in the good deeds and salvation of the righteous."  

Where Peter explains "...that neither [Prince} should have power over any one whom they might wish to benefit or to hurt, unless first he had sat down at the same table with them",  it must be understood that the food that one receives at the Table with the Prince of the Left or Right Hands, is the knowledge or nourishment that is the foundation of the thinking, mindset and resulting lifestyle that is lived out by the lost prodigal sons.   Where it states in the Revelation that "To him who overcomes will I give to eat of the hidden manna" (see The Three Causes Of Human Blindness - Rev 2:8-17), this "hidden manna" is the the Knowledge/Gnosis or the Divine Manna that can only be imparted to the seeker directly from the Indwelling Logos and True Prophet -- who is the ONLY TEACHER that Jesus commanded to seek out and learn from ( The One Teacher ). 

In the account of the Clementine Homilies, Peter warns his disciple Clement that Simon Magus has the ability to greatly deceive the Gentiles, because they fail to understand the vision of the authors in the composition of the scriptures -- and the traditions that the authors used to compose the scriptures (see  An Inconvenient Truth) -- and in not understanding this original vision and objectives of the authors, they will easily be seduced by Simon Magus because they hold what Peter portrays as bad and erroneous beliefs about God.   Thus, Peter warns that while the spiritual Jews will understand the deeper meaning -- both the carnal Jews and the Gentiles will be greatly deceived and states: “And with us, indeed, who have had handed down from our forefathers the worship of the God who made all things, and also the mystery of the books which are able to deceive, he will not prevail; but with those from amongst the Gentiles who have the polytheistic fancy bred in them, and who know not the falsehoods of the Scriptures, he will prevail much. And not only he; but if any other shall recount to those from among the Gentiles any vain, dreamlike, richly set out story against God, he will be believed, because from their childhood their minds are accustomed to take in things spoken against God. And few there shall be of them, as a few out of a multitude, who through ingenuousness shall not be willing so much as to hear an evil word against the God who made all things.   And to these alone from amongst the Gentiles it shall be vouchsafed to be saved. Let not any one of you, therefore, altogether complain of Simon, or of any one else; for nothing happens unjustly, since even the falsehoods of Scripture are with good reason presented for a test.”

The Test: When Jesus said to the man: "sin no more, lest a worse thing come unto thee" (John 5:14), the question must be asked: In this man's present life, what was the Causal-Factor or Initiating-Factor that would cause "...a worse thing come unto thee"?  Jesus also stated: That every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof..." (Matt 12:36).  Did Jesus really mean these words that presented a reality whereby each thought and word that a person speaks, will be evaluated and appropriately responded to?  In the words of Jesus: "for by your words you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned” (Matt 12:37).  The the question: How will this justification or condemnation be measured and brought about?

The Answer - The Living Bio-Feedback Organism Of The Natural Law: The Natural Laws of Creation act as a Living Bio-Feedback Organism that intimately monitors our every thought.  Why?  In the same way that a fetus is formed in the womb one level at a time in progression -- never skipping over one essential aspect of physical development to haphazardly develop body organs and systems that cannot yet be supported by the developing fetus -- this world can be thought of as a Mental-Womb that develops our mind one level at a time in the proper progression.  Jeremiah 31:33 states: "I will put my law in their minds and write it on their hearts" -- Hebrews 8:10 confirms the statement: "I will put My laws in their minds and inscribe them on their hearts" -- and also at Hebrews 10:16 where it is stated: "I will put My laws in their hearts and inscribe them on their minds" -- but what does this mean?  It means that in a Mental-Womb, the Laws that are in each person's heart and mind are monitoring their progression of development through the process of intimately interacting as a bio-feedback organism that responds to the person's thoughts and actions to advance them level upon level at a time -- mental building block upon mental building block -- until the Mind is fully formed -- as stated in the words: "Whom will he teach knowledge? And whom will he make to understand the message? Those just weaned from milk? Those just drawn from the breasts? For precept must be upon precept, precept upon precept, line upon line, line upon line, here a little, there a little" (Isa 28:9-10)

In the same way that you cannot teach a student calculus prior to learning basic math, neither can the mind develop in a haphazard manner whereby it skips over essential levels of development.  When the Ovum in a woman is fertilized by the Sperm of the man, it is called a zygote -- and the zygote then begins to divide in the process of becoming an embryo, which continues to divide as it develops and differentiates—in humans eventually forming a fetus.  Thus, in their mental development, there are people who remain as a Sperm and Ovum -- others who have begun to progress and can be portrayed as Zygotes -- and as they further develop, they can then be seen as a Mental-Embryo.  Important information on the development of a physical-embryo can be obtained at where it states:  "The heart is the first organ to form during development of the body. When an embryo is made up of only a very few cells, each cell can get the nutrients it needs directly from its surroundings. But as the cells divide and multiply to form a growing ball, it soon becomes impossible for nutrients to reach all the cells efficiently without help. The cells also produce waste that they need to get rid of. Thus, the first organ system to develop is the heart, blood and circulatory system, so that nutrients and waste can be transported throughout the growing embryo. The heart continues carrying out this same vital job throughout our lives."

  That part of our mind that is spiritually connected to our True or Soul-Self (see ), is in the Center or Heart-Center -- the very first part of our mind or self to develop.  The purpose of our body is to bring about the development of our Essence-Self -- which is brought about through Wholeness of Mind and Thinking as explained at above at Spiritual Osmosis And The Narrow Gate .  The Essence-Mind can only be nourished and developed through Thoughts and Impressions that are Whole and the balance of the Four Gates of the twelve spheres of mind.  And therein lies the problem -- i.e., because of the lack of balance and wholeness of the thinking and lifestyle ot the vast majority of people, our Essence-Self cannot grow and develop, and we remain alien and ignorant of our Higher True or Soul-Self.  Thus, in the words of Jesus as preserved in the Gospel of Thomas, we remain in Intellectual-Poverty: "(3) Jesus said ...But if you will not know yourselves, you dwell in poverty and it is you who are that poverty".      

All of these levels of the human development of the mind is portrayed in the Gospel teaching that is contained in the Second Epistle of Clement where this ultra-important teaching that was removed from the Gospels modern Christians use is quoted as stating: “Let us expect, therefore, hour by hour, the kingdom of God in love and righteousness, since we know not the day of the appearing of God. For the Lord Himself, being asked by one when His kingdom would come, replied, 'When two shall be one, that which is without as that which is within, and the male with the female, neither male nor female’”.  The fact that it is stated by Clement that the Lord was asked when His Kingdom would come -- i.e., "...For the Lord Himself, being asked by one when His kingdom would come, replied" -- means that the whole body of believers who are awaiting the Coming of the Kingdom in the outer world, represents a total rejection of what Jesus actually taught.  Further, if the conditions that must be met for the Kingdom to come is in the answer of Jesus to the question -- i.e., "When two shall be one, that which is without as that which is within, and the male with the female, neither male nor female” -- then the whole of the Christian world has been willfully led astray by its clergy and religious authorities.    

 The Cosmology Of Mind - The Law Of Octaves And The Narrow Gate: In order to understand the process of entering in at the "narrow gate" as taught in the Gospels -- i.e., "Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it" (Matt 7:13-14) -- it is necessary to understand the Law of Octaves as the Living Bio-Feedback Organism that tests our every Impression and Thought for Wholeness -- i.e., "They that are whole have no need of the physician, but they that are sick: I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance" (Mark 2:17).  

At our Core-Essence of our Consciousness, our Soul or True-Self is a Being of Light (see ).  The Divine Pattern which is holographically replicated into all of Creation, means that as the Soul is expressed outwardly in the next level of Consciousness, the Soul exists at a threefold level, and is comprised of the separated Male/Female Polarities and the Third-Force Balance or Offspring.  At the next level of expression, the Male or Heavenly Polarity is expressed in the three upper Spiritual Centers/Chakras, while the Female or Earthly Polarity is expressed in the three lower Spiritual Centers/Chakras -- with the third-force balance continuing as the Heart Spiritual Center/Chakra.  The Bio-Energy or Vital Life-Force then moves out to the level of Mind which is the pattern of the Twelve-Spheres of the Tree of Life (see The Process Of Birth Within The Tree Of Life ) -- wherein the Soul is Evolved through the interaction of the Opposite Polarities of both Male and Female in the Tree of Duality, and the Upper Heavenly and Lower Earthly Kingdoms -- all of which can only be brought through the Center "narrow gate" when the Impressions and Thoughts generated by the Mind is drawn through the Center and into the "narrow gate" where the Vital Life-Force can then bring about the transformative alchemical process of mental-expansion and spiritual-deepening.  Without achieving the necessary Wholeness in the generated Thoughts and Impressions, the bio-energy is rejected by the Law of Octaves, and is lost out into Nature.  

The image of the Star of David placed over the Mind as patterned in the diagram of the twelve spheres of the Tree of Life, placed over the physical body of man, is the Fulfillment of the Law of Octaves wherein the duality of the upper three spiritual centers is resolved in the triangular-point at the bottom, and the duality of the upper three centers is resolved in the triangular-point at the top -- which enables the vital life-force that carries the consciousness of the person through the "narrow gate" in the Center which permits the bio-energy to bring about the transformative alchemical process of mental-expansion and spiritual-deepening.           

The Formula For Wholeness And The Narrow Gate: Jesus taught that the Kingdom can never come upon the earth, because it is within your own mind and being (Luke 17:20-21).  But what does that mean?  It means that if you were to move beyond the superficial human level of organic consciousness of your present ego-driven personality, that God dwells within you at the Core of your Mind and Being -- in the Kingdom where all the hierarchy of angels and heavenly hosts dwell at deeper levels of Consciousness than is manifest in your physical or ego-self.  And what this also means is that beneath our organic earthly consciousness, lies deeper levels of consciousness that is beyond organic man's level of comprehension.  Which also means the Self that is portrayed in the adage to Know Thyself, exists beneath your organic level of human consciousness -- existing at deeper levels of Self that carnal man knows nothing about.  And what this fact ultimately means is that each person has a pre-existent Soul or Soul-Self that our worldly personality is an expression of, and is our True-Self.  We hear the terms ego-self, earthly-self, false-self, carnal-self and lower-self used in conjunction with the mind of man -- and if this is true, then what is our True-Self?   It is the Self that is portrayed in the adage to Know Thyself.  In the Gospel of Thomas Jesus states: "(3) Jesus said ...But if you will not know yourselves, you dwell in poverty and it is you who are that poverty".   Thus, the organic person you are in this world dwells in a state of intellectual poverty because of our lack of self-knowledge that is plagued by our own division of mind and being. 

If you were going to take a journey, you would consult a map that you would use for direction.  What is known as the Tree of Life, is the blueprint of the Twelve Spheres of Mind that is patterned in the image at the right -- and is the embodiment of the Trinitarian Divine Pattern that is holographically replicated into all of Creation (see ).  The twelve astrological symbols, the twelve tribes of Israel, as well as the twelve disciples of Jesus, are all allegorical symbols of the blueprint of the mind of man -- presenting in symbolism the level of consciousness of the Twelve.  The Nag Hammadi Library of Christian scriptures was buried and preserved when the Roman Emperor Constantine took control the the Church and further corrupted the scriptures (see Can I Get An Original Pure Copy Of The Scriptures ). And the above teaching of Jesus on the Coming of the Kingdom has been preserved in the Gospel of Thomas which states: "Jesus said to them, When you make the two one, and when you make the inside like the outside and the outside like the inside, and the above like the below, and when you make the male and the female one and the same, so that the male not be male nor the female female; ...then will you enter the kingdom."   Why do I portray the version in the Gospel of Thomas as better than the Epistle of Clement?  Because it better portrays the opposite polarities of Male and Female Opposites coming together in the Heavenly/Above, the Earthly/Below, the Inner/Source/Self with the Outer/Self, being brought together by the Male and Female Polarities of the Tree of Duality, which is the outer columns of the Mind as patterned in the twelve-spheres of the Tree of Life.   But, on one level, an even more important version has been preserved in the Gospel of the Nazirenes which reads: "And one of the disciples asked him, How shall a man enter into the Kingdom? And he answered and said, 'If you don't make below as the above, and the left as the right, and the behind as the before, entering into the center and passing into the spirit, you will not enter into the kingdom of God" (see ).   Why is this version of the same saying even important?  Because it correctly portrays the evaluation of the Laws or Law of Octaves in the Center of the mental-equation (see The Octave Test Through The Narrow Gate ).   

When Jesus taught his followers to "Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it" (Matt 7:13-14) -- reference was being made to the need for Wholeness of Thought and Mind that would pass through the Bio-Feedback Organism of the Law of Octaves that monitors and evolves the mind "...precept upon precept, line upon line, line upon line, here a little, there a little" (Isa 28:9-10).  The great diversity of the mind of man is achieved by his ability to perceive and understand from different and opposite perspectives.  To achieve this great diversity of vision and perceptive-understanding, the Mind is comprised and made up of four Trinities -- each in accord with the Divine Pattern of Male/Linear and Female/Intuitive Opposites which are balanced by the Third-Force (Offspring) that merges the duality of the two positive/negative opposites into One.  With respect to the "narrow gate" in the Heart-Center, only what is Whole can enter therein.  

The Duality of the Heavenly and the Earthly is comprised of the Three Spiritual Centers in the Head which are the Heavenly Centers.  The Three Spiritual Centers in the lower abdomen are the Earthly Centers, and are an opposite polarity -- which are the opposite half of the upper Spiritual Centers.  The Upper Heavenly and the Lower Earthly OPPOSITES, can only be brought together by the Male and Female opposite columns of the Tree of Duality, which is the outer columns of the Tree of Life.   Where the copy of the above teachings in the Gospel of the Nazirenes makes reference to the bio-energy "...entering into the center and passing into the spirit", this CENTER that is being referenced is the entrance to the "narrow gate" wherein the energy-consciousness that is drawn from the Spiritual Centers, is balanced and made Whole through the Twelve Spheres of Mind -- and can bring nourishment to the Mind as the vital life-force is drawn into the Heart Center as portrayed in the image at the Right -- and being Balanced and Whole, is able to feed and nourish the transformative process of mental-expansion and spiritual-deepening.  What this means is that those Impressions and Thoughts that lack Wholeness and Balance, are diverted out the Male or Female outer columns of the Tree of Duality, and lost into Nature.  And this is why these unbalanced (male or female) impressions are portrayed as the "forbidden fruit" that brings death to the eater thereof.  In order to grow and develop the mind through the transformative process of mental-expansion and spiritual-deepening, the Thoughts or Impressions must be Whole and Balanced so they can pass through the "narrow gate" in the Center, without being diverted off into Nature and lost in this world.  If the Thought or Impression is too worldly, the vital life-force that empowers the the Thought or Impression cannot be drawn into the Center through the "narrow gate" -- wherein the balanced vital life-force is able to expand and grow the mind of the person. 

The Cross You Must Bear To Your Own Crucifixion:  Can you understand the meaning of the Cross from the perspective of the Crucifix?  What do you see?  Jesus hanging on a cross.  Which provokes the question: How do you pick up your own cross DAILY, and travail in TheWay, as Jesus commanded -- i.e., "If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me" (Luke 9:23).  Further stating: "And he who does not take his cross and follow after Me is not worthy of Me" (Matt 10:38).  And the Gospel of Mark quotes Jesus as stating: "Then Jesus called the crowd to Him along with His disciples, and He told them, If anyone wants to come after Me, he must deny himself and take up his cross and follow Me" (Mark 8:34).   Jesus did not say that you must believe that he was crucified.  And this is further clarified where Jesus states that you must carry your own cross: "And whoever does not carry his cross and follow Me cannot be My disciple" (Luke 14:27).  What Jesus is stating is that you must "come after [him]" by taking up [your own] cross daily" -- that you must carry your own cross "EVERY DAY" (DAILY) -- and with your own cross, you must bring about and submit to your own crucifixion.  Further requiring the follower to "deny himself", which can be portrayed as the meaning of the word Ebionite, which means the "poor ones" -- which can be portrayed as those who are poor to the thinking, mindset and lifestyle of this world.   But what does this mean?  What does carrying your own cross DAILY, entail?  Belief in the cross as an event in the life of the historical man Jesus, does not in any manner equate to taking up your own cross every day of your life, and carrying it to your own crucifixion.  Thus, while our knowledge of the cross that each person must carry is crucial, few Christians possess the in-depth knowledge to understand the symbolism and meaning -- especially when they rely upon the historical image of the crucifix that portrays the Cross in an historical context that is relevant only to the historical man Jesus.

No other words have been more misunderstood than what is personified in the deeper meaning of the Cross than the critical concepts of crucifixion, resurrection, and ascension.  Let us just say they are so loaded with heavy dogmatic baggage, that their actual spiritual meaning is hopelessly lost when it is realized that the words apply to each and every person in human existence.  While crucifixion obviously refers to an old method of executing people by hanging their bodies’ up on a cross and letting them die. If we believe that is the meaning of crucifixion when used in the scriptures, then it prevents us from understanding that it can have many other meanings pertaining to the nature of life and how the lost prodigal son gains freedom from the Citizen of this, the Far Country, in his quest to return to the Edenic Kingdom.


The Universal Mystery Of The Symbol Of The Cross: In the approximate year of 178 of our Common Era, Celsus, the Epicurean Philosopher and opponent of Christianity published a rather embarrassing work in opposition to Christianity known as The True Word or Discourse. It is said that this work was widely published and used by the Pagan world as an attack on the Church.  Seventy years after its publication, The True Word was still so widely circulated, that the Church Father Origen was commissioned by St. Ambrosius to refute this attack by Celsus. This publication and the reply by the Church Father Origen is so important to modern-day Christians who are attempting to bypass the corruption of the Church by a series of Roman emperors beginning in the fourth century, that is should be a starting place for all sincere seekers of Truth and TheWay.  Who was Origen?  Origen is called “…the most prominent of all the church fathers” (Encyclopedia. Britannica), and was considered by Jerome to be “the greatest teacher of the Church after the Apostles.” St. Gregory of Nyssa called him “the prince of Christian learning in the Third Century.” In his Introduction to the Criticism of the New Testament, by Dr. F. H. Scrivener, one of the ablest of modern-day biblical scholars and critics writes of Origen: “Origen is the most celebrated biblical critic of antiquity. His is the highest name among the critics and expositors of the early Church. He is perpetually engaged in the discussion of various readings of the New Testament, and employs language, in describing the then existing state of the text, which would be deemed strong if applied even to its present condition, after the changes which sixteen more centuries must needs have produced… Seldom have such warmth of fancy and so bold a grasp of mind been united with the lifelong, patient industry which procured for this famous man the honorable appellation of Adamantius.” The biblical scholar Wescott says of the Church Father Origen that: “We have not yet made good the positions which he marked out as belonging to the domain of Christian philosophy” (Religious Thought In the West, p. 252).

When Celsus attacked the Church for being a “secret system”, teaching some a different doctrine than others, Origen replied: “Moreover, since he frequently calls the Christian doctrine a secret system, we must confute him on this point also, since almost the entire world is better acquainted with what Christians preach than with the favorite opinions of philosophers. For who is ignorant of the statement that Jesus was born of a virgin, and that He was crucified, and that His Resurrection is an article of faith among many, and that a general judgment is announced to come, in which the wicked are to be punished according to their desserts, and the righteous to be duly rewarded?”

Origen acknowledged these doctrines -- refuted Celsus by stating that these beliefs are openly expounded as articles of Christian faith -- and then Origen explained: “And yet the mystery of the Resurrection, not being understood, is made a subject of ridicule among the unbelievers. In these circumstances, to speak of the Christian doctrine as a secret system is altogether absurd. But that there should be certain doctrines, not made known to the multitude, which are after the exoteric ones having been taught, is not a peculiarity of Christianity alone, but also of philosophic systems, in which certain truths are exoteric and others are esoteric. Some of the heroes of Pythagoras were content with his ipse dixit; while others were taught in secret those doctrines which were not deemed fit to be communicated to the profane and insufficiently prepared ears. Moreover, all the mysteries that are celebrated everywhere throughout Greece and the barbarous countries, although held in secret, have no discredit thrown upon them, so that it is in vain he endeavors to calumniate the secret doctrines of Christianity, seeing that he does not correctly understand its nature”.

What is the mystery of the resurrection that is not understood by the multitude of Christian believers?  To answer this question, you must understand why there exists a body of Christian esoteric teachings that "were not deemed fit to be communicated to the profane and insufficiently prepared ears".  And to even begin to answer these questions, you must first understand why Paul wrote that it was not lawful to reveal the deeper spiritual knowledge to the body of faith-based believers -- i.e., Paul wrote that he was "..caught up into Paradise and heard inexpressible words, which it is not lawful for a man to utter" (2 Cor 12:4-5).  And why in his Epistle to the Trallaus the first century elder Ignatius speaks of the Mysteries of the Gospel and the Kingdom, and writes: “Might I not write to you things more full of mystery?  But I fear to do so, lest I should inflict injury on you who are babes.  Pardon me in this respect, lest, as not being able to receive their weighty import, ye should be strangled by them”.  Why, if Ignatius was to convey to the Christians who he was writing his epistle to, that if he was to reveal the true spiritual meaning of the Gospel, that it would "...strangle and inflict injury on you who are babes"

In total acknowledgement of this body of esoteric knowledge and teachings that could not be revealed to the multitude of believers, the Apostle Peter writes in the Epistle of Peter to James that if this body of esoteric teachings of Jesus was to become lost, that " will remain even for those who really seek the truth, always to wander in error".  And when rightly understood, it is this loss of the esoteric body of teachings because of secular fiat, wherein a series of Roman Emperors declared the body of esoteric teachings of Jesus to be heresy, that has spiritually disenfranchised the Christian world today. 

What is Origen saying?  Few people will relate Origen's portrayal of the mystery of the resurrection, while also making note of the secret teachings of Pythagoras.  Why, in Origen's explanation, was the mystery of the resurrection relevant to the esoteric teachings of Pythagoras -- of which it was noted that these teachings "...were taught in secret those doctrines which were not deemed fit to be communicated to the profane and insufficiently prepared ears"?  Is there a relationship between the mystery of the resurrection and the teachings of Pythagoras that could not be comprehended by  "...profane and insufficiently prepared ears"?  And even more important is the question: What is the mystery of the resurrection that is not understood by the majority of immature believers?  In explanation, the doctrine of the physical resurrection of the body, says Origen, is misunderstood by the spiritually immature believers, and writes that the doctrines of the crucifixion and the physical resurrection was “preached in the Churches… for the simpleminded and for the ears of the common crowd who are led on to live better lives by their belief”. Why?  Because both the crucifixion and the resurrection are representative of allegorical spiritual events that have to do with the process of achieving Wholeness and the Spiritual Rebirth of the seeker/disciple -- i.e., "They that are whole have no need of the physician, but they that are sick: I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance" (Mark 2:17).  Therefore, if it is true that those who are portrayed by Jesus as "righteous" had achieved "wholeness" apart from belief in the historical crucifixion and the resurrection -- and the mystery of the resurrection has a commonality with the secret teachings of Pythagoras that could not be comprehended by  "...profane and insufficiently prepared ears" -- then we must totally re-evaluate our understanding of the crucifixion and the resurrection in our quest for Truth and TheWay.   

Jesus commanded his followers to enter in at the "narrow gate" that provides the followers of the Gospel teachings the entrance into the Kingdom -- i.e., "Enter by the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many who go in by it. Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it." (Matt 7:13-14 -- see above The Octaves And The Fulfilling Of The Law ) .  Which provokes the questions?  (1) But where is the entrance to the Narrow Gate? And (2) how does the follower of these teachings enter therein?  The fact of the matter is that there is no entrance to the Narrow Gate in the outer world.  And when it is recognized that the Kingdom is within us -- and therefore so too is the entrance to the Narrow Gate -- the answer to the dilemma is  found in The Cross.  And therein lies the problem -- i.e., so long as the Cross is perceived literally/historically in the manner of the crucifix, then it will remain impossible for the believer to embrace the spiritual meaning of the Cross with any degree of Wholeness and understanding -- i.e., “I gave you milk to drink, not solid food; for you were not yet able to receive it. Indeed, even now you are not yet able” (1 Cor 3:2).  Why was the baptized Christians who Paul taught only capable of being nourished by what can be portrayed as spiritual Pablum designed for immature minds -- i.e., the equivalent of regurgitated bird puke that is portrayed as the "milk" of the Gospel?  "And I, brethren, could not speak to you as to spiritual people but as to carnal, as to babes in Christ. I fed you with milk and not with solid food; for until now you were not able to receive it, and even now you are still not able; for you are still carnal" (1 Cor 3:1-3).  Which means that those Christians who see the crucifixion only an actual historical event, as "...the simpleminded and for the ears of the common crowd who are led on to live better lives by their belief”, were unable to comprehend the spiritual meaning.   And even more important is the fact that what Paul was stating is that it was not a matter of teaching or instruction -- but rather, of the "natural" mind of man evolving beyond man's organic limitations, that would raise the immature believer up to a level of higher spiritual maturity where they could then BEGIN to understand the meaning of the allegorical symbols used in the Gospels.  It was the matter of the Christian of the simple faith evolving beyond what could be portrayed as "bird puke/regurgitation", in relation to the "solid food" that could only be consumed by the mature mind.  And this is why the Church Father Origen who was portrayed as the greatest teacher second only to the Apostles stated of the physical resurrection that it was preached in the Churches… for the simpleminded and for the ears of the common crowd who are led on to live better lives by their belief” (see Contra Celsum).   Why?   Because of their untransformed carnal condition of mind and being, this allegorical portrayal of the Final Stage of Birth was all that the faith-based believers were capable of comprehending.

When Jesus said: "Most assuredly, I say to you, unless one is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God" (John 3:3) -- he was portraying the final stage of birth that is presented in the deeper meaning of the Resurrection and the Cross that all his followers must bear in their lives.  But when believers of the simple-faith interpret this as the crucifix of Jesus, without understanding what the Church Father Origen portrayed as "..the mystery of the Resurrection, [which is} not being understood, by those who "...were not deemed fit to be communicated to the profane and insufficiently prepared ears",  then it remains impossible for these faith-based believers who have been denied and inhibited from understanding the "mystery of the Resurrection", to fulfill the requirement set forth in the commandment to "...take up his cross daily and follow me" (Luke 9:23).     

    Project Gutenberg's The World's Sixteen Crucified Saviors, by Kersey Graves

The Sixteen Crucified Saviors: What is portrayed in the symbolism of the virgin birth, the cross and the crucifixion, is the destiny of every person who has ever walked the face of the earth.  At the time of Jesus, the cross was a universal symbol that was used by many religions, as portrayed in the book that documents The Sixteen (16) Crucified Saviors (Click On Image).   Which provokes the question: Why was the virgin birth, the cross, the twelve disciples and the crucifixion a universal symbol that was recognized by many religious paths?  It is therefore important to recognize that the usage of the cross by these other religious paths which preceded the Gospel accounts, was certainly not used in an observance that had anything to do with the historical man Jesus.  Why, therefore, was a cross used by these other religions?  Because the cross itself is a universal symbol -- and enlightened mystics who composed these sacred writings by presenting them in the Universal Language of the Soul, utilized the symbolism that all of Creation is composed in.  Why?  Because if you understand the meaning of the symbols, all of mankind must be prepared to be born of the virgin in a non-physical subsequent stage of birth.  All of mankind must bear their own Cross and initiate their own Crucifixion  -- while they are still in their physical body -- in order to enter into The Higher Spiritual Life.  And thus, the statement of Origen with respect to the cross and these other religions: "Moreover, all the mysteries that are celebrated everywhere throughout Greece and the barbarous countries, although held in secret, have no discredit thrown upon them, so that it is in vain he endeavors to calumniate the secret doctrines of Christianity, seeing that he does not correctly understand its nature”.  And therein lies the problem as seen in the fact that the Cross is not an historical symbol -- but rather, it is the universal symbol of spiritual transformation that is observed by all the religions, that is not at all understood by the modern Christians.   Therefore, if you want to understand this universal symbol -- and comprehend how it must be applied to your own life -- then you must begin to look beyond the doctrines of the Church that attempts to interpret the Gospels historically -- while suppressing the spiritual meaning.  

When Jesus said: They that are whole have no need of the physician" (Mark 2:17), the statement acknowledges that what is personified by Origen when he referred to the "the mystery of the resurrection", can be achieved without being physically nailed to a cross -- i.e., "If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me" (Luke 9:23).  Therefore, it is paramount to pose the question: How does a follower of Jesus pick up their own cross and travail in TheWay?  And what this also means is that if you can't spiritually answer this question, then you have not achieved the necessary Wholeness to fulfill the requirement of carrying your own cross and bringing about your own crucifixion as Jesus commanded.  Further, in view of the fact that those who had achieved righteousness and wholeness without -- or prior to the incarnation and crucifixion of the historical man Jesus -- i.e., "They that are whole have no need of the physician, ...I came not to call the righteous" -- means that what is allegorically portrayed in the Gospels as the cross -- i.e., what Origen portrays as the "mystery of the resurrection" -- means that there exists another means to accomplish what Jesus did without what is personified in the symbols of the physical crucifixion and resurrection.  

In order for the symbols of the Gospels and religion to be effective in bringing about the spiritual transformation of the believer, these symbols must be embraced and used in the person's everyday life.  With respect to the mystery of the resurrection, St. Gregory’s wrote, “the Resurrection is no other thing than ‘the re-constitution of our nature in its original form’” -- i.e., a restoral to our True Spiritual Nature.  In view of the fact that the symbol of the cross was, and is, widely used by many religious paths, then the understanding of the symbol and its application to the individual has nothing to do with an historical event -- but must be understood as a personal event in the life of every person.  Which means that the symbolism of the cross has virtually nothing to do with one's belief -- but rather, the person's own transformation.  Therefore, the paramount question then becomes: What does the allegorical portrayal of the crucifixion in the Gospels mean on the larger scale of humanity?  Sadly, no modern Christian can answer this crucial question.


In order to understand what Paul states is not lawful to reveal, and what Ignatius states would inflict harm upon the greater body of Christian faith-based believers, the mind of the immature believer must be evolved through the transformative process of mental-expansion and spiritual-deepening.  But therein lies the problem -- i.e., the mind can only be nourished by thoughts and impressions that are themselves Whole and Complete.   And when rightly understood, the symbolism of the Cross is the merger of Balanced and Whole impressions and thoughts of the upper/lower and left/right spheres of mind into the Center of the Cross -- i.e., "…take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ" (2 Cor 10:5).  What does it mean to make every thought obedient to Christ?  When Jesus stated that "If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me" (Luke 9:23), he was confirming the fact that there is only One Way into the Kingdom -- and that it is through "...‘the re-constitution of our nature in its original form’” through the "narrow gate" that is brought into Wholeness in the Center of our Mind and Being.    The necessary Wholeness is therefore easier to understand using the Cathar Cross in the image on the left. 

Who were the Cahars?  Quoting the Wikipedia: "Catharism; from the Greek: καθαροί, katharoi, "the pure [ones]", was a Christian dualist or Gnostic movement... which thrived in Southern Europe, particularly in northern Italy and southern France. Followers were described as Cathars and referred to themselves as Good Christians, and are now mainly remembered for a prolonged period of persecution by the Catholic Church, which did not recognize their unorthodox Christianity".  Why did the Church hunt down the Cathars?  In the same way that the Church hunted down the enlightened priest Giordano Bruno and burnt him at the stake for teaching the people the truth, the Church hunted down all groups who embraced the original teachings that had the ability to transform the mind of the faith-based believers -- thus, fulfilling the warning or the Apostle in the Epistle of Peter to James where he warned that if the body of esoteric knowledge taught by Jesus to his closest disciples is lost or thrown away, that  " will remain even for those who really seek the truth, always to wander in error"

When the Cathar cross is understood, it is clear that they possessed the deeper knowledge that the Church of Rome threw away.   And when rightly understood, it is what is personified in the Cathar Cross that each believer must take up and experience to bring about the necessary Crucifixion.  Why?  In the first place, the Cathar Cross has four (4) equal projections out of it's Center as portrayed in the words: "A river flowed from the land of Eden, watering the garden and then dividing into four branches" (Gen 2:10) -- and these four rivers that flow out of the Tree of Life in the Center, presents the necessary balance between the upper/lower and the left/right.  Thus, what we have is the four primary Trinities of the Mind as represented in the three dots at the end of each of the cross projections which are representative of the three spheres of mind of the Heavenly, the three spheres of mind of the lower Earthly, the three spheres of mind of the Male and the three spheres of mind of the Female spheres of the Tree of Life that must be brought together into the Center (see ).  Only when the three heavenly spheres of mind, three earthly spheres of mind, the three male and three female spheres of mind are all balanced and merged into Oneness and Wholeness -- and these Whole and Balanced Thoughts and Impressions are channeled into the Center of the Cross and through the "narrow gate", can the mind be evolved through the nourishment of the thoughts taken captive to Christ.   Without this necessary Balance and Wholeness of our Thoughts and Impressions, they cannot be channeled into the Center and made "...obedient to Christ".   And without this Balanced Wholeness -- where the four projections of Mind and Spirit from the Center of the cross are all equal and balanced -- the vital life-force is squandered away and lost into nature -- in the manner of the prodigal son who squandered away his inheritance on "riotous living".  Therefore, what is portrayed in the image of the Cathar Cross is a perfect representation of the necessary Wholeness to achieve the transformative mental-expansion and spiritual-deepening that enables the person to become Anointed (Messiah/Christ), and bring about the next subsequent stage of birth.  

  Wholeness And The Cross: With respect to the concept of Wholeness, Jesus portrayed himself as a physician: "They that are whole have no need of the physician, but they that are sick: I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance" (Mark 2:17).  To understand Wholeness, we must also understand the Narrow Gate as presented in the statement: "Make every effort to enter through the narrow gate. For many, I tell you, will try to enter and will not be able" (Luke 13:22-27).  Why will many believers try, but not be able to enter through the "narrow gate"?  Because few people understand both Wholeness, and the process of entering through the narrow gate.  Was Jesus wrong?  If the modern Church dogma is correct and that (quoting) "...salvation is immediate and eternal upon acceptance of Jesus as a one-time sacrifice for your sins, and not obtained through works, sacraments, traditions or merits of our own", then why does Paul say that if the believer knowingly sins after embracing the Gospel teachings, that there is no longer the hope of salvation -- i.e., "For it is impossible to restore again to repentance those who ...then commit apostasy, since they crucify the Son of God on their own account and hold him up to contempt.. For if we sin deliberately after receiving the knowledge of the truth, there no longer remains a sacrifice for sins, but a fearful prospect of judgment, and a fury of fire which will consume the adversaries." (Heb 6:4-6;10:26-27 RSV).  If, as the Church maintains, there is no requirement of works to achieve salvation, then why did Jesus warn believers: "If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me" (Luke 9:23)?  Isn't denying one's own self a requirement of "works" that each follower of Jesus must do daily?  In support of the necessity to deny one's self, Jesus also stated the requirement: "So therefore, any one of you who does not renounce all that he has cannot be my disciple" Luke 14:33).  Isn't it a requirement of works for the follower of Jesus to "...renounce all that he has"?  Which provokes the question: What does the modern Christian have that must be renounced?  Further, the Gospel account does not say that mere belief in the crucifixion of Jesus was sufficient.  Jesus said that after denying one's self, that each believer must pick up and bear their own cross to bring about their own crucifixion.   But what does this mean?  It means that the modern person who calls themselves a Christian, must now undergo a conversion to the Original Gospel Teachings that the Church of Rome rejected as heresy -- and fortunately, these suppressed Original Teachings have been restored by the Original Author at .          

We can begin to understand the requirement of Wholeness through the symbol of the Cathar Cross where we see three dots at each of the cross extensions at the top/heavenly, bottom/earthly, left/feminine and right/male spheres of mind that are represented in the Cathar Cross.   To begin our exploration of the relationship of the Cathar Cross, the Mystery of the Crucifixion and Resurrection, and the Law of Octaves as the Living Bio-Feedback Organism that monitors and sustains our mental and spiritual development, we must quote a paragraph from The Enigma Of The Law Of Octaves

Mind and consciousness functions through a flow and presence of (electrical) bio-energy. In order for an electrical flow to exist, there must be negative and positive polarities interacting with each other.  When you use an appliance, the appliance is plugged into a source of electrical energy (positive and negative) that come together separately and flow through the appliance.  Mind, or Consciousness, can be portrayed as the appliance that is utilizing the positive and negative energy flow of the body to bring about and maintain Consciousness. An EEG is a means to test electrical activity in the brain. An EKG measures the electrical activity in the heart. This electrical energy is a means of testing what can be portrayed as bio-energy or vital life-force upon which the consciousness of man is manifest. Without this presence of bio-energy which is manifest in the interaction of positive/male and negative/female opposite polarities, Consciousness or Mind cannot exist. And this is true of both man and Creator-God. Therefore, electrical activity is the direct result of the flow and interaction of the Positive and Negative polarities. No energy can exist or flow, without the positive and negative polarities. A bird can sit on a power line -- a squirrel can run on a power line -- and so long as they don't contact the two polarities of power together, they will not be electrocuted.

Growth Through Wholeness of Thought:  "There is a way that seems right to a man, but its end is the way to death" (Prov 14:12 & 16:25).  This verse can only be understood from the perspective of the Gospel of Philip which states: "A nationalist (person of this world) does not die, for he has never lived so that he could die" -- which is why Jesus said: "Leave the dead to bury their own dead".  While a sperm or ovum can be portrayed as living, so long as the sperm of ovum fails to develop, they remain dead in relation to their purpose and potential.  Moreover, so long as the sperm of ovum remain in their undeveloped condition, it can be correctly asserted that neither ever really lived.  The potential of Life does not equate to the Reality of Life.   

If you perform a search on the source of the voltage measured by EEG or EKG machines, you get: "Electrical signals are produced by contractions in the heart walls which drive electrical currents and create different potentials throughout the body."  Yet, there is nothing in the body that can actually generate an electrical flow.  What medical experts are missing is the fact that it is the presence of the Soul-Mind that infuses the physical body with the bio-energy or vital life-force that is measured with electrocardiograph machines.  When physicist Walter Thirring stated in his book, Urbausteine der Materie about the nature and reality of physical matter that modern physics “...has put our thinking about the essence of matter in a different context.   It has taken our gaze from the visible - the particles - to the underlying entity, the field.   The presence of matter is merely a disturbance of the perfect state of the field at that place; something accidental, one could almost say, a ‘blemish’.   Accordingly, there are no simple laws describing the forces between elementary particles… Order and symmetry must be sought in the underlying field”.  While we can't see "...the underlying field” of Consciousness with our physical senses, we are measuring its presence in the body-vessel with the electrocardiograph machines we used to sense the presence of the person's mind. 

In order to have an electrical flow, there must be positive (male) and negative (female) polarities which come together to manifest Consciousness -- which enters into the physical body-vessel through the connection to the Ætheric Source -- or levels of Consciousness prior to our measuring the bio-energy with electrocardiograph machines.  Mystics are those people who develop the ability to follow their flow of bio-energy back to its Source which they portray as God.  What is portrayed as the Trinity or Divine Pattern that is replicated into all of Creation, is a portrayal of the Male and Female polarities which feed and manifest the Mind of God -- which is often portrayed as the Logos, Word or Son of God. 

Consciousness is fueled by bio-energy or vital life-force that originates with God -- and in one of the most ignored Gospel statements we are not only portrayed as the offspring of God, but as dwelling within the Mind of God -- i.e., “‘For in him we live and move and have our being.’ As some of your own poets have said, ‘We are his offspring’” (Acts 17:28).    Put this together with the above statement by  James Jeans that: “...the universe begins to look more like a great thought than like a great machine”.    Or the words of Arthur Eddington:  “The stuff of the universe is mind-stuff” More recently,  described as “an intelligent universe” whose apparent concreteness is generated by cosmic data from an unknowable, organized source.   The holographic theory says that: “…our brains mathematically construct hard reality by interpreting frequencies from a dimension transcending time and space.   The brain is a hologram, interpreting a holographic universe.”  (Cyberneticist David Foster). 

In understanding the statement “For in him we live and move and have our being", those who have made the inward journey towards the Source have come to understand that each Soul in the Alpha of Creation, can be portrayed as a single Neuron in the Mind of God -- which, in the quotation from The Universal Jewish Encyclopedia, under the heading of Souls, Transmigration of, is portrayed as "sparks" in the Divine Mind as confirmed in the words: "According to these teachings, all human souls have a common origin in the spiritual unity of the primordial man, sparks of which form the individual souls...".   The Soul of man dwells in a twelve-dimensional Realm of Souls -- and as a Being of Light (see ), is in the process at different levels of soul-evolution by growing the Light of the Soul through the experiences of three-dimensional mankind in this sub-realm. 

As a spark in the Divine Mind, the bio-energy that is the source of man's consciousness, moves out and is divided and drawn into the Seven Spiritual Centers.  Why the number Seven? As the bio-energy moves out to the next level of Consciousness, it must maintain the Trinitarian Divine Pattern which is replicated into all of Creation.  The bio-energy associated with the Positive (Male) Polarity in the (heavenly) head, is expressed in the upper three spiritual centers -- with the third-force balance being the sixth center which is often portrayed as the Third Eye.  The bio-energy associated with the Negative (Feminine) Polarity in the lower thee (earthly) spiritual centers -- with the third-force balance expressed in the Generative Power manifest in the male sperm.  The Center is portrayed as both the heart spiritual center, and the Center Sphere of the Tree of Life.  What Jesus portrayed as the "narrow gate", is the bio-energy that is drawn through the Center that is able to transform the mind through the process of mental-expansion and spiritual-deepening. 

In the case of those who have achieved Wholeness -- i.e., "They that are whole have no need of the physician..." (Mark 2:17) -- the bio-energy is balanced in the twelve spheres of Mind of the person as patterned in the Tree of Life ( ) -- and optimally, returned to the Source through the Center of the Mind through what Jesus portrayed as the "narrow gate".   And if the thoughts or impressions are Whole, only then can they be used to bring about the transformative process of mental-expansion and spiritual-deepening.  And therein lies the problem as seen in the image at the right.  In the same way that the bio-energy begins its journey in Wholeness when generated by the Source through the twelve-dimensional Soul-Self, and out into the earthly-self as the projected image of mankind who is an embryonic three-dimensional image of the Soul, the mind of man evolves beyond organic levels of divided male or female physical embodiment, by achieving the necessary Wholeness to being about growth and development of consciousness when the bio-energy is drawn through the "narrow gate".   Where it is stated to "…take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ" (2 Cor 10:5) -- reference is not being made to the historical figure of Christ -- but rather, to achieving the Anointing/Christ within you.  And this can only be accomplished when each thought can be returned by manifesting Wholeness across the spectrum of the Four Gates of the mind as manifest and portrayed in the image of the Cathar Cross.  What is Wholeness of Thought?  The four Gates of the mind must each contribute their essence of the divided bio-energy flow -- and enable the Thought or Impression to achieve the necessary Wholeness to return to the Source of bio-energy through the "narrow gate".  The formula to achieve Wholeness of thought when it is comprised of 1/4th from the upper Heavenly, 1/4th from the lower Earthly, 1/4th from the Right Male and 1/4th from the Left Female spheres of mind that form the Tree of Life -- and it is this balanced Wholeness across the spectrum of the twelve sphere of mind as patterned in the Tree of Life, that is responsible for the transformative process of mental-expansion and spiritual-deepening.  Therefore, thoughts that are framed solely from the earthly centers or the Linear-Male or Intuitive-Feminine spheres of mind, cannot be drawn through the "narrow gate" in the Center, that is necessary in the advancement of Mind and Higher Consciousness.  

The fruit of the Forbidden Tree of Knowledge is the thoughts and impressions that lack the necessary wholeness to enter into and through the "narrow gate" in the Center of the Mind.   Mankind is the Fourth Kingdom or Center-Balance.  The physical body of man is drawn from the lower three kingdoms of consciousness (see The Formation Of Our Lower Earthly Animal Consciousness ).  The opposite polarity of the three earthly kingdoms is the three upper heavenly or spiritual kingdoms.  Oneness or Wholeness can only be achieved in the Fourth-Kingdom of man where the division of the Upper and the Lower can be brought together.  But therein lies the problem because of the division of the Male and Female outer columns of mind that form the Tree of Knowledge.  It is the interaction of the outer male and female columns that when working and functioning together, are able to bring the divided thoughts and impressions of the earthly and heavenly together in the Center -- which when brought through what is portrayed as the "narrow gate", possess the transformative power to bring about the growth process of mental-expansion and spiritual-deepening.  In the case of the historical man Jesus, he had achieved the condition of Absolute-Wholeness which enabled him to become At-One with the Mind (Logos/Word) of God.   And the Original Gospel teachings (see ) were the guide for all of mankind as the lost prodigal sons and daughters, to achieve what the man Jesus did. 

  Four Gates Of The Mind: The Four Gates of the Mind as portrayed in the image of the (Cathar) Cross, has often been portrayed as Earth, Water, Fire and Air -- with the Æthers being expressed as representing Spirit.  Earth portraying our lower earthly nature -- Air portraying our upper heavenly nature -- fire or male portraying our Linear spheres of mind -- and water or female portraying the inward-looking Intuitive columns of Mind of the Tree of Duality/Knowledge -- with the thoughts and impressions that must be drawn into the Center as the restored Tree of Life.  Therefore, what is allegorically portrayed as the Fall of Man, was necessary to bring about the transformative process of growth and development where Wholeness is achieved and our thoughts and impressions are drawn into the Heart or Center, and channeled through the "narrow gate" of the Mind.  Thus, a long ignored statement is seen in the words: "For the earnest expectation of the creation eagerly waits for the revealing of the sons of God. For the creation was subjected to futility, not willingly, but because of Him who subjected it in hope; because the creation itself also will be delivered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the children of God. For we know that the whole creation groans and labors with birth pangs together until now" (Rom 8:19-22).   Take especial notice of the words:  "...For the creation was subjected to futility, not willingly, but because of Him who subjected it  ...For we know that the whole creation groans and labors with birth pangs together until now".   Which means that what is personified as Adam and Eve did not Fall because of sin -- but rather, this allegorical Fall was imposed upon mankind in order to bring about the necessary growth and development of Mind and Spirit.   In the same way that Jesus stated that unless you bring about the next stage of birth, you cannot enter the Kingdom of Heaven (see The Divine Marriage ) -- all of the trials of the prodigal sons in this, the Far Country (a.k.a. Plato's Cave), is the process of birth that was brought upon mankind by the Laws that Creator-God put into action in what is allegorically portrayed as the Seven Days of Creation -- i.e., The Octave.  If the text of the Revelation represented the end of the world, as is commonly believed by the majority of Christians today, then we must pose the question: Why are those who remain outside the city portrayed as "dogs and sorcerers and sexually immoral and murderers and idolaters, and whoever loves and practices a lie"? Armageddon, then, indicates the disciples personal tribulation described as the "pangs of birth" (Matt 24:8 RVS), as a seeker endeavors to overcome his own lower carnal nature through the crucifixion of what is symbolized by the flesh, in order that he can possess the Knowledge of the fruit of the Tree of Life, transcend the natural barriers of this world, and "enter through the gates into the city" -- the Gates being the "narrow gate".

In the Alpha or Beginning of Creation, Knowledge or Gnosis did not exist, because no experiential knowledge had taken place -- and part of the Soul became lost in the lower worlds in an attempt to begin to know self.  Therefore, God is in the process of Knowing Self, through the experiences of each of our higher Soul-Selves -- and our higher Soul-Selves is coming to know Self through the experiences of mankind.  In the same way that birth is not possible without the joining of Male and Female, neither is the Higher Mental and Spiritual Births possible without the interaction of the polarities of Male and Female (see When Man Meets Woman ).  And in the allegorical account of Genesis, Eve or Woman was drawn from the side of Man, because the division of Self was necessary to bring about growth and transformation through the interaction of the opposite polarities of Mind (see The Restoral Of Adam And Eve ).   

Consciousness requires Bio-Energy.  Where the bio-energy that fuels Consciousness begins in Wholeness when generated by the Source (see The Cosmology Of The Divine Mind ) -- and  remains Whole as it moves through the Higher Soul-Self -- it becomes divided when projected through the Seven Spiritual (Chakras) Centers and the Twelve Spheres of the Mind of man as patterned in the Tree of Life.  This bio-energy is necessary for thought and consciousness -- which is necessary for the experiences in this world that develops the mind of mankind through the interaction of opposites.  A thought or impression that is Whole, brings together each of the segments from the Four Gates of the Mind that restores the bio-energy to Wholeness -- a.k.a., Earth, Water, Fire and Air.   The mind does not grow and expand in jumps. The mind evolves beyond organic levels of consciousness step by step -- level upon level -- each impression or thought providing the bio-energy to expand and deepen the development of the mind -- i.e., "Whom will he teach knowledge? And whom will he make to understand the message? Those just weaned from milk? Those just drawn from the breasts? For precept must be upon precept, precept upon precept, line upon line, line upon line, here a little, there a little" (Isa 28:9-10).  But, in order for the thought or impression to enter into the "narrow gate" where the developmental growth of mind and spirit can take place, the thought or impression must possess the Wholeness that brings the Four Gates of the Mind together -- as expressed in the image at the right -- with equal segments combined from the earthly and its opposite in the heavenly, and the opposite male and female spheres of mind that make up the outer columns of the Tree of Life.  And without this balanced wholeness, the vital life-force can only be expelled out into Nature and lost.   In the parable of the prodigal son, this loss of bio-energy is portrayed as the loss of inheritance (Luke 15:13) on "riotous living".  Why is the inheritance of the prodigal son portrayed as being lost?  Without Balanced Wholeness, the bio-energy is subject to the twisting of the Law of Octaves (see The Laws Of Nature And The Law of Octaves ), and cannot grow and transform the mind beyond the level of organic human consciousness. 

Where the bio-energy emitted by the Soul is balanced and Whole prior to entering into the organic consciousness of the person we are in this world, it is divided by the seven spiritual centers and the twelve spheres of mind as patterned in the Tree of Life.  The mind that evolves beyond organic comprehension, must bring the division of the Seven and the Twelve into Wholeness and Oneness.  Thoughts that are comprised of equal aspects from each of the four gates -- uniting the Earthly with the Heavenly -- drawn into the Center by the Feminine-Intuitive and the Masculine-Linear -- achieving the necessary Wholeness that bridges the divided natures of the mind -- and when balanced and whole, only then are these thoughts able to enter into and through the "narrow gate" and bring about the transformational mental-expansion and spiritual-deepening of the mind.  When one of the elements are missing from, or out of balance in the thought-equation -- lacking what is signified in the earthly with the heavenly, and the male with the female -- the progression of the Octaves twist (see The Twisting of Law at the Third Interval ), and the bio-energy or vital life-force is diverted off into nature and lost. 

The three Male and three Female spheres of mind that manifest the Tree of Duality (see Tree of Life ), must function together in Oneness, to rejoin the upper heavenly and the lower earthly spheres of mind in Wholeness.  The three lower-earthly kingdoms are the opposite half or polarity of the three upper-heavenly kingdoms.  What this means is that the three male linear spheres of mind, must work in conjunction with the three feminine intuitive spheres of mind, to connect the upper-heavenly with the lower-earthly -- bringing about the transformative process of mental-expansion and spiritual-deepening, by channeling the vital life-force which carries the balanced and whole thoughts and impressions of the person through the center "narrow gate".   

What is absent from the Meme on the left, is the development of the earthly and the heavenly spheres of mind.  While it is true that the male and female spheres of mind must achieve Full Maturity, so too must the Earthly and Heavenly Spheres of Mind be joined -- i.e., the Heavenly Kingdom coming upon the Earthly Kingdom.  And therein lies the problem with many religious systems which attempt to negate or even sacrifice the development of the earthly to acquire higher vision and appear spiritual.  Only when it is understood that the lower Earthly is the opposite half or polarity of the upper Heavenly, can we realize that the lack of the development of the Earthly will negate any degree of Wholeness.  The author and visionary Philip K. Dick was able to recall his Soul's previous life in the first century where he lived as an original follower of Jesus.  He also wrote with respect to the original disciples of Jesus that:  "Christ ...taught his followers how to enter the kingdom while still alive, where other mystery religions only bring about amnesis: knowledge of it at the 'other time' in 'the other realm,' not here.  He causes it to come here, and is the living agency to the Sole Good God (i.e. the Logos)."    These other mystery religions that Philip Dick was making reference to, sacrificed the earthly in order to achieve amnesis insights and vision.  Under the heading of Anamnesis (Philosophy), the Wikipedia states: It is the idea that humans possess knowledge from past incarnations and that learning consists of rediscovering that knowledge within us".  The article then goes on to say: Socrates' response is to develop his theory of anamnesis. He suggests that the soul is immortal, and repeatedly incarnated; knowledge is actually in the soul from eternity...  What one perceives to be learning, then, is actually the recovery of what one has forgotten. (Once it has been brought back it is true belief, to be turned into genuine knowledge by understanding.) And thus Socrates (and Plato) sees himself, not as a teacher, but as a midwife, aiding with the birth of knowledge that was already there in the student. 

While higher vision can be achieved via Anamnesis through the focus on the third-eye associated with the sixth spiritual center -- as well as the raising of what is portrayed as the kundalini energy from the base of the spine into the upper spiritual centers.  The limitation of what Philip K. Dick portrayed as the Mystery Religions is presented in his words when he referenced these  "...other mystery religions only bring about amnesis: knowledge of it at the 'other time' in 'the other realm,' not here."   Many of these mystery religions claim the the goal is to "get above the mind" -- thereby leaving the mind itself undeveloped.  What was the basis of Philip Dick's assessment?  While Giordano Bruno was bunt at the stake for teaching Christians the Original Gospel concepts and teachings that were suppressed by the Church (see The Restored Gospel Teachings ), the account of Philip K. Dick reveals to seekers the purpose of the allegorical catalysts used in the scriptures to connect the person we are in this world with our Higher Source of Being.   Like my own recall of my Soul's previous life as Jacob who they call James, the Brother of Yeshua who they call Jesus (see ), Philip K. Dick possessed degrees of past life recall.   Quoting Philip Dick's account:  "When a delivery person from the pharmacy brought his pain medication, he noticed the ichthys necklace she wore and asked her what it meant. She responded that it was a symbol used by the early Christians, and in that moment Dick's religious experiences began:  Thus, the image of the early Christian symbol acted as a catalyst that initiated recall of his Soul's previous life as a first century Christian of which he wrote:

"In that instant, as I stared at the gleaming fish sign and heard her words, I suddenly experienced what I later learned is called anamnesis—a Greek word meaning, literally, "loss of forgetfulness." I remembered who I was and where I was. In an instant, in the twinkling of an eye, it all came back to me. And not only could I remember it but I could see it. The girl was a secret Christian and so was I. We lived in fear of detection by the Romans. We had to communicate with cryptic signs. She had just told me all this, and it was true.  For a short time, as hard as this is to believe or explain, I saw fading into view the black, prison like contours of hateful Rome. But, of much more importance, I remembered Jesus, who had just recently been with us, and had gone temporarily away, and would very soon return. My emotion was one of joy. We were secretly preparing to welcome Him back. It would not be long. And the Romans did not know. They thought He was dead, forever dead. That was our great secret, our joyous knowledge. Despite all appearances, Christ was going to return, and our delight and anticipation were boundless."

The Fundamentalists who are of a physical-only three-dimensional mindset, can only grasp the text of the written words of the scriptures.  But the scriptures were composed by mystics who viewed this world as a type of prison that held mankind captive in a world of shadow-images as portrayed in the analogy of Plato's Cave (see Plato's Cave ). The Dead Sea Scrolls have proven that the foundation of the Gospel teachings was borne out of the Essenes -- and the portrayal of the physical as a prison is demonstrated in the words of Josephus who was a contemporary of the man Jesus who lived among the Essenes and stated that they (Essenes) “…resigned up their souls with great alacrity, as expecting to receive them again.  For their doctrine is this, that bodies are corruptible, and that the matter they are made of is not permanent; but that the souls are immortal, and continue for ever; and that they came out of the most subtle air, and are united to their bodies as to prisons, into which they are drawn by a certain natural enticement; but that when they are set free from the bonds of flesh, they then, as released from a long bondage, rejoice and mount upward...”.  The Hastings-Scribner Dictionary Of The Bible (New York, 1903. Bk 4, p. 63) "To affirm that Jews in Christ's time did not believe in pre-existence is simply incorrect"

When Philip Dick made the statement that, unlike the Mystery religions, the understanding of the Law and the Gospel teachings were designed to manifest the Kingdom of Heaven upon the Earthly through Wholeness achieved through the knowledge of the Laws -- i.e., "Christ ...taught his followers how to enter the kingdom while still alive, ...He causes it to come here, and is the living agency to the Sole Good God (i.e. the Logos)."   This is true -- and that the original Gospel message was to develop the mind through the transformative process of expansion and deepening of consciousness, and then enable the disciple of TheWay to gain entrance into the Inner Kingdom, is easily demonstrated in the quotations on the proper use of the scriptures as the Key of Knowledge (see The Application Of The Key Of Knowledge ).   Philip K. Dick referenced a difference between the Gospel teachings of Jesus in relation to what he portrayed as the Mystery Religions because of this primary difference in the Gospel path.  Instead of the exclusive focus on the upper, wholeness and achieving the subsequent stages of birth requires that each of the twelve spheres of mind be evolved to the degree where Oneness is achieved.  Most Mystery and Eastern Religions attempt to suppress the lower centers while their focus is on gazing through the upper sixth spiritual center (chakra).   Whereas, the scriptures and the living of a holistic lifestyle in a spiritual community focuses on the development of the Whole Self.     All the Power in this world is manifest in the Lower Earthly Centers.  While the upper centers can provide higher insight, it is the lower centers that enable the person to bring about alchemical change and transformation of the base (lead) into gold -- which is necessary to bring about Wholeness.  

When each thought draws through the portals or four gates of the Mind in the Tree of Life as patterned in the teaching -- "When you make the two one, and when you make the inside like the outside and the outside like the inside, and the above like the below, and when you make the male and the female one and the same, so that the male not be male nor the female female; ...then will you enter the kingdom." But what this teaching in the Gospel of Thomas is missing is preserved in the version of the same teaching found in the Gospel of the Nazirenes which reads: And one of the disciples asked him, "How shall a man enter into the Kingdom?" And he answered and said, "If you don't make below as the above, and the left as the right, and the behind as the before, entering into the center and passing into the spirit, you will not enter into the kingdom of God."  The left and right are of course the male/female outer columns of the Tree of Life/Knowledge. And after bringing together and joining the duality of the above (heavenly) and the below (earthly), and in understanding the outer as a reflection of the inner, only then can this balanced wholeness enter "...into the center and passing into the spirit". The bio-energy rides upon the impressions and the thoughts of the mind -- with the vital life-force that is not balanced and made whole, lost into nature. The vital life-force that is balanced and made whole, is able to be drawn into the Center and can then be used in the process of mental-expansion and spiritual-deepening.


It is the fruit of the Tree of Life that is the source of the Divine Manna that nourishes the mind and brings about spiritual advancement that provides access and entrance into the Edenic Kingdom.  That the Tree of Life is a reality of Higher Mind that all of mankind can gain access to, and be nourished by the Divine Manna and life-giving fruit thereof, is demonstrated in the statement in the Revelation: "'He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches. To him who overcomes, I will grant to eat of the tree of life which is in the Paradise of God'" (Rev 2:7). 

When it was stated, "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge" (Hosea 4:6), reference was not made pertaining to knowledge that a person learns and is taught by others -- but rather,  the self-knowledge that one must understand to make the inner Journey in TheWay where the believer can be nourished by the fruit of the Tree of Life.  In fact, this Spiritual Nourishment that cannot be received in the outer world -- is the meaning of the words: "Blessed are those who wash their robes, so that they may have the right to the tree of life and that they may enter the city by the gates" (Rev 22:14).  So, by "washing and purifying our physical self and detaching ourselves from the thinking and lifestyle of this world", we begin to be nourished by the fruit of the Tree of Life.   "To him who overcomes will I give to eat of the hidden manna" (Rev 2:8-17), this "hidden manna" is the the Sacred Knowledge or the Divine Manna that can only be imparted to the seeker directly from the Indwelling Logos and True Prophet (see The One Teacher) -- who is the ONLY TEACHER that Jesus commanded to seek out and learn from. 

He who overcomes, are those who overcome their own inner division and duality of the four gates of the mind as patterned in the twelve points portrayed in the Cathar Cross.  That one must therefore overcome the twisting of the Law of Octaves, is why the original followers and disciples of Jesus witnessed to the fact that the historical man Jesus achieved the Anointing of the Mind (Messiah/Christ), and "...was justified by fulfilling the Law. He was the Christ of God, since not one of the rest of mankind had observed the Law completely. Had any one else fulfilled the commandments of the Law, he would have been the Christ, for they assert that our Lord Himself was a man in like sense with all humanity" (see Hippolytus, Refut. Omn. Haer. vii. 34).  Further witnessing to the reality that when a person  "...thus fulfills the law, they are able to become Christs."  (Hippolytus, Refut. Omn. Haer. vii. 34).  Fulfilling the Law can only be accomplished when your mind is nourished by thoughts and impressions that are Whole, and can be channeled through the "narrow gate" in the Center of your Mind and Being -- i.e., "They that are whole have no need of the physician, ...I came not to call the righteous".  Those thoughts and impressions that lack the necessary Wholeness, are diverted out of the Center and lost into nature -- portrayed in the parable of the prodigal son as having squandered away their inheritance on "riotous" living -- expelling their bio-energy on the things of this world.

Our Higher Soul-Self which is our True-Self that is our twelve-dimensional pre-existent Soul that came into existence in the Alpha of Creation as a spark of the Divine Mind (see The Evolving Soul ), sees all things in Wholeness and Oneness.  Our Higher Soul-Self is a Being of Light -- i.e., "In Him was life, and the life was the light of men" (John 1:4).  How?  In the twelve-dimensional Realm of the Soul, the opposite polarities of Male and Female, in conjunction with the opposite polarities of Heaven and Earth, all exist in Balanced Oneness.  What then is the source of the division of man and creation?  White Light is comprised of the Seven Colors of the Rainbow -- which in Music, equates to the seven notes of the Octave -- and as the vital life-force becomes divided across the spectrum of the Seven Spiritual Centers of the three-dimensional physical -- wherein the bio-energy enters into our own body through the seven spiritual centers and the twelve spheres of the mind as patterned in the Tree of Life.  Therefore, to grow and expand the Mind, we must restore the Oneness of the White Light bio-energy flow as it is channeled through the Mind and into the Center -- wherein it is then used to bring about the mental-expansion and spiritual-deepening of our Consciousness. Therefore, only when our Thoughts and Impressions are themselves balanced and Whole, can these Thoughts and Impressions bring about the process of mental-expansion and spiritual-deepening.

Intellect is the result of seeing and understanding the diversity of all things. As stated in the 90th Chapter of The Gospel of the Nazirenes which preserves this higher reality that plagues organic physical man: "The One truth has many sides, and one sees one side only, another, and some see more than others, according as it is given to them. Behold this crystal; how the one light is manifest in twelve faces, yea four times twelve, and each face reflects one ray of light, and one regards one face, and another, another, but it is the one crystal, and the one light that shines in all." Organic man is only capable of seeing one side, as patterned in the twelve faces of the crystal.   Wholeness requires the harmonization of the perceptive vision of each of the twelve spheres of mind onto a higher plane of Comprehension.  In the image of the Cathar Cross at the left, the twelve spheres of mind are portrayed in the Heavenly/Upper Triad -- which is the opposite half or polarity of the Earthly/Lower Triad -- which must be brought together in the Unity of the Feminine/Left Triad with the Masculine/Right Triad -- and channeled in Wholeness into the Center Narrow Gate of the Center-Love Sphere of the Tree of Life. 

Man kind is portrayed as having been created in the Image of God.  God is therefore the Consciousness of Creation.  But Consciousness is not spawned out of nothing.  Consciousness requires a Positive/Male polarity that is portrayed as our Heavenly Father, which interacts with a Negative/Female polarity that is portrayed as our Heavenly Mother, which interaction manifests the Third-Force Balance portrayed as the Logos or Mind of God -- portrayed as the Son of God.  All Souls came into being as sparks of the Divine Mind -- and in the same way that Intelligence requires all realities to be perceived from different perspectives, all Souls are as a Single Neuron in the Mind (Logos) of God.  But for each Soul to possess the necessary Intelligence to perceive and understand, the Divine Pattern must be expressed into each Soul -- which is imbued with a diverse series of neurons as represented in each life that the Soul has lived.  The Mind of God is evolving through the diverse experiences of the Souls that each are as a Single Neuron in the Divine Mind.  Each Soul is evolving through the experiences of mankind in this and other worlds.  Where the Soul which is a Being of Light dwells in a twelve-dimensional Higher Reality, all growth is brought about through the interaction of the Opposite Polarities of this three-dimensional realm -- i.e., male and female, heavenly and earthly. 


Wholeness And Same-Sex Unions: The scriptures are composed and written for the spiritual advancement of serious seekers.  When it is understood that the consciousness of each person is the result of the Attainments Achieved in the previous lives their Soul has lived, then it must be understood that each person is born at the cognitive level in accord with their own past life achievement.  Therefore, the scriptures are not written for the common mass of people who have never advanced beyond what can be portrayed as organic (carnal) consciousness.  When Jesus replied to his disciples as to why he did not speak openly to everyone -- and only spoke to the multitudes of people in parables -- he said: “The secret of the kingdom of God has been given to you. But to those on the outside everything is said in parables so that, they may be ever seeing but never perceiving, and ever hearing but never understanding” (Mark 4:11-12).  Why?  What enabled his disciples to understand what the multitude of people could not?  And this same reality is presented by the Epistles of Paul when he said of the faith-based gentile followers:  "And I, brethren, could not speak to you as to spiritual people but as to carnal, as to babes in Christ.  I fed you with milk and not with solid food; for until now you were not able to receive it, and even now you are still not able; for you are still carnal" (1 Cor 3:1-3).  In the Homilies of his disciple Clement, the Apostle Peter is quoted as stating: “We remember that our Lord and teacher, as commanding, said to us, guard the mysteries for me, and the sons of my house. Wherefore also he explained to his disciples, privately, the mysteries of the kingdoms of the heavens.”  In his Epistle to the Trallaus the first century elder Ignatius speaks of the Mysteries of the Gospel and the Kingdom, and writes: “Might I not write to you things more full of mystery?  But I fear to do so, lest I should inflict injury on you who are babes.  Pardon me in this respect, lest, as not being able to receive their weighty import, ye should be strangled by them”.  The fact that the vast majority of people who call themselves a Christian, are too immature to understand the spiritual meaning of the Gospel teachings, means that they cannot be held to the same level of accountability as those who have evolved beyond organic (carnal-human) consciousness.  Therefore, what can be portrayed as, and can constitute a (spiritually) deadly sin for one person, is not for another lesser evolved or developed person.  And therein lies the problem that makes the scriptures virtually impossible to understand -- i.e., because of the removal of the teachings on the pre-existent Soul that evolves to Wholeness and Perfection over the course of many lives, it is virtually impossible for both a believer and non-believer alike to understand the application of the biblical teachings (see The Pre-Nicene Position Of The Church On Reincarnation ).   Unless we understand that a lesser evolved Soul is totally driven by his lower earthly/animal consciousness and the lower Laws of the earth, we will never understand why different Laws are applicable to different groups or levels of people.  And in view of the fact that this self-knowledge that is absolutely essential to understand the reality of this world, was thrown away by a series of Roman Emperors who ruled over the people by the threat of the sentence of death (see The Religion Of Roman Emperors  ), it will remain impossible for the vast majority of people who are lacking this higher spiritual knowledge to understand the application of sin to the different levels of group-consciousness. 

In the lower earth-level of animal consciousness, sex is controlled by Natural Laws.   The male is born with and imbued with the generative power of sexual energy that he spends his life attempting to engage.  The animal does not possess higher areas of mind as in the case of man.  Many male animals will actually kill their offspring, in order to induce the female to go into heat.   Lacking higher consciousness, the animal does not know that male and female are representative of divided mind and consciousness -- i.e., divided half's of mind that are interacting with each other on a multitude of levels (see When Man Meets Woman ).  In the animal kingdom, the male  is polarized positive -- and his generative energy is satisfied by a sexual release -- with the exchange with a female that when in heat or season, will welcome his sexual advances.  To most animals, sex is little more than a physical appetite that the Natural Laws drive him to satisfy.  Basically, the same is true of men when they are ruled over by their lower earthly nature and consciousness (see Organic Man Ruled Over By His Lower Animal Nature ).  At the bottom echelon of humanity, we see this in such things as gang rapes where a group of men engage in sex with one woman -- the buying and selling or taking of women as sex slaves -- and even having a harem of a multitude of women.  And this fact of reality becomes critical with respect to the issue of man's sexuality.  Because few people understand the reality of Wholeness -- and (1) the fact that the mind of man is divided across the spectrum of the dynamic opposites of male/positive and female/negative polarities; that (2) the Natural Laws force the person's engagement between the sexual opposites -- (3) while these same Natural Laws force sexual release upon the person -- (4) to the degree that in many people, their sexual drive can be portrayed as a biological volcano where the release of the sexual energy cannot be restrained -- and (5) choice is not always part of the equation.   The fact that this release of sexual energy is imposed upon mankind -- often by various forms of masturbation, often with any available partner, and sometimes even when his physical body is asleep and at rest -- confirms that it is the Natural Laws which impose this necessity of the release of bio-energy, often removing the option of choosing how it is released by a very large segment of the population.  And this reality is further complicated by the fact that while we are not born with the knowledge of the Natural Laws that are imposed upon us -- with right or wrong and morality in subjection to our carnal appetites and desires -- many people can be rightly portrayed as the victims of the forced indulgences which the Natural Laws impose upon all of mankind.  Especially in view of the fact that knowledge of the Natural Laws, right and wrong, and higher morality, is learned over the course of many lives in which the Soul has evolved and developed itself beyond the lower levels of organic consciousness. 

The followers and disciples of Jesus knew that killing an animal was in violation of the tenets to gain entrance into the Edenic Kingdom -- i.e., "Then God said, I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food" (Gen 1:29) -- and they were strict vegetarians (see ).  The followers and disciples of Jesus knew that sex was sacred (see Sacrament Of Marriage ), yet a great many modern Christians engage in cultural recreational sex with many partners to the detriment of entering into a Consecrated Spiritual Marriage (see Sexual Immorality ).  Therefore, the fact that the Natural Laws force a very large segment of the people to engage in some sort of the sexual release of the generative bio-energy associated with sex, regardless of the circumstances of that release -- even forcing many young men into involuntary spontaneous release while they are sleeping -- only the more advanced Souls who have developed their higher levels of spiritual consciousness, can be held accountable for the manner in which the bio-energy is released.  Therefore, sex, from the perspective of the majority of people, is not -- and cannot be -- a sin, so long as the sexual act  is not coerced or forced upon any unwilling partner.  Which provokes the question: But isn't this statement about sex not being a sin contrary to the Gospel teachings?  Jesus explained: "And that servant, which knew his lord's will, and prepared not himself, neither did according to his will, shall be beaten with many stripes. But he that knew not, and did commit things worthy of stripes, shall be beaten with few stripes. For unto whomsoever much is given, of him shall be much required: and to whom men have committed much, of him they will ask the more" (Luke 12:47-48).  Thus, with the forced removal of the teachings on the pre-existent Soul by a series of Roman Emperors, the modern Christian simply has no means to understand why and how the lukewarm believer will be beaten with the stripes of greater judgment, than the multitude of people who are often portrayed as the common sinners who have not insured their salvation.  So what is the fate of those who "...did commit things worthy of stripes" -- i.e., people who are often portrayed as unsaved sinners?   Why will this group of people who are portrayed as sinners, receive far less judgment and punishment than those who knew the masters will, but did not properly prepare themselves?  This statement on judgment and punishment is not only in opposition to everything that modern Christians believe, but with the corruption of the Gospel teachings, it remains impossible for them to provide an answer to the enigma presented.   

With respect to those believers who failed to put on the required Wedding Garment and come to TheCall (see TheCall To The Wedding Banquette ), in the parable of the Wedding Feast they are portrayed as the "invited guests".  There is of course the statement by Peter that confirms the statement by Paul -- i.e., "If they have escaped the corruption of the world by knowing our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and are again entangled in it and overcome, they are worse off at the end than they were at the beginning. It would have been better for them not to have known the way of righteousness, than to have known it and then to turn their backs on the sacred command that was passed on to them. Of them the proverbs are true: A dog returns to its vomit, and, A sow that is washed goes back to her wallowing in the mud" (2 Pet 2:20-22).  Where the modern Church promotes the doctrine that they are saved by Grace regardless of the manner in which they live their lives, Peter not only states that this man-made doctrine is in grave error, but correctly states that: "It would have been better for them not to have known the way of righteousness, than to have known it and then to turn their backs on the sacred command that was passed on to them." Every Christian should ask themselves: How Can This Be???  Paul confirms this statement of Peter with respect to complacent Christians receiving the greater judgment when he warned that if the believer knowingly sins after embracing the Gospel teachings, that there is no longer the hope of salvation -- i.e., "For it is impossible to restore again to repentance those who ...then commit apostasy, since they crucify the Son of God on their own account and hold him up to contempt.. For if we sin deliberately after receiving the knowledge of the truth, there no longer remains a sacrifice for sins, but a fearful prospect of judgment, and a fury of fire which will consume the adversaries." (Heb 6:4-6;10:26-27 RSV).   How can those who have never known the teachings of Christ, be better off than those who having heard, are complacent towards those teachings?  The answer: Because the Soul of man evolves over the course of many lifetimes -- and those more evolved Souls who are portrayed as "invited guests" who should know the Master's Will, are expected to know and live in accord with the Higher Teachings of the Spirit.  Whereas, those who have yet to evolve to the level where they "...knew the lord's will, and prepared not themselves" by living in accord with the Higher Teachings and Law of God, "...shall be beaten with few stripes".    

If the Christians in the parable of the Wedding Feast are representative of the invited guests, in the version in Matthew (22:1-14) they are utterly destroyed because of their complacency.   In the version found in the Gospel of Luke it states: "For I tell you, none of those men who were invited shall taste my banquet” (Luke 14:24) -- which provokes the question: How can the Christians who claim to be saved by faith apart from their actions -- making claim to a guaranteed and free gift of salvation the moment they accept Jesus as their personal Lord and Savior -- be subject to the greater judgment, because of their complacency?  Further -- and quite contrary to Church dogma -- if non-Christians were those who had not been called as invited guests -- and the non-Christians were not doomed to the destruction imposed upon the invited guests (Christians) who did not come -- the question still remains as to what is the fate of those who were cast into the "outer darkness"?  What does it mean: "For many are called, but few chosen"

The Gospels were written for serious seekers -- and the process of spiritual development can only be accomplished over the course of many lifetimes.  Therefore, as demonstrated in the foregoing, what would be deemed a grave sin for one person, is not the same for those at the lower levels of spiritual development -- i.e., those who were not portrayed as the "invited guests", as Christians would see themselves.  In the parable of the Talents, each servant is given a different number of Talents  "to each according to his own ability" (Matt 25:15 -  see Spiritual DNA And The Allotment Of Talents To The Invited Guests ). But with the removal of the teachings on the pre-existent Soul that evolves to perfection over the course of many lifetimes, it remains impossible to understand why there is no equitable distribution, and the disbursement of Talents is different?   Or that different people are held to different standards in accord with what can be called their Spiritual DNA.  Which means that it is impossible for the modern Christian to understand why different requirements are set forth for different people -- i.e., "And that servant, which knew his lord's will, and prepared not himself, neither did according to his will, shall be beaten with many stripes. But he that knew not, and did commit things worthy of stripes, shall be beaten with few stripes"

In view of the fact that a Spiritually Consecrated Marriage requires Absolute-Fidelity that has developed over the course of many lives together, the vast majority of the common people are incapable of entering into a Spiritually Ordained Marriage.  A Spiritual Marriage is the interaction and union of opposites to restore Wholeness.  When man meets woman, it is in reality one half of the mind meeting it's opposite half.  And while this recognition of Self is rare, there are some men and women who understand the full mental and spiritual dynamics of Wholeness and Spiritual Marriage.  These few understand that sex is a catalyst that joins and connects the two halves of the Mind (see DNA Exchange ).  And as halves of the whole, the man and woman understand that every weakness in the man, is a strength of the woman -- and every weakness of the woman, is a strength of the man -- and together they can conquer all obstacles that they encounter in their advancement toward Wholeness and Perfection.  In the words of Jesus:  "They that are whole have no need of the physician, but they that are sick: I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance" (Mark 2:17).  

So long as we continue to believe that the mind of man is in the physical brain -- failing to understand that the mind is in the Ætheric Field that surrounds the physical body -- connecting and immersing the body in the manner of a life-giving mental-atmosphere that surrounds the physical form as portrayed in the image on the left -- and like a heart beat, intimately changing the mental polarity with every positive and negative breath -- it will remain virtually impossible for man to mentally advance beyond organic consciousness, and begin to fulfill the adage to Know Thyself.  Holographically, the mind surrounds the body in the manner of a life-giving atmosphere, and each of the twelve spheres of mind expresses themselves through their associated physical organs of the body.   Therefore, the genitals and reproductive systems of a person is as much part of the mind, as is the brain -- and this is why the portrayal of the mind as patterned in the twelve spheres of the Tree of Life at the right, is drawn over the whole of the body.   But what this also means is that there are foundational spheres of mind that are not part of the brain -- but rather, are functioning primarily through the genitals and other organs of the body.  And if you understand the workings and functioning of a particular organ, you will then be able to better understand the associated sphere of mind that is manifest in the physical and directly functioning through that organ.   But what this also means is that the mind of woman possesses physical attributes of mind that is suppressed and even missing in a man, and vice versa.  And that in a Coverture-Union where Oneness is achieved, those attributes of the female polarity of mind are functioning in conjunction and through the attributes of the woman's husband -- interacting on a mental and higher spiritual level -- exchanging opposite polarities of bio-energy -- that can only manifest and interact within a Coverture-Marriage Union where the two halves have become connected together as One Body-Organism.  

Modern languages are  for the most part devoid of spiritual depth.  To morph, is to transform.  A caterpillar morphs or transforms into a butterfly.   In the same way that our mind is the etheric atmosphere that surrounds and interacts through the physical body, when a man and woman connect with the man's DNA in a sexual exchange (see Study), this creates a permanent connection between the man and woman.   In a Coverture-Marriage Union where the husband and wife live as One in a Consecrated Life together as seekers the Kingdom within -- openly and freely exchanging opposite-polarity Spiritual-Impressions in pursuit of Higher Truth -- this creates what can be portrayed as a Spiritual Atmosphere or Personal Unique Morphic-Field that immerses the husband and wife in a protective Spiritual Cocoon where Impressions and Thoughts are exchanged between the husband and wife -- each evolving the Impressions and Thoughts in accord with their polarity of Mind -- raising the Impressions and Thoughts up into Wholeness.  In the same way that the embryo at conception, unifies the 23 chromosomes of the mother with the 23 chromosomes of the father to spawn growth and development, the Spiritual Atmosphere or Morphic-Field permits the Male/Husband and Female/Wife halves of the Mind to directly interact -- acting as a cocoon for the two opposite halves to intimately interact --  thereby enabling joined-opposites to evolve in a Morphic-Transformation of mental-expansion and spiritual-deepening.  In the same way that the two halves of the heart function together in the exchange of the one blood, the Husband and Wife possess the ability to become a Spiritual-Embryo where there is a High-Level exchange of Impressions and Thoughts -- generated by the one, transformed in the opposite polarity, and returned on a higher mental-plane -- whereby crucial Impressions of the husband is developed in the wife -- and crucial Impressions of the wife are developed in the husband -- thereby transforming the Spiritual-Embryo into what can be portrayed as a Spiritual-Fetus preparing the two halves to bring about the next subsequent stage of Spiritual Birth -- i.e., the disciples asked Jesus: "Shall we then, as children, enter the kingdom?" Jesus said to them, "When you make the two one, and when you make the inside like the outside and the outside like the inside, and the above like the below, and when you make the male and the female one and the same, so that the male not be male nor the female female; ...then will you enter the kingdom".     


The scriptures reject same-sex unions because the opposite polarities of male and female do not exist in the relationship, and therefore cannot dynamically interact to bringing about the next stage of birth (see The Process Of Birth Within The Tree Of Life ).  Birth in the scriptures is not representative of physical birth -- but rather, the subsequent stages of Soul and Spiritual birth.  And in the same way that a sperm and ovum must merge into a single embryo, so too must a man and woman who are two halves of the whole, must merge to form a Spiritual Embryo. 

As portrayed in the parable of the prodigal son, the loss of INHERITANCE, is the loss of the Generative Power that must be received by the Reflective-Feminine Polarity, raised up to a Higher Level within the Feminine, and returned back to the Male-Polarity.   As the lost prodigal sons and daughters, how we utilize the Inheritance as the divine offspring of our Heavenly Father and Mother God, will greatly determine what we are able to accomplish in this life.   The polarities of male and female are half of the whole -- and therefore mankind is imbued with the desire to seek Wholeness through the sexual joining of the two halves.  Most men have little to no control over their need for sexual energy release.  Therefore, so long as the sex act is not coerced or forced, then sex is not a sin.  BUT, how each of us uses the power of sex, can and does impact every aspect of the lives that we live. 

Woman is the most immediate savior of man -- and is the the other half or polarity of man.  When the woman engages in sexual immorality or modern recreational sex, her connection to many men inhibits her ability to fulfill her Divine Feminine Role of Higher Reality (see Sexual Immorality ).  As half of -- and opposite polarities of the Whole -- man and woman are the embodiment of the outer columns of the Tree of Life that must bring about Wholeness through their interaction (see The Process Of Birth Within The Tree Of Life ).  In the same way that a sperm cannot be joined with another sperm -- and an ovum cannot be joined with another ovum -- the joining and evolving of Mind and Spirit can only take place in the dynamic union of the opposite polarities of male and female functioning together as ONE-- as portrayed in the Gospel of Thomas: "Jesus said to them, When you make the two one, and when you make the inside like the outside and the outside like the inside, and the above like the below, and when you make the male and the female one and the same, so that the male not be male nor the female female; ...then will you enter the kingdom" (see The Gospel Enigma That Modern Christians Can't Comprehend ).   And while there can be same-sex unions that are more committed and loving than many opposite-sex unions, without the joining of the opposite polarities, the next stage of birth cannot be achieved. 

When those who can be portrayed as spiritually mature, judge and condemn their lesser brothers and sisters who lack spiritual maturity, those who engage in the judgment of others cause themselves to be judged.  One of the foremost principles of the Gospel teachings is: Judge not lest you be judged -- i.e., “Do not judge, or you will be judged. For with the same judgment you pronounce, you will be judged; and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you" (Matt 7:1-2).   Many people have caused themselves to be bound to lives of homosexuality, because in their previous lives they judged homosexuals.  Thus, the Laws caused them to became what they judged.   



Edgar Cayce And The Law Of Octaves:

Edgar Cayce was a sincere Christian who God bestowed the ability to gaze into the higher Soul-Reality of mankind.  And if you are a sincere Christian who is a genuine follower of the Original Gospel teachings, then you will understand why Edgar Cayce stated: "If you learn music, you'll learn most all there is to know".  Why?  Because if you understand the image of the meme, you will see the image of the Natural Laws that the Deist Constitutional Framers of the United States portrayed as "The Law of Nature and Nature's God" -- which Natural Law can better be portrayed as the enigma of The Law of Octaves.  Why is The Law of Nature and Nature's God and the statement of Edgar Cayce an enigma that portrays the Law of Octaves?  If you were to do a Google search on The Law of Octaves -- and search through meaningless commentary of intellectuals who have no idea as to why Edgar Cayce made such a statement -- eventually you might come upon the only source that can convey and reveal to you the great wisdom in the statement of Cayce -- and that is The Law of Octaves, which you can find at .   That Jesus taught his disciples the enigma of the Law of Octaves is the only reason it can be stated: "Then opened He their understanding, that they might understand the scriptures" (Luke 24:45).  Why would I make such a seemingly profound statement?  Because it is impossible to understand the spiritual meaning of the scriptures and the higher reality of the Kingdom of God, without understanding the Law as portrayed in The Law of Octaves. 

Nikola Tesla made the statement: "If you wish to understand the universe, think of energy, frequency and vibration"  Why?  Pythagoras was the first to openly portray the Law of Octaves as the key to higher understanding.  When it is understood that according to Pythagoras, the universe cannot exist without numbers -- and that numbers equate to energy, frequency and vibration, it is then understood why Pythagoras stated that mathematical numbers hold the meaning of life and existence. More specifically, we can then begin to comprehend why Pythagoras confirmed the findings of modern quantum physics and the reality that rational numbers which built the universe was sacred and unquestionable.  One of Pythagoras’s most important contributions to the development of philosophy was the idea that abstract thinking is superior to the evidence of the senses. This was taken up by Plato in his theory of Forms, and resurfaced in the philosophical method of the rationalists in the 17th cent u r y.  The Pythagorian attempt to combine the rational with the religious was the first attempt to grapple with a problem that has dogged philosophy and religion in some ways ever since.

Science has proven the wisdom of Mystics such as Pythagoras, Socrates, Plato and ultimately the man Jesus (see The Findings Of The Physicist ).  Modern science has also confirmed statement of Nikola Tesla, and has proven that physical matter and all that exists in this realm, is being projected from a higher Spiritual Reality that is not seen or observed with man's physical eyes and senses.  Why can't organic man see and comprehend his own Source of Mind and Being?  Because the frequency of his organic physical consciousness is functioning on an earth frequency and vibration.  When physicist Walter Thirring stated in his book, Urbausteine der Materie about the nature and reality of physical matter that modern physics “...has put our thinking about the essence of matter in a different context.   It has taken our gaze from the visible - the particles - to the underlying entity, the field.   The presence of matter is merely a disturbance of the perfect state of the field at that place; something accidental, one could almost say, a ‘blemish’.   Accordingly, there are no simple laws describing the forces between elementary particles… Order and symmetry must be sought in the underlying field” -- what he was confirming is that what man sees with his physical eyes, is an image that has been projected into this world of appearances from an UNSEEN CAUSAL FIELD.  In the same way, Einstein experienced shock when he first came into contact with the new emerging reality of atomic physics, and wrote in his autobiography: “All my attempts to adapt the theoretical foundation of physics to this [new type of] knowledge failed completely. It was as if the ground had been pulled out from under one, with no firm foundation to be seen anywhere, upon which one could have built”.  In much the same fashion, the European physicist Niels Bohr stated that “…The great extension of our experience in recent years has brought to light the insufficiency of our simple mechanical conceptions and, as a consequence, has shaken the foundation on which the customary interpretation of observation was based.”  What this means is exactly as stated by Einstein when he stated: “We may therefore regard matter as being constituted by the regions of space in which the field is extremely intense… There is no place in this new kind of physics both for the field and matter, for the field is the only reality” (quoted in M. Capek, The Philosophical Impact of Contemporary Physics).  What is being stated is that the primary focus of science where only what was seen with one's physical eyes, has now been rendered inadequate and incomplete -- it being focused totally on observable matter -- because the emerging body of facts and evidence now demonstrates that what we perceive physically, is a projection from an UNSEEN Source where True Reality exists. 

While there are those who claim that Albert Einstein said: "We are slowed down sound and light waves, a walking bundle of frequencies tuned into the cosmos. We are souls dressed up in sacred biochemical garments and our bodies are the instruments through which our souls play their music" -- snopes claims to correct that statement wherein they say that Einstein instead stated “We see a universe marvelously arranged, obeying certain laws, but we understand the laws only dimly,” And adds that Einstein said on another occasion: “Our limited minds cannot grasp the mysterious force that sways the constellations.”  Why are our minds portrayed as limited to the degree that organic man cannot understand his own higher reality?  And how did the spiritual geniuses of the past understand what modern man cannot?  The answer is in the statement of Nikola Tesla when he said: "If you wish to understand the universe, think of energy, frequency and vibration"

Jesus taught his disciples how the Law as manifest in The Law of Octaves, functions to bring about the transformative process of mental-expansion and spiritual-deepening.  And because his disciples had applied this knowledge to their lives, to them he said: “Unto you it is given to know the mystery of the kingdom of God: but unto them that are without, all these things are done in parables: That seeing they may see, and not perceive; and hearing they may hear, and not understand” (Mark 4:11-12).  Why was it said of the consciousness of organic man that "...seeing they may see, and not perceive; and hearing they may hear, and not understand”?  Because their frequency and vibration" of mind was embedded in the lower physical realities, which did not permit them to see or understand the higher frequency realities beyond the vibration of the earth and physical matter. 

If you are a genuine Christian you would understand the wisdom with respect to the Natural Laws where it is stated: "Do not think that I came to destroy the Law or the Prophets. I did not come to destroy but to fulfill. For assuredly, I say to you, till heaven and earth pass away, one jot or one tittle will by no means pass from the law till all is fulfilled. Whoever therefore breaks one of the least of these commandments, and teaches men so, shall be called least in the kingdom of heaven; but whoever does and teaches them, he shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven.  For I say to you, that unless your righteousness exceeds the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees, you will by no means enter the kingdom of heaven" (Matt 5:17-20).   If you believe that Jesus was wrong, and the Law was "nailed to the cross", then there is no way to help you to understand anything beyond the purely superficial.  But, if you are a sincere follower of the Gospel teachings, you will understand why those original followers of Jesus who walked and talked with him daily, are the sole witnesses to the fact that Jesus "...was justified by fulfilling the Law. He was the Christ of God, since not one of the rest of mankind had observed the Law completely. Had any one else fulfilled the commandments of the Law, he would have been the Christ, for they assert that our Lord Himself was a man in like sense with all humanity" (see Hippolytus, Refut. Omn. Haer. vii. 34).    What they are witnessing to is the reality that Jesus was a true holy man who so fully fulfilled the Law, that he was in “...supernatural union of a man and God... In their eyes, Jesus of Nazareth was a mere mortal, the legitimate son of Joseph and Mary: but he was the best and wisest of the human race, selected as the worthy instrument to restore upon earth the worship of the true and supreme Deity. When he was baptized in the Jordan, the Christ, the first of the aeons, the Son of God himself, descended on Jesus in the form of a dove, to inhabit his mind, and direct his actions during the allotted period of his ministry” (Gibbon; The Decline & Fall of the Roman Empire, V.4, P.366). 

It remains impossible for modern believers to fulfill the Law that they have absolutely no understanding of.  And with respect to the statement that "...unless your righteousness exceeds the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees, you will by no means enter the kingdom of heaven" -- Jesus portrayed the "scribes and Pharisees" as blind guides who led the people in the wrong direction -- which is the reason why Jesus portrayed them as "the devil's spawn" (see Christianity - The Devil's Spawn ).  And the fact that other people had themselves fulfilled the Law and became Whole, is confirmed in the statement: "They that are whole have no need of the physician, but they that are sick: I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance" (Mark 2:17).   Before this verse can be understood, we must first understand what it means to be Whole.   Which provokes the question: How is Wholeness achieved?   Contrary to the dogma of the modern Church, if Jesus is the savior who every person needs for salvation, then Jesus himself said the Church was wrong, and those who are Whole do not need him.  And as a physician, Jesus did not come for the salvation of those who are Whole, but only for those who are sick and in need of a physician.   And in total opposition to Church dogma, what this also means is that at the time the historical man Jesus walked the face of the earth, there existed people who he portrayed as "whole [and] righteous" who did not need Jesus the physician.  Jesus openly states that his mission as a spiritual physician is not for them, because they achieved the necessary Wholeness without him. 

That the original Ebionite followers of Jesus -- like their Essene forerunners -- understood the allegorical nature of the written words of the Torah -- and did not observe it in the manner of the Pharisees -- is the reason why the early Church writer Epiphanius wrote that the Ebionites " not accept Moses' Pentateuch in its entirety; certain sayings they reject... stating Christ has revealed this to me, and will blaspheme most of the legislation" (Panarion 30.18.7-9).   For them to be accused of "blaspheming most of the legislation", means that they did not at all observe the Torah outwardly in accordance with the letter of the written word in the manner of the Jews -- but rather, they understood the allegorical symbolism that was applicable to unlocking the inner door to the Kingdom (Luke 17:20-21).   With respect to the spiritual meaning of the Law, it should alarm modern Christians that in some of the ancient biblical codex's is found a statement of Jesus that has also recently been confirmed in the newly discovered Gospel of Thomas in what is now known as the Nag Hammidi Library. In this codex the Gospel of Luke contains the verses: "On the same day, He (Jesus) beholding a man laboring on the Sabbath, said to him: Man if thou knowest what thou doest, blessed art thou; if however thou dost not know, cursed art thou and a transgressor of the law".  Thus, what is being stated?  If you know the spiritual meaning of the Sabbath -- then you are not held accountable for "blaspheming ...the legislation".  But if you don't know the spiritual meaning of the Sabbath, then you are "cursed ...and a transgressor of the law" So, with respect to the reason as to why the Ebionites continued to embrace the Torah and the Spiritual Observance of the Law?   Because the scriptures are the means to bring about the necessary expansion and deepening of mind by using the allegorical symbols as catalysts that can't be expressed literally, and have the capacity to develop the Intuitive spheres of mind which enabled them to gain access to their Inner Source of Knowledge that possesses the transformational power that enables the seeker to become Spiritual Israel (see The Purpose Of The Scriptures ).      

It is stated with respect to the Natural Law: "I have set my rainbow in the clouds, and it will be the sign of the covenant between me and the earth" (Gen 9:13).  Why?  What does it mean?  The few Christians who do comprehend sign of the rainbow, will also comprehend the words of Edgar Cayce as confirming the statement of Jesus with respect to the fulfillment of the Law, and these few people will understand (1) why the colors of the keyboard coincides with the colors of the rainbow; (2) why the colors of the Spiritual Centers (chakra) coincide with the colors of the rainbow; (3) why there is no sharp or flat note between the third to fourth projected interval of the keyboard; (4) and why there is no sharp or flat note between the projected seventh to eighth interval.  And if you knew the reason why these intervals exist in the Natural Laws of Creation, and the effect they have on your own consciousness, then you would possess the knowledge of "...all there is to know"

Ernest Holmes once made the statement: "The Great spiritual geniuses, whether it was Moses, Buddha, Plato, Socrates, Jesus or Emerson... have taught man to look within himself to find God" -- but how does a person "...look within himself to find God"?  They must understand the Law as physically manifest in what Pythagoras and other spiritual geniuses portrayed as The Law of Octaves.  That the original followers of Jesus understood the Law, while the masses of people who came to hear him teach did not, was the reason that it was said of Jesus: "And with many such parables He spoke the word to them as they were able to hear it.  But without a parable He did not speak to them. And when they were alone, He explained all things to His disciples" (Mark 4:33-34).   Why couldn't Jesus explain the deeper meaning of the scriptures and the Mysteries of the Kingdom to the multitude of people who came to listen to his teachings?  Because in not understanding the Law, they never applied the tenets of the Law to their mind and consciousness, and they therefore could not comprehend the Mysteries of the Kingdom. 

Who were the Ebionites?  In the first century, all believers and followers of Jesus were known as Ebionites. Thus, the early Church Authority Epiphanius writes that the name Ebionite "...was at first ...a common name for all" the original followers of Jesus (Epiphanius Adv. Haer., xxix. 1).  Yet today the name Ebionite is often portrayed as heresy.  Why?  If all the original followers of Jesus were Ebionites, as Epiphanius stated, then why are these earliest followers of Jesus portrayed as the heresy of the Ebionites?  Because the Church that evolved out of the Roman and Greek Gentiles had virtually nothing in common with the original Gospel teachings.   In fact, in the manner of the modern faith-based believers, the Church that evolved out of the body of Gentile believers totally rejected the core foundation of the New Covenant (see Old Vs New Covenants ).  

There is a factual assertion that I can set before you that is an undeniable truth that all faith-based believers must eventually confront -- i.e., as a Christian believer, you have never so much as heard the position of the original followers of Jesus that has been labeled the Ebionite heresy.   Designed to be used as the Key of Knowledge that unlocks the inn "narrow strait" Gate of Eden  within the mind of the sincere seeker, the Gospels were written by Ebionites who authored the scriptures to be used in a New Covenant Mode and Mindset that was totally rejected by the Gentile Church.   Where the plight of man is portrayed in the statement: "Therefore the LORD God banished him from the Garden of Eden to work the ground from which he had been taken" (Gen 3:23), the Force and Barrier that causes man to wander in this, the "Outer Darkness" of what is portrayed as the Far Country in the parable of the prodigal son, inhibits mankind from returning to his True Home and Source of Being in the Edenic Kingdom of their Heavenly Father -- placing a barrier between this world and the Kingdom as declared in the statement: "So He drove out the man and stationed cherubim to the east of the Garden of Eden, with a whirling sword of flame to guard the way to the tree of life" (Gen 3:24).  BUT, when the Gospels are used as the Key of Knowledge as designed by the Ebionite authors, mankind as the lost prodigal sons and daughters can safely pass through the  inner  "narrow strait gate" that enables the seeker safe passage by the "cherubim" who guard the Tree of Life with their "whirling sword of flame", and allow entrance to the Edenic Kingdom within.  Jesus declared to his followers: "Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it" (Matt 7:13-14 NIV).    Because the Church threw away the Key of Knowledge, and adopted pagan dogmatic doctrines of belief, the Christian world sits idly complacent on the side of the "broad-way  ...that leads to destruction."   When Jesus commanded those who would be his followers: “And he who does not take his cross and follow after Me is not worthy of Me. He who finds his life will lose it, and he who loses his life for My sake will find it” (Matt 10:38-39) -- it will remain virtually impossible for you to enter through the "narrow strait gate" within you, without using the Gospels as the Key of Knowledge that enables you to pass by the "cherubim" who guard the Tree of Life with their "whirling sword of flame" -- thereby escaping the "outer darkness" of this, the Far Country -- and gain entrance to the Edenic Kingdom within you (see The Application Of The Key Of Knowledge ).  "How terrible it will be for you experts in religious law! For you hide the key to knowledge from the people. You don't enter the Kingdom yourselves, and you prevent others from entering" (Luke 11:52).  Thus, in understanding these words spoken to the Pharisees, the questions must be asked: How did the Pharisees and Jewish authorities "...hide the key to knowledge from the people"?   Why did Jesus condemn the leaders of the Jews for failing to enter the Kingdom themselves? -- i.e., "...You don't enter the Kingdom yourselves"!   And how did the religious leaders of the Jews "...prevent others from entering?"   In further clarification, the TEV version of the this verse states: “How terrible for you teachers of the Law! You have kept the key that opens the door to the house of knowledge; you yourselves will not go in, and you stop those who are trying to go in!” (Luke 11:52 TEV).  

What the above means is that if you fail to utilize the scriptures as the Key of Knowledge -- turning them within your own mind in order to open the "narrow strait gate" within you -- thereby enabling you to acquire the Power and Ability to safely pass by what is allegorically portrayed as the "cherubim" who guard the Tree of Life with their "whirling sword of flame", then you are not a follower of Jesus and the New Covenant.   The author and visionary Philip K. Dick was able to recall his Soul's previous life in the first century where he lived as an original follower of Jesus.  He also wrote with respect to the original disciples of Jesus that:  "Christ ...taught his followers how to enter the kingdom while still alive, where other mystery religions only bring about amnesis: knowledge of it at the 'other time' in 'the other realm,' not here.  He causes it to come here, and is the living agency to the Sole Good God (i.e. the Logos)."    This is true -- and that the original Gospel message was to develop the mind through the transformative process of mental-expansion and the spiritual-deepening of consciousness, and then enable the disciple of TheWay to gain entrance into the Inner Kingdom, is easily demonstrated in the above quotations on the proper use of the scriptures as the Key of Knowledge.  

While higher vision can be achieved via Anamnesis through the focus on the third-eye associated with the sixth spiritual center -- as well as the raising of the kundalini energy from the base of the spine into the upper spiritual centers.  The limitation of what Philip K. Dick portrayed as the Mystery Religions is presented in his words when he referenced these  "...other mystery religions only bring about amnesis: knowledge of it at the 'other time' in 'the other realm,' not here."   Many of these mystery religions claim the the goal is to "get above the mind" -- thereby leaving the mind itself undeveloped.  What was the basis of Philip Dick's assessment?  While Giordano Bruno was bunt at the stake for teaching Christians the Original Gospel concepts and teachings that were suppressed by the Church (see The Restored Gospel Teachings ), the account of Philip K. Dick reveals to seekers the purpose of the allegorical catalysts used in the scriptures to connect the person we are in this world with our Higher Source of Being.   Like my own recall of my Soul's previous life as Jacob who they call James, the Brother of Yeshua who they call Jesus (see ), Philip K. Dick possessed degrees of past life recall.   Quoting Philip Dick's account:  "When a delivery person from the pharmacy brought his pain medication, he noticed the ichthys necklace she wore and asked her what it meant. She responded that it was a symbol used by the early Christians, and in that moment Dick's religious experiences began:  Thus, the image of the early Christian symbol acted as a catalyst that initiated recall of his Soul's previous life as a first century Christian of which he wrote:

"In that instant, as I stared at the gleaming fish sign and heard her words, I suddenly experienced what I later learned is called anamnesis—a Greek word meaning, literally, "loss of forgetfulness." I remembered who I was and where I was. In an instant, in the twinkling of an eye, it all came back to me. And not only could I remember it but I could see it. The girl was a secret Christian and so was I. We lived in fear of detection by the Romans. We had to communicate with cryptic signs. She had just told me all this, and it was true.  For a short time, as hard as this is to believe or explain, I saw fading into view the black, prison like contours of hateful Rome. But, of much more importance, I remembered Jesus, who had just recently been with us, and had gone temporarily away, and would very soon return. My emotion was one of joy. We were secretly preparing to welcome Him back. It would not be long. And the Romans did not know. They thought He was dead, forever dead. That was our great secret, our joyous knowledge. Despite all appearances, Christ was going to return, and our delight and anticipation were boundless."

The Fundamentalists who are of a physical-only three-dimensional mindset, can only grasp the text of the written words of the scriptures.  But the scriptures were composed by mystics who viewed this world as a type of prison that held mankind captive in a world of shadow-images as portrayed in the analogy of Plato's Cave (see Plato's Cave ). The Dead Sea Scrolls have proven that the foundation of the Gospel teachings was borne out of the Essenes -- and the portrayal of the physical as a prison is demonstrated in the words of Josephus who was a contemporary of the man Jesus who lived among the Essenes and stated that they (Essenes) “…resigned up their souls with great alacrity, as expecting to receive them again.  For their doctrine is this, that bodies are corruptible, and that the matter they are made of is not permanent; but that the souls are immortal, and continue for ever; and that they came out of the most subtle air, and are united to their bodies as to prisons, into which they are drawn by a certain natural enticement; but that when they are set free from the bonds of flesh, they then, as released from a long bondage, rejoice and mount upward...”.  The Hastings-Scribner Dictionary Of The Bible (New York, 1903. Bk 4, p. 63) "To affirm that Jews in Christ's time did not believe in pre-existence is simply incorrect"

The original Ebionite Nazirene disciples and followers of Jesus were condemned as heretics -- portrayed as "too Jewish" to understand the meaning of the Gospel -- i.e., “…rejected from one religion as apostates, and from the other as heretics” (Gibbon: Decline & Fall of the Roman Empire, v.1, p.416).    Further, the Spiritual (Gentile) Christians who understood the important purpose of the scriptures as a catalyst to develop the mind and enable the seeker/believer to begin to receive the Divine Manna of the Kingdom, were condemned as Gnostic heretics -- hunted down, their scriptures destroyed and those who did not embrace the religion of the emperor, were put to death.  Were the original Ebionite Nazirene disciples of Jesus heretics?  Too Jewish to understand the very mystical Gospels which they authored?  What offended the Gentiles the most, was their assertion that the Royal Law was still in effect.  But because many of the Gentiles did not understand the allegorical meaning of the scriptures -- or the inner spiritual meaning of the Law -- they created excuses for their ignorance when they embraced doctrines such as the Law was nailed to the cross, and is no longer in effect -- thereby rendering the Church the least in the Kingdom as personified in the words: "Do not think that I came to destroy the Law or the Prophets ...Whoever therefore breaks one of the least of these commandments, and teaches men so, shall be called least in the kingdom of heaven; but whoever does and teaches them, he shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven.  For I say to you, that unless your righteousness exceeds the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees, you will by no means enter the kingdom of heaven" (Matt 5:17-20).  While the spiritual meaning of the Law has been restored at , of ultra importance is an understanding of the nature of the Cross which everyone must embrace in their own crucifixion (see The Cross You Must Bear To Your Own Crucifixion ).  And without an understanding of the spiritual meaning of the Cross, it will remain impossible for modern Christians to enter in at the "narrow gate", and gain entrance into the Kingdom and inherit the Promise of the Gospels -- i.e., as forewarned in the following:

"Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves. You will know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes from thornbushes or figs from thistles? Even so, every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit. A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, nor can a bad tree bear good fruit. Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. Therefore by their fruits you will know them. Not everyone who says to Me, 'Lord, Lord,' shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven. Many will say to Me in that day, 'Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, cast out demons in Your name, and done many wonders in Your name?' And then I will declare to them, 'I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness!'" (Matt 7:15-23).   

"Then one said to Him, Lord, are there few who are saved? And He said to them, Strive to enter through the narrow gate, for many, I say to you, will seek to enter and will not be able. When once the Master of the house has risen up and shut the door, and you begin to stand outside and knock at the door, saying, 'Lord, Lord, open for us,' and He will answer and say to you, 'I do not know you, where you are from,' then you will  begin to say, 'We ate and drank in Your presence, and You taught in our streets.' But He will say, 'I tell you I do not know you, where you are from. Depart from Me, all you workers of iniquity.' There will be weeping and gnashing of teeth, when you see Abraham and Isaac and Jacob and all the prophets in the kingdom of God, and yourselves thrust out. They will come from the east and the west, from the north and the south, and sit down in the kingdom of God. And indeed there are last who will be first, and there are first who will be last" (Luke 13:23-30). 

Thus, in understanding of The Law of Octaves and its intimate effect on everyone's development, you would understand why Edgar Cayce stated: "If you learn music, you'll learn most all there is to know".   







"From every human being there rises a light that reaches straight to heaven. And when two souls that are destined to be together find each other, their streams of light flow together, and a single brighter light goes forth from their united being."

Baal Shem Tov

I have been married to the same Soul (woman) over the course of thousands of years going all the way back to lives on the continent of Atlantis (see The Heritage Of Jesus ) -- and we have spiritually evolved together over the course of many lives together. We have lived lives together where we both achieved the subsequent stage of Soul-Birth where we walked the earth as our True-Selves -- i.e., a Being of Light ( ).  From an Eastern perspective, that would make my wife a Buddhi  or female Buddha or Enlightened One.  And because my wife's Feminine abilities were developed beyond organic levels of human consciousness, she became a Spiritual Empath -- even possessing the ability to Jump-Time (see  Jumping Time ).  Because the enigma of Time is a subject that is virtually impossible for the mind of organic man to comprehend, I will merely set a link to where Time as a dimension of Soul-Mind can be explored at (see The Enigma Of Time And The Soul Of Man ).

Few people can comprehend the reality of Time as a dimension of Soul-Mind, because they don't understand that each life the Soul incarnates into, is as a Breath of the Soul (see Soul-Breath And The Common Ground Of The Fourth Kingdom ).  And because what we call Time is a dimension of Soul-Mind, each Soul-Breath or Incarnation is unique to all the other lives the Soul has incarnated as.  Which means that each personality that the Soul incarnates as, is not only a UNIQUE soul-generated personality that is manifest in a given Time-Frame, but that each of these earthly personalities who must return to their Source in the Higher Reality of the Soul, continues to dwell within what can be portrayed as the Soul Mind-Matrix.  But thus the problem is seen in the fact that it is virtually impossible to convey to the multitude of people the higher reality of the Soul and the generation of unique personalities across the dimension of Time.  Why?  As explained in the previous subheading (quoting): the fact that our physical consciousness is locked into a Linear-Mode of time-perception -- which is virtually blind to the paradoxical Intuitive-Cyclic perception of Time -- or the higher reality of Time where the Linear-Mode and the Intuitive-Cyclic mode come together as ONE -- indicates that the vast majority of people are being deceived by their own limited perceptive-understanding.  The article also makes the point to state that since Time is a dimension of Soul-Mind -- that not only communication between soul-personalities can be achieved, but that a form of Time-Travel would be possible where the scientific article stated that, "Once you try to wrap your head around this theory, you’ll begin to realize that it could also change the way we think of time travel."   While it also points out that because on one level, all periods of Time are taking place simultaneously, that you can't change the past.  But what is not understood is the fact that (1) all the soul-generated personalities dwell within the Soul Mind-Matrix; (2) which means that at a certain point in your own evolutionary development, you can communicate with the previous personalities or "images" that your Soul has lived as; (3) and in certain cases, these former personalities can jump Time, and consciously manifest in the present -- in the physical body that the same Soul is presently living in, in a different time-frame.  That all the lives which the Soul has lived is dwelling in a parallel higher reality, is now realized by modern cutting-edge science (see Present And Future Exist At The Same Time ). 

Can former soul-generated personalities Jump-Time or Time-Travel from the time-frame in which they lived -- or, more correctly, are presently manifest -- into the present?  Further quoting the previous subheading: In the case of a husband and wife who have in their previous lives together, attained and manifested a Coverture-Marriage together, and have achieved the next stage of Soul-Birth together in a former life -- this enables them to Jump-Time -- where a former personality can manifest in the present, while the present personality is brought back up into the Higher Soul-Self.  My wife and I have lived many lives where we became One in a Coverture-Marriage, and were able to achieve the next subsequent stage of birth together within that Marriage.  And since our past accomplishments are restored back to us in the present -- i.e., in the words of the pre-Nicene Church Father Origen: “Every Soul... comes into this world strengthened by the victories or weakened by the defeats of its previous life” (Origen, De Principiis) -- because we had achieved the next subsequent stage of birth in conjunction with the manifestation of a Coverture-Marriage, all the highly advanced spiritual abilities we achieved in our previous lives together, was restored as we developed and resumed our relationship in the present.  Which included my wife's ability to directly access her previous personalities where we were together -- thereby enabling her former personalities to Jump-Time and re-manifest in the present.   Thus, my wife was able to manifest her previous personalities where we were together, when my wife was an Essene in the first century, an Ebionite in the fourth century, as well as a number of other personalities where together we were manifest in a Spiritual Coverture-Marriage.   In the teaching of Gospel of Thomas saying 84 where all the former personalities or images the Soul lived as remain manifest in the Soul Mind-Matrix (see The Evolving Soul ), as the seeker spiritually matures and begins to draw nearer to their Higher Soul-Self, that person is then able to communicate with their Soul's previous personalities/images -- as stated by St. Teresa of Avila in the reality that "The soul...", writes St. Teresa, is as “a castle made of a single diamond… in which there are many rooms, just as in Heaven there are many mansions” (Interior Castle by St. Teresa of Avila).  What St. Teresa is saying is that the Soul is as a castle, wherein all the personalities which that Soul lived as, each has a room or place within the Soul. 

Those who achieve the next stage of Soul-Birth, are able to hold council in a state of Higher-Consciousness, wherein they can simultaneously converse with all the personalities their Soul has lived as -- drawing upon the experiences of their Soul-Personalities throughout the ages across the spectrum of Time -- thereby enabling them to bypass the error and corruption of man's institutions of church, state and philosophy.   Therefore, anyone who believes that they have achieved the next stage of birth and is unaware of the previous lives their Soul has lived, is gravely deceived. 

When a Soul-Seeker Husband and Wife work to develop their Marriage Partner -- with the husband working to develop the unique Feminine-Intuitive abilities of his wife -- and the wife working to develop the opposite abilities of her husband -- not only do these abilities follow them from life to life, but became inherited whenever their Marriage Union is restored in future lives together.  When a man seeks to develop the Feminine-Intuitive spheres of his wife's mind -- not teacher her how he perceptively-thinks -- but rather, exploring his wife's opposite abilities and assisting her in achieving Wholeness -- his wife as a surrogate for her husband's Intuitive abilities, develops her husband's latent Intuitive abilities -- and this is why Woman Is Man's Help-Meet And Savior  Which means that from the perspective of their Marriage-Union, the Soul-Seeker Husband and Wife not only inherits all that they accomplished together over the course of all their lives together, but that these abilities negate the need for scriptures, teachers or any variety of masters in this world.   In becoming the embodiment of Absolute Oneness, they become self-generating Beings of Light and Intellectual Manifestation.  The only limitations on man and woman who enter into a Divine Marriage, are the limits they invoke upon themselves.



Is there another side or dimension of marriage that few men and women are capable of understanding?  In the allegorical Genesis account man and woman came into being when woman was drawn from and separated from man -- which means that in their Natural State, Male and Female are At-One.   And this Unity of Man and Woman was acknowledged when Jesus said: “Have you not read that from the beginning the Creator ‘made them male and female,’ and said, ‘For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh’? So they are no longer two, but one flesh. Therefore what God has joined together, let man not separate” (Matt 19:4-6).  And this Higher Unity of Man and Woman was confirmed in The Second Epistle of Clement where this ultra-important teaching that was removed from the Gospels modern Christians use is quoted as stating: “Let us expect, therefore, hour by hour, the kingdom of God in love and righteousness, since we know not the day of the appearing of God. For the Lord Himself, being asked by one when His kingdom would come, replied, 'When two shall be one, that which is without as that which is within, and the male with the female, neither male nor female’”.   What Clement -- the disciple of Peter who is claimed by the Church as the fourth pope in succession of Peter -- is stating in accord with the Original teachings is that when the seeker/believer brings this condition about within their own Mind and Being, that the predicted and expected Kingdom will come within them as promised -- as stated in Jesus' teachings on the Key of Knowledge (see The Third Fatal Mistake - Not Proving The Truth).

It is important to recognize that when Clement wrote the above in his Epistle to a congregation of Christians, he did so in the expectation that the people to whom he was writing would understand the great truths he was presenting to them -- i.e., that the Kingdom or End Times would and could only come when "...two shall be one, that which is without as that which is within, and the male with the female, neither male nor female’”.   And the fact that this statement that is also in the Gospel of Thomas and was contained in a first century Epistle from an elder to a congregation of believers in that time-frame, could not be contained and understood in a letter or epistle to a congregation today, is merely one example of the fact that the dogma and thinking of the modern Church has virtually nothing in common with the original teachings of Jesus known as TheWay (see The Original Teachings Have Nothing In Common With Church Dogma ).   Which provokes the question: Has the requirements to enter the Kingdom changed in order to accommodate the dogmatic corruption of the Church?   Has Truth and Higher Spiritual Reality been discarded and thrown away, because the Church threw this body of essential Knowledge pertaining to the Coming of the Kingdom away?   Or, does modern Christians dwell in a self-imposed Diaspora of abject Spiritual Ignorance which was brought about by the massive corruption of the scriptures (see ), and the suppression of the body of essential knowledge that is necessary to restore the lost prodigal son to his rightly place in the Edenic Kingdom of Origination.



Lets pose some questions: What man marries a woman so that he can explore her intellectual powers of mind and consciousness that he lacks, in the endeavor to make the two "one flesh" and bring about Wholeness and Completion?  What man today is even aware that as his own opposite polarity/half, a women possess opposite intellectual powers of mind that his gender suppresses?  What man marries a woman so he can work with her -- develop her unique areas of mind that he lacks -- supplying to her the bio-energy and vital life-force she needs to inherit and fulfill her birthright as a goddess who sees and understands all that he is by nature, inherently blind to?  And that only after providing for her -- assisting in her development and exploration of her unique intellectual abilities that in his organic condition of mind, he is incapable of understanding with any depth -- giving of himself in the process of elevating him and his wife to higher levels of Self-Knowledge, Consciousness and Being? 

In the same way that a woman will remain physically barren without a man, she needs the man's Generative Power to Intimately Connect with him -- enabling the man and woman to make high-level intellectual interactions within a Mental-Cocoon or Morphic Field that creates a Common Atmosphere in which they dwell -- exchanging thoughts and impressions between them -- and after the connection is established, she needs his flow of bio-energy and vital life-force to arise Intellectually and fulfill her destiny as a Goddess.  She needs him to explore to the very depths of her mind and being.              


In this three-dimensional realm that enables the male/female and heavenly/earthly polarities to interact through them, it is the sexual interaction of the man and woman that enables this evolutionary growth to manifest and be brought about.  In the allegorical account of Genesis, Eve (women) is portrayed as having been drawn from the side of Adam (man) -- which portrays a divided mind and and consciousness.  And the male and female polarities can therefore directly interact, though physical sex when the (sexual) DNA of the male becomes embedded in the mind of the female (see Study On DNA Exchange ) -- thereby creating a physical connection between husband and wife.  As patterned in the subheading entitled The Process Of Birth Within The Tree Of Life , this connection creates a semi-oneness between the man and woman that enables the Spiritual Centers of both to interact as personified in the image on the right.  Where the male is polarized positive in the lower (earthly) centers, the female is polarized positive in the upper (heavenly) centers.  And it is through this interaction of the male and female columns of the Tree of Duality, where the heavenly can be reunited with the earthly -- brought into Wholeness in the Center -- wherein the bio-energy is then drawn through the "narrow gate" in the Center, where the thoughts and impressions that have achieved Wholeness can then initiate and bring about the process of mental-expansion and spiritual-deepening of the mind that enables the husband and wife to bring about the next stage of birth -- thereby uniting them with their Higher Soul-Selves -- i.e., "They that are whole have no need of the physician, but they that are sick: I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance" (Mark 2:17). 


The paradoxical opposite polarities are necessary in order to perceive and understand from different and opposite perspectives.  This interaction cannot take place in the higher reality of the Soul, because our Soul exists in in a twelve-dimensional Oneness without division.  Therefore, for the opposite polarities of mind to evolve, the natural divisions of the mind must be manifest in an environment of separation where they can interact.   With the four main divisions being the male and female and the earthly and heavenly spheres of mind -- with each of the four existing in the pattern of the Trinity -- manifesting the twelve spheres of mind.  Which twelve spheres are allegorically set forth in the Zodiac, the twelve tribes of Israel, and the twelve disciples portrayed in the Gospels.  The twelve signs of the zodiac portray the cosmic mind -- the twelve tribes of Israel portray the divided mind of man -- and the twelve disciples allegorically portray the mind brought into Wholeness -- which Wholeness is allegorically portrayed in the account of Jesus which is the destiny of each Soul as it evolves to Wholeness and Perfection -- i.e., "You, therefore, must be Perfect, as your Heavenly Father is Perfect" Matt 5:48).                   

The Mind, as pattern in the Tree of Life, is the twelve spheres that see and understand from the perspective of four paradoxical perceptions -- with each of the Four acting as a heavenly-trinity -- an earthly-trinity -- and the opposing male/female trinities of the left and right. Which is exactly as portrayed in the image of the Cathar Cross.  In order to pass through the Center which is the "narrow gate", each impression or thought must draw upon and bring together and unite the aspect of each thought that is in the Upper-Heavenly Triad with the Lower-Earthly Triad -- drawn into the center through the unification of the Feminine-Triad and the Masculine-Triad of the outer columns -- where the vital life-force can then be drawn into the Center, where it can them bring about the expansion and development of the mind. What this means is that the fragments that make up the thought in Wholeness -- the fragment from the lower/earthly must be united with it's opposite fragment in the upper/heavenly -- drawn together in the Center by the unity of the male/female outer columns -- which permit the vital life-force in Wholeness to then be drawn through the "narrow gate" and into the Center where the White Light of the Restored bio-energy is then able to grow the Mind and Consciousness of the person.

The Living Fruit of the Tree of Life where each of the Triads are balanced and Whole, is the nourishment that brings the eater thereof Life.  In contradistinction, with the division of the Male and Female Outer Columns which constitutes the Tree of Duality (aka Tree Of Knowledge Of Good and Evil), the eating of this forbidden fruit of duality brings death through the process of non-growth and lack of development -- i.e., “Another disciple said to him, Lord, first let me go and bury my father. But Jesus told him, Follow me, and let the dead bury their own dead” (Matt 8:21-22).  Those who eat the fruit of division and duality -- whose mind has not been matured through the life-giving fruit of the Tree of Life -- are the dead that Jesus portrayed.  The Testing for Wholeness of each impression or thought is accomplished by the progression of the Law of Octaves -- with all unbalanced or incomplete thoughts and impressions being channeled outwardly with the twisting of the Octave -- wherein the bio-energy is then lost and channeled into Nature.  As portrayed in the parable of the prodigal son as having squandered away their inheritance on "riotous" living -- expelling their bio-energy on the things of this world.


Consciousness Requires Energy: Energy is always the product of the Intimate Exchanges of Positive/Male and Negative/Female polarities that interact with each other to manifest a Third-Force Balance of Mind -- and this Manifestation of Consciousness is the Foundation of the Trinitarian Foundation that is holographically replicated into all of Creation. 

Nourishment And Developmental Growth: In the same way that an infant must have proper nourishment in order to grow and develop into adulthood and maturity, enlightened people throughout the history of mankind have known that the mind of man evolves and grows when nourished with the right thoughts that bring about the process of mental-expansion and spiritual-deepening.  Because mankind has freewill, growth and development is a matter of the choice of the individual.  In the same way that a person tastes and evaluates anything that is presented to the person as food, the person's mind evaluates our thoughts.  And every thought is evaluated by the Law of Octaves.  Thoughts that are balanced and Whole, are able to stimulate growth and development.  Thoughts that lack Balance and Wholeness are unable to stimulate growth and development of the mind, and therefore these junk-thoughts squander away the bio-energy of the person.  Therefore, the substance and effect with respect to the results of our thoughts -- whether the bio-energy feeds and nourishes the development of mind or is lost into Nature -- is directed by the twisting of the progression by the Law of Octaves. 

When the Gospel account of Jesus warned: "But I say unto you, That every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day of judgment" (Matt 12:36), he was making reference to the Law of Octaves that monitors and evaluates every word that we speak.   When it was stated that we should "…bridle the whole body" (James 3:2), reference was being made to the channeling of our bio-energy in a balanced and whole manner that brings us intellectual nourishment and development.  Why?  Because the more we develop the resources of our own mind, the more we open the inner "narrow strait gate" that draws us closer to the True Source of our Mind and Being.  

Perhaps the most important portrayal of the Law of Octaves at work in our body and consciousness, is the statement of the elder brother about the younger brother in the parable of the prodigal son where the elder brother said: "But as soon as this son of yours came, who has devoured your livelihood with harlots..." (Luke 15:30).  Why do I portray this statement by the elder brother in the parable of the prodigal son as the most important reality of the Law of Octaves?  Because it is not until we use the scriptures as the Key of Knowledge by turning the parable within your own mind (see The Application Of The Key Of Knowledge ), that you can begin to understand how each person is facing the plight of the prodigal son in their present life.  When the elder son accused the younger son of having "devoured your livelihood with harlots" -- the livelihood that was being referenced is the bio-energy of vital life-force that gives us life -- the source of which is directly from God via our Higher Soul-Self.  The reference to "harlots", is not necessarily the portrayal of women -- but more accurately, the things of this world that drains us of our bio-energy of vital life-force that we rely upon to develop our minds.  What this means is that every thought, every word we speak, and every action we take, rides upon bio-energy that either develops and nurtures our mind and consciousness in a positive expansive way -- or, in the case of the person that remains carnal in their thinking, this vital life-force is expelled and lost into nature. 

When Paul stated to the Christians who he had taught the meaning of the Gospel that "And I, brethren, could not speak to you as to spiritual people but as to carnal, as to babes in Christ.  I fed you with milk and not with solid food; for until now you were not able to receive it, and even now you are still not able; for you are still carnal" (1 Cor 3:1-3) -- the question must be posed as to why Paul could not speak freely about the spiritual meaning of the Gospel teachings?  And this reality is expressed in the meaning of the Greek text of Paul's First Epistle to the Corinthians (2:14) where Paul states that the "natural" organic mind of man cannot comprehend the higher reality of the Soul and the Mysteries of the Kingdom.   Which profound statement provokes the question: What is meant by the term that Paul used when he described the very people who he had himself taught who were incapable of comprehending the higher reality of the soul and the Mysteries of the Kingdom when he portrayed them as being of a "natural" organic level of mind and consciousness?   The Jamieson-Fausset-Brown Bible Commentary writes with respect to the meaning of the word in the original Greek language: "natural man—literally, 'a man of animal soul'."  Further,  the Treasury Of Scriptural Knowledge states of this ignored and profound statement at 1 Cor 2:14 which reads (quoting Paul): "But the natural man receives not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness to him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned" -- wherein the proper interpretative-meaning of Paul's words with respect to the reality of what is portrayed by Paul as the natural man is then presented: [Psuchikos,] the animal man, one who lives in a natural state, and under the influence of his animal passions; for [psuche] means the inferior and sensual part of man, in opposition to the [nous] understanding, or [pneuma,] the spirit. And this is not only true -- but is a fact of life that all mystics and enlightened souls must deal with when interacting with organic man.   Which is exactly why Paul profoundly stated to the very people who he had personally taught the Gospel message: "And I, brethren, could not speak to you as to spiritual people but as to carnal, as to babes in Christ.  I fed you with milk and not with solid food; for until now you were not able to receive it, and even now you are still not able; for you are still carnal" (1 Cor 3:1-3).   Stating to the body of confirmed and baptized believers who he stated had received all truth and knowledge pertaining to the elementary "traditions" of Christ: “But the natural man does not receive the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him; nor can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned (1 Cor 2:14).    

What this means is that when Jesus taught the Gospel, he could not reveal the higher spiritual meaning of the Gospel to those who came to listen and learn from -- which spiritual meaning he could only reveal and convey to his closest disciples as demonstrated in the words: "And with many such parables He spoke the word to them as they were able to hear it.  But without a parable He did not speak to them. And when they were alone, He explained all things to His disciples" (Mark 4:33-34).  What Jesus revealed to his disciples which could not be revealed to men who were of an organic "natural" mindset, was portrayed as the secret knowledge of the Gospel that only the inner core of disciples could receive -- as stated in the words: “The secret of the kingdom of God has been given to you. But to those on the outside everything is said in parables so that, they may be ever seeing but never perceiving, and ever hearing but never understanding” (Mark 4:11-12).  And when the disciples asked Jesus to explain why he could not speak openly to the people, he stated: “Unto you it is given to know the mystery of the kingdom of God: but unto them that are without, all these things are done in parables: That seeing they may see, and not perceive; and hearing they may hear, and not understand” (Mark 4:11-12). 

It's not that Jesus did not want to reveal the Mysteries of the Kingdom of God to the multitude of people -- but rather, he could not.   Why? Because the minds of the multitude of prodigal sons had been seduced by what the older brother portrayed as the "harlot" of this world.   Therefore, the minds of "natural" men had never evolved beyond the organic levels of consciousness.  How, then, could the mind of "natural" man learn and comprehend the esoteric meaning of the Gospel teachings?  By understanding and embracing the parable of the Sower and the Seed (see The Sower And The Seed ) -- and why Jesus stated: “And he said unto them, Know ye not this parable? and how then will ye know all parables?” (Mark 4:13).   And to put this great biblical truth in the more modern language of the New Living Translation: “But if you can't understand this story, how will you understand all the others I am going to tell?”.  

How can this carte blanche statement be made in the portrayal of all of mankind as a being of animal-consciousness that is incapable of comprehending his own higher Soul and Spiritual Reality?  In the words of Aristotle, "At his best, man is the noblest of all animals" -- but what defines animal consciousness that is incapable of understanding man's not only the spiritual meaning of the Gospel teachings -- but also the higher reality of the Soul and the Kingdom of God? Which provokes the question: What is the basis of Jesus' statement pertaining to organic man's inability to comprehend higher spiritual reality?  In the same way that the earth moves within the construct of the universe -- that day and night exist universally -- that the seasons predicatively change -- that man and woman must come together in sexual union for a child to be born -- all that Jesus was doing was interpreting and explaining the Laws of Creation as they apply ot the movement and evolutional development of the mind and consciousness of mankind.    

Unlike the movement of the earth and the heavenly bodies, man has freewill and must make choices in his life.  These choices we make are empowered by the consciousness of the people who are making the choices -- and the word empowerment can be defined as the "power to do something" -- meaning, that the thoughts, words or actions associated with our daily life, requires the utilization of each of our bio-energy of vital life-force that empowers our mind and consciousness, in order to think or perform our daily tasks.  Which means that in accord with the Natural Laws, there is consequence to our expelling our bio-energy on not only things of no meaning -- but also that incur negative consequences.  And in many of the parabolic teachings, Jesus taught that there is a (Natural) Law of God -- and when man makes choices that violate or impact the Law in a negative manner, that we suffer the consequences of being deprived of the benefit that the Law is designed to bestow upon man.       


The Proverbial UnAnswered Enigmatic Questions Of Life: The Gospel Of Thomas declares that the Kingdom lies before you -- but you see it not!  (113) His disciples said to him, "When will the kingdom come?"  Jesus said, "It will not come by waiting for it. It will not be a matter of saying 'here it is' or 'there it is.' Rather, the kingdom of the father is spread out upon the earth, and men do not see it."

Why?   If these words are true -- that the Kingdom of God lies before all mankind, and they see it not -- then the question must be asked: What Force of Nature and the Universe inhibits you from seeing and knowing all realities of the Kingdom and the life you are presently living?   And if the Kingdom lies before you, why can't you see the Kingdom, and know God?   Further, what of the proverbial questions of life: Why is there evil in the world?   If there is indeed a God or Supreme Intelligence that looks out and oversees this world, why doesn't this Higher Power bring an end to the world's suffering, sickness and death?   Which provokes the question: What is the real purpose and objective of the lives that we are presently living?   And if there is indeed a God who has Created this world, what is the cause of the many great inconsistencies of life -- i.e., Why are the few born rich?  Others in abject poverty?  Why does it seem that while the good often die young, the evil live long and prosperous lives?   Often inflicting great suffering and hardship upon their fellow man?  Why are some people beautiful?  While others would be classified homely and even ugly?  Why are some people intelligent and quick-witted, while others are slow to learn and unable to rationally present themselves?  Why are there geniuses on one side of the intelligence spectrum, and moronic feebleminded imbeciles on the opposite end?    Why are some born blind, deaf and impaired by every other deformity of birth?   Is there a reason for the quagmire of these inconsistencies?  

Not only does each and every person who has ever walked the face of the earth have the potential to answer all of the above questions -- but it is their ultimate destiny.   Are we therefore dwelling in what Jesus portrayed as the "outer darkness" of mind and being (see Outer Darkness)?   If this is true -- and we are presently dwelling in what is portrayed as the "outer darkness" of mind and being --  then all the answers to all the questions and enigmas of life have been set before us, and it is our own self-imposed blindness that inhibits us from seeing?   Thus, Jesus said to his disciples when they asked why he did not speak plainly to the multitude of people: "Unto you is given the mystery of the kingdom of God: but unto them that are without, all things are done in parables: that seeing they may see, and not perceive; and hearing they may hear, and not understand..." (Mark 4:11-12).   Therefore, when Jesus portrayed those who were "without", he was making reference to those who dwelt in what he portrayed as the "outer darkness" of mind and being (see Outer Darkness).   Which also provokes the question: Is this world what is portrayed in the analogy of the Illusions of Plato's Cave (see Cave)?   Moreover, if your present existence in this world is synonymous with what is portrayed in the Gospel account of the parable of the prodigal son, then it will remain impossible for you to escape what is allegorically portrayed as this, the Far Country, until which time you can achieve that level of potential development that permits you to answer the above questions.   And when the question is posed as to how this inherent destiny is brought about?   The answer is through a series of Natural Laws that pervade all of Creation and existence on every level of Mind and Being (see The Laws Of Creation ).   



The Mind evolves when it is nourished by Thoughts that are Balanced and Whole.  But what does this mean?  Modern science has arrived at the understanding that what man sees with is physical senses, is a projected image that originates from an higher Unseen Field-Reality.   When physicist Walter Thirring stated in his book, Urbausteine der Materie about the nature and reality of physical matter that modern physics “...has put our thinking about the essence of matter in a different context.   It has taken our gaze from the visible - the particles - to the underlying entity, the field.   The presence of matter is merely a disturbance of the perfect state of the field at that place; something accidental, one could almost say, a ‘blemish’.   Accordingly, there are no simple laws describing the forces between elementary particles… Order and symmetry must be sought in the underlying field” -- what he was confirming is that what man sees with his physical eyes, is an image that has been projected into this world of appearances from an UNSEEN CAUSAL FIELD.  In the same way, Einstein experienced shock when he first came into contact with the new emerging reality of atomic physics, and wrote in his autobiography: “All my attempts to adapt the theoretical foundation of physics to this [new type of] knowledge failed completely. It was as if the ground had been pulled out from under one, with no firm foundation to be seen anywhere, upon which one could have built”.  In much the same fashion, the European physicist Niels Bohr stated that “…The great extension of our experience in recent years has brought to light the insufficiency of our simple mechanical conceptions and, as a consequence, has shaken the foundation on which the customary interpretation of observation was based.”  What this means is exactly as stated by Einstein when he stated: “We may therefore regard matter as being constituted by the regions of space in which the field is extremely intense… There is no place in this new kind of physics both for the field and matter, for the field is the only reality” (quoted in M. Capek, The Philosophical Impact of Contemporary Physics).  What is being stated is that the primary focus of science where only what was seen with one's physical eyes, has now been rendered inadequate and incomplete -- it being focused totally on observable matter -- because the emerging body of facts and evidence now demonstrates that what we perceive physically, is a projection from an UNSEEN Source where True Reality exists.  Which provokes the question: What is being projected?  Thus, the statement by astronomer James Jeans: “Today there is a wide measure of agreement… that the stream of knowledge is heading towards a non-mechanical reality; the universe begins to look more like a great thought than like a great machine”; and the statement by astronomer Arthur Eddington: “The stuff of the universe is mind-stuff” -- both demonstrate the reality that there is nothing but Projected Thought.   Which means that you are a thought that is being projected in this world by your True-Self that dwells in the reality of an UNSEEN CAUSAL FIELD.   In like manner physicist and Nobel prize winner John Archibald Wheeler stated that "every item in the physical world has at bottom immaterial source and explanation ...that all things physical are information-theoretic in origin and that this is a participatory universe".  What this means is that what you see physically, conveys an (allegorical) explanation pertaining to the "...immaterial [UNSEEN] source" that is projecting the physical image of what we see with our physical senses.   Max Planck who is considered the founder of quantum theory stated: "As a man who has devoted his whole life to the most clear headed science, to the study of matter, I can tell you as a result of my research about atoms this much: There is no matter as such. All matter originates and exists only by virtue of a force which brings the particle of an atom to vibration and holds this most minute solar system of the atom together. We must assume behind this force the existence of a conscious and intelligent mind. This mind is the matrix of all matter."  And more recently, cyberneticist David Foster described “an intelligent universe” whose apparent concreteness is generated by cosmic data from an unknowable, organized source.   The holographic reality says that: “…our brains mathematically construct hard reality by interpreting frequencies from a dimension transcending time and space. The brain is a hologram, interpreting a holographic universe.”  And this largely inconceivable reality is confirmed by Einstein in the quotation to the right where is speaks of our physical presence as the manifestation of frequencies -- i.e., "We are slowed down sound and light waves, a walking bundle of frequencies tuned into the cosmos.  We are souls dressed up in sacred biochemical garments and our bodies are the instruments through which our souls play their music".

So long as our thinking and mind remains anchored and ruled over by our lower (animal) consciousness (see Organic Man Ruled Over By His Lower Animal Nature ), it will remain virtually impossible for us to bring our thinking into any degree of Balanced Wholeness.   Until we learn to penetrate the Unseen Field, and unite the Upper-Heavenly with the Lower-Earthly, we will remain a prisoner shacked in what is portrayed as the "outer darkness" of Plato's Cave (see Plato - The Physicist ).  How, then, do we begin to connect the upper-heavenly with the lower-earthly spheres of mind?  The Answer: Through the interaction of the Male and Female Columns as patterned in the Tree of Life (see The Process Of Birth Within The Tree Of Life ).  And therein lies the other Enigma of Abject Ignorance of our modern culture.  Quoting from The Trinity - Divine Pattern - Linear vs Intuitive Development Of The Mind

Within each of us there is a conflict being waged between the Linear and Intuitive Spheres and Forces of Mind and Consciousness that form the outer columns of the Tree of Life.  When rightly understood, the separation of man and woman as personified in Adam and Eve from the Wholeness of the original pattern of Mankind as AdamEve as personified in the allegorical creation account in Genesis, is in fact the externalization of this inner conflict.  What has been confusing to Bible students is the fact that there are two very different Creation accounts in the beginning of Genesis (see The Laws of the Two Creation Accounts and how they intimately effect all of mankind ).   In the below I will demonstrate that in the first Genesis Creation Account, man and woman existed in Oneness -- as does our Higher Soul-Self that is the True Being that we are.  And the separation of male and female did not come about, until the second Genesis Creation Account.   Which provokes the questions: Why does this conflict exist?  And why has the inner conflict been externalized?  The Answer: So we are forced to deal with this inner conflict that consumes us and renders us mentally-impotent and spiritually undeveloped.   The condition of most  men can be portrayed as a total subjection of the inward looking (feminine) Intuitive Spheres of Mind by the outward looking (male) Linear spheres of mind -- thereby making mental development and spiritual advancement impossible beyond a certain low-level of Mankind's potential, because of the atrophied condition of the (feminine) Intuitive Spheres of Mind which the (male) Linear subjugates and shackles in silence.  But, with the externalization of the Feminine Intuitive in the embodiment of woman with equal power with the Male Linear -- along with the overwhelming appetite of sexual release and completion -- renders it impossible for the Male Linear to ignore and not interact with the Feminine Intuitive.   

When rightly understood, Man and Woman are equal -- but equal does not mean the same -- and their equality is expressed from their opposite paradoxical polarities of mind and being.  From the perspective: Show me your strengths, and I'll show you your weaknesses -- the reality that a male can easily overpower and physically subjugate a women, is in fact a weakness that consumes every part of his being.  Therefore, woman's separation as a "help-meet", is to overcome this inherent weakness that inhibits his growth and development.  And what this also means is that the violence against women and the subjugation of the feminine in the many forms that it takes, is in reality an externalization of the inner violence of mind that exists within each of our consciousnesses.  When the equality of the sexes is understood -- and the fact that because of man's positively charged lower (physical) nature that enables him to control, enslave and subjugate woman who is negatively charged in her lower (physical) nature -- the equality of the paradoxical opposite genders must be understood and realized from their respective areas of strength versus the weaknesses of their gender opposite.  The power of man's lower positively charged lower nature can be portrayed as a raging river -- the force of which makes it impossible to swim upstream and return back to the source.  Woman not only possesses the ability under the right bonding conditions to reflect this raging power, but has the innate ability to transform it, and return it back to him on a higher plane of mind and being where he is of a negative/reflective/reflective polarity -- thereby enabling the two to achieve the necessary Wholeness of Mind and Being.  The key word in the foregoing equation is "right bonding conditions" -- which means that unless Wholeness and Completion is achieved between the perspective man and woman, the necessary conditions do not, and cannot exist.  And this is also true with respect to the (male) Linear and (feminine) Intuitive Spheres of Mind within each of us.  And it is for this reason that in the Genesis account, woman is portrayed as man's most immediate savior (see Woman As Man's Help-Meet And Savior).   Man and Woman are the embodiment of dynamic halves of the (paradoxical) Whole -- and in the same way that man needs woman on one level, woman needs the power of man on another level.  And it is this lack of bonding and wholeness that is the cause of unfaithfulness in marriage -- which in the allegorical account of the scriptures, is portrayed as resulting in death.

In the same way that because of his polarity, a male is more powerful than a woman on one level, it is also true that a female is more powerful than a male in different areas of mind and being.  And when a man who by virtual of his gender-polarity possesses greater physical power, subjugates and enslaves a women whose greater power is manifest on a higher plane of mind and consciousness, it is the man who is in fact being deprived of the very Life-Giving Impressions that he needs to become Whole, Complete and enter into Life.  And it is this absence of the Feminine Impressions that inhibits the True Advancement of Man, keeping him bound by his lower earthly nature and animal-consciousness (see Organic Man Ruled Over By His Lower Animal Nature).   And when rightly understood, this interaction of male and female Impressions which is the key to all mental and spiritual development beyond the most immature of human levels of consciousness -- and is manifest in the merger and reunification of the opposite polarities and powers of mind as manifest in the respective male and female divided opposites in the Wholeness of the Restoration of AdamEve.  Because few men can successfully deal with the inner conflict of the (male) Linear and (female) Intuitive Spheres of Mind -- permitting the reunification of the Three Lower Earthly Kingdoms with the Three Upper Heavenly Kingdoms -- all true mental and spiritual growth and development has been externalized in the relationship of the opposite polarities of Man and Woman.   Which means that when rightly understood, the Life-Giving Fruit of the Tree of Life, is the Impressions of Wholeness that brings about mental and spiritual growth when what is personified as Adam and Eve is restored to their original reality of AdamEve -- i.e., "'He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches. To him who overcomes, I will grant to eat of the tree of life which is in the Paradise of God'" (Rev 2:7).  And the forbidden fruit of the Tree of Duality (aka Knowledge of Good and Evil) that brings death to the eater thereof, is the separated Impressions of a divided Adam and Eve.   Which means that the true purpose of sexual intercourse between a man and woman, is to initiate and maintain this connection between the two externalized polarities of mind manifest in the the divided paradoxical opposites personified in Man and Woman -- thereby acting as a catalyst in the restoration of AdamEve (man and woman) in the Wholeness of Mankind which is personified as the union making the "one flesh".  And it is this Wholeness of body, mind and spirit that Jesus was making reference to when he stated: "They that are whole have no need of the physician, but they that are sick: I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance" (Mark 2:17).   Which means that the True and Only path into Life, is to achieve the necessary Wholeness and Completion that is personified in the Original Gospel Teachings that was totally rejected by the Church (see The Reality Of The Original Gospels ).   

Is There A War On Women?   And if there is, who is waging this war?  Perhaps this question can better be answered by suggesting that there is, and for the most part there has always been a war on the Intuitive -- and since by her inherent nature, woman is very much the embodiment of the Intuitive Spheres of Mind as patterned in the Tree of Life, it can rightly be stated that the war on women is not only carried on by academia,  patriarchal religious systems, our culture, but also the Feminists who in many respects are themselves female misogynists who wage war against their own femininity.  

In achieving Wholeness, Pythagoras taught the importance of the Feminine-Intuitive mind.  Quoting the Wikipedia: "Pythagoras holds that his mother, wife and daughters were part of his inner circle.  Women were given equal opportunity to study as Pythagoreans and learned practical domestic skills in addition to philosophy".   In the words of Jonas Salk, “Intuition will tell the thinking mind where to look next.”  Which means that the person who is bound to analytical or dogmatic thinking as most of our scientists, perceives the world very differently than the person who is able to utilize Intuitive Abstract perception and thinking -- but what does this mean?  Abstract thinking is the ability to draw upon an inner resource of mind, and understand concepts that are not directly tied to concrete physical objects and experiences.  Therefore, Intuition is based upon an inner perceptive-feeling that is not founded upon outward linear-reasoning and analysis -- but more upon how that person individually sees the world.  And according to Dr. Judith Orloff, scientists believe intuition operates through the entire right side of our brain -- and the feminine mind is far more intuitive than their male counterparts.   In her books, Orloff claims to have second sight, and uses the term energy psychiatry where as an Empath, she has developed the ability to see into the Etheric and Mental Bodies that surround a person's physical body.  How important is this Intuitive analysis?  Einstein stated that "The intuitive (inward-looking) mind is a sacred gift and the rational (outward-looking) mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift." 

An interesting scientific article can be found at Discovering Our Full Potential: Resuscitating the Female Principle: "For a new evolutionary step forward, this study suggests humans need to learn to live from the heart and not only the mind. Here I associate the mind with the Masculine Principle and thinking which with learning, develops into intellect. This is contrasted with intuition which I associate with the Female Principle and the deeper heart-mind. They are different epistemological ways of knowing which reflect different levels of consciousness of the Self where each way of knowing has a different origin, the surface mind and the deeper heart-mind."  When Jesus made reference to those who did not need a physician such as him, he stated: "They that are whole have no need of the physician, but they that are sick: I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance" (Mark 2:17) -- with the beginning of Wholeness being the balance of the Male/Linear-Intellect with the Feminine/Intuitive.  Further, the Apostle Peter confirms the statement that those people who achieve Wholeness do not need Jesus the physician where he is quoted in the Homilies of his disciple Clement: "For there would have been no need of Moses, or of the coming of Jesus, if of themselves they would have understood what is reasonable. Neither is there salvation in believing in teachers and calling them lords”.  What Peter is stating is that if the person who is seeking the Kingdom, Intuitively knows how to achieve Balance within their own mind, then they would not need physicians such as Moses or Jesus. 

What Pythagoras understood that his male counterparts did not, is that the Feminine-Intuitive Completes the Male-Linear perceptive vision of man's reality that can only be contemplated, when the two halves of the mind are brought together -- as explored at When Man Meets Woman .   And when understood, Einstein also had the answer to the dilemma when he stated: "It is entirely possible that behind the perception of our senses, worlds are hidden of which we are unaware".   An enlightened mind such as Pythagoras, understood that the  vast majority of mankind are mentally undeveloped because of the limitations on man's Linear vision and thinking.  Like Einstein, Pythagoras recognized that the Intuitive-Mind has the greater ability to see into the Metaphysical -- both the metaphysical realities of the person's own consciousness, as well as what the modern scientist now understands to be the metaphysical Source-Field of what mankind perceives as the illusion of concrete-matter.   The truth of the matter is, that while men and women are equal, they are anything but the same.   Quoting from The Opening And Unlocking Of The Mind:

One of the greatest lessons the people of our modern culture must learn is that equal does not mean the same.  Perhaps this is best expressed in the introduction of the long ignored book Brain Sex, by Anne Moir and David Jessel, where they wrote: "Men are different from women. They are equal only in their common membership of the same species, humankind. To maintain that they are the same in aptitude, skill or behaviour is to build a society based on a biological and scientific lie".   The key to the dilemma that confronts us today is further seen in the words of the authors with respect to their opposition to the ideas we teach our children in our modern-day politically correct culture: "What you will read in this book about the differences between men and women may make both sexes angry or smug. Both reactions are wrong. If women have reason to rage, it is not because science has set at naught their hard-won struggle towards equality; their wrath should rather be directed at those who have sought to misdirect and deny them their very essence". The book then goes on to embrace the very real statement that "Women should contribute their specific female gifts rather than waste their energies in the pursuit of a sort of surrogate masculinity. A woman’s greater imagination can solve intractable problems - be they professional or domestic - at one apparently intuitive stroke."   More recently another (female) researcher named Dr Luan Brizendine has authored a book named The Female Mind.   Dr. Brizendine, whose book is based on her own clinical work and analyses of more than 1,000 scientific studies, added: "There is no unisex brain.  Girls arrive already wired as girls, and boys arrive already wired as boys. Their brains are different by the time they're born, and their brains are what drive their impulses, values and their very reality.  I know it is not politically correct to say this but I've been torn for years between my politics and what science is telling us.  I believe women actually perceive the world differently from men.  If women attend to those differences they can make better decisions about how to manage their lives."   These more informed decisions are basically impossible for most women in today's culture because of the biological lie that is being promoted due to political correctness.   The problem is that because we dwell in a world that is generally defined by a male linear perspective, the true nature and depth of the feminine mind is largely an unexplored realm of vast substance and opportunity.   In fact, once this far reaching reality is truly realized, one must begin to acknowledge that even men are severely anchored and inhibited by their own and societies ignorance with respect to the higher purpose and untapped potential of the female mind.  In this respect, woman is the missing element in (male) man's search for God and the meaning of life -- and vise versa.

What is being presented in the above is the fact that our culture, as well as both our traditional religions and academia, all suppress the Feminine-Intuitive -- programming the minds of young girls to ignore their natural mode of thinking, and instead respond from a Male-Linear mindset -- all failing to explore the important differences that are easily demonstrated between men and women -- which suppression of the Feminine-Intuitive inhibits and flat-lines all intellectual development beyond a very carnal level that is portrayed in the Bible as being of an "animal-soul" level of consciousness.   In both academia and our culture,  all standards that are used to measure educational achievement, are all from a Male-Linear perspective.  With its rote programming of memorization and intellectual parroting on demand in the students pursuit of passing standardized tests which are used to measure accomplishment, the spheres of mind necessary for Feminine-Intuition are suppressed and atrophied.  Which means that the only acceptable source of knowledge and learning, is from sources in the outer world -- which is a total rejection of the process of Anamnesis (see Anamnesis - The Innate Knowledge Of The Truth Of All Truths ). 

The greatest and most esteemed of philosophical and religious sources have maintained that each person has access to an Inner Source of Knowledge that is far greater and superior to all the sources of knowledge and learning in the outer world (see The Great Question ).  Yet, both our culture and academia totally ignore and even reject this Wisdom.  With respect to the proper interpretation of the scriptures, the Apostle Peter warned that the scriptures must not be " according to the understanding of our own mind", -- which traditional understanding from a human perspective, is to read the scriptures as if they are an historical narrative documenting man's past.   Thus, Christians embrace the grave error of modern academia, and they read the scriptures in what can rightly be portrayed as an Old Covenant mode, regardless of the statement of Peter and the original followers and disciples of Jesus that the scriptures must never be understood in accord with "an extraneous sense, which you have brought from without".  Further stating that there is a Teacher and Source of Knowledge  "...within the mind of every one of us" -- and  " inoperative"  to the thinking of those who fail to seek this Inner Supreme Source/Teacher of Knowledge.  Yet, Christians who remain spiritually disenfranchised and ignorant, totally reject this core Gospel teaching that the only valid interpretation of the scriptures MUST be drawn from the Source within mankind -- rather than being drawn from the interpretations of men in the outer world.    

Under the heading of Sibyl, the Wikipedia states that "The sibyls were women that the ancient Greeks believed were oracles" -- which means that they understood the different domains and powers of mind that separated men and women.  In the frontispiece to Voltaire's book on Newton's philosophy, Émilie du Châtelet appears as Voltaire's muse, reflecting Newton's heavenly insights down to Voltaire (see Voltaire).   Which provokes the question: Can we even have heavenly insights when the feminine-intuitive is suppressed?  In Mythology, a muse is always feminine, and is allegorically portrayed as the nine goddesses who symbolized the arts and sciences -- i.e., the intuitive catalyst that connects the mind of the person to an inner source.   In the Gospel According To The Hebrews, the Holy Spirit is portrayed as the Mother of Jesus -- i.e., "Even now did my mother the Holy Spirit take me by one of mine hairs, and carried me away unto the great mountain Thabor".    And it is this Divine Feminine that is portrayed as the Teacher of those who are faithful to the Core Gospel Teachings (see Original Gospel). 

We must begin to come to terms with the fact that while man and woman are equal, they are not the same -- to the degree that they represent opposite polarities of mind and being.    In view of the reality that man and woman represent opposite halves of the whole on this plane, then to portray them as the same except for their biological reproductive roles as is being promoted throughout modern western culture, is an outright denial of the truth.   As halves of each other, while men and women are equal, they are anything but the same -- and to be ignorant  of this reality, must be as I portray in an article on Harvard University as the boondoggle of abject ignorance (see Harvard).  And when it is understood that male and female are in fact, opposite halves of a single equation -- and what you impose on one half, you invoke on its opposite -- what we have is the Academia and Feminist Cultural War on Mankind as a Whole. 

In the subheading entitled Lack Of Development Beyond The Organic, I demonstrate that our present politically correct Feminist-based culture is "...based on a biological and scientific lie".   But the bottom line is that woman is half of the whole on this plane -- and as half of the whole, a woman is a woman, because a man is a man -- and thus, the unique expressions, abilities and potential of man and woman, inhibits and suppresses certain abilities in the opposite sex, and these unique gender-based abilities are the direct expression of who each of us is as a man and woman.   A man is a man with unique masculine gender-based abilities, because a woman is a woman with unique feminine opposite gender-based abilities.   The male polarity has certain aspects and powers of mind and being that are Naturally Suppressed by the Laws of Nature, in order to strengthen and manifest other aspects and powers of mind -- and these aspects and powers that are naturally manifest in the male polarity, are reversed in the feminine polarity.   And this divided reality of mind and being is necessary to bring about an expansion and deepening of consciousness, mind and being, beyond mankind's physical limitations. 

When you attempt to program young girls to think and act in a more masculine artificial role -- and by doing so, you in effect suppress the natural feminine abilities in young girls that are virtually absent in the male gender -- then what you have is a Franken-Culture of deformed individuals who can no longer fulfill their intended potential or divine role.   A woman is a woman -- possessing divine and unique abilities that are gender-suppressed in her male counterpart -- because a man is a man.   A woman's unique weaknesses and strengths are all necessary to manifest positive attributes of Mind and Being, when Completed within an evolved male/female union.   By her very nature a woman has inherit weaknesses in relation to her male counterpart -- and a woman's gender-based weakness are absolutely necessary in order to create an environment within herself where she is able to receive from her opposite male-gender, and then supercharge the resulting transformative force within her mind and being -- returning this transformed power back into her male opposite in his gender-based reflective weaknesses, in order to raise up the two (joined man and woman) onto a Higher Plane.   In accord with the Natural Laws of Consciousness and Creation, all growth and development is brought about through the balanced interaction of opposites.   With respect to the true statement: "Show me your strengths, and I'll show you your weaknesses", the opposite is also true: "Show me your weaknesses, and I'll show you your strengths".   There is a necessary relationship between the physical and the mental -- and there is an important reason why women are physically weaker than her male counterpart.   Only when we begin to understand that what is perceived as a weakness is in fact a manifest strength on another level of mind and being, can we even begin to comprehend the true dynamics of the male and female reality within the Holographic Divine Pattern of Creation.  When rightly understood, the perceived physical weaknesses of woman in relationship to her male opposite, is actually manifest strengths of mind that is necessary to achieve Wholeness and Completion.   On one level woman is weaker than her male counterpart, because on another level woman is stronger than her male opposite.   And the weaknesses of both genders are in accord with the Laws of Creation, necessary to manifest the strengths associated with each gender -- which are necessary for the process of interaction growth and development.  

Women by their very nature, possess inherent abilities that are absent in males of an organic mindset, and these inherent abilities or woman must be developed into strengths within the dynamics of the male/female interactive relationship.   The problem in academia is seen in the fact that the male Linear spheres of mind rule -- leaving no place for the feminine Intuitive.   Quoting from The Holographic Pattern Of Sex:

While men and women have interacted sexually, emotionally and culturally since the dawn of time itself, their gain is usually at a snail's pace at best.   It is not until both the man and woman become cognizant of the mental void that immersed each of them in opposite prisons -- becoming conscious of their own shortfalls and genetically inherited strengths -- that they can begin to solve the perplexing riddle of the gender differences.    And becoming cognizant of one's voids as a man or woman, is merely the beginning of the path to overcome the shackles of those voids that inhibit man's progress.

Spiritual Alchemy represents the transformation of self that fulfills the requirement that makes the two "one flesh" -- and by bringing this transformation about, enables the seeker/disciple to restore Wholeness within themselves.   In the many allegorical accounts presented in the Gospels, Jesus healed by bringing about Wholeness -- but few believers understand what this means.    In the allegorical account of Genesis, Adam was in Wholeness only when Eve was united to him -- and they are often portrayed as such in Jewish Mysticism.    In the same way that the second day of Creation in the Genesis account is the only day not portrayed as being good, all division and separation brings death from the perspective of the higher reality of being.   Adam and Eve were warned not to eat the fruit of the Tree of Duality (aka Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil) -- and yet, few biblical students are able to take this allegorical reality, and extend the pattern into every aspect of life.   

On a level of mind, the individual thoughts of a man or woman, represent the fruit of the Tree of Duality.   And in the same way that an ovum or sperm can be seen individually, it must also be understood that from an individual perspective, the destiny of an individual ovum or sperm is death.    And in taking the pattern to the next level of Creation and birth, this is also true of man and woman.   On a mental level, the thoughts, perceptions and impressions of a man and woman, represent the fruit of the Tree of Duality.   And in the same way that in the allegory of the Genesis Account, man was banished from the Garden so they could not put forth their hand and eat also of the Tree of Life and inherit Eternal Life, the duality of man and woman can only be overcome when they join and become "one flesh", in a Divine Marriage .   And you must take the fruit of duality which is the gender based mindset, thoughts and impressions, and bring about a third-force balance that bears the fruit of the Tree of Life.

In revisiting some of the foundational concepts that reveals to us the higher spiritual reality, the statement in the Encyclopedia Britannica under the heading, The History of Christian Mysticism, that "...From this perspective mysticism played a vital part in the early church. Early Christianity was a religion of the spirit that expressed itself in the heightening and enlargement of human consciousness” (see Heightening And Expansion Of Mind), with that of Einstein's that "The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift." (see Intuitive vs Rational-linear) -- it is the interaction of higher elevated thoughts and impressions (see Impressions As Food), and the resonance of the husband and wife within a Divine Marriage builds what Rupert Sheldrake portrays as a Morphic Field (see Gender Blindness And Birth) that only the husband and wife have access to -- which evolves the Union through the interaction of the Intuitive-Feminine and the Linear-Male.   

From the perspective of modern academia, knowledge is the cumulative wisdom recorded in their countless books and historical records -- and there is virtually no place for the Intuitive to access the Inner Source of Knowledge that lies beyond the domain of man's books and libraries of wisdom.   In fact, the vast majority of Intuitive-based Knowledge is totally rejected by academia as worthless speculation.   If you can't prove it from a Linear perspective, then it is not valid and has no place in the domain of academia.   

When our culture attempts to program women to compete and think in a linear male perspective, not only does her innate intuitive spheres of mind remain undeveloped and atrophied, but in her academic linear-based development,  she fails to mature and develop the necessary gender-based attributes that is able to complete her opposite male half.   Thus, she is no longer able to fulfill her divine role as the "help-meet" (savior) that forms the necessary embryo that enables the next level of birth to be brought about within the construct of the Divine Marriage.   In failing to understand that what is perceived as inherent weaknesses from a male linear perspective, is actually strengths from the opposite feminine paradoxical perspective -- along with our Franken-culture's attempt to re-form young girls into surrogate-men -- i.e., pseudo-men who are trained to think from a linear perspective the same as men with the exception of their reproductive roles -- our politically correct Feminist driven culture is denying both men and women the very key to inheriting their full potential and Divine Destiny.  

While such women who are highly trained and educated by modern academia are able to find and achieve high degrees of success from the perspective of the culture of this world, their development will be limited and flat-lined at a certain stage of their development.   Every religion the world over conveys the reality that success from the perspective of this world for both man and woman, does not in any manner equate to higher development and what would constitute spiritual success.   In view of the fact that for the most part, modern academia is in totally denial of man's higher Soul and spiritual natures and realities, absolutely no provision exists within academia which is designed to develop woman's innate Intuitive abilities that are virtually lacking in her male counterpart.   And from the perspective of mankind's higher Soul and spiritual reality, in failing to fulfill the divine role as a "help-meet" that has the alchemical power to complete her male opposite, she will remain alienated from her higher Soul-Self that is Eternal.   Or, as portrayed in the Gospel of Thomas -- i.e., "...But if you will not know yourselves, you dwell in poverty and it is you who are that poverty".   Without achieving the next stage of Soul-Birth, it will remain impossible for a woman to become At-One with their True-Self that is neither male nor female -- but the dynamic balance of all opposites.   And in suppressing and inhibiting the development of woman's inherent natural Intuitive abilities that are gender-suppressed and often totally absent in her male counterpart, both man and woman suffer the consequences as they are flat-lined at a certain organic stage of their development.   


  The Foundation Of A Coverture-Marriage: When the Gospel account of Jesus proclaims: "So they are no longer two, but one flesh. Therefore what God has joined together, let no one separate" (Matt 19:6) -- reference was being made of a genuine Coverture-Marriage that is ordained by God -- which has virtually nothing in common with the Civil-Uions or quasi-marriages ordained by man.  A genuine marriage is spiritual, and such the union must be in harmony and fulfill the requirements of the Laws of God as set forth at The Sacrament Of Marriage .   Which means that the vast majority of people who don't understand the spiritual purpose of marriage -- and have no understanding of the requirements and the Laws that must be fulfilled in a Genuine Spiritually Ordained Coverture-Marriage where the man and woman are made by God "one flesh" -- cannot be married in the Spiritual Meaning of the Sacrament of Marriage.  

While there are many religious paths, if one understands the Natural Laws, then there is also a Natural Spiritual path that all of mankind can actively initiate the Laws of Creation and Fulfill them in the Totality and Wholeness of the person's Mind and Being.  When Jesus noted that "They that are whole have no need of the physician, but they that are sick: I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance" (Mark 2:17), there is a Natural Path imbedded in the Laws of Creation that brings about Wholeness of Mind and Being.  And if you understand the workings of the Natural Laws in a Coverture-Union, then you can apply the Laws to your Life -- which opens to you the possibility of entering into a state of Wholeness.  Sir William Blackstone, in a famous passage from the first volume of his 1765 Commentaries, described the doctrine of coverture as follows: "By marriage, the husband and wife are one person in law: that is, the very being or legal existence of the woman is suspended during the marriage, or at least is incorporated and consolidated into that of the husband: under whose wing, protection, and cover, she performs every thing; and is therefore called in our law-French a feme-covert."  In Obergefell v. Hodges, Justice Kennedy described marriage as an “institution [that] has evolved in substantial ways over time"  --  but if what has evolved inhibits the very essence and purpose of marriage itself, then the modern concept of marriage is not marriage at all -- but rather, a government ordained legal contract that has virtually nothing in common with a Genuine Marriage Union where the merger of the two is made "one" -- or spiritually restored to Absolute Oneness.   What our culture portrays as marriage, is in most instances little more than a Civil-Union that has virtually nothing in common with the transformative power of a Genuine Marriage where the two become "one flesh"    

The modern Christian cannot understand the relationship of the historical man Jesus to the Logos/Son of God (see above Coverture-Marriage), because they don't understand the Foundation of a Genuine Coverture-Marriage.  In the allegorical account of Genesis, prior to the separation of Adam and Eve, the two halves of man existed as AdamEve -- which is representative of the Wholistic Gender of the Soul of Man.   Equally important is the fact that in the separation, Eve (or Woman) is portrayed as having been drawn from the side of Adam (or Man) -- thus, Eve or Woman is the separated and/or divided half of Adam or Man.  

Our Soul or True-Self which dwells at a deeper level of Consciousness, is a Being of Light and Pure Energy and Mind, because our True-Self dwells in a twelve-dimensional realm where the polarities of Male and Female exist in balanced harmony and Oneness.   But our True-Self cannot directly manifest in this three-dimensional sub-realm.  And thus, when the Soul incarnates into this sub-realm, it is either as a male or female.   Why would the Soul incarnate in a sub-realm that only permits the incarnation to be divided across the gender-spectrum as a male or female?  Because all development is based upon experiential knowledge where opposite aspects of self have interacted with other aspects of self.      

If as Jesus taught, the Kingdom is within us -- and to enter the Kingdom we must apply the scriptures within us as the Key of Knowledge (see The Application Of The Key Of Knowledge ) --  then the only exemption to experiential knowledge based upon external interactions, is through the interactions with one's spouse who appears to be external from one's self, but is not.   In the same way that the Soul of man is the balance of the polarities of Positive/Male and Negative/Female -- which in Harmony is the Light of the Soul (see ) -- Eve (Woman) was drawn from the side of Adam, indicating that their normal state is the Restoral of Adam and Even into AdamEve.   When you reunite that which had been divided, then the restored condition of Male and Female  brought into Oneness, is the foundation of a Genuine (Coverture) Marriage Union.  And thus, a Coverture-Marriage is based upon this Restored Higher Reality.  As stated by Supreme Court Justice Black with respect to a Coverture Marriage  when he made the observation: “…this rule has worked out in reality to mean that though the husband and wife are one, the one is the husband”.   Why?  Adam is not a persons name, because it means man or mankind.  When Eve or woman is restored to the unity of their original form as AdamEve, then Adam/Man has been restored. 

Dynamic Coverture-Union: Like AdamEve in the dynamic union prior to the separation, our physical body exists in a state of duality that is functioning together as ONE.  The two halves of the brain, the two lungs, the sides of the heart, the two ovaries and testes, all have two halves that work together as One.  In the case of the Heart which is the Center of man, the one half cannot function without the other half.  In the allegorical account of Genesis, what is portrayed as the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil (Tree of Duality), is actually the male and female opposite columns or polarities of the whole as manifest in the Tree of Life.  Which means that the fruit that nourishes and gives Life, is the Mental Impressions of the Male and Female columns that have been merged in Oneness.  And, from the perspective of the allegorical portrayal of the mind as presented in the Book of Genesis, the forbidden fruit thereof, is the Impressions of the separated or divided Male and Female Thoughts and Consciousness.  What is an Impression?  It is the core essence of mental movement -- as defined: "an idea, feeling, or opinion about something or someone, especially one formed without conscious thought or on the basis of little evidence."  Therefore, an impression can be understood as the root of all mental movement.  But in the same way that an embryo that evolves into a life is the product of the merger of male and female genetic essence, the same is true with respect ot the male and female columns of the Tree of Life -- wherein our mind grows, evolves and expands through the nourishment of the Impressions that we generate.  Therefore, if the Impressions of our Soul or True-Self that dwells in a higher twelve-dimensional reality is formed out of the united male/female polarities of Higher Mind -- and as three-dimensional beings that are divided and polarized across the divided polarities of either male or female, it can be stated with respect to the generation of Impressions being nourishment as food for the mind, that it can rightly be stated that the divided male or female impressions impose death to the eater thereof -- because so long as the division remains, it will remain impossible for a man or woman to be at-one with their own Soul or True-Self where the divisions of Male and Female exit in a Balanced Wholistic state of Mind and Consciousness.   Thus, the thinking and mindset of the Soul of man which dwells in a twelve-dimensional higher reality where the male and female opposites exist in a Coverture-Union of Oneness, remains incomprehensible to mankind who exists in an undeveloped and divided condition being nourished by the fruit of duality.

Where the polarities of male and female exist in oneness in the twelve-dimensional higher reality of the Soul, this NECESSARY Higher Unity and Balance of male and female cannot organically exist in a divided state in this three-dimensional sub-realm.  Because of this three-dimensional limitation, the Soul or True-Self of man cannot directly incarnate into this world.  Which provokes the question: Why does this duality and division not only exist, but is ultra-important in this sub-realm?  The answer is:  Because all growth, development and birth can only be brought about when (paradoxical) opposites interact with each other -- and this is true on all levels of our Mind and Being.    In accord with the Intelligent-Design of Creation and the Natural Laws and the Divine Pattern that is Holographically Replicated into all aspects of Creation, the divided positive/male and negative/female polarities have the innate ability to totally reunite as the male and female columns of the Tree of Life (see -- see also image at the right.    The male and female columns of the Tree of Life are represented in the outer left (female) and outer right (male) columns which are the divided  polarities of the Center Column.  Over the course of many unique lives, the Soul of man evolves through the experiential knowledge drawn from the interaction of the male and female opposites.  Which means that man and woman must have a means to intermittently and intimately interact with each other, in order to manifest the Center Column and be nourished by what is allegorically portrayed as the life-giving fruit of the Tree of Life -- i.e., "'He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches. To him who overcomes, I will grant to eat of the tree of life which is in the Paradise of God'" (Rev 2:7).  Thereby enabling them in their divided reality to bring about the next subsequent stage of birth.  As Jesus conveyed to Nicodemus that "...Most assuredly, I say to you, unless one is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God"

While man (male) retains the original pattern of male/female in his chromosomal genetics ("XY"), the "Y" male chromosome is so dominant, that the feminine "X" factor is totally suppressed.  But because woman who is genetically "XX" has the power to attach herself to her male counterpart, she has the unique ability to be a surrogate for the man's suppressed "X" genetic factor.  Thereby enabling a genuine wife to Complete and raise up her husband (see The Process Of Birth Within The Tree Of Life ). 

In the same way that when the male sperm and the female ovum are joined in an embryo, the Natural Laws through the interaction of the male and female genetic essence, develop and evolve into a fetus that can be born into his world.  It can therefore be stated that the sperm and ovum enter into a Coverture-Embryonic condition that is necessary for the fetus to be formed and the infant to be born.  The historical man Jesus entered into a Coverture-Union with the Indwelling Logos (aka Son of God).  And this Coverture-Union is the reason why those who Jesus personally taught stated of Jesus that: "...When he was baptized in the Jordan, the Christ, the first of the aeons, the Son of God himself, descended on Jesus in the form of a dove, to inhabit his mind, and direct his actions during the allotted period of his ministry” (Gibbon; The Decline & Fall of the Roman Empire, V.4, P.366). 

The physical body is formed when the male-sperm and female-ovum unite and form an embryo where the male and female polarities interact and form the physical body of the fetus that prepares for physical birth.  Because the Divine Pattern of Creation has been replicated into every level of Creation -- including the development of Mind and Spirit -- if you understand the physical as a pattern for the whole, you will then be able to bring about a state of Higher Consciousness.  And this is why the Church Father Origen writes with respect to the allegorical nature of the scriptures: It is sufficient however, to represent in the style of a historic narrative what is intended to convey a secret meaning in the garb of history, that those who have the capacity may work out for themselves all that relates to the subject.”   And with regard to what would otherwise be historical symbols and events that would appear to us as the knowledge of superficial episodes of the past, Origen writes: “I believe that every man must hold these things for images, under which the hidden sense lies concealed” (Origen - Huet., Prigeniana, 167 Franck, p. 142).   Students of Hebrew Mysticism will perceive that what the third-century Christian Church Father Origen wrote was no different than what is contained in the Zohar, where it states: “The narratives of the doctrine are its cloak.   The simple look only on the garment, that is upon the narrative of the doctrine; more they know not.   The instructed, however, see not merely the cloak, but what the cloak covers”.   The Jewish mystic who spends his life seeking the inner meaning of the written word that the natural mind of man is incapable of seeing, has warned: "Thus the tales related in the Torah are simply her outer garments, and woe to the man who regards that outer garb as the Torah itself, for such a man will be deprived of portion in the next world..." (the Zohar).   Peter said what appears to be historical never happened.   Paul called the literal text an allegory.   These same truths are again conveyed to us in the words of the Church Historian Eusebius: “Many were led astray by reading the allegorical contents of the scriptures literally in the method of the Pharisees and Sadducees.”.   What these symbols truly mean is perhaps best expressed by G.R.S. Mead in his celebrated work, Fragments of a Faith Forgotten, where he explained that, once properly understood, the true meaning of what is “…projected onto the screen…” of the scriptures, “…was in reality a picture of their [man’s] own minds” 

  Cosmic Ovum And Sperm: In understanding the Divine Pattern of Creation, when man and woman are born into this world, they can be seen as a Cosmic Ovum or Sperm on the next level of being that has the potential to achieve the subsequent stages of Mental and Spiritual Birth.   On the physical level at conception, once joined into an embryo, the 23 chromosomes from the father continue to interact with the 23 chromosomes of the mother in the formation of the body of the fetus.  And this same pattern that is true on the physical, is also true on the mental and spiritual levels of development.  In order to achieve the next subsequent stage of Mental-Birth where the earthly or ego-self achieves a condition of At-Oneness with their True or Higher Soul-Self, the male and female polarities of mind that is manifest in the duality of man and woman, must be able to interact together in order to create a mental/spiritual embryo.  The Mind of man evolves and expands via the Impressions that act as a type of nourishment that is necessary for the process of growth and development to take place.  In the same way that physical conception, birth, growth and development is based upon the merger and interaction of the chromosomes of the mother and father, all growth and development beyond organic levels of male or female levels of consciousness, must be through the interaction of the opposite polarities of male and female impressions and thoughts.  The allegorically portrayed fruit of the Tree of Duality which brings death, is the divided organic male or female impressions that are not joined to their opposite polarity.   Allegorically, in order to be nourished by the fruit of the Tree of Life and bring about the next stage of birth, the divided male and female impressions must be restored to oneness.  Which means that in the case of man and woman as a Cosmic Ovum or Sperm on the subsequent level of mental-birth, there must exist an actual physical connection between the man and woman that permits the intimate interaction of the male and female impressions and thoughts. 

 Study: This actual physical connection that brings about mental and spiritual advancement in this three-dimensional sub-realm, has been instituted by the Natural Laws of Creation.  Quoting from the subheading Sexual Immorality : In a recent study where it was found that: "Women retain and carry living DNA from every man with whom they have sexual intercourse, according to a new study by the University of Seattle and the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center" (see Study).  Further explaining: "This has very important ramifications for women. Every male you absorb spermatazoa from becomes a living part of you for life. The women autopsied in this study were elderly. Some had been carrying the living male DNA inside them for well over 50 years. Sperm is alive. It is living cells. When it is injected into you it swims and swims until it crashes headlong into a wall, and then it attaches and burrows into your flesh. If it’s in your mouth it swims and climbs into your nasal passages, inner ear, and behind your eyes. Then it digs in. It enters your blood stream and collects in your brain and spine.  Like something out of a scifi movie, it becomes a part of you and you can’t get rid of it.  We are only now beginning to understand the full power and ramifications of sexual intercourse."   

Jesus taught that the Kingdom is within you (Luke 17:20-21) -- and that the inner journey can only be brought about through the next stage of birth.  Therefore, the Journey to be united to our Higher Soul or True-Self is an inner Journey of Mind and Spirit.  The Natural Laws of Creation manifested the potential for a man and woman to overcome their inner polarity duality.  By design, the male sperm that is ejaculated into the women during sexual intercourse, which enters her blood stream and collects in her brain and spine, is designed to connect the minds of the man and woman so they can then intimately interact with their impressions and thoughts in the proper Marriage Environment, is the catalyst that has the potential to evolve the man and woman as a Cosmic Ovum and Sperm into a Spiritual Embryo which has the capacity of evolve into what would constitute a Spiritual Fetus that has the capacity to bring about the next subsequent stage of birth  (see This World As A Mental Womb ).   

In the diagram on the left, we see the aura, or ætheric field that encompasses both the man and woman individually -- and with the merged DNA of the Man and Woman as portrayed in the image on the right, has the innate potential to form the morphic field that has the power to create a unique and individualized atmosphere which immerses the husband and wife in their own personalized threefold environment (physical, mental and spiritual), that has the capacity to manifest and join the two halves of man and woman in Oneness.   When the scriptures speak of the man and woman becoming "one flesh", there is no integration of the male and female bodies observed on a physical level.   And yet, because of the joining of the genetics of the woman and her husband,  it is the Morphic Field that is created in a Spiritual Union/Marriage that has immersed the man and woman into a Common Mental and Spiritual Atmosphere -- insulating them from the outer world, and belonging solely to them.   This inner connection permits the merger of the bio-energy that when joined, is no longer lost into nature -- but rather, is channeled within the dynamics of the union.  

One of the most important realities that organic man is blind to, is the reality of Mind.  With our physical eyes and vision, we cannot directly see Mind -- enen though the Mind surrounds the physical body in the manner of a mental-atmosphere.  Yet, the more we develop Wholeness of Mind, the more we develop the ability to perceive Mind -- becoming aware of the Mental Bodies that surround Man's physical body as a personal atmosphere.  In addition to breathing in oxygen, with each breath we polarize the body through positive and negative cycles of Mind that surround the physical body.   And as the mind of the person begins to evolve to a more mature level of consciousness, only then is the person able to begin to perceptively-observe not only the Mental-Bodies that surround each person, but also the Ætheric-Connections that connect individual groups of people together -- and especially the Morphic-Field that Unifies the opposite polarities of a man and women who enter into a Divine Marriage.  

The male sperm and DNA becomes imbedded in the woman's brain and nervous system,  in order to create an environment where the thoughts and the impressions of the opposite polarity of male and female can interact and complete each other in the development of the Higher Mind that is formed out of the Marriage Union.   When Jesus conveyed to Nicomedus that "...Most assuredly, I say to you, unless one is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God" -- and when Nicodemus did not understand the threefold process of birth, Jesus then asked how he could be a teacher, and not know these spiritual realities: "...Nicodemus answered and said to Him, How can these things be?  Jesus answered and said to him, Are you the teacher of Israel, and do not know these things?  It is important to grasp the reality of the words that when Nicodemus did not grasp the process of achieving the next stage of birth, that Jesus replied:   Most assuredly, I say to you, We speak what We know and testify what We have seen, and you do not receive Our witness.  If I have told you earthly things and you do not believe, how will you believe if I tell you heavenly things?" (John 3:1-12).  Thus, if the next stage of birth was brought about by saying a prayer to the Jesus-god created by the fourth century pagan Church of Rome -- or, the sinners prayer as is commonly practiced by modern Christians -- then Jesus would not have replied to Nicodemus in this manner.   He would have stated to Nicodemus that a person must say the prayer to the Messianic Lord and Savior, in order to be born again.   But he did not, because this man-made dogma had not yet been invented and propagated by faux-priests who were part of the great shadow-church of pagan Rome.  

In the same way that genetically, the embryo that forms the body when an infant is born into this world is the merger and balance of 23 pairs of chromosomes each from the mother and father, what is being presented in the words of the Gospel of Thomas -- i.e., "When you make the two one, and when you make the inside like the outside and the outside like the inside, and the above like the below, and when you make the male and the female one and the same, so that the male not be male nor the female female..." -- is the means by which the Feminine-Intuitive and Male-Linear opposite spheres of mind that form the outer columns within the pattern of the twelve spheres of the Tree of Life must be brought into a state of Evolved Wholeness and Oneness, in order for the mind of the seeker to evolve beyond what Paul portrays as an "animal-soul" level of consciousness (see Organic Man Ruled Over By His Lower Animal Nature), and for the Kingdom to come in the manner that was promised in the Gospel -- i.e.,  "He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches.  To him who overcomes, to him I will give of the hidden manna" (Rev 2:17).   Which provokes the question: Overcomes what?   Overcome the division of the Tree of Duality of the person's own mind as explored in the article The Tree Of Life -- as personified in the statement: "'He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches. To him who overcomes, I will grant to eat of the tree of life which is in the Paradise of God'" (Rev 2:7).  Which spiritually transformative process is personified in the words of the Gospel of Thomas: "When you make the two one, and when you make the inside like the outside and the outside like the inside, and the above like the below, and when you make the male and the female one and the same, so that the male not be male nor the female female; ...then will you enter the kingdom".  

That the later fourth century Church of Rome threw this essential knowledge away that the first-century Christian clearly understood, does not in any manner change the requirements of birth that Jesus set forth in the Gospel.   In the words of that 60’s philosopher Bob Dylan during that time of his life when he was a student of Hebrew Mysticism, when he said: "He who’s not busy being born, is busy dying"!  There are Two Ways -- i.e., what Jesus portrayed as the "narrow path" of TheWay of Life, and the "broad-way" that the vast majority of mankind walks to their own demise.   And if you fail to bring about the next stage of birth -- with the Second Coming and End Times coming within you, while you are still in the physical body -- it will be impossible to accomplish this necessary next stage of birth in the after-life when you pass from this world.   Thereby fulfilling the statement: "Assuredly, I say to you, there are some standing here who shall not taste death till they see the Son of Man coming in His kingdom" (Matt 16:28).  As stated in the Gospel of Philip: "Those who say that first they shall die and (then) they shall arise are confused. If they do not first receive the resurrection (while) they live, they will not receive anything (when) they die"    Therefore, it is impossible to fulfill the requirements of the Gospels without first fulfilling the teaching of Jesus when he stated: "When you make the two one, and when you make the inside like the outside and the outside like the inside, and the above like the below, and when you make the male and the female one and the same, so that the male not be male nor the female female; ...then will you enter the kingdom."

What the foregoing crucial teaching coveys to the seeker, is the absolute need to bring man's divided realities of mind into a condition of Oneness and Wholeness -- i.e., "When you make the two one...";  The outer person we are in this world, with our inner Higher Self  -- i.e., "when you make the inside like the outside and the outside like the inside"; the lower earthly nature and the upper spiritual nature -- i.e, "the above like the below"; are you restore the unity of Adam and Eve -- i.e., "when you make the male and the female one and the same"; with the understanding and recognition that all Duality is Male and Female -- i.e., "so that the male not be male nor the female female"; and only then can the Kingdom that organic man looks for to come upon the earth -- of that s/he will go to after this lifecycle is completed, will come as stated "...will you enter the kingdom."  The only real question to the equation of Life, is how many individual lifetimes will be required for you to bring this evolved condition about?

It is for this reason that the narrow path of TheWay is portrayed as difficult that few find -- i.e., regardless of what your pastor, minister, priest, clergy or inspired preacher tells you, if you fail to find the "narrow gate that is difficult and which leads to life, and only the very few ever find it" that permits entrance into the Kingdom within you (Luke 17:20-21) while you are still alive in the physical body, you will have walked the broad-way that is walked by the multitudes to their own self-destruction.   The Gospel of Thomas opens with the profound statement: And [Jesus} said, "Whoever finds the interpretation of these sayings will not experience death."   The only way to find the meaning of the above statement with respect to overcoming the male/female columns of Duality of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, is to remerge what is allegorically personified as Adam and Eve into their original condition of Adam/Eve, and eat the Life-Giving Fruit in the Center of the Tree of Life ( ).   Which means that to "find the interpretation of these saying", the seeker/disciple must bring about the next stage of birth by  "making the two one, and when you make the inside like the outside and the outside like the inside, and the above like the below, and when you make the male and the female one and the same, so that the male not be male nor the female female; ...then will you enter the kingdom."  

The development of mind, spirit and the elevation of consciousness is an enduring process of mental-expansion and spiritual-deepening.  In the same way that our physical body was formed as orchestrated by the Natural Laws, so too is our Mind and Mental Bodies that surround our physical form.   With the exception that in order for the Mind to form, it most be subject to the choices we make and the exercise of freewill (see Living Bio-Feedback Organism ).  Therefore, when rightly understood, our every thought is judged by the Natural Laws. 

As we begin to deepen our consciousness, we are able to tap into our twelve-dimensional Eternal-Self that is a Being of Light -- which we are an expression of that has been projected into this three-dimensional realm.  But the process of deepening our mind requires a great amount of work on self -- i.e.,  "We must through many tribulations enter the kingdom of God" (Acts 14:22).  In the Epistle to the Corinthians Paul commands to "…take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ" (2 Cor 10:5) -- but how can such a reality be achieved?  To affirm this requirement as genuine, the Gospel account of Jesus warns: "But I say unto you, That every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day of judgment" (Matt 12:36 - see Judgment Day - Evolving To Maturity Of Mind And Being ).  Idle words can be defined as those thoughts or impressions which are not, and cannot, achieve the necessary Wholeness to manifest in the Center of the Tree of Life, and be returned of our Source of Mind and Being.   Which is why Paul tells us to "Pray without ceasing" (1Thes 5:17).   Perpetual prayer can be defined as positive thoughts of a higher expression that is able to be drawn up through the "strait gate" -- invoking the process of expansion and deepening of our Mind.

What this means is that every day is Judgment Day -- and our every thought is Judged -- with thoughts of a balanced Wholeness, passing through the "narrrow strait gate" of the Center column of the mind as patterned in the Tree of Life -- and those thoughts and impressions that lack the necessary Balanced Wholeness, being diverted into the outer columns of the Tree of Life and lost into Nature.  Therefore, it is important to understand that when the bio-energy which is the "inheritance" of the prodigal son that he squanders away on "riotous living", what is being allegorically portrayed is the loss of man's inheritance that has the capacity to enable us to enter into Higher Consciousness and Life.   The working of the Natural Laws to text each thought and impression by virtue of what is portrayed as the Law of Octaves, is explored and presented in the subheading entitled The Octave Test Through The Narrow Gate .  But to understand the Law of Octaves, the beginning of the relevant subheadings is at The Application Of The Law Of Octaves And The Trinity ).    

When religious teachings require sexual-purity to avoid negative connections to people other than one's spouse, it is because it becomes very difficult to even impossible to bring about the required merger of the male and female opposite polarities, when the woman is connected to men other than her husband. And Paul correctly presents the problem when he writes to the Congregation at Corinth: "Do you not know that he who unites himself with a prostitute is one with her in body? For it is said, 'The two will become one flesh'". When Jesus said to the woman at the well that she was unable to go and get her husband because she had five husbands (John 4:18), we must be cognizant of the fact that Jesus and other spiritually advanced souls are able to see into the Ætheric (Field) dimensions of mind that surround the body that man in his natural organic condition cannot see.  What Jesus was observing when he made this statement, was the stream of vital life-force from five different men with whom the woman had sex, as a connective thought-stream entering into her.  Moreover, when Jesus told her that even the man she was with at present could not be her husband in the genuine spiritual meaning of the word, what he was conveying was that because of the polluted environment that she has permitted her body to become, she was incapable of having a genuine husband. Since on one level you stay connected to whom ever you have had sex with, there is only the exchange of low-level thought-impressions which cannot be exchanged at a higher level -- and only drive the person into confusion and meaningless carnal thinking. Thus, mentally and spiritually grounding the people to the mundane earth.  And while the more advanced the soul, the more they are able to deal with adverse body environmental conditions, in most instances even these few become warped in their perception and thinking.  In the same way that a genetic imbalance in a developing embryo creates mental impairment and conditions such as Down Syndrome, the same is true on the next higher holographic level with the bombardment of low-level thoughts from people who one has been previously sexually connected to.  In the same way that the two sides of the ear must move and resonate together, so too must husband and wife.

The Mental Birth Process is controlled and brought about by the Natural Laws.  A reality that is never mentioned by Christians is the words of Jesus with respect to the thoughts and words of a seeker where he stated: "But I say unto you, That every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day of judgment" (Matt 12:36).  And what words are not considered idle?  Paul tells us to "Pray without ceasing" (1Thes 5:17).  And "…take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ" (2 Cor 10:5).  Further, how can such an accounting of idle words and thoughts even be made?   Only those who understand the workings of the Royal Law -- as portrayed in the The Ebionite Heresy -- are able to comprehend the reality of these words that faith-based believers choose to ignore.  And even if a believer accepts the validity of the foregoing words, it is difficult to understand (1) what makes words considered Idle; (2) how idle words are discerned and judged; (3) and what is the result of idle words that are not obedient to Christ?  

The answer to the crucial questions is Wholeness of Thought that (1) passes through the testing of the Law of Octaves (see The Octaves And The Narrow Gate: ); (2) merges and balances the Four Gates of the Mind (see The Four Gates Of The Mind ); (3) and advances the process of birth as presented in the teaching: "making the two one, and when you make the inside like the outside and the outside like the inside, and the above like the below, and when you make the male and the female one and the same, so that the male not be male nor the female female".  

To understand the process of birth and the functioning of the Natural Laws which test our every thought for Wholeness -- how every thought is monitored by the Law of Octaves with respect to entering into and through the "narrow strait gate" -- it is important to recognize and understand the words of the elder son when the prodigal son returned to the Kingdom of the Father -- i.e., where the prodigal son is portrayed as having "devoured your assets with prostitutes" (Luke 15:30).  But these words can only be comprehended when it is understood that (1) mankind is intimately connected and linked to this realm; (2) that this lower earthly world is feminine in relation to the upper spiritual; (3) and the Generative Power with which the male is imbued with, is the vital life-force that is literally sucked up by the organic life of this realm.  In the same way that the vegetable kingdom is the source of the oxygen that organic life breathes and utilizes in the sustenance of life, the male generative power provides vital life-force to maintain the higher consciousness of organic life.   And in the parable of the two sons, the "riotous living" of the prodigal son was representative of the loss of this vital life-force.  Which means that when it is understood that this world is feminine in relation to the higher heavenly realities, that when the elder son portrays the squandering away of the Fathers inheritance on harlots and prostitutes, he was making reference to the loss of the Generative Power on the things of no substance and meaning in this world.      

When Eve (Woman) was separated from Adam (Man), she was portrayed as a "help-meet".  Quoting from Woman As Man's Help-Meet And Savior : Modern science has recognized what can be called the "bonding hormone" in the form of the secretion of oxytocin when a woman hugs with a man.  "It's like a hormone of attachment, you might say," said Carol Rinkleib Ellison, a clinical psychologist in private practice in Loomis, California and former assistant clinical psychiatry professor at the University of California, San Francisco. "It creates feelings of calm and closeness" (see The Effects Of Oxytocin).    Thus, the Britannica states that "Oxytocin and its receptors also play a role in pro-social behaviours, including in social motivation, social recognition, trust, and pair-bonding" -- and hugging and close interaction, is an integral part of the pair-bonding sexual process.   In the article at Your Hormones, it states that "More recently, oxytocin has been suggested to be an important player in social behaviour.  In the brain, oxytocin acts as a chemical messenger and has been shown to be important in human behaviours including sexual arousal, recognition, trust, anxiety and mother-infant bonding. As a result, oxytocin has been called the ‘love hormone’ or ‘cuddle chemical’."   The foregoing provokes the question:  What is it that you want out of life?  Quoting from the article The Real Meaning Of Help Meet:

In Hebrew the two words that "help meet" are derived from are the words "ezer" and the word 'k’enegdo".   Ezer which is commonly translated as "help" is really a rich word with a much deeper meaning. In her book Eve and the Choice Made in Eden, Beverly Campbell explains, “According to biblical scholar David Freedman, the Hebrew word translated thee into English as “help” is ezer. This word is a combination of two roots, one meaning “to rescue”, “to save,” and the other meaning “to be strong.” Just as the roots merged into one word, so did their meanings. At first ezer meant either “to save” or “to be strong,” but in time, said Freedman, ezer “ was always interpreted as ‘to help’ a mixture of both nuances.”  Diana Webb in her book Forgotten Women of God also clarifies this word by explaining, "The noun ezer occurs 21 times in the Hebrew Bible. In eight of these instances the word means “savior”. These examples are easy to identify because they are associated with other expressions of deliverance or saving. Elsewhere in the Bible, the root ezer means “strength.... the word is most frequently used to describe how God is an ezer to man. "

From a biological-spiritual perspective, woman as personified in the allegorical account of Eve,  is man's (Adam) most immediate savior.   She not only Completes him,  but she has the unique ability to draw him up from the excesses of his positively-charged lower nature -- returning back to him the necessary impressions as a mental food on a higher plane, that brings about higher expansion and deepening of mind.   Which is why in the Spiritual Communities of the past, all contact with a young female was always chaperoned.   To the wise and spiritually enlightened men of the past, what a young woman brings to the marriage is of an immeasurable importance.   Again quoting Beverly Campbell: "Thus, it seems that through imprecise translation, our understanding of the powerful words used originally to describe Eve’s role have been diminished. As a result, our understanding or Mother Eve has also been diminished. Suppose we had all, male and female alike, been taught to understand Genesis 2:18 as something like the following, 'It is not good that man should be alone. I will make him a companion of strength and power who has a saving power and is equal with him'.”   When a woman permits herself to become attached to a number of men, this "saving power" is greatly diminished, and she can no longer fulfill her intended role.   Thus, the woman that has permitted herself to become spiritually polluted through many connections with men other than her husband, can no longer garner her feminine power that enables her to Complete and Raise Up her husband -- and in the process, Completing herself Spiritually.   A woman who is attached to other men, cannot fulfill the dynamic spiritual role of the feminine within the construct of the Laws of Creation.   And while this may appear extreme by modern cultural standards where casual and hookup sex has become a part of the recreational sex environment, the reality of life is seen in the fact that choices have consequences.  There is a reason why the Bible condemns fornication and adultery -- and not to understand that reason, is to become entrapped in a condition of spiritual ignorance.  If what Paul and the other Gospel Authors stated is true, and there exist higher realities and dimensions of being that are totally inconceivable to the mind of the undeveloped faith-based believer (see Mysteries Of The Gospel ) -- and by virtue of the immaturity of the faith-based believers brought about by an embryonic condition of mind which Paul portrayed as the "natural" mind of man -- and the limitations of this embryonic condition of mind even inhibited Jesus from conveying the true meaning of the scriptures, and the higher reality of the soul and the Kingdom to all but his inner core of disciples (see In The House - Taught In Parables) -- which means that the biblical authors were therefore powerless to explain in detail many of the most important Gospel teachings and concepts in the literal text of the New Testament -- then the spiritually mature author's of the scriptures who were themselves enlightened to these higher realities, remained virtually powerless to do anything more than to provide the people with a list of do's and don'ts -- so that the faith-based believers will be in a position where they will be better able to evolve to a mature understanding and comprehension of the teachings of Jesus and TheWay.  To totally ignore these do's and don'ts, without knowing the consequence of one's choices and actions, is paramount to walking out onto a freeway blindfolded.      

In the same way that the embryo which formed each persons physical body was made up of the ovum and sperm that became ONE in their mother's womb, when rightly understood this world is merely the next higher level of womb -- i.e., a mental womb. And much of this is explained at The Esoteric Feminine Mystique. That you enter this world as a Cosmic Ovum or Sperm, means that at best you are only one third of the whole -- and the purpose of sex is to connect up the two halves on this plane (man and woman) so the higher reality of the Third-Force that is formed by the joining of the two can be brought about on a higher-plane. And with the interaction of the opposites (male/female spheres of mind), this has the potential to form and manifest what can be portrayed as a morphic field where the two are not only made "one flesh", but that the higher areas of mind and being can form and evolve the relationship (see Gender Blindness And The Process Of Birth).  When the man and woman live in a Divine Union, then there is an exchange, interaction and raising up of the minds as the higher mental spheres develop and connect the person you are in this world with your higher Soul-Self.  But in order for this to happen, the man and woman must interact on all levels of their being -- as equal and united halves.  If the woman is connected to a man other than her husband, then this interaction of the spheres of mind is not possible -- and the vital life-force is lost into nature.  In the case of a man, these other women are as dependents that drain him of his vital life-force -- rather than reflect and raise him up as with a true wife.   And thus, because this necessary interaction of opposites cannot take place, the  remain flat-lined. I expanded upon this process to some degree on the Know Thyself article under the heading The Divine Pattern Of Mind And Being.

  The Coverture-Marriage And The Tree Of Life:  The only Marriage that is Genuine and Consecrated, is the marriage where the Duality of Man and Woman is made "one flesh" in a Sanctified Coverture-Marriage Union.   After eating the forbidden fruit of the Tree of Duality (a.k.a. Tree Of Knowledge Of Good And Evil), the statement was made in the allegorical account of Genesis: "The man has now become like one of us, knowing good and evil. He must not be allowed to reach out his hand and take also from the tree of life and eat, and live forever" (Gen 3:22-23 -- see The Process Of Birth Within The Tree Of Life ).   Thus, the promise is that those who eat the fruit of the Tree of Life, will live forever.  That the Tree of Life is something that all of mankind can gain access to, and be nourished by the Divine Manna and life-giving fruit thereof, is demonstrated in the statement in the Revelation: "'He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches. To him who overcomes, I will grant to eat of the tree of life which is in the Paradise of God'" (Rev 2:7).  Thus, only when our Duality is restored in Oneness and Wholeness, do we Overcome -- and only then can we be nourished by the fruit of the Tree of Life.  And respecting the Tree of Life it is written: "Then he showed me a river of the water of life, clear as crystal, coming from the throne of God and of the Lamb, in the middle of its street. On either side of the river was the tree of life, bearing twelve kinds of fruit, yielding its fruit every month; and the leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations" (Rev 22:1-2).   Thus, it is ultra-important to understand that the Tree of Life has twelve different kinds of fruit, as patterned in the image on the right -- which corresponds to the twelve primary spheres of Mind.  And man's great diversity and superior intellect is drawn from the fact that each of the twelve spheres of mind see and perceptively-understand all of life from a different and often opposite perspective.  And when rightly understood, the mind as portrayed in the diagram and pattern of the Tree of Life is comprised of four trinities spanning man's divided earthly and spiritual natures.   

With the division and duality of Male and Female in the outer left and right columns, all interaction between the upper heavenly and lower earthly kingdoms is controlled and brought about by the Male and Female Paradoxical Opposite Spheres of Mind.   The Thoughts and Impressions of the Male and Female Opposite Columns are portrayed as the Forbidden Fruit of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, because so long as one side of the paradoxical opposite spheres of mind dominates the other -- instead of Balancing in the Center -- lack of development and immaturity will continue to inhibit the necessary transformative process of mental-expansion and spiritual-deepening that is associated with Enlightenment and the Anointing (Messiah/Christ) of the mind.   And so long at the Male and Female opposite spheres of mind fail to interact as equals, while continuing to maintain their opposite powers of perceptive-vision and paradoxical understanding, all growth and development will remain mentally and spiritually flat-lined.  In definition, a Paradox is when two seemingly opposing truths are both equally correct -- and can only be harmonized and brought into Oneness on a Higher Plane of Consciousness and Reality where the paradoxical opposites are brought together to form a Higher Truth that is beyond the comprehension of mind on the initial lower plane of consciousness where the paradoxical opposites are seen as being in conflict.    

The Connection between the Upper-Heavenly and the Lower-Earthly Kingdoms -- which are Male/Positive and Female/Negative Opposite Polarities in relation to each other -- can only be made through the Male and Female Columns of the Tree of Duality with the testing of Wholeness through the narrow strait gate by the Law of Octaves (see The Octave Test Through The Narrow Gate ).  As Jesus taught: "They that are whole have no need of the physician, but they that are sick: I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance" (Mark 2:17).  Therefore, every thought and impression that the mind of man generates, is tested for Wholeness as attested to in the statement: "…take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ" (2 Cor 10:5) -- and every word is judged, as attested to in the statement: "But I say unto you, That every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day of judgment" (Matt 12:36).  Allegorically, the testing of the thoughts and words of man is brought about by the Natural Laws that only permit Wholeness to pass through the "narrow strait gate" as portrayed in the words: "So He drove out the man and stationed cherubim to the east of the Garden of Eden, with a whirling sword of flame to guard the way to the tree of life" (Gen 3:24).  What this means is that every thought is judged for Wholeness -- and only those thoughts and impressions that are Whole and Balanced can gain passage by the "cherubim" who guard the Tree of Life with their "whirling sword of flame", are able to enter through the "narrow strait gate" and into the Center of the Tree of Life (see Entering Eden's Gate Within ).

Since the upper Heavenly and the lower Earthly Kingdoms can only be brought together through the testing of the Law of Octaves through the Male and Female Columns of Tree of Knowledge, the application of that Self-Knowledge is crucial to the transformational process of achieving the necessary mental-expansion and spiritual-deepening that brings about Wholeness of Mind and Being.  Therefore, the Linear/Male and the Intuitive/Female must empathetically understand not only the weaknesses and strengths of their gender paradoxical opposites, but also their own weaknesses and strengths.  In a Divine Coverture-Marriage where the woman/wife has become a surrogate for the man's/husband's suppressed "X" feminine attributes and spheres of mind, this empathic perception of the opposite strengths and weaknesses is much easier than in a celibate non-marriage mindset and lifestyle.  Why?  The man/male who is far more Linear than his wife/female who is far more Intuitive than her husband, must understand the strengths and weaknesses of both his own mental-polarity, and the opposite polarity of his wife's/feminine mind.   The fact that man and woman see, understand and interpret all of life differently and often opposite from their paradoxical opposite gender, is the means by which all strengths and weaknesses can be merged into Wholeness.   

When Jesus said to the woman at the well that she was unable to go and get her husband because she had five husbands (John 4:18), we must be cognizant of the fact that Jesus and other spiritually advanced souls are able to see into the Ætheric (Field) dimensions of mind that surround the body that man in his natural organic condition cannot see.  What Jesus was observing when he made this statement, was the stream of vital life-force from five different men with whom the woman had sex, as a connective thought-stream entering into her.  Moreover, when Jesus told her that even the man she was with at present could not be her husband in the genuine spiritual meaning of the word, what he was conveying was that because of the polluted environment that she had permitted her body to become, she was incapable of having a genuine husband.  Since on one level a woman stays connected to whom ever she has had sex with, there is only the exchange of low-level thought-impressions which cannot be exchanged at a higher level -- and only drive the person into confusion and meaningless carnal thinking. Thus, mentally and spiritually grounding the people to the mundane earth.  And while the more advanced the soul, the more they are able to deal with adverse body environmental conditions.  In the same way that a genetic imbalance in a developing embryo creates mental impairment and conditions such as Down Syndrome, the same is true on the next higher holographic level with the bombardment of low-level thoughts from people who one has been previously sexually connected to.  In the same way that the two sides of the ear must move and resonate together, so too must husband and wife.

I previously provided the findings of a modern scientific Study which confirmed the biblical assertion that many sexual partners defile our body -- making us unfit to even  enter into a Genuine Coverture-Marriage where it was found that: "Women retain and carry living DNA from every man with whom they have sexual intercourse, according to a new study by the University of Seattle and the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center" (see Study). Further explaining: "This has very important ramifications for women. Every male you absorb spermatazoa from becomes a living part of you for life. The women autopsied in this study were elderly. Some had been carrying the living male DNA inside them for well over 50 years. Sperm is alive. It is living cells. When it is injected into you it swims and swims until it crashes headlong into a wall, and then it attaches and burrows into your flesh. If it’s in your mouth it swims and climbs into your nasal passages, inner ear, and behind your eyes. Then it digs in. It enters your blood stream and collects in your brain and spine. Like something out of a scifi movie, it becomes a part of you and you can’t get rid of it. We are only now beginning to understand the full power and ramifications of sexual intercourse"

From a positive perspective, what this means is that in a genuine Coverture-Union-Marriage, the woman not only becomes part of the man -- but she becomes the opposite three-dimensions that have the power to complete the three-dimensional embodiment of the man/husband.  Thus, we see the interaction of the six dimensions of the Tree of Duality through the male and female columns that are intimately connected when the woman becomes part of the man.  Because the male DNA becomes embedded in the brain, nervous system, and even the organs of the woman, the Natural Laws makes them "one flesh" -- mentally interacting from each opposite side of what is allegorically portrayed as the Tree of Duality (Knowledge of Good and Evil).  Now in the case where the wife is not a genuine spiritual seeker -- and does not make herself part of her husband in a Coverture-Union-Marriage -- and has not been a Soul-Seeker with her husband from life to life who employs all her resources of mind and spirit to complete, interact and raise her husband up -- then there is no spiritual alchemy within the union of the man and woman.  


Man And Woman And The Four Gates of the Mind: When Eve was drawn from the side of Adam, the mind of mankind became divided by the polarities of male and female.   When man meets woman, it is in reality one half of the mind meeting it's opposite half -- and when they unite as Husband and Wife in a Coverture-Union (see  ), they possess the innate ability to open the inner door to restoring Wholeness.  And while this recognition of Self is rare, there are some men and women who understand the full mental and spiritual dynamics of Wholeness.  These few understand that sex is a catalyst that joins and connects the two halves of the Mind (see DNA Exchange ).  And as halves of the whole, the man and woman understand that every weakness in the man, is a strength of the woman -- and every weakness of the woman, is a strength of the man -- and together they can conquer all obstacles that they encounter in their advancement to Wholeness and Perfection.  

The ancients portrayed what constitutes the Four Gates of the Mind, Earth, Water, Fire and Air.  Quoting from Classical Elements in the Wikipedia: "Classical elements typically refer to the concepts of earth, water, air, fire, and (later) aether, which were proposed to explain the nature and complexity of all matter in terms of simpler substances. Ancient cultures in Persia, Greece, Babylonia, Japan, Tibet, and India had similar lists...".   Enlightened wise men understood that what was being portrayed, was the four gates of the mind -- with æther being Spirit.  This body of esoteric self-knowledge that was a part of every culture, was derived from Spirit -- portrayed as the Ætheres -- and was the manna of those who fulfilled the adage to Know Thyself.   And men of wisdom have always known that man and woman are half of each other -- as is the heavenly and the earthly.  And Higher Knowledge belongs exclusively to those who can in a balanced and wholistic manner, draw from the four gates the nourishment that enables the person to become Enlightened -- and ultimately Anointed (Messiah/Christ).  Which means that to the wise men of the past, woman was a great deal more than a sexual partner -- but rather, the other half of man who possessed mental and spiritual abilities that organic man does not.  

In the subheading, The Law Of Action And Reaction , I use the image of the heart on the right, to show that the two halves of ManWoman must become, in order to enter into a Covertur-Marriage that permits their thoughts and impressions to pass by the Law of Octaves.  Quoting from the previous link: In the same way that the contraction of the two atrium chambers of the heart initiate the contraction in the ventricles of the heart, in this divided reality every action initiates a reactive-action in its opposite polarity.  Which from the higher perspective of mankind wherein the pattern of the complexity of mind is manifest in the pattern of the Tree of Life,  it means that every word, and every action you make, initiates an opposite polarity-action that MUST BE BALANCED IN THE CENTER OF THE TREE OF LIFE.  When balance and wholeness is achieved, then growth and development is brought about.  When the active and reflective opposites cannot be balanced within one's own self, then the action becomes externalized -- which in the parable of the prodigal son, is portrayed as the squandering away of the inheritance on "riotous living".   But because the loss or externalization of the bio-energy is stamped with what can be portrayed as the imprint of our Spiritual DNA, it MUST return back to us -- and this process can and does continue until Wholeness and Completion is achieved.  Only in a true Coverture-Union-Marriage to the outer male and female columns of Tree of Duality function as ONE, in the manner of a healthy heart -- thereby permitting the thoughts and impressions to enter through the "narrow strait gate" that brings about the transformational mental-expansion and spiritual-deepening of seeker.  Those few who understood the mental and spiritual dynamics of the male/female relationship, became truly Knowing and Enlightened -- while the rest merely propagated the next generation.     

The lower earthly nature of mankind is the negative polarity of the positive upper heavenly nature. But the two paradoxical male and female opposites (heavenly and earthly), can only be brought together with the proper interaction of the male and female columns of the Tree of Duality in an interactive Union of Mind. And this is very important -- i.e., in the union of the opposite polarities of man and women in the Tree of Duality, greater balanced access to the opposite polarities of the heavenly and earthly can be achieved.  When the duality of man and woman are individualized and separate, then the impressions are also polarized to either the male or female perceptive-vision and divided realities of life.  But, with the joining together in a Coverture-Marriage of the opposite polarities of Linear-Male and Intuitive-Female, the Impressions drawn from both the upper-heavenly and lower-earthly opposites, is balanced through the balance of the opposite columns of the Tree of Duality.  Which means that when you add in the three-dimensions of the upper heavenly Gate -- in relation to it's paradoxical opposite in the three-dimensions of the lower earthly Gate -- into the three-dimensions of the male Gate of the linear male spheres of mind in the husband -- into the three-dimensions of the female Gate of the Intuitive spheres of mind in the wife -- and this interaction of the Four Gates is brought about in a genuine Coverture-Union-Marriage -- what you have is the dynamic equation that with the transformative mental-expansion and spiritual-deepening, has the capacity to evolve into the manifestation of the twelve-dimensional Mind as patterned in the spheres of the Tree of Life.  And if you understand the Law of Octaves, this is how the transformational reality of the necessary mental-expansion and spiritual-deepening of the seeker is brought about in accord with Natural Law.

How important is this dynamic interaction of the four gates and the balanced impressions that nourish the mind of the seeker?  When Jesus said to the woman at the well that she was unable to go and get her husband because she had five husbands (John 4:18), we must be cognizant of the fact that Jesus and other spiritually advanced souls are able to see into the Ætheric (Field) dimensions of mind that surround the body that man in his natural organic condition cannot see.  What Jesus was observing when he made this statement, was the stream of vital life-force from five different men with whom the woman had sex, as a connective thought-stream entering into her.  Moreover, when Jesus told her that even the man she was with at present could not be her husband in the genuine spiritual meaning of the word, what he was conveying was that because of the polluted environment that she has permitted her body to become, she was incapable of having a genuine husband.  And therefore, she could not receive the Living Waters of the Spirit.  Since on one level you stay connected to whom ever you have had sex with, there is only the exchange of low-level thought-impressions which cannot be exchanged at a higher level -- and only drive the person into confusion and meaningless carnal thinking. Thus, mentally and spiritually grounding the people to the mundane earth. And while the more advanced the soul, the more they are able to deal with adverse body environmental conditions.  In the same way that a genetic imbalance in a developing embryo creates mental impairment and conditions such as Down Syndrome, the same is true on the next higher holographic level with the bombardment of low-level thoughts from people who one has been previously sexually connected to. In the same way that the two sides of the ear must move and resonate together, so too must husband and wife.

In many respects it can be said that the spouse that you choose -- in conjunction with the substance and depth of the marriage you build -- will define the success or failure of your life.   In the same way that the two halves of the heart must totally support the opposite half, so too can the same be said of one's spouse.   Your True-Self is the balance of male and female and dwells in a twelve-dimensional higher reality.   As a man or a woman who dwells in this three-dimensional sub-realm with a body that has been formed out of the lower earthly consciousness, your advancement, as well as your mental and spiritual development, will remain virtually flat-lined unless you seek Wholeness of Mind and Spirit.   By entering into a Genuine Marriage relationship, you will be presented with the opportunity of advancing by immersing your development in a six-dimensional state of consciousness.   But since marriage is no longer understood as the catalyst that brings about mental and spiritual development, few modern unions between a man and woman are able to fulfill their potential.  

What man or woman in our modern culture embraces marriage as a necessary foundation to bring about mental-development?  Who in our modern culture chooses a spouse on the basis of Higher Spiritual Manifestation?   Yet, so long as you are limited by organic male or organic female consciousness, you will remain blind and unable to comprehend man's higher Soul and Spiritual Reality.   And only by interacting with your (paradoxical ) opposites on all levels of mind and being, will you have any chance of true mental and spiritual advancement and the possibility of acquiring true Self-Knowledge.  






As one of the great enigmas of life, only a handful of people have ever understood the Law of Octaves over the course of human history.   Yet, it is one of the most important realities for a person to understand the presence and movement of the Law in their daily lives.  Why?  In the same way that "every hair on your head has been numbered" (Luke 12:7), the Law of Octaves is a moving force -- i.e., an Organic Bio-Feedback Organism, that intimately interacts with every word, thought, desire and deed of interaction of every aspect of the life you have, and are presently living.  But because of both its importance and complexity, I will present a very simple explanation first -- in the hope that as most people gain an elementary understanding of how the Law of Octaves is one of the most important aspects of their lives, that they will become cognizant of how and why it effects them. 

It is human nature that causes most critics and people who don't understand a concept of truth, to automatically oppose whatever they fail to comprehend.  According to 19th century German philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer, “All truth passes through three stages: First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as self-evident.”  Then there is the similar statement by Einstein when he said: “Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds.”  And since I have always been opposed by the critics, I usually go into great detail in my in-depth explanations.  In the words of Mikhail Kalashnikov who designed the AK-47 which is known as the most reliable weapon ever made: “Things that are complex are not useful, Things that are useful are simple.”  And because of both the importance and the great complexity of the Facts of Life with respect to the Law of Octaves, I will present the simple explanation that is useable by the average person. 

Mankind's great intellect is the result of the divided complexity of his mind that is able to see and understand from different and often opposing perceptions.  Therefore, the mind of man is segmented, so as to provide different images of the same vision or interaction of the life that he is living.  And it is this segmentation of mind that is his strength -- permitting him to conquer and prevail over the obstacles of life -- that is also his greatest weakness.    




Can man know the answers to all of life's enigmas?   While most of mankind will say no -- and others will hold to the belief that they must wait until they pass from this life to know the answers -- there has always been the few who have witnessed that the opposite is true: Stating that the very purpose of life is to seek the Truth and the Mysteries of God -- and if you fail to find the answer to the enigmas of life while you are still in this world, that you will fail to fulfill the very purpose of life itself.   Contrary to popular opinion: There is a reason for all events and things in this life -- but to understand the events, you must understand the Causal-Factors of Life (see The Causal Factors Of Life ).   And while both faith-based believers and unbelieving (Atheists/Agnostics) will all agree that it would be virtually impossible to Know The Truth of the countless enigmas of life, there has always been the few who have opposed the majority opinion.   And these few have always been opposed, because the majority simply can't accept the reality that there exists a Force of Natural Law that inhibits them from perceiving and knowing the Truth of all things.   And while the Universal Voice of the disciple of the Truth -- i.e., the spiritual visionary and mystic -- has always been: "Only when you do and live as I have lived, can you come to know what I know" -- this wisdom of the few has always been rejected by the many.  

What is the conditions of your birth and station in life?   While many of the original Ebionite Nazirene followers and disciples of Jesus -- as well as the pre-Nicene Spiritual Christians -- could readily answer important questions that has alienated modern man from a higher reality that he is in denial of, most people who have been programmed with the modern Atheist Paradigm of Thought will conclude that their birth was fate or chance -- an accident -- or even luck.   Yet, in reality, none of these choices are accurate.   Whether you were born rich, poor, in a third world nation or with a silver spoon in your mouth -- or, somewhere in between -- your religion, your occupation, your country of origin, whether you are a male or female, your sexual orientation, liberal, conservative, libertarian, Atheist, Marxist, environmentalist, anarchist -- whatever your present station in life is, not only the manner you entered into this life was determined prior to your even being born -- but the Laws of God has scripted and preordained all of your possible choices and opportunities that have been presented to you -- as if you are walking through a labyrinth where the measure of your freewill is the determination of what choices you will make with the options that are presented to you.   When rightly understood, this world is God's Schoolhouse for his Prodigal Sons and Daughters -- and in the same way that when a child attends school there is a syllabus and curriculum in order to insure that the process of learning is accomplished in the proper steps, so too is the learning environment of this world.  

Jesus taught that not even a sparrow can fall to the ground apart from the Laws of God that brings about all  the events in this world -- i.e., “Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? And not one of them will fall to the ground without your Father's will” (Matt 10:29 RSV) -- and yet, our modern Atheist-driven culture remains totally ignorant of the very Laws that move all things in this world.   With respect to the foregoing words of Jesus in the Adam Clark Bible Commentary, we find the statement: “The providence of God extends to the minutest things; everything is continually under the government and care of God, and nothing occurs without his will or permission”.   In relation to this verse under the heading of Providence in the Nelson's Illustrated Bible Dictionary it is explained that: “Divine government is the continued activity of God by which He directs all things to the ends He has chosen in His eternal plan… He governs insignificant things (Matt. 10:29-31), apparent accidents (Prov. 16:33), as well as man's good (Phil. 2:13) and evil deeds (Acts 14:16). God acts in accordance with the laws and principles that He has established in the world. The laws of nature are nothing more than man's description of how we perceive God at work in the world. They neither have inherent power nor do they work by themselves. Man is not free to choose and act independently from God's will and plan; he chooses and acts in accordance with them. In His sovereignty, God controls man's choices and actions (Gen. 45:5; Deut. 8:18; Prov. 21:1). God's actions, however, do not violate the reality of human choice or negate man's responsibility as a moral being”.   Thus the question is posed in scripture: “Does evil befall a city, unless the LORD has done it?” (Amos 3:6 RSV).  And what does the scriptures state is the source of darkness and evil? “I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things” (Isa 45:7 KJV).  

If the foregoing is true, then the question should be posed: What criteria and standards does God use in the administration of the Divine Plan and the Natural Laws which are portrayed in the conclusion that  "...He (God) governs insignificant things (Matt. 10:29-31), apparent accidents (Prov. 16:33), as well as man's good (Phil. 2:13) and evil deeds (Acts 14:16). God acts in accordance with the laws and principles that He has established in the world."    Which provokes the question: Just what are these "...laws and principles that He has established in the world" -- and how can man come to understand them?   And while it is clear that Jesus understood these Natural Laws -- even revealing them to his faithful disciples -- the fact that modern Christians are bound by faith in the unknown instead of the revelation of the sure Principles of Law, is a demonstration of the dogmatization of the Gospel.    

The Gospel states that if we truly follow in TheWay, that we will know the Truth that will set us Free (John 8:32) -- which provokes the question: Are the vast majority of those who call themselves Christians today free?  The knowledge that sets man free is neither dogmatic or philosophical -- but rather, a First-Hand Knowledge of all the enigmas that has perplexed mankind since the very dawn of time itself.   And this Truth is captured only by the Bible translation known as The Message which states: "Then Jesus turned to the Jews who had claimed to believe in him.  If you stick with this, living out what I tell you, you are my disciples for sure. Then you will experience for yourselves the truth, and the truth will free you.”  Which raises the question: When rightly understood, is the words of Jesus any different than the Universal Voice of the disciple of Truth which proclaims: "Only when you do and live as I have lived, can you come to know what I know"?   The key to the dilemma is found in the words: “If you stick with this, living out what I tell you...", only then can the knowledge of the Laws that inhibit all of mankind from perceiving and knowing the Truth be revealed to the disciples of Truth.    Which means that there is a Force of Law that inhibits those who fail to , " out" these teachings -- a Force of Law that inhibits them from knowing the Truth to the enigmas of life.         

An interesting statement is made in Genesis in the declaration: And God said, "This is the sign of the covenant I am making between me and you and every living creature with you, a covenant for all generations to come: I have set my rainbow in the clouds, and it will be the sign of the covenant between me and the earth" (Gen 9:12-13) -- but what does this mean?   Only when it is realized that within the spectrum of light, the rainbow is an octave -- portraying the reality that white light is comprised of seven colors -- can the meaning of the sign of the covenant be understood in practical terms.    And when rightly understood, what is called The Law Of Octaves is so holographically embodied in all the Laws of Creation and the Laws of Nature, that without the knowledge of what is portrayed as the meaning of "...the sign of the covenant", it will remain virtually impossible to understand anything of any substance and depth in the life that man is presently living.    In fact, that the vast majority of mankind is found to be totally uninformed with respect to the meaning of "...the sign of the covenant", is the very reason why they remain ignorant of the very far-reaching implications exerted by the Natural Laws upon every aspect of the life that we are presently living.   Which means that when the believer answers one of the enigmas of life with the words: You have to have faith -- and the unbeliever states that if there was a God, that the conditions of life would be different -- both the believer and the unbeliever are answering from the same perspective which is caused by a lack of understanding of "...the sign of the covenant" and the Law of Octaves.     And when rightly understood, no truer statement has ever been made which portrays the plight of the vast majority of mankind than this: "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge ...Therefore, my people have gone into captivity, because they have no knowledge" (Hosea 4:6; Isa 5:13).  Why?  This question is answered in the words: "Those who lead you cause you to err, and destroy the way of your paths" (Isa 3:12 NKJ).  And if the proclamation in the Gospel of Thomas is true -- i.e., "...if you will not know yourselves, you dwell in poverty and it is you who are that poverty" -- then the very Essence of Religion IS the Science of Mind.   Therefore, an important element to Self-Knowledge, is to understand the Forces of Nature and the Laws that are exerting absolute control over every aspect of our Mind and Being.  

We dwell in a world that is held in balance by the Natural Forces and Laws that control every aspect of life.   And when rightly understood, it is man's ignorance of the Natural Forces and Laws that will inhibit any real progress towards the fulfillment of the very reason each of us is living the life that we are at present.   One of the long ignored and gravely misunderstood teachings of the Gospels and all scriptures, is that only the very few who have dedicated their lives to seeking Truth and travailing in TheWay, will possess the ability to comprehend the higher reality of the soul and what is biblically portrayed as the Mysteries of the Kingdom of God (see In The House With The Lord).   The Book of Acts declares that from the One came the many -- and that "God did this so that they would seek him and perhaps reach out for him and find him, though he is not far from any one of us" (Acts 17:27).  

Every day believers and critics of the Bible both read the words which they fail to comprehend the ramifications of.   And because they have no understanding of the consequences of remaining complacent and ignorant -- not comprehending the implications of the reality of the Law of Octaves -- they remain perpetually disenfranchised from not only the true meaning of the scriptures, but also of the realities of the very life they are presently living.   In the Gospel of Thomas declaration that "...if you will not know yourselves, you dwell in poverty and it is you who are that poverty" -- it is the individual's failure to understand the ramifications of the Law of Octaves upon their being and consciousness that makes it virtually impossible for them to understand anything beyond a very surface perception of reality.   And this is why it is declared: "There is a way that seems right to man, but its end is the way of death" (Prov 14:12).  

It is said that the Law of Octaves was the very foundation of the whole of the work of Pythagoras -- it was an integral part of the philosophy of Socrates and Plato -- it was an essential part of the wisdom of Valentinus and the pre-Nicene Spiritual Christians -- made relevant to all the Natural Laws of Creation by John A. Newlands -- and was the foundation of the mystical teachings of G.I.Gurdjieff.   When Jesus said: "For assuredly, I say to you, till heaven and earth pass away, one jot or one tittle will by no means pass from the law till all is fulfilled" -- the means by which the Law would be fulfilled, employed the Law of Octaves as a vehicle to bring the required Wholeness and Completion about.   

What this means is that whoever desires a very technical understanding of the Law of Octaves, there presently exists a massive body from many sources of teachings to which they can turn.   But what is missing is (1) a practical understanding of the Law of Octaves and its relation to the Sermon on the Mount; (2) which is the basis of why the second century Bishop Valentinus taught that the faith-based believer who remains immature in their understanding, has no real continuance beyond their physical death in this life; (3) and why it is declared in the Epistle of Peter and James that if the esoteric teachings of Jesus and the Gospel should become lost, that " will remain even for those who really seek the truth, always to wander in error."   Why would the disciples and brother of Jesus make such a profound statement?   Why can't a seeker simply begin their search for Truth, and have it plainly revealed to them?   The answer is found in the statement: "There is a way that seems right to man, but its end is the way of death" (Prov 14:12) -- which parallels that of Paul who stated: “And if anyone thinks that he knows anything, he knows nothing yet as he ought to know” (1 Cor 8:2 NKJ).        

An excerpt from Manley P. Hall's book The Secret Teachings Of All Ages on the far-reaching ramifications of the Law of Octaves:


To Pythagoras music was one of the dependencies of the divine science of mathematics, and its harmonies were inflexibly controlled by mathematical proportions. The Pythagoreans averred that mathematics demonstrated the exact method by which the  good established and maintained its universe. Number therefore preceded harmony, since it was the immutable law that governs all harmonic proportions. After discovering these harmonic ratios, Pythagoras gradually initiated his disciples into this, the supreme Arcanum of his Mysteries.  He divided the multitudinous parts of creation into a vast number of planes or spheres, to each of which he assigned a tone, a harmonic interval, a number, a name, a color, and a form. He then proceeded to prove the accuracy of his deductions by demonstrating them upon the different planes of intelligence and substance ranging from the most abstract logical premise to the most concrete geometrical solid.  From the common agreement of these diversified methods of proof he established the indisputable existence of certain natural laws.

Having once established music as an exact science, Pythagoras applied his newly found law of harmonic intervals to all the phenomena of Nature, even going so far as to demonstrate the harmonic relationship of the planets, constellations, and elements to each other. A notable example of modern corroboration of ancient philosophical reaching is that of the progression of the elements according to harmonic ratios. While making a list of the elements in the ascending order of their atomic weights, John A. Newlands discovered at every eighth element a distinct repetition of properties. This discovery is known as the law of octaves in modern chemistry.  Since they held that harmony must be determined not by the sense perceptions but by reason and mathematics, the Pythagoreans called themselves Canonics, as distinguished from musicians of the Harmonic School, who asserted taste and instinct to be the true normative principles of harmony. Recognizing, however, the profound effect of music upon the senses and emotions, Pythagoras did not hesitate to influence the mind and body with what he termed "musical medicine." (The Secret Teachings Of All The Ages, by Manley P. Hall).


One of Pythagoras’s most important contributions to the development of philosophy was the idea that abstract thinking is superior to the evidence of the senses. This was taken up by Plato in his theory of Forms, and resurfaced in the philosophical method of the rationalists in the 17t h cent u r y.  The Pythagorian attempt to combine the rational with the religious was the first attempt to grapple with a problem that has dogged philosophy and religion in some ways ever since.



  The Essence Of The Gospel: When the disciples who were portrayed as being set apart from the rest of the people -- who were said to be dwelling In The House -- asked Jesus why he taught the multitude of people in the enigma of parables -- wherein, each person's interpretation and understanding was in accord with their own mindset and thinking -- Jesus replied to his disciples: "Unto you is given the mystery of the kingdom of God: but unto them that are without, all things are done in parables: that seeing they may see, and not perceive; and hearing they may hear, and not understand; lest haply they should turn again, and it should be forgiven them" (Mark 4:11-12 ASV) -- and the term, "...lest haply they should turn again", is stated in reference to the Kingdom that can only be found within one's own mind and being, and the presence of the One Teacher therein.    What is clear is that the disciples who were portrayed as being In The House, were taught entirely different than the common people who were portrayed as being "outside".   In the Gospel of John the question was posed to Jesus as to why he would not show himself to the people who were "outside": "Then Judas (not Judas Iscariot) said, But, Lord, why do you intend to show yourself to us and not to the world?" (John 14:22 NIV).   And in answering this question, the focus was on the necessity of obeying Jesus' Commands as presented in the Gospel: "Jesus replied, If anyone loves me, he will obey my teaching. My Father will love him, and we will come to him and make our home with him. He who does not love me will not obey my teaching. These words you hear are not my own; they belong to the Father who sent me" (John 14:23-24 NIV).   And perhaps even more important is the statement: "I have yet many things to say unto you, but ye cannot bear them now" (John 16:12 KJV). 

While the modern Christian Church dogmatically rejects the above teachings of Jesus and the Gospel statements, the Apostle Paul confirms what is being stated when he declared: “But the natural man does not receive the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him; nor can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned” (1 Cor 2:14 NKJ).  Paul then goes on and warns these believers of a natural organic mind who were baptized and dedicated to Christ: “And I, brethren, could not speak to you as to spiritual men, but as to men of flesh, as to babes in Christ” (1 Cor 3:1 NAS). Thus, these believers could only be taught the doctrine of Jesus Christ and him crucified (1 Cor 2:2), because they were not yet spiritual men -- but rather, they were men of flesh -- infantile in their thinking and understanding -- and still very much “babes in Christ”.  Paul then explains that: “I gave you milk to drink, not solid food; for you were not yet able to receive it. Indeed, even now you are not yet able” (1 Cor 3:2 NAS).    And it is this same "milk of the Gospel" that is of an "elementary" nature, that is intended for entry-level Christians, that is still preached in our Churches today.   

When Paul warned that he could only speak to the believers at Corinth as " of flesh, as to babes in Christ” (1 Cor 3:1 NAS), what he was warning was that “Anyone who lives on milk, being still an infant, is not acquainted with the teaching about righteousness. But solid food is for the mature, who by constant use have trained themselves to distinguish good from evil” (Heb 5:13-14 NIV).   Speaking of the milk of the Gospel which is intended for the entry-level believers of the simple faith, the Church Father Origen explained that it was  “preached in the Churches... for the simpleminded and for the ears of the common crowd who are led on to live better lives by their belief”.  

What the natural carnally minded believers had trouble in comprehending -- a reality that continues to plague Jewish, Christian, Muslim, the New Age, as well as Atheists, and the people of all religious faiths today -- is the reality that the religion preached by Paul was one of Spiritual Transformation.   Paul warned those he preached to about the "letter that killeth", that their religious ideas and doctrines were merely elementary.   And Paul could no more convey to the Christians of the simple faith the deeper realities of the soul and the Inner Kingdom, than he could feed a new born infant a steak dinner.   And in the same way that the infant is physically not prepared to chew and digest solid food, neither is the organic mind of man -- or the (Christian) believers of the simple faith -- even remotely prepared to comprehend the higher reality of the soul and the Kingdom of God.  

Paul attempted to convey this higher reality to believers who were unable to comprehend the Mysteries of God, because he was a man who was not only enlightened about the Kingdom within (see Gate Of Eden), but had himself been permitted entrance into the Kingdom -- as seen in his words that every Christian who beseeches the Lord today to enlighten their understanding, is in fact asking to see and hear “…things so astounding that they are beyond a man's power to describe or put in words…” -- and after they gaze upon these mysteries, what they have witnessed will be of such a profound nature that they will “…not [be] allowed to tell them to others” (2 Cor 12:4 TLB).  Which raises the profoundly important question pertaining to the nature of the Gospel teachings that to their own detriment remains ignored by modern faith-based Christians: Why would Paul not be permitted to tell the Christians of the simple faith about the profound realities that he witnessed?   For the very same reason why I write above that man in his natural organic state of mind is UnTeachable!

In the Martyrdom of Ignatius (first Century Overseer of Antioch), Ignatius speaks of himself as a disciple of John.  In his Epistle to the Ephesians he writes that he has been “initiated into the mysteries of the Gospel with Paul, the holy, the martyred”. In his Epistle to the Trallaus he speaks of the mysteries and writes: “Might I not write to you things more full of mystery? But I fear to do so, lest I should inflict injury on you who are babes. Pardon me in this respect, lest, as not being able to receive their weighty import, ye should be strangled by them”.  Ignatius also writes that though he is aware of the mysteries, he is not yet “by any means perfect, nor am I such a disciple as Paul or Peter”.  What preacher of the gospel today warns his congregation that if he was to reveal the true teachings of the New Covenant -- the Gospel of God -- he would “inflict injury on you who are babes” in Christ?  What teaching of the Lord could a present-day preacher of the Gospel reveal that the congregation of believers are not “able to receive their weighty import”?  If Ignatius, or the other early Church Fathers who knew the Mysteries of the Kingdom of God were with us today, what profound mystery could they speak regarding the true teachings of Jesus that believers today would be “strangled by them”


In the same way that you began your present physical journey in this life as an embryo in your mother's womb -- and in order to be born, you had to evolve through the necessary stages of development which prepared you for physical birth -- when you were born and entered this world, you once again became an embryo through which you have to evolve through the necessary stages of development in order to bring about the next stage of birth that Jesus taught was necessary to enter into Life in the Kingdom.   When you were in your mother's womb, your body was developing to the level that it could sustain physical life -- but upon being born, you entered what can be portrayed as the womb of Mother-Earth that is the necessary environment where mental and spiritual development must be brought about (see Cosmic Ovum And Sperm).     But herein lies the problem as seen in the fact that, in order for the mind to develop, the person must have the necessary desire to seek Truth and the Kingdom -- they must possess the necessary freewill to make choices -- and they must be able to live out and experience the result of these choices.    Without freewill and the environment to live out and experience the result of our choices, the mind can never develop the necessary attributes that would enable mankind to reach and achieve his ultimate destiny.   And what Paul is stating in the above, is that it is impossible for man in his "natural" embryonic condition to comprehend the higher reality of the soul and the Mysteries of the Kingdom -- and in Paul's own words, if man in his embryonic condition which Paul portrayed as the "natural" organic mind of man, was to be exposed to these higher concepts of the soul and the Mysteries of the Kingdom of God, he would reject these concepts as utter "foolishness" -- “But the natural man does not receive the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him; nor can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned (1 Cor 2:14 NKJ).    And when it is recognized that Paul was not speaking about non-believers -- but rather, he was speaking of baptized and committed Christians who he had personally taught the tenets of the Gospel which he portrayed as the "testimony" of Christ -- only in a full recognition of Paul's words can the faith-based Christian begin the journey to spiritual maturity.   Which means that a sincere and genuine Christian believer would immediately recognize the far-reaching implications and pose the question: If those who were taught directly by Paul were yet too immature and incapable of comprehending the true meaning of the Gospel, then how can the modern Christian who has been swayed by countless opinions and dogmatic doctrines, even begin to understand what those who were taught by Paul could not?   To the degree that the very disciples and the Lord's Brother declared that if the inner Gospel teachings were to become lost, that " will remain even for those who really seek the truth, always to wander in error."   Resulting in the fact that because the modern Christian faith-based believer has chosen to dogmatically ignore these profoundly important words emanating to them right out of the very pages of the New Testament which they claim to abide by,  they have imposed upon themselves and their children the choice of self-exile from the Kingdom -- and choosing instead to dwell in a Spiritual Diaspora of Ignorance.   Yet, if they understood the ramifications of the Law of Octaves, they would possess the ability to prevail over this condition of ignorance which Jesus portrayed as the "outer darkness" of mind and being (see Outer Darkness), and the inner spiritual meaning of the Gospel and the Mysteries of the Kingdom could and would then be revealed to them.  



Precept Upon Precept: What Mystics such as Pythagoras, Socrates, Plato, Valentinus, the original disciples of Jesus, and in more modern times G.I.Gurdjieff knew, that others do not, is that for every action there is not only a reaction -- but there are testing points built into the Laws of Creation that must be satisfied, in order to move beyond the barrier that these Laws present.   What this means is that in our development, you can't skip the rungs of the proverbial Jacob's Ladder.   In the same way that when an embryo begins to form in the womb, it's development is not haphazard, adhoc or piecemeal -- but rather, the forming of the physical body in the womb is controlled and in direct accord with the human DNA blueprint.   In like manner, when the body has passed through the first stage of birth and emerges out of the womb of the infants physical mother, this same exacting stages of development is instituted in accord with the Divine Design of the Natural Laws of Creation.   And this reality has been set forth in the words: "Whom will he teach knowledge? And whom will he make to understand the message? Those just weaned from milk? Those just drawn from the breasts? For precept must be upon precept, precept upon precept, line upon line, line upon line, here a little, there a little" (Isa 28:9-10 NKJ).    And Paul explained this reality in the words: “I gave you milk to drink, not solid food; for you were not yet able to receive it. Indeed, even now you are not yet able” (1 Cor 3:2 NAS).   If the elementary teachings presented by Paul was the "milk" of the Gospel, then each level of maturity gained by climbing the rungs of Jacob's Ladder must be achieved incrementally -- i.e., "...For precept must be upon precept, precept upon precept, line upon line, line upon line, here a little, there a little".  

Devine Design: The question should be asked? If the above biblical quotations are correct, what inhibits man from jumping the rungs of Jacob's Ladder?   When rightly understood, it is the Law of Octaves which is indigenous and organic to every aspect of the Divine Design and the Natural Laws of Creation, that directly inhibits us from comprehending what is above the rung of Jacob's Ladder that we are presently on.   When Paul came and taught the "milk" of the Gospel -- i.e., the "testimony" of Christ -- to the congregation at Corinth, he taught with the expectation that as they embraced the "milk", that they would be nourished to the degree where they could begin to receive what Paul portrayed as "solid food" -- i.e., “I gave you milk to drink, not solid food" -- and this "solid food" could only be discerned and received spiritually -- by a spiritually developed and matured mind -- which condition of maturity permits the seeker/disciple to be taught directly from the Logos/Son of God that dwells within each of us (see Learning From The True Prophet) -- at the very core of our being.    And this instruction received directly from the Source of all Truth, could only be in accord with the testing of the Law of Octaves which insured that we evolve to maturity "...precept ...upon precept, precept upon precept, line upon line, line upon line, here a little, there a little".  

Of even greater importance is the reality that when Jesus taught in parables -- i.e., "With many similar parables Jesus spoke the word to them, as much as they could understand. He did not say anything to them without using a parable. But when he was alone with his own disciples, he explained everything" (Mark 4:33-34 NIV).   Which means that each person could only understand his teachings in accord with their own spiritual condition.   Wherein it is stated very plainly that the multitude of people who are portrayed as being "without", could not understand the true (spiritual) meaning of Jesus' teachings: "When he was alone, the Twelve and the others around him asked him about the parables.  He told them, "The secret of the kingdom of God has been given to you. But to those on the outside everything is said in parables so that, they may be ever seeing but never perceiving, and ever hearing but never understanding" Mark 4:10-12 NIV).   And once again the paramount question is: Why don't all hears understand the same?   Why would Jesus teach in the enigma of parables?   Why did the "...secret of the kingdom of God" belong only to the few?   And what Force of Law permitted the few who were portrayed as being In The House to comprehend the true meaning, while those who were "without" did not?

Every idle word -- how are they tracked

In the parable of TheCall to the Wedding Feast, when Jesus portrayed those who had failed to put on the required Wedding Garment as being cast into the sorrows of the "outer darkness" of mind and being (see Outer Darkness), the reality portrayed was that of being bound to the very limited organic consciousness of the body-vessel -- i.e., bound by The Law and limited by human carnal reasoning and logic.    And when properly understood, the analogy of Plato's Cave (see Plato) portrays the plight of natural organic man as being held in a state of mental and spiritual limitation by the illusions of this world (see The Allusions Of The Forms Of Matter).    And when the Natural Laws that manifest all of Creation are properly understood, you will yourself begin on the journey towards an enlightened state of mind -- and this same reality is presented in the Gospel of Thomas where it states: (5) Jesus said, "Recognize what is in your sight, and that which is hidden from you will become plain to you..."    To recognize what is in your sight, you must be cognizant of the Laws that have formed the images of what you observe in the world -- images that are formed by impressing an aspect of mind into an allegorical symbol that is seen by man's organic senses.   Thus, what man observes in the world about him, is only a symbol that is holographically interpreted by man's physical senses -- and only when you begin to understand what you see, can you begin to escape the "outer darkness ...Plato's Cave".